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Sythrixis ‘Alignment: Tawa General Informatio Seal Sythrinis is 42 years old and is consider st Kerth, hes unique, with his own powe 23/48 unbound to his physical nature, He has 16/42 uadruped with long sinewy neck and t 13/41 quaaruped, a dragon's forepaws are act. 18/43 fingers and athumb, They are able to v ani ‘heir normal land speed, ifhe needs ton fastr and more efficient. Sythrsis has Absa and is 4.28 from nose to the end of his t {Seventh ong: spallchetks} He gains 2 bonus equal to his toll bit di Action Di 1620, 1616 8 infravision and éarkvision out to the lie ase as well as any eagle. Aristemis has calb — ‘many battles that are to come. 4astbs ¥ sueed (Lendl. els Attack Profile: _— 2308 /417min Sythrixis is an aloof and solitary hunter Sprint: oe invisible before he sttacks anything. Hi Speed (Fly): 230 ae bo other options; preferring 0 ie Acceleration: oft tactic is to summon an animal, cast stret Deceleration: 160ft If this is insufficient to deal with the pre Gide: rot ‘weapon of stinger ne he flies pasted the Hover: No enter melee combat his teeth and claws considering that he has managed to boot ory 4 to 23; granting hima *8 to atlacks and ¢ AC: {Scales; +8} 21 rT 841248 {68} Special Attacks: een 1420410, Brewh Weapon ~ Cone; 50% Wide by 2 2@1d16+10, damage. All caught within the area get 3@1014+10, 4@idi2i0 Barbed Toll venom DC 13; success m oT means +2d4 damage and viet loses 1 aE aie normally unless the victim ericaly fail mT Aone half the HP damage are permanent cere adsee [EMME Fort Oc 12; 2/day Special Powers: Cone: SO'W x 20'L; 32pts acid Spells — Casting check is action die + 8: sav for taf amage malice, ao skh and SS STumm cicTCagNN] Dru ac sto hyd — bath ten om ab cuales sunspot csting sy buts Grialtate sem stv et wrens ote pl tt toe Aerial Predaior- Any bird that hunts by swooping down on unsuspecting targets applies distance equal to twice their fly speed. All damages from this attack are multiplied by tv suozeed ata reflex save versus DC 5, +1 per LODft of the drive or their speed is reduced that they may fly off with their kill a half their normal fly speed.

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