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Couple's Posing Basics ‘When sterted photogrephing couples back in 2007, one of my biggest challenges was coming ue with and remembering cifferent poses fer them as they stood nervously in front ofthe came ‘Along with ll the technical aspects of photogrepty, ite managing Tighe, camera setings,compestion and a variety of other factors, posing modelsis yet another aspect that requires careful corsideration, study end mastery (Over the years ve progressed through studying and applying various pores, but sil found that during a shoot, having my mind 9 blank when t comes to posing was stil fay common, ‘currence. Ak any portrait or wedding photographer, and they may or may not admit to experiencing this, but trust me, we've al been there! Eventual, [started seeing some patterns emerging when i came 19 poses, whether Iwas looking a magarine adverts, wedding blogs ‘or generally notiang now couples interact in rel ite. ‘There are MANY variations and the allt of movements change ‘pose completely, but essentially there are only so many ways that ‘wo pecple in ave can position theméalves infront ofa cameraand www. IK

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