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1. A library A an area with lots of banks, company offices

Good public transport, high crime rate, slow pace of life, a wide range of
2. A commercial centre B a place with many shops
shops, fresh air, , lots of cultural activities, there isn’t much privacy, lovely
3. A factory C a place to leave cars
scenery, unfriendly people, walking in the woods, more job opportunities,
4. A village D an area outside the centre of town where people live
being cosmopolitan, no museums, cinemas, green environment, noisy and
5. A skyscraper E a building where you manufacture things
6. A car park F a building with many floors dangerous streets, not many shops, expensive cost of living, enjoy peace

7. A suburb G a place where you can borrow books and quiet, there’s nowhere to park, dull nightlife, buying everything you
8. A shopping centre H a place smaller than a town want, kind people, not many jobs.
9. A rural area I a small house in the country 1. Advantages of living in the country
10. A cottage J an area in the country slow pace of life
…………………………………………………………………………… fresh air
1. Public transport system A growing crops, domestic animals walking in the woods
2. Rush hour B grow wheat, apples, potatoes
green environment
3. Commuters C trains and buses
kind people
4. Grow crops D the time people travel to and from work
2. Advantages of living in the city
5. Farming E people who live in the country travel into
Good public transport
the city for work
a wide range of shops
MATCH SYNONYMS. 1-i lots of cultural activities
1. rush hour A nervous 2-j more job opportunities
2. skyscrapers B crowded 4-d being cosmopolitan
3. polluted D angry 5-g buying everything you want
4. aggressive E farming 6-e
7-k cinemas
5. village F dirty 8-b 2. Disadvantages of living in the country
6. agriculture G country 9-a
there isn’t much privacy
7. quiet H desperate
no museums
8. full I traffic congestion
not many shops
9. stressful J high-rise buildings
dull nightlife
10. hopeless K peaceful
not many jobs MATCH SYNONYMS.
10. rush hour A nervous

4. Disadvantages of living in the city: 11. skyscrapers B crowded

there isn’t much privacy 12. polluted D angry

13. aggressive E farming
High crime rate
14. village F dirty
dirty streets
15. agriculture G country
noisy and dangerous streets
16. quiet H desperate
unfriendly people
17. full I traffic congestion
expensive cost of living 18. stressful J high-rise buildings
there’s nowhere to park 10. hopeless K peaceful
1. A library A an area with lots of banks, company offices
Good public transport, high crime rate, slow pace of life, a wide range of
2. A commercial centre B a place with many shops
shops, fresh air, , lots of cultural activities, there isn’t much privacy, lovely
3. A factory C a place to leave cars
4. A village D an area outside the centre of town where people live scenery, unfriendly people, walking in the woods, more job opportunities,

5. A skyscraper E a building where you manufacture things being cosmopolitan, no museums, cinemas, green environment, noisy and
6. A car park F a building with many floors dangerous streets, not many shops, expensive cost of living, enjoy peace
7. A suburb G a place where you can borrow books and quiet, there’s nowhere to park, dull nightlife, buying everything you
8. A shopping centre H a place smaller than a town want, kind people, not many jobs.
9. A rural area I a small house in the country 3. Advantages of living in the country
10. A cottage J an area in the country slow pace of life
…………………………………………………………………………… fresh air
1. Public transport system A growing crops, domestic animals 2-j
3-f walking in the woods
2. Rush hour B grow wheat, apples, potatoes
4-d green environment
3. Commuters C trains and buses 5-g
kind people
4. Grow crops D the time people travel to and from work 6-e
7-k 2. Advantages of living in the city
5. Farming E people who live in the country travel into 8-b
the city for work 9-a Good public transport
10-h a wide range of shops
lots of cultural activities
more job opportunities
being cosmopolitan
buying everything you want
4. Disadvantages of living in the country
there isn’t much privacy
no museums
not many shops
dull nightlife
not many jobs

4. Disadvantages of living in the city:

there isn’t much privacy
High crime rate
dirty streets
noisy and dangerous streets
unfriendly people
expensive cost of living
there’s nowhere to park

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