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[intro, theme song, + title of show (SLIDE 1)]


“Hello and Welcome back to Queensland Australian Weekly. I’m Your host Alison. Today we are here
to discuss the ongoing issue of dingoes. Whether we should encourage them back into their natural
environment or not. The dingo, a species that was introduced to Australia nearly 4,000 years ago.
The Dingo as you might know has similar characteristics to a domestic dog and typically lives in
family packs. They have demonstrated their ability to adapt to the harsh Australian environment,
however, this apex predator has arguably been debated throughout history as to whether they pose
more of a positive or negative effect to the environment.

“Here with me today are 3 guest speakers. Please welcome Tam; a farmer from 15 minutes out of
Townsville. Wafaa an environmentalist who specialises in Ecosystem Trophic Regulations, and Davis
a Local from Townsville.

“Firstly, tell me a little bit about yourself; how long have you been in the industry, what do you think
about the matter at hand.”

[Statistics Slide with Images (farm animals, farm) (SLIDE 2)]


I just wanted to start of by saying...Thank-you for having us on the show. I am Tam and I am a farmer
of Dash Hill Station which used to be the largest sheep station in Queensland. My family has been
breeding sheep for 3 generations and have provided many job opportunities for many people yet we
had to move cattle raising since dingoes disturbed and fatalistically affected our sheep productivity.
Therefore you can guess what my opinion is on dingoes.

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