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Summer :

And the next, I am going to tell you about summer in Japan. The
summer usually runs from june to august. In this season the sun shines
strongly. Many people in japan go on vacation, such as go to the beach,
drink a cold water and also eat watermelon.
The summer festival : .
In summer there are a lot of festivals, but Obon and Nebuta are the two
most popular festival in summer. Obon is the fireworks festival in japan.
In Obon, we can find a thousand of fireworks at the night sky, traditional
foods as well as traditional games. I addition, people in japan celebrate
this festival for welcoming the holy spirit with drum and flutes. It is
celebrated in Samuda which is the name of regions in japan. And then,
Nebuta is the paper dolls parade festival in japan. This festival is one of
the biggest festival in japan. In can be attended more than 3 millions
visitors. In this festival we can also find the dances which follow by
drum and music. And usually it take place in Aomaori region.
Costume :
Acually, there are no special custom that people wear in this festival.
Many people wear casual cloth and only a few of woman that wear
kimono which is the japan traditional costume.
which are the most waiting festivals in japan.

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