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Dehydration of the body because of lack of fluid intake more than sodium

Nausea and vomiting are not diseases, these are symptoms of an underlying illness or
condition. At one point or another, you might have experienced this, but if you are not
medically inclined, you may not know the difference between the two.

Often times, nausea and vomiting are related to each other. Usually, you may feel nauseous
first before you vomit, but this is not always the case. You may feel the urge to vomit, but for
some reason you just can’t and in some instances, you may vomit even without the feeling of
nausea prior to that.

More or less, you have picked an idea about the difference between the two from the previous
statements. To make things clearer, below are detailed discussions about nausea and

1Nausea came from the Greek word ‘nausia’ which means motion sickness. It is the feeling
of discomfort, with the inclination or the urge to vomit. Nausea can lead to vomiting, but it is
not always true. A person can suffer from this without manifesting vomiting.

Most of the time nausea is felt by people who are undergoing chemotherapy. It is also widely
termed as “stomach flu” (for people who are infected with viral gastroenteritis) or “morning
sickness” (for women who are in their first trimester of pregnancy).

In layman’s term, vomiting is “throwing up” or ”puking”. When certain conditions occur, the
stomach muscles contract and push its contents out through the mouth. Sometimes it can be
very forceful, thus the term projectile vomiting emerged. Bear in mind that a person who is
vomiting may or may not feel nauseated.

Retching is when an individual voluntarily tries to vomit, but unable to bring anything out
from the stomach. Retching is also known as gagging or dry heaves.
How Do Nausea and Vomiting Occur?

The specifics about how nausea occurs are unknown, but when it comes to vomiting –
physicians and anatomist conclude that it is controlled by the vomiting center. It is located in
the medulla of the brain, and this structure is known as area postrema. Basically, this part of
the brain detects the substances in the blood that are produced when a person is inflicted by
certain diseases or conditions. These substances stimulate the area postrema, which triggers
the reflex pathway and induces vomiting.

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