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Rewards increase productivity on a work place

They don’t like it , they want to be paid Respect for working extra hard

Control study gena long term impovent in work as a resul of productivi reward

There are many studies that reward do the opposite

 Rewad punish. Control and manipulate. disappoint to no be be reward . wen you thik
you deserve it
 The worker relacionship with the supervisior culd be damage.

For example if you have a problem you avoid ask for help for not loose your rate.

Integrated Task

The lecture talks about why rewards decline the worker’s productivity. Using the rewards system
could cause that many people feel manipulated, punished, or disappointed. Furthermore, it
would damage the relationship among workmates. Thus, He question the approach exposed on
the reading; which is totally the opposite.

According to the lecture, trying that people work harder for a reward is kind of manipulation,
and they don’t like it. Also, the worker productivity could decrease because of a person feels
punished or disappointed. It happened when someone believes to deserve a recognition and
does not receive it. On the contrary, the passage expose that incentives improve employees
attitude and motivate them which would result on high productivity. To do this, the reward
system should be well structured.

In addition, the lecture emphasizes about the relationship between supervisor and workers. It
could be damaged. Because problems could be hidden in other to maintain each one rating. The
workers would avoid ask for help.

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