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A knot-tying primer a fohison afohinsen company Foreword With this new revised edition of our “Knot-tying primer’, Ethicon would like to give those studying and commencing their career in medicine instructions to assist them in learning the most important knots and suturing techniques of modern surgical practice. We have limited ourselves quite deliberately to those techniques which are helpful for those at the start of their ‘career to master. Further techniques, which the surgeon learns in the course of his professional practice, are not the subject of this publication. We hope that our information brochure is of use to you and wish you every success in your professional practice. Norderstedt, April 2003 Contents 1 1 p BRE 234 235 24 Knots ‘Square knots, one-hand technique ‘Square knots, two-hand technique Instrument knots ‘Suture techniques ‘Subcutaneous sutures ‘Subcutaneous suture using interrupted sutures ‘Subcutaneous suture using a continuous suture ‘Suture of asymmetrical wounds Joining wound edges of different length Closure of larger wound areas, ‘Skin sutures Vertical mattress suture according to Donati land NeMillen, Modified vertical mattress suture according to Alleower Intracutaneous suture according to Chassaignac and Halsted using nonabsorbable suture material Intracutaneous suture according to Chassaignac land Halsted using absorbable suture material Skin closure with DERMABOND Ligature of blood vessels 40-41

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