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Minggu / Week Choose an item.

Hari / Day Choose an item.

Tarikh / Date 12/1/2015
Masa / Time 10.50 - 11.50
Darjah / Class
Subjek / Subject English Language
Tema / Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topik / Topic
Kemahiran / Skill(s) Listening and Speaking / Writing
Standard Kandungan /
Content Standard
Standard Pembelajaran/
Learning Standard
Objektif Pembelajaran/ By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:-
Learning Objective(s) 1.

Kebolehan/Proficiency Beginner
Aktiviti / Activities 1.
ABM / Teaching Aids Choose an item.
Perkataan / Vocabulary
Nilai Moral/Moral love the country
EMK / CCE Entrepreneurship
Penilaian / Assessment -
Refleksi / Reflection _____/_____ of the pupils were able to understand the lesson taught.
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to complete the assigned task(s).
_____/_____ of the pupils needed extra guidance/reinforcement.
_____/_____ of the pupils participate actively during the lesson.
The teacher will carry out the lesson on the next day due to
Catatan / Notes

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