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Outline of Daniel Chapter 11

I. Daniel 11:1-4
The prophecy of the fall of the Medo Persian Empire and their conquest by Greece and
Alexander the Great.
The Fall of Alexander and the Greek Empire and it’s division into four parts.
Fulfilled Prophecy

II. Daniel 11:5-35

The prophecy of 150 years of conflict between the Selucid Dynasty of Syria, and the
Ptolemic Dynasty of Egypt.
This is Fulfilled Prophecy that is being relived in our time as a Prophetic Parallel.

III. The Seven points of the prophetic parallel that we have discussed in Part 1 in this series.
A. Daniel 11:14 The replica of the Jerusalem Temple built on Elephantine Island in Egypt
B. Daniel 11:17 “Daughter of Women” Cleopatra the powerful woman
C. Daniel 11:20 “a raiser of taxes” the Selucid Dynasty
D. Daniel 11:21 “a vile person” Antiochos Epiphanes
E. Daniel 11:24 “fattest places of the provinces” literally “oily Medina” is Saudi Arabia
F. Daniel 11:27 “speak lies at one table” Iranian nuclear negotiation
G. Daniel 11:31 The Abomination of Desolation 164 B.C.

IV. Daniel 11:36-45

Future Unfilled Prophecy of the war in Israel that will lead up to the future Abomination
of Desolation and the Great Tribulation.

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