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Drug-Induced Liver Injury

Michael D. Leise, MD; John J. Poterucha, MD; and Jayant A. Talwalkar, MD


Drug hepatoxicity can be nonidiosyncratic (predictable), as in the case of acetaminophen, or idiosyn-

cratic (unpredictable). This review article focuses primarily on idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury
(DILI). New epidemiologic data suggest that approximately 20 new cases of DILI per 100,000 persons
occur each year. Idiosyncratic DILI accounts for 11% of the cases of acute liver failure in the United
States. Risk factors for DILI include medication dose, drug lipophilicity, and extent of hepatic meta-
bolism. There is mixed evidence to support the role of host factors such as age, sex, and chronic liver
disease in the development of DILI. For specific drugs, a genetic predisposition appears to be a risk
factor for DILI. Suspected cases of idiosyncratic DILI should be categorized as hepatitic, cholestatic, or
mixed on the basis of the degree/ratio of abnormalities in the alanine aminotransferase and alkaline
phosphatase. A careful evaluation for other causes of liver disease should be performed, though a liver
biopsy is rarely needed. There is evidence that some patients with DILI may actually have hepatitis E and
this diagnosis should be considered. Amoxicillin/clavulanate isoniazid, and nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs are among the most common causes of DILI. Drug discontinuation or dechal-
lenge should lead to an improvement in liver biochemistries in most patients, though a bilirubin value of
more than 3 g/dL is associated with mortality of at least 10%. New biomarkers for DILI using proteomics
and micro RNA appear promising but require further study. New studies on drugs with potential for
causing DILI are reviewed herein, including tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonists, fluoroquinolones,
tyrosine kinase inhibitors, statins, and supplements. PubMed was used with search terms of drug
induced liver injury OR DILI with filter settings of “English language” and “humans” and custom date
range of “January 1, 2000.” The authors also manually searched bibliographies from key references and
included seminal references before the year 2000.
ª 2014 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research n Mayo Clin Proc. 2014;89(1):95-106

From the Division of

he true incidence of drug-induced pharmaceutical databases for outpatient pre-
Gastroenterology and
liver injury (DILI) is difficult to discern scriptions and inpatient medication use. This is Hepatology, Mayo Clinic,
because of an unknown denominator the most recent population-based study (2013) Rochester, MN.
of individuals receiving a drug, lack of a sim- on DILI, with the only other population-based
ple objective test for the diagnosis of DILI, study coming from France (2002).1 In Iceland,
lack of consensus on what liver test abnormal- 96 cases of DILI were identified between 2010
ities constitute DILI, difficulty in attribution of and 2011, and the crude annual incidence was
causation to a single drug in those on many 19.1 (95% CI, 1.54-23.3) cases per 100,000 in-
medicines, and lack of systematic reporting. habitants. This incidence is higher than that in
Multiple studies have attempted to address the French study, which reported an annual inci-
the epidemiology of DILI, which are summa- dence of 13.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. It is
rized in Table 1.1-6 It is important to note notable that the French study used a lower liver
that the main cause of DILI in 4 of the 6 test threshold to define DILI cases, included acet-
studies was amoxicillin/clavulanate and that aminophen cases, and did not examine inpa-
isoniazid and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory tients. In the United States, the Drug Induced
drugs were also one of the top 3 culprits across Liver Injury Network (DILIN) reported on 300
studies. idiosyncratic DILI cases on which information
A recent study by Bjornsson et al5 helped to was collected prospectively by the National Insti-
define the incidence of idiosyncratic DILI by tute of Health at 5 academic medical centers.3 In
prospectively examining a population-based these 300 cases, the mean age was 48 years, 60%
cohort in Iceland. Overall prescription med- were women, and the largest 2 categories were
ication consumption in this population was antimicrobial agents and central nervous system
documented through linkage to nationwide (CNS) agents. Eight percent of the patients died,

Mayo Clin Proc. n January 2014;89(1):95-106 n 95 n ª 2014 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

Transplant-free, 3-week survival for this group

ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTS is poor (27%).8
n In the most recent and well-executed population-based study,
the crude annual incidence of drug-induced liver injury was 19.1 DILI is a broad term applied to any injury to
(95% CI, 1.54-23.3) cases per 100,000 persons. the liver by a prescribed medication, over-
n The most common drug causing drug-induced liver injury is the-counter medication, herb, or dietary
amoxicillin/clavulanate. supplement manifesting as a spectrum from
asymptomatic liver test elevations to ALF.
n The most common class of drug responsible for acute liver
Epidemiologic studies and prospective regis-
failure from drug-induced liver injury is antibiotic medications, tries use different, arbitrary liver biochemical
with isoniazid, sulfur antibiotics (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxa- thresholds to define what constitutes DILI.
zole), and nitrofurantoin being the most common individual The first step in describing DILI is to differen-
drugs. tiate idiosyncratic (unpredictable) DILI from
intrinsic (predictable) DILI. The most com-
n Hepatitis E can masquerade as a drug-induced liver injury in 3%
mon example of a drug causing predictable
to 13% of the cases. DILI is acetaminophen. This type of drug
n Drug-induced autoimmunelike hepatitis responds to steroids injury has a short latency period, is dose
and generally does not recur after a steroid taper. related, and is the most common form of
n Drug-induced liver injury with predominant elevations in DILI observed. On the contrary, idiosyncratic
DILI is unpredictable, has longer/variable
aminotransferase levels (hepatocellular pattern) in those who
latency, and is less common. Examples of
develop jaundice has a mortality of approximately 10% (Hy’s idiosyncratic DILI include those related to
law). amoxicillin/clavulanate, nonsteroidal anti-
n N-Acetylcysteine should be considered for patients with non- inflammatory drugs, and isoniazid.
acetaminophen drug-induced acute liver failure, because it has The second distinction to make is in regard
been shown to improve transplant-free mortality in a ran- to the pattern of drug injury. DILI can be cate-
gorized as hepatitic (hepatocellular injury),
domized controlled trial.
cholestatic, or mixed on the basis of liver bio-
chemical parameters. Common examples of
and 2% required liver transplantation (LTx). each pattern are given in Table 1. Formulas
Interestingly, 14% had continued liver test ab- defined by the Council for International Orga-
normalities at 6 months, regarded as “long-term nizations of Medical Sciences and modified by
DILI” in this study. Although this ongoing study the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) deter-
provided data for US cases of DILI, it did not mine the R ratio, which is a ratio of the alanine
define the incidence of the condition. DILI also aminotransferase (ALT) to the alkaline phos-
contributes significantly to the burden of acute phatase relative to their respective upper limits
liver failure (ALF) in the United States. In a pro- of normal (ULN).9 The R ratio for hepatitic
spective study of ALF in the United States DILI is more than 5, for cholestatic DILI is
(n¼308), 13% of the ALF cases were thought less than 2, and for mixed DILI is between 2
to be caused by idiosyncratic DILI while 39% and 5. The formulas are as follows: (1) Hepatitic
of the ALF cases were due to acetaminophen DILI: ALT 3ULN and (ALT/ULN)/(alkaline
toxicity.7 Between 1990 and 2002, 270 patients phosphatase/ULN) 5; (2) Cholestatic DILI:
underwent LTx in the United States for drug hep- alkaline phosphatase 2ULN and (ALT/ULN)/
atoxicity (49% from acetaminophen toxicity and (alkaline phosphatase/ULN) 2; (3) Mixed
51% were idiosyncratic). More recent estimates DILI: ALT >3ULN and alkaline phosphatase
suggest that idiosyncratic DILI is responsible >2ULN and (ALT/ULN)/(alkaline phospha-
for 11% of all cases of ALF in the United States. tase/ULN) between 2 and 5. These formulas
The most common agent in a US registry was can be applied in practice to narrow down the
isoniazid, followed by sulfur antibiotics (trimeth- differential diagnosis in patients in whom DILI
oprim-sulfamethoxazole), nitrofurantoin, anti- is plausible yet multiple possible offending
fungals, antiepilepsy (especially phenytoin), and agents exist. Although many medications
complementary-alternative medications (11%). responsible for DILI produce stereotypical
n n
96 Mayo Clin Proc. January 2014;89(1):95-106

TABLE 1. Epidemiology of Drug-Induced Liver Injury

F Age (y)
Group N (%) (mean) Drug (or class) no. 1 Drug (or class) no. 2 Drug (or class) no. 3 Herbal Death LTx Chronicity
China (2013) 24,112 46 - Tuberculosis medications 31% CAMs (19%) Antibiotics (10%) 19% 3% - -
France (2002) 34 65 M: 51 Amoxicillin/clavulanate (12%) NSAIDs (12%) Nevirapine (9%) - 6% 0 0
F: 58
Iceland (2013) 96 56 55 Amoxicillin/clavulanate (22%) Diclofenac (6%) Azathioprine (4%) 16% 1% 0 (7) 7%
Korea (2012) 371 63 49 Antifungal (% not available) - - 63%b - (2) 1% (3) 1%
Spain (2005) 461 49 53 Amoxicillin/clavulanate (13%) T-2: Ebrotidine (5%) Ibuprofen (4%) 2% 5% (8) 2% (46) 10%
T-2: INH/rifampin/
pyrazinamide (5%)
United States 300 60 48 Amoxicillin/clavulanate (8%) Nitrofurantoin (4%) T-3: Isoniazid (4%) 9% 8% (9) 2% 14%
(2008) T-3: Trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole (4%)
CAM ¼ complementary and alternative medicine; F ¼ female; M ¼ male; NSAID ¼ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; LTx ¼ liver transplantation; T ¼ tie.
Includes herbal medicines, health foods and dietary supplements, medicinal herbs or plants, folk remedies, and herbal preparations.

biochemical signatures, it should be noted that Drug-induced autoimmunelike hepatitis

different biochemical patterns could be caused (DI-AIH) can be the predominant pattern of
by the same medication. Another pitfall to the DILI. Drug-induced AIH is important to identify
biochemical classification is that there is no because it can be treated with corticosteroids. In
standardized time period in which the drug this scenario, patients present with elevated
injury pattern should be categorized. For in- levels of aminotransferases along with elevated
stance, in a DILIN (n¼192) analysis, many levels of gammaglobulins and antinuclear and/
were reclassified from one pattern to another or antiesmooth muscle antibodies. Common
when measured at the time of diagnosis of medications that precipitate DI-AIH include
DILI (hepatocelluar, 57%; cholestatic, 22%; minocycline and nitrofurantoin.11 More re-
mixed, 21%) vs later in the evolution of the cently, fluoroquinolones and antietumor ne-
drug injury (hepatocellular, 45%; cholestatic, crosis factor (TNF) alpha inhibitors have also
37%; mixed, 17%).10 been implicated as causes of DI-AIH.12,13 Differ-
DILI can also be categorized as immune or entiating DI-AIH from true autoimmune hepati-
nonimmune. Immune-related DILI has also tis is difficult. Histologic findings can be helpful
been referred to as an allergic reaction or a hy- when no chronicity is identified, but this re-
persensitivity reaction. Immune-related DILI mains a clinical challenge.14 To date, the absence
can be recognized by its presentation with fever, of AIH relapse after the resolution of liver injury
rash, eosinophilia, and autoantibodies. Other with or without immunosuppressive therapy
specific forms of immune-mediated drug reac- can distinguish DI-AIH from idiopathic AIH.
tion include Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic DILI may also be classified by histologic
epidermolysis necrosis syndrome, and drug features, though a liver biopsy is not required
rash, eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syn- to diagnose most cases of DILI. Various histo-
drome. Other features of immune-mediated logic findings can be seen with different types
DILI include its early onset (1-6 weeks) and of drug injury, including hepatitis, drug-
rapid reinjury with reintroduction of the drug. induced autoimmune hepatitis, nodular regen-
Common examples of drugs that can cause erative hyperplasia, cholestasis, bland steatosis,
immune-mediated DILI include angiotensin- steatohepatitis, fibrosis, sinusoidal damage,
converting enzyme inhibitors, allopurinol, phe- granuloma formation, and vanishing bile duct
nytoin, diclofenac, amoxicillin/clavulanate, and syndrome. Table 2 lists some of these histologic
tricyclic antidepressants. Nonimmune-medi- types and their associated drugs. Unfortu-
ated DILI typically has a later onset of action nately, many of the histologic findings can be
(up to 1 year), lacks the systemic features of im- seen with multiple drugs and/or other disease
mune DILI, and is not associated with rapid states and therefore are not very helpful in mak-
reinjury with rechallenge. ing a specific diagnosis.

Mayo Clin Proc. n January 2014;89(1):95-106 n 97

TABLE 2. Liver Test Abnormalities, Histologic Patterns, and Associated Drugs

Associated Drugs
Liver Test abnormalities
Hepatocellular Acetaminophen, aspirin, allopurinol, amiodarone, baclofen, bupropion, ciprofloxacin, HAART, imatinib isoniazid,
ketoconazole, lisinopril, losartan, methotrexate, NSAIDs, rifampin, statins, tetracyclines, valproic acid
Cholestasis Amoxicillin/clavulanate, anabolic steroids, chlorpromazine, clopidogrel, erythromycin, estrogen, irbesartan, oral
Mixed Amoxicillin/clavulanate, anabolic steroids, azathioprine, carbamazepine, clindamycin, enalapril, erythromycin,
nitrofurantoin, phenytoin, sulfonamides, trazodone, TMP-SMX, verapamil
Histologic Patterns
Drug-induced autoimmune Atorvastatin, halothane, hydralazine, ipilimumab, methyldopa, minocycline, nitrofurantoin, TNF-alpha antagonists,
hepatitis vemurafenib
Steatohepatitis Amiodarone, tamoxifen, valproic acid
Steatosis Methotrexate, NRTIs, tetracycline, valproic acid
Granulomatous Allopurinol, amiodarone, carbamazepine, diltiazem, hydralazine, penicillamine, procainamide, phenytoin, sulfonamides
Fibrosis Methotrexate
Nodular regenerative Azathioprine, bleomycin, cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil, doxorubicin, interleukin-2, trastuzumab
HAART ¼ highly active antiretroviral therapy; NRTI ¼ nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NSAID ¼ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; TMP-SMX ¼ trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole; TNF ¼ tumor necrosis factor.

RISK FACTORS FOR DILI an expected increase in the mean prescription

Risk for DILI is complex and involves several rates in those 2 groups (9 vs 2, respectively),
interrelated factors. It has been suggested that which confounds the relationship between
DILI is more likely to occur in females, the DILI risk and age. In addition, elderly patients
elderly, and patients with chronic liver disease, may receive more health care and laboratory
HIV, and obesity. Many of these possibilities monitoring, which may lead to an increase in
have come under scrutiny, and there is little the diagnosis of DILI in this population. A
empiric data available to support the validity cholestatic liver enzyme pattern is also consis-
of these factors.15 With the exception of the Ice- tently more likely to be seen in older patients
landic and French epidemiologic studies, the It has been suggested that females have a
study of risk factors for DILI is an imperfect sci- higher risk of idiosyncratic DILI than do males.
ence because the population and the number of Many retrospective studies and a prospective
prescriptions are very difficult to enumerate. study have reported a female preponderance
Age has been cited as a risk factor for DILI, in DILI.1,3-5,7,18,19 The French prospective
but the at-risk age groups differ according to study demonstrated a crude annual incidence
specific drugs.16 For instance, older age is a of DILI of 17 per 100,000 in females vs 10
risk factor for DILI from isoniazid, whereas per 100,000 in males, which was not a statisti-
youth is a risk factor for DILI related to valproate cally significantly difference, while the Icelan-
and aspirin (Reyes syndrome). The increased dic study showed a fairly even distribution of
risk or incidence of DILI in the elderly carries DILI in females (56%) vs males (44%). In the
some biologic plausibility because the critical Icelandic and Spanish epidemiology studies
factors of absorption, distribution, metabolism, (Table 1), females with DILI represented 55%
and elimination may be different in this sub- and 53% of the studied population, respec-
group.17 Indeed, there were more patients older tively. Thus, if female gender is a risk factor
than 50 years in the French population study for DILI, like age, it may be drug-specific. Fe-
(n¼23) vs younger than 50 years (n¼11).1 In males have been shown to have a higher risk
the Icelandic population, there was a gradual in- of DILI from nitrofurantoin, erythromycin, flu-
crease in the age-standardized incidence of DILI cloxacillin, minocycline, and isoniazid. It is
in the 70- to 79-year-old age group (40 per possible that females may receive antibiotics
100,000) vs that in the 40- to 59-year-old age more frequently than do males, but this is
group (19 per 100,000).5 However, there was speculation. In addition, DILI is more often

n n
98 Mayo Clin Proc. January 2014;89(1):95-106

hepatocellular in females and may be associated Lipophilicity of drug affects the absorption, dis-
with a more severe course, which can result in tribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity of
the need for LTx, or death.3,20,21 drugs and can be defined by the octanol-water
Currently, there is a lack of robust data that partition coefficient or logP value. For drugs
alcohol use is a risk factor for idiosyncratic with high lipophilicity (logP3) and daily
DILI. However, chronic alcohol use does in- dose of 100 mg, the odds ratio for hepatotoxicity
crease the risk of nonidiosyncratic DILI from vs no hepatotoxicity was 14.0 (96% vs 41%;
multiple supratherapeutic doses of acetamino- P<.001) among 164 FDA-approved drugs and
phen, and increases the risk of fibrosis/cirrhosis 3.89 (85% vs 59% P<.01) in an independent
from methotrexate.22-25 data set of 179 oral medications. Lipophilicity
The contribution of an underlying liver alone without high drug dose was not an inde-
disease to the risk of DILI is also contentious, pendent predictor of DILI. Drug metabolism is
but it seems to hold true for patients with hep- also associated with the risk of DILI. In another
atitis B and C receiving antituberculous and study by Lammert et al, drugs with considerable
antiretroviral medications.26,27 Nonalcoholic hepatic metabolism (>50%) had a significantly
fatty liver disease (NAFLD) may be aggravated elevated risk of ALT > 3 ULN (35% vs 11%,
by drugs such as corticosteroids, methotrexate, P¼.001), liver failure (28% vs 9%, P¼.004),
tamoxifen, tetracycline, irinotecan, and nucleo- and fatal DILI (23% vs 4%, P¼.001). Daily
side reverse transcriptase inhibitors.28 How- drug dose of 50 mg or more was also an additive
ever, NAFLD has not been proven to be a risk risk for DILI in those drugs with hepatic meta-
factor for DILI in general. bolism. Jaundice was also found to be signifi-
Progress has been made in identifying the cantly more common in drugs undergoing
general characteristics of medications that biliary excretion.31
pose a higher risk of DILI. Lammert et al29 Genetic variations have been explored as
found an important association between the possible risk factors for DILI. An impressive
dose of oral medication and hepatoxicity in number of amoxicillin/clavulanate DILI cases
the United States and Sweden. Daily medica- (n¼201) were subjected to a genomewide
tion doses were categorized as 10 mg or associated study that demonstrated that hu-
less, between 10 and 49 mg, and 50 mg or man leukocyte antigen (HLA)-I and HLA-II ge-
more. A higher daily dose of oral medication notypes conferred susceptibility.32 By using
was associated with liver failure (P¼.009), the single nucleotide polymorphisms isolated
LTx (P<.001), and death caused by DILI from this study, the positive predictive value
(P¼.004) in the United States. Similarly, a sub- for amoxicillin/clavulanate DILI was found to
stantial gradient was found among Swedish be 0.1%. Additional exome-type analyses
DILI cases with respect to the daily dose, with may improve the predictive ability of genetic
9% of the DILI cases in the 10 mg or less, testing in the future. A genetic basis for DILI
14.2% in the 11 to 49 mg, and 77% in the 50 from flucloxacillin is also well established,
mg or more category. Higher daily dose was whereby the (HLA)-B*5701 allele conferred
also associated with death or LTx, with 2%, an 80-fold increase in the risk of developing
9.4%, and 13.2% of the cases among the 3 cat- DILI after exposure to flucloxacillin.33 Variants
egories, respectively. It is interesting to note of UGT2B7, CYP2C8, and ABCC2 have been
that in the Spanish DILI registry (Table 1), shown to be associated with diclofenac hepa-
the same percentage (77%) of the drugs causing toxicity.34 N-Acetyltransferase 2 polymor-
DILI were in the 50 mg or more daily dose cate- phisms appear to predispose to hepatoxicity
gory as witnessed in the Swedish study. The from sulfonamides and isoniazid.35,36 Muta-
Lammert study authors acknowledged the pos- tions in bile salt export pump and multie
sibility of an imbalance in the frequency of pre- drug-resistant 3 transporter are associated
scriptions among the 3 dose categories but with an increased risk of cholestasis from
suggested that future studies should be per- various drugs.37
formed. Indeed, a recent study has confirmed
the same findings, but it also found a very pos- DIAGNOSIS
itive association between higher drug lipophilic- A patient with suspected DILI should have
ity and DILI in drug doses of 100 mg or more.30 a careful evaluation for other forms of liver

Mayo Clin Proc. n January 2014;89(1):95-106 n 99

Bilirubin >2 mg/dL:

Step 1: Evaluation for Careful drug and Assess timing of Characterize injury pattern: proceed to steps 2-4
drug exposure supplement use history exposure -hepatitic, cholestatic, or mixed immediately and

Acute disease Miscellaneous

Chronic disease
Hepatitis A, B+, C+±E Biliary obstruction,
Step 2: Evaluation for NAFLD, α-1 antitrypsin def.,
Alcohol-related ischemic hepatitis,
alternative liver disease hemochromatosis, celiac
Consider EBV, CMV; Budd-Chiari, TPN,
AIH, Wilson’s if age<40 congestive hepatopathy

Discontinue drug with highest probability Observation:

Other liver disease ruled of liver injury based on: determine if
Step 3: Dechallenge out or concern for superimposed 1. Temporal association liver tests improve with
drug injury 2. Injury pattern consistent with dechallenge
the drugs’ described hepatoxicity profile

1. Bilirubin >2 g/dL OR

2. Nonresolution or worsening
Step 4: Severity
liver tests after dechallenge OR Refer to hepatology
3. Suspicion of drug-induced
autoimmune hepatitis

FIGURE. Evaluation of potential drug-induced liver injury. Testing for diseases in step 2 is as follows (see text for discussion of
diagnostic pitfalls): Acute: hepatitis A, hepatitis A IgM; hepatitis B, hepatitis B surface antigen and hepatitis B core antibody IgM; hepatitis
C, hepatitis C antibody test followed by HCV RNA if antibody is positive; hepatitis E, hepatitis E IgM; CMV, CMV IgM and/or PCR;
EBV, EBV heterophile antibody test or EBV-specific antibody tests; AIH, antiesmooth muscle antibody, antinuclear antibody, or serum
IgG (no singular test for diagnosis); Wilson’s disease, ceruloplasmin; also consider ophthalmologic examination and 24-hour urine
copper (no singular test for diagnosis). Chronic: NAFLD, combination of historic and imaging features  histology (no singular test for
diagnosis); alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency, alpha 1 antitrypsin phenotype; hemochromatosis, transferrin saturation and ferritin; Celiac
disease, tissue transglutaminase IgA. Miscellaneous: Biliary obstruction, ultrasound or MRCP; ischemic hepatitis (clinical diagnosis);
Budd-Chiari syndrome, ultrasound with Doppler studies of hepatic veins; TPN, clinical diagnosis  histology; congestive hepatopathy,
transthoracic echocardiogram. AIH ¼ autoimmune hepatitis; EBV ¼ Epstein-Barr virus; CMV ¼ cytomegalovirus; def. ¼ deficiency;
HCV, hepatitis C virus; MRCP ¼ magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography; NAFLD ¼ nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; PCR,
polymerase chain reaction; TPN ¼ total parenteral nutrition.

disease, especially viral hepatitides. Other forms values are 2 to 3 times the upper limit of normal.
of acute and chronic liver disease can be evalu- Values above these thresholds should suggest a
ated as outlined in the Figure. In most cases, different or superimposed liver process
the diagnostic steps are carried concurrently, including DILI. The antinuclear antibody and
especially if the suspected DILI is deemed to be antiesmooth muscle antibody numbers may
severe. There are some important potential dia- also be elevated in about 20% of the patients
gnostic pitfalls to consider when evaluating for with NAFLD. It is also important to note that
other liver diseases. Nonalcoholic fatty liver dis- ferritin is an acute-phase reactant and values
ease is the most common liver disease in the may be moderately elevated as a result of liver
United States (10%-46%), and the index of sus- inflammation from DILI, rather than due to he-
picion for this disease should be very high. Some mochromatosis. Ferritin values may also be eval-
patients may have background NAFLD with uated in NAFLD and hepatitis C.
superimposed DILI. Aminotransferase levels in Emerging data suggest that acute hepatitis
NAFLD are usually elevated 2 to 5 times the up- E virus (HEV) infection may be a cause of
per limit of normal, and alkaline phosphatase acute liver injury in the United States. Data
n n
100 Mayo Clin Proc. January 2014;89(1):95-106

from the National Health and Nutrition Exam- compared with healthy controls at 12.1 (7.0,
ination Survey registry demonstrate a seropre- 26.9) (P<.0001 for both comparisons). The dif-
valence rate of 21% in the 18,695 ference between acetaminophen and nonaceta-
noninstitutionalized US citizens tested for minophen miR-122 levels was also significant at
exposure to HEV infection.38 In the US DILIN P<.05. The miR-192 level was also elevated in
prospective study, 50 of the 318 (16%) pa- acetaminophen-induced liver injury at 6.9
tients with suspected DILI tested positive for (1.96, 29.16) vs 0.4 (0.30, 0.69) for healthy
HEV IgG and 9 tested positive for HEV IgM controls (P<.0001), but the nonacetamino-
(3%).39 In the United Kingdom, 6 of 47 phen liver injury group was not different as
(13%) suspected cases of DILI had evidence compared with healthy controls. Chronic kid-
of acute HEV infection. Travel to endemic ney disease did not affect the results. Day 1
areas, consumption of pork or liver meats, miR-122 level also correlated with the peak
blood transfusions, and pet ownership may ALT level for acetaminophen-related DILI and
be risk factors for HEV infection and should was 2-fold higher in those who ultimately met
be queried during the initial evaluation.40 Kings College Criteria for need for LTx. There-
Drug exposure is a necessary component to fore, miR-122 is an exciting candidate
the diagnosis of DILI. Idiosyncratic DILI usu- biomarker that may aid in detection and prog-
ally occurs within 6 months of a drug exposure, nostication for acetaminophen-induced DILI
but it can occur within days or up to 1 year and should be studied in idiosyncratic DILI. It
later. The interval between time of drug expo- is of interest to note that miR-122 is integral
sure and time of diagnosis of DILI is known to the replication of the hepatitis C virus, and
as latency. After exclusion of other diagnoses miR-122 antagonists in a phase 2 study in
and a thorough history of drug exposure is ob- humans were well tolerated and reduced hepa-
tained, one must determine whether a certain titis C viral load.42 Therefore, miRNAs may be a
drug or group of drugs may be the culprit. It diagnostic marker as well as a therapeutic target
is important to be able to identify which drugs in patients with DILI in the future.
may be associated with a higher incidence of The proteome has been analyzed in pa-
DILI and whether the clinical, laboratory (R ra- tients with DILI and compared with that in
tio), and histologic (when available) features healthy controls.43 Apoprotein E expression
are compatible with that agent. In addition, was the best at differentiating DILI from con-
the drug injury should improve with dechal- trols, correctly classifying 89% of the patients
lenge, or removal of the potential offending with an area under the receiver-operating
agent, in the majority of the cases. In the report characteristic curve of 0.97. The addition of
on the first 300 patients enrolled in the DILIN gelsolin, complement component C7, serum
study, the mean time to resolution of jaundice amyloid P, and age improved the discrimination
was 38 days for those with mixed or cholestatic to 96%, with an area under the receiver-
liver injury as compared with 30 days for those operating characteristic curve of 0.99. A limi-
with a hepatocellular injury pattern (P¼.06).3 tation of this study is the lack of a positive
Biomarkers for DILI have shown some control group with acute liver injury from a
promise and ultimately one day may take the nondrug source. These fascinating results
place of causality assessment systems. Two will require application to larger numbers of
liver-enriched micro RNAs (miRs) were exam- patients including those with nondrug liver
ined, miR-192 and miR-122, in multiple sce- injury and chronic liver diseases.
narios including patients with acute liver Protein adducts have been investigated as a
injury due to acetaminophen, acetaminophen diagnostic marker for acetaminophen-induced
overdose without acute liver injury (ALT<3 liver injury and found to be helpful. More re-
ULN), and nonacetaminophen acute liver in- cently, the Acute Liver Failure Study Group
jury (ALT>3ULN), healthy controls, and has measured acetaminophen-cysteine adducts
patients with chronic kidney disease.41 The in the serum of 110 patients with indeterminate
miR-122 level was substantially elevated in pa- ALF and compared the results with 199 known
tients with acetaminophen-induced liver injury cases of acetaminophen-related ALF. Approxi-
at 1265 (491, 4270) as well as nonacetamino- mately 18% of the indeterminate cases had sub-
phen acute liver injury at 279.2 (194.7, 922.9) stantial levels of the acetaminophen-cysteine

Mayo Clin Proc. n January 2014;89(1):95-106 n 101

adducts, whereas 95% of the acetaminophen and removal of the offending drug, and the re-
ALF cases were positive.44 This marker could mainder were treated only by removal of the
be clinically relevant given that there is treatment offending drug. All but 1 patient improved.
available for acetaminophen-related ALF. Several of the patients who had developed
Polypharmacy and inappropriate drug use DILI because of infliximab or adalimumab
are common in the elderly population.45,46 did not develop recurrence when treated with
From a practical standpoint, it may be helpful etanercept.
to obtain a pharmacy consultation early in
the diagnostic evaluation, especially in patients 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl Coenzyme A
taking multiple medications and supplements. Reductase Inhibitors
The 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A
NEW DATA ON INDIVIDUAL AGENTS AND reductase inhibitors (“statins”) have been the sub-
SPECIFIC FORMULATIONS ject of much controversy since their introduction.
In this section, we provide an update on indi- While their cardiovascular benefits are not in
vidual agents that cause DILI. We would also question, the idea of statin-induced DILI has
like to direct the reader to a new website called been suggested to be a myth.47 Initially, it was rec-
LiverTox (, which is ommended that liver tests should be monitored
sponsored by the National Institutes of Health periodically while taking a statin. It is important
and serves as a repository of information on to note that the FDA changed the labeling for
drugs known to cause DILI. This database is statin drugs in 2012. Baseline liver tests are
searchable and is helpful when it is unclear as appropriate before starting a statin, but routine
to whether an agent may be responsible for monitoring of liver tests while on therapy is
DILI or not. Other common drugs that can not recommended by the FDA. However, liver
lead to DILI are listed in Table 2 with their asso- tests should be done in patients with new signs
ciated biochemical and/or histologic features. or symptoms of liver disease after initiating
statin therapy. Periodic liver test monitoring
Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (a) Inhibitors is reasonable in patients with chronic liver dis-
A recent report has compiled data on cases of ease. Evidence suggests that statins are safe in
DILI secondary to TNF-a inhibitors from the well-compensated liver disease, particularly,
DILIN study (n¼6) and 28 additional cases NAFLD and hepatitis C.48
from the literature.13 All reported cases occurred DILI secondary to statins was recently in-
in those taking infliximab (n¼26), adalimumab vestigated in Sweden by Bjornsson et al.49
(n¼4), and etanercept (n¼4), with no cases re- They used the Swedish Adverse Reactions Advi-
ported for golimumab, certolizumab, or natali- sory Committee to capture all spontaneously re-
zumab. There were no fatalities, but 1 liver ported adverse reactions thought to be related
transplant was required for a patient with preex- to statins (1988-2010). Case definitions for
isting cirrhosis. Indications for treatment from DILI were aminotransferases >5ULN, and/
most common to least common were psoriasis, or alkaline phosphatase >2ULN or bilirubin
inflammatory bowel disease, and ankylosing >2ULN. Of 217 cases of all types of adverse
spondylitis. About one third of the patients events for statins, 73 patients were identified
taking infliximab were concurrently treated with possible DILI. Seventy-one percent of
with immunomodulators, most commonly liver injury cases were considered possibly
methotrexate. Autoimmune serologies were related to statins, 19% were probable, and
positive in 22 of the 33 subjects (67%), with 10% highly probable. Median latency was 3
15 of the 17 who underwent a liver biopsy months. One patient required a liver trans-
demonstrating histological findings consistent plant (highly probable), and 2 patients died
with autoimmune hepatitis. Those with autoim- (1 highly probable, 1 possible). Three patients
mune features had longer latency (16 vs 10 received a rechallenge with the same statin, all
weeks, P¼.17) and higher transaminase levels accompanied by a repeat reaction of a similar
(784 vs 528, P ¼.01). The severity of DILI for type. Atorvastatin (n¼30) and simvastatin
the entire population was most often mild (n¼28) were the most common offenders,
to moderate with a hepatocellular pattern. with atorvastatin more likely to exhibit a chole-
Twelve patients were treated with steroids static/mixed profile (57%) vs simvastatin
n n
102 Mayo Clin Proc. January 2014;89(1):95-106

(25%) (P¼.02). Fluvastatin represented a mi- cases in which histology is available. We en-
nority of cases (n¼11), but based on prescrib- courage the reader to visit the FDA website for in-
ing information, had the highest incidence structions on liver monitoring during the use of
among the class at 17104 person-years individual agents.
compared with 2.9104 person-years for
atorvastatin and 1.6104 person-years averaged Intravenous Medications
across all cases. Other series have demonstrated A recent DILIN study focused on intravenous
that statins were responsible for 4.5% of the cases (IV) medication as a source of DILI.51 Thirty-
of ALF in the ALF Study Group series and 7.4% of two cases were identified, and the most com-
the patients who died or were transplanted in mon drug categories were antimicrobial
the DILIN series. Thus, statins can cause serious, (63%), antineoplastic (16%), and CNS drugs
idiosyncratic drug reactions, but this remains an (9%). Cephalosporins were responsible for 9
extremely rare phenomenon estimated to be 1.6 cases, while fluoroquinolones caused 7 cases.
cases per 100,000 person-years of use. All 3 CNS drug cases were due to phenytoin.
About 40% of the patients presented within
Fluoroquinolones the first month, and most had symptoms of
Among 679 cases enrolled in the DILIN study nausea, fever, jaundice, or pruritus. The dis-
by February 2010, information on 12 cases of tribution of cases among hepatitic, chole-
fluoroquinolone DILI was collected and re- static, and mixed patterns was nearly equal.
cently described.12 The specific quinolones Patients receiving daily IV medications rather
responsible were ciprofloxacin (n¼4), moxi- than intermittent IV therapy had decreased
floxacin (n¼4), levofloxacin (n¼1), and gati- mean latency (15 vs 47 days), which was
floxacin (n¼1). Latency was very short, with not statistically significant (P¼.12). Clinicians
the median onset to symptoms or abnormal should maintain a high index of suspicion for
liver tests of 2.5 days. In fact, 75% of the pa- DILI in patients receiving IV cephalosporins,
tients were still taking the drug when symp- fluoroquinolones, or phenytoin who develop
toms emerged. The biochemical signatures new elevations in liver tests, especially within
were evenly distributed, with 4 cases each in the first month after exposure.
the hepatitic, cholestatic, and mixed groups.
The outcomes were serious in some, with 3 Herbal and Dietary Supplements Causing
developing hepatic or other organ failure, 1 DILI
dying from ALF, and 1 patient requiring LTx Herbal and dietary supplements (HDS) are
for vanishing bile duct syndrome. Of note, 7 emerging as a major cause of DILI worldwide.
of the 12 cases had features of hypersensitivity This is underscored by the recent 56 cases of
with fever, rash, or eosinophilia. Peripheral acute liver failure or acute hepatitis linked to
eosinophilia was rare, but increased numbers the fat burner, OxyElite Pro. The incidence of
of eosinophils were seen in all 4 cases in which DILI from HDS varies by geography and pat-
liver histology was available. terns of HDS use. It accounts for approxi-
mately 9% of the cases of DILI in the United
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors States and up to 19% to 63% of the cases of
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors are an ever-expanding DILI in Asian countries.3,4,6 A full description
class of medications that now include 18 FDA- of DILI related to herbal medications is beyond
approved medications. Examples include imati- the scope of this review. Table 3 lists the most
nib, erlotinib, sorafenib, and sunitinib. Of these, frequently implicated supplements. Please refer
13 require liver test monitoring during use. to a recent review by Reddy et al52 for more infor-
Low-grade increases in aminotransferase levels mation on this topic.
occur in approximately 25% to 35% of the pa-
tients with high-grade elevations happening in TREATMENT
approximately 2%.50 Fatalities due to DILI have Treatment for most forms of DILI is focused on
been reported for crizotinib, imatinib, lapatinib, supportive care and requires longitudinal moni-
pazopanib, ponatinib, regorafenib, and sunitinib. toring of the patient and laboratory work.
A hepatitic biochemical signature appears most Discontinuation of the offending agent is the first
commonly, accompanied by hepatic necrosis, in step. Rechallenge is not recommended except

Mayo Clin Proc. n January 2014;89(1):95-106 n 103

TABLE 3. Selected Herbals and Dietary Supplements Causing Hepatoxicity

Aloe vera Ma huang (Ephedra sinica) Mistletoe (Viscus album)
Atractylis gummifera Dai-saiko-to (Sho-saiko-to, TJ-19, D-chai-hu-tang, Xiao-chia-hu-tang) Noni juice (Morinda citrifolia)
Black cohosh Geniposide (Gardenia jasminoides) Pennyroyal (squawmint oil)
Callilepsis laureola (Impila) Germander (Teucrium chamaedrys) and other Teucrium varieties Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (Crotalaria,
Heliotropium, Senecio, Symphytium
Cascara (Cascara sagrada) Greater Celendine (Chelidonium majus) Saw Palmetto (Serrenoa repens)
Camphor oil Green tea (Camellia sinensis) Senna (Cassia angustifolia and C acutifolia)
Centella asciatica (Gotu kola) Herbalife Skull cap (Scutellaria)
Chaparral (Larrea tridentate) Hydroxycut (first-generation formulation; production halted 2009) Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
Jin Bu Huan (Lypocodium serratum) Kava (Piper methysticum) OxyElite Pro

under very rare scenarios with the input of a hep- PROGNOSIS

atologist. Once DILI has been diagnosed, it is For the vast majority of patients with DILI, full
important to list that drug as an “allergy” and recovery is expected during the dechallenge.
to counsel the patient on the importance of For patients with jaundice, this may take up
avoiding that particular drug, and when appro- to 30 to 40 days, and occasionally up to a
priate, other drugs in its class. The hypersensitiv- year in those with severe cholestasis. In gen-
ity or immunoallergic phenotype may respond eral, the hepatocellular injury phenotype
to steroids, but there is not robust data for that carries a worse prognosis than do the chole-
practice. Drug-induced AIH generally responds static or mixed presentations. One of the old-
to prednisone and may be given for shorter du- est tools used for prognosis in DILI was
rations when compared with de novo or idio- developed by the famous hepatologist Hyman
pathic AIH. Patients with suspected DI-AIH Zimmerman. His simple rule stated that a
should be referred to a hepatologist. The authors bilirubin level of 3 or more times the ULN
use 20 to 40 mg of prednisone for initial treat- in the context of hepatocellular-type DILI
ment followed by a slow taper of prednisone indicated a risk of death that is approxi-
over approximately 6 months if liver tests mately 10% (range, 5%-50%).55 Elevated
normalize. Some patients with DI-AIH may bilirubin level in hepatocellular-type DILI is
evolve toward an idiopathic form and thus a reflection of the severity of injury, cell
require longer treatment and perhaps mainte- death, and hepatocellular dysfunction. This
nance therapy to prevent relapse. Ursodeoxy- rule has been adopted in a modified form
cholic acid has been used in patients with (bilirubin level of >2ULN) by the FDA
symptoms related to significant cholestasis sec- and used to judge the severity of DILI in clin-
ondary to DILI, but data supporting actual ther- ical trials. Hy’s law has been validated in
apeutic efficacy from this agent remain limited. several DILI registries as well.2,3,56 Cases of
Drug-induced liver injury caused by certain DILI with a bilirubin level of more than 2
medications does have specific treatments. g/dL should be referred to a hepatologist.
For instance, DILI caused by valproate should ALF from acetaminophen carries a better
be treated with carnitine.53 N-Acetylcysteine prognosis than does ALF secondary to idio-
(NAC) is the mainstay of treatment for patients syncratic DILI.
presenting early in their course of acetamino- DILI may also evolve into a chronic form
phen toxicity. Recent data suggest that NAC im- of liver disease. In the epidemiologic studies,
proves mortality in patients with ALF and grade I DILI chronicity has varied from 0% in the
to II hepatic encephalopathy (including some French series and 1% in the Korean series
patients with idiosyncratic DILI) and NAC to 14% in the US series. Time to follow-up
should be considered in this setting.54 For pa- can also result in varying results for the fre-
tients who develop ALF and meet King’s College quency of chronic DILI. Death from idiosyn-
criteria, LTx is necessary. In the future, stem cell cratic DILI in the major series ranges from 1%
therapy may be an acceptable and beneficial to 8%, with 1% to 2% requiring LTx. These
treatment modality for severe DILI. registry studies are likely enriched with
n n
104 Mayo Clin Proc. January 2014;89(1):95-106

more severe cases and thus, these numbers Abbreviations and Acronyms: AIH = autoimmunelike
may be inflated. hepatitis; ALF = acute liver failure; ALT = alanine amino-
transferase; CNS = central nervous system; DI-AIH = drug-
Advances have been made to predict out-
induced autoimmunelike hepatitis; DILI = drug-induced liver
come in nonidiosyncratic acetaminophen DILI. injury; DILIN = Drug Induced Liver Injury Network; FDA =
Traditionally, the Rumack-Matthew nomo- Food and Drug Administration; HDS = herbal and dietary
gram is used to help predict the course of acet- supplement; HEV = hepatitis E virus; HLA = human leuko-
aminophen toxicity.57 This nomogram uses cyte antigen; IV = intravenous; LTx = liver transplantation;
miRNA = micro RNA; NAC = N-Acetylcysteine; NAFLD =
acetaminophen plotted versus time elapsed
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; TNF = tumor necrosis fac-
from ingestion to predict the clinical course tor; ULN = upper limit of normal
and need for NAC. As previously mentioned,
miR-122 was found to be an early marker of Correspondence: Address to Michael D. Leise, MD, Divi-
sion of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic,
acetaminophen-induced DILI and correlated
200 First St SW, Rochester, MN 55905 (Leise.michael@
with peak ALT, which could aid in early treat-
ment decisions. White patients with keratin 8
and keratin 18 variants were also found to be
less like to survive ALF, of which 49% of the REFERENCES
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