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First sun-powered boat to travel around the globe

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First sun-powered boat to travel around the globe

Friday, 26 February 2010 09:22 AM Angeli Sabillo GMA
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Planning to set a record in 2011 as the first solar vessel to circumnavigate the globe, the world's biggest
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solar-powered boat was unveiled in Germany on Thursday.
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According to Agence France-Press (AFP), the 60-ton PlanetSolar - a futuristic looking catamaran - tweet
September 20
measures "35 meters by 23 meters when flaps at the stern and the sides are included."
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The boat, which took 13 months to build, is topped by 5,380 square feet of solar panels. Its solar panels are made rector of Filipino
up of around 38,000 next generation cells from SunPower – the most efficient solar cells available in the market. "No college in Vatican
need to hoist the sails aboard this yacht," said in an Associated Press report.

AFP reports the vessel could reach a top speed of 15 knots or 25 kilometers per hour and can accommodate up to
50 people. It is expected to have an average speed of 8 knots in its 140 days of traveling around the world (a ABS-CBN
40,000-kilometer journey). It might as well be the fastest solar vessel to cross the Atlantic Ocean and the first ever to RP says UN povert
travel across both the Indian and the Pacific oceans. The two-person crew, made up of Swiss skipper Raphael
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Domjan (project leader) and French seaman Gerard d' Aboville, plans to “show that we can change, that solutions
exist and that it isn't too late.” Stocks rise on
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In a statement, the Swiss foreign ministry, which contributed almost US$300,000 (P13.86 million) to the project, ahead of payrolls
lauded the informal launch, saying that “the project is meant to make a vital contribution to acquainting people with
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Switzerland's innovative capacity in the domain of renewable energies.”
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SunPower admitted that solar power cannot be a main source of power on modern cargo ships. They plan to use
the voyage as a way to promote non-polluting sources of energy. Starting April next year, they plan to visit major
cities such as Hamburg, London, New York, San Francisco, Singapore, and Abu Dhabi. WASHINGTON
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