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MAY, 19TH 2017


This essay it is focus mainly in define what the most common ways of communicate ideas
are: speech and presentation. Then you can identify some differences and similarities
between them, in order to you do not confuse them. Also this paper include some advices
in order to you can develop a great presentation or speech without mistakes.

Firstly, a speech is technique that include your ideas about some important topic for your
public, in order to persuade a group of assistants who is in front of you, without any visual
aids. Speech also includes an introduction, body and conclusion in which you have to
give a message. On the other hand you have another method which is presentation, hence
presentation involves a group of people where you have the possibility to explain some
topics in order that perhaps students or someone else, the topic expose could be

A speech is a skill that some people can develop in an appropriate way, this technique is
an oral and tidy presentation, where you have to give your opinion, ideas and feeling
about some topic that could be important for everybody. There are different types of
speeches such as: narrative speech, expositive, argumentative, and informative. A
presentation must to be organized in order to researcher information, what you have to
say, and how you could say it, because this is the main clue to a successfully presentation.

“The essential principles of speech-giving and presentation-giving are the same.

Maybe, in common parlance, speeches are more formal, or to larger audiences, or
more important, than presentations. But each is an opportunity to change the
world. Each involves putting yourself in front of some people and holding forth.
Each should be taken very seriously”. (Morgan, 2008)

The main difference between speech and presentation is that speech is used to express
ideas, thoughts and feeling for influence the public and presentation is used to expose a
topic without your opinion, just share information to an audience. In speech most of the
time people does not have the possibly to participle and also you are able to manage
people’s feelings. A presentation you can use images videos and slide in order that you
public can understand what you are going to say. In a presentation you must speak in a
clearly way, modulate you tone voice and make eye contact with your audience. Also
must not write the whole information in your visual aids and do not read them, because
people could lose attention on your topic.

In conclusion speech and presentation could help you for communicate with your
audience, but such it was mentioned you must notice the differences between them.
Speech help you to express or entertain you public meanwhile a presentation is an
informative technique that helps you in order to communicate and share some information
about an important topic. You must consider your public in order to considerate your level
of language, because everybody does not have the same level.
Communication Matters. (s.f.). Obtenido de

CORNERSTONES. (s.f.). Obtenido de


Morgan, N. (21 de ENERO de 2008). PUBLIC WORD. Obtenido de

The Total Communicator. (s.f.). Obtenido de

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