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Sebastian Reisch
Mrs. Tallardy
English 121
18, December 2017
Independent Project: Outlining
I. Introduction
A. Opening Remarks: The Olympics is host to many athletic competitions including
Track and Field, soccer, volleyball, gymnastics, and many others. The
quadrennial competition is the highest and toughest competition with each nation
striving for gold.
B. Background:
1. Gymnastics truly originated in 1774 (“A History of Gymnastics: From
(Ancient Greece to Modern Times.” ​Scholastic​,
-ancient-greece-modern-times/.) by Johann Bernhard Basedow who
created a workout plan for kids that would evolve into what is now known
as gymnastics.
2. Competitions are based on execution and difficulty but have become more
stressful and demanding in recent years 9 (“Anxiety In Gymnasts.” USA
3. Each Competition is put into different sub competitions that are different
for genders males have six events and women have four (​USA Gymnastics
| Men's Artistic Gymnastics Event Descriptions​, ( ​USA Gymnastics |
Women's Artistic Gymnastics Event Descriptions​,
C. Being younger although seeming beneficial, can induce stress and anxiety from
peer pressure or responsibilities that have to be followed strictly, even to the
training that is put into training for Olympics is astronomical. Teens at the age of
16 should not be have the burden of trying to create more space in their schedule
for the olympics when school and family are still very prevalent.
II. SubTopic #1 Social Pressures
A. Paragraph on Peer Pressure
1. Topic Sentence: Peer Pressure although in many cases are used as a
positive reinforcement broaden views, can be as easily changed to a
negative effect.
2. Background Info: Peer pressure affects all teenagers and through that
creates what and how the person acts. Over half of teenagers who smoke
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have friends that started because of peer pressure, and alcohol is also an
issue where more than 25% of teens have drank alcohol
a) Gymnastics is prone to a variety of peer pressures especially in
men because of the masculinity question for taking part in
gymnastics (“Preventing Hazing.” ​CQ Researcher by CQ Press​,
b) Although rules and regulations say otherwise some gymnasts are
easier prone to peer pressure and go against rulings such as no
substances (​USA Gymnastics | Men's Rules and Policies​, ) ( ​USA
Gymnastics | Women's Rules and
c) Eating Disorders are very high as well in teen gymnastics because
of the pressures that psychologically affect their mind and want to
become as thin as possible.( “Eating Disorders.” ​CQ Researcher by
CQ Press​,
d) Peer Pressure also happens within teams and teammates might
make fun of others solely on the fact of one variable such as looks
or even their ability
3. Even while Peer pressure is hypothetically effective and seems positive,
the negatives outbalance them, and peer pressure can not be reduced or
increased because there is a youth that cannot fully comprehend the ideas.
The older and more resilient, the more likely there would not be another
athlete prone to negative peer pressure.
B. Paragraph on Training
1. Topic Sentences: Gymnastics is put at a competition where to win the trick
or stunt has to be near perfection but, only works through training and
coaches can very easily lead to stress.
2. Background Info: Average level 4 gymnasts usually range between 12 and
18 hours a week of training whereas olympians usually train up to 35
(“How Much Practice Is Too Much or Too Little?” ​​, 22
Aug. 2017, Coaches the
further up the in the levels of gymnastics become stricter and competition
becomes more prevalent and intense.
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a) Gymnastics begins at level one but training begins at level 2. Level

2 usually consists of 5-6 year olds whereas level 10 can range
differing on the quickness and impact of the coach. (“How Much
Practice Is Too Much or Too Little?” ​​, 22 Aug.
b) Juggling between school, family, gymnastics and other factors
including extracurricular activities, relationships and other
variables starts to pile on and it may be harder to be fully
committed to the sport later throughout high school or end of
c) An example to show would be about the olympic gymnast and how
she can train up to 8 hours a day but is also not in school anymore
and is fully committed to it. (“If You Ever Dreamed of Being an
Olympic Gymnast, Here's the Training Schedule.”​HelloGiggles​,
d) Too much practicing could lead to injuries while too little training
could lead to a loss in the competition or becoming harder to
become better. (International, Inc. Advanced Solutions.
“Preventing Gymnastics Injuries.” ​Gymnastics Injuries |
Gymnastics Injury Prevention & Treatment​,
jury_Prevention.aspx. )
3. Although training is a necessity to become great at gymnastics, other
variables as a teen especially one whose training for the olympics will
have to balance a plethora of daily obstacles while also dealing with peers
or coaches start to become too much and lead to stress and anxiety
C. Paragraph on stress and anxiety
1. Topic Sentence: Stress and Anxiety are very common is athletes and
unlike an injury, it requires a long amount of time to heal and to reduce the
bothersome psychological mindset
2. Background Info:over 30% of teens suffer from anxiety and stress and has
increased In the past few years almost surpassing adults.Teenagers claim
their stress are a main cause of stress was from academics social and other
causes that all build up and accumulate (​American Psychological
Association​, American Psychological Association,​.)
a) Gymnasts are pressured by their coaches and a plethora of factors
can be attributed to it.
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(1) Low mental Readiness

(2) High expectations
(3) Fatigue
(4) Fear of failure
(5) Importance of Competition
(6) Overemphasis on the outcome
(7) Fear of negative evaluation
(8) Forced participation (“Anxiety In Gymasts.” ​USA
b) Anxiety in gymnasts especially male is very persistent due to
society's views about how males should be seen as masculine and
far away from gymnastics because it is seen more as revealing and
feminine clothing.
c) Keeping in shape is also another contributor and can be very hard
with a healthy diet and although might be small, can make life
choices harder and can lead to eating disorders by wanting to look
3. Analysis: Stress and Anxiety has become extremely hard on teenagers in
the recent years and with training times of the olympics and stress of
coaches while trying to create a model physique for themselves and others
will start to lead younger athletes to a worsened state mentally and
III. Subtopic II Olympic Rulings
A. Paragraph on Qualifiers and Requirements
1. Topic Sentence: Qualifying for the national team to compete in the
olympics is very rigorous and demanding of the gymnast as well as
judging is very precise
2. Background: The highest score a gymnast can receive is a 20 but that
would not be possible based on execution and difficulty of the trick. Many
athletes score around 13-14 and very rarely do they score above a 15.
a) Requirements: Score a 52.00 or higher in AA or all around winner
six times to be thought for the national team for girls or The
individual all-around champion from the combined two-day
competition at the U.S. Olympic Trials automatically qualifies for
the U.S. Olympic Team. (E, and (All-Around Qualification. “USA
Gymnastics Women’s Program 2017 Elite Qualification Chart.”
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USA Gymnastics Women’s Program 2017 Elite Qualification

b) “The top two all-around athletes, based on the combined final
results of the 2012 Visa Championships and U.S. Olympic Trials,
automatically qualify to the Olympic Team as long as each athlete
also places within the top three scores on three of the six individual
events.” (​USA Gymnastics | Olympic Games Selection Procedures​,
(1) Qualifiers last two days and are based on both days
c) Olympians have to be 16
d) Events in competition:
(1) Number of different women events (​USA Gymnastics |
Women's Artistic Gymnastics Event Descriptions​,
(a) Uneven Bars
(i) All in one grasp that is very difficult in the
upper body portion
(b) Vault
(i) Many different body positions and outcomes
that are very quick
(c) Balance Beam
(i) Quick showing of what there is to do on a 4
inch thick beam
(d) Floor Exercise
(i) Freestyle where gymnasts can embrace their
ideas with music
(2) Number of different Men Events(​USA Gymnastics | Men's
Artistic Gymnastics Event Descriptions​,
(a) Floor Exercise
(i) 12x12m floor where gymnasts can be sort of
(b) Pommel Horse
(i) Board with spokes above ground that is very
difficult to master
(c) Still rings
(i) Massive strength applied to create tricks
such as a handstand and other elements
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(d) Vault
(i) Use of speed power and spatial awareness
are key to being able to create tricks on this
(e) Parallel Bars
(i) Hand eye coordination timing and balance is
used to create a better performance
(f) Horizontal high bars
(i) Swings release moves and high flying
e) Policies: while athletes are supposed to be well mannered some are
not so the olympic officials created a list of policies that have to be
fulfilled and not broken to ensure expectations are high (​USA
Gymnastics | Men's Rules and Policies​,
(1) Some of these: “• Present yourself in a manner consistent
with the National Team and USA Gymnastics image. In
addition, athletes, will abide by the following based on
direction and discretion of the National Team Coordinator:
Ø No jewelry while at training or competition Ø No
excessive hair styles/colors Ø No excessive language in the
gym or at team functions Ø “
(2) “• Do not share privileged information, photos or
comments from training camps or competitions to the
public via phone, social media, email or other method.
Privileged information includes selection information,
injuries, athlete performance information, skill or routine
video, etc”
3. Analysis: With many events and qualifications to enter the olympics it
seems very difficult to be able to join the olympics but being young and
inexperienced with so many events to tackle and complete along with
other things such as school might not be beneficial for a younger group of
B. Paragraph on Judging and assault
1. Topic Sentence: Judging a competition of gymnastics is very difficult
based on the elements of the act. While Judging might seem in a minutes
worth decision, behind the olympics and cameras, many athletes
especially in gymnastics are being abused whether physically or sexually
by their coaches. Sadly not many of them speak up and usually it is till
they're older.
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2. Background Info: the system of judging is on a 20 point system based on

two variables execution and difficulty. Sexual Assault has been overseen
many times and is hard to punish
a) Judging system is based on 20 points were 10 are for difficulty and
10 are for execution (​USA Gymnastics | FIG Elite/International
(1) In terms of execution/ there is a deduction for faults and the
lowest and highest deduction of scores are taken out
whereas the other 4 remaining are averaged.
(2) Each trick has a value of difficulty and can be added up
based on difficulty of dismount and other variables
b) Physical assault can occur when athletes do not follow their
coach’s orders or decide to skip but do not speak up or against it
c) Same principle with sexual assault
(1) Accusations of sex abuse are alarmingly common in
gymnastics. The ​IndyStar​ newspaper in Indianapolis found
that 368 gymnasts had alleged sexual abuse by coaches,
gym owners or other adults over the past 20 years.
(2) Nassar had been a coach on the gymnastics team and in
2016 many old and current gymnasts came out against him
and alleged that they had been sexually assaulted by him.
d) Men are being bullied about the sport they chose as gymnastics
higher than others such as soccer basketball football or others.
3. Analysis: The problem with being younger and not an adult is there is a
lack of respect but also leadership in a way and the younger the athlete is
the easier it is to swindle the gymnast as well as crush the feelings of
them. Judging does not prove to be biased but younger people do
generally make more mistakes and the higher the mistakes might in turn
increase the abuse.
IV. Counterclaim
A. Transition: Although the younger the athlete is the less experience there is, the
easier and quicker they learn as well as shorter which can be beneficial for many
B. Common Knowledge: Many olympians are the age of 17-19 which is partially in
the age i would be arguing for but there are outliers. Countries have very small
gymnast teams and usually they are younger. The shorter the athlete the more
advantages there are.
C. Details:
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1. Countries that are outside of the U.S. or major olympic nations have very
little gymnasts and even other sport olympians to begin with and many of
those countries have their athletes younger than 18. This in turn would
leave the countries not being able to compete till years later and create a
2. Although not very significant, generally females do stop growing at the
age of 14-15 usually but there is a slight increase in height till the age of
18. ( “When Do Girls Stop Growing?” ​Healthline​, Healthline
ight.) but the shorter even if by half an inch can be an advantage to graze
another trick or make it easier to land (Morris, Ivy. “What Is the
Advantage of a Gymnast Being Short in Stature?”​LIVESTRONG.COM​,
Leaf Group, 11 Sept. 2017,
3. There is a sense of empowerment and motivation to become an olympian
before you are 18 and in highschool that will drive kids to become and
focus on tasks that are in their mind and become proactive
4. No matter what age, morals are still learned at any age such as team
sportsmanship, leadership, independence, respect and dedication
D. Analysis: There are valiant reasons to why a younger audience should be admitted
to the olympics and empowering children in schools especially with a model
figure and desiring to be like them can change the child's life for the better and
would reach millions of individuals.
V. Conclusion
A. Rebuttal: Though being younger might seem like a more impactful way than
other olympians, regular olympians such as Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps are
portrayed and mentioned very frequently. To add advantageous measures by
admitting shorter people is infrequent and if there were a higher age limit would
also institute as fair.
B. Reaffirm: The Olympics should raise the minimum age limit of gymnastic
C. Final Remarks: Female and Male gymnasts are scared to fight against the
authorities when they have been violated or assaulted, and have insane amounts of
stress and anxiety due to a plethora of factors that go on besides their sport.
Physical abuses and injuries happen more often in younger athletes due to the fact
that they make mistakes more frequently. If the olympians were older and more
experienced it would keep the sport of gymnastics elongated and create more
entertaining events that have been better routinely practiced. If the age limit were
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raised it would prove massively beneficial to the gymnasts and create less abusing
while still being able to have a tough competition and still learn morals.

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