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Dylan Dearinger

Mr. Turley
Period 4

Equality SPES paragraph

Total equality is impossible for a society to achieve. There would need rules to keep people on

place for equality, and they would need people to enforce those rules. This would lead to

enforcers having power over the regular equal people, thus they would not be equal. In

Harrison Bergeron the only reason they have equality is because they are under the control of

the “agents of the United States Handicapper General”, but that means that the USHG has

power over them so they are not equal(Vonnegut). If they were all equal they wouldn’t have to

follow the rules because no one would have enough power to stop them from breaking the

rules. Also, there will always be people who will try and stop the equality by taking power for

themselves. In the story Harrison breaks away from the H-G men and tries to take power by

claiming that he is the emperor. This shows that no matter how much you try and keep

everyone equal someone will always rise up. Because of this, achieving absolute equality is

impossible for a society to achieve.

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