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1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

16th November 2011 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

Maaf saya hanya copas,bila ada sumber yg tidak di sebutkan saya mohon maaf

Aktifin ftp server

Membuat FTP Server di Solaris 10

halo para solaris user, yaaah mungkin artikel ini cupu kali ya buat mereka solaris user,,

tapi mungkin akan berguna buat para pemula pemakai solaris,,

oke begini nih cara membuat server ftp menggunakan solaris:

jadi sebenernya ftp itu sudah ada di solaris 10, jadi kita tinggal mengaktifkanya saja..

Mengetahui status FTP server kita

inetadm | grep ftp
Mengaktifkan FTP server kita
inetadm -e ftp

Menonaktifkan FTP Server

inetadm -d ftp

atau bisa juga seperti ini

“/usr/sbin/svcadm enable ftp“
“/usr/sbin/svcadm disable ftp”

dan di client juga harus di set,,caranya : /etc ftpusers
4.tambahkan # dibelakang root

The Impact of SMF on Network Services

The SMF has a major impact on network services in that each service can
be independently enabled or disabled using the inetadm command.
For example, consider the telnet facility:
# inetadm -l telnet
default bind_addr=""
default bind_fail_max=-1
default bind_fail_interval=-1
(output omitted)
The various parameters and values can be set using the inetadm
command. The values can then be stored in the appropriate SMF reference
files for each service. Changes can be maintained across system reboots.
To see whether or not the telnet facility is enabled, use the following
# inetadm | grep telnet
enabled online svc:/network/telnet:default
To disable the telnet facility:
# inetadm -d telnet
# inetadm | grep telnet
disabled disabled svc:/network/telnet:default
To enable the telnet facility:
# inetadm -e telnet
# inetadm | grep telnet
enabled online svc:/network/telnet:default 1/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

Mengaktifkan & Menonaktifkan Network Interface di Solaris 10

Sung ajah nih cara ngaktifin network interface di solaris..

kan bisanya kalo diketikin ifconfig -a kan gak keliatan tuh interface mana yg gak aktif,,
jadi ketikin perintah dladm show-link biar keliatan naman interfacenya,,
setelah itu cara ngaktifinnya gini:

ifconfig nama interface plumb

ifconfig nge0 plumb
trus dah gitu ngasi ip caranya:

ifconfig nge0 inet netmask

trus tinggal aktifin, gini caranya:vi

ifconfig nge0 up
Untuk Menonaktifkan caranya:

ifconfig nge0 down

ifconfig nge0 unplumb

Konfigurasi Network (IP dan Routing) pada Solaris 10

Thursday, 18. March 2010, 07:31
Oke sekarang udah mulai main-main solaris..
namanya juga baru belajar..
jadi kita mulai dari setting IP aja deh..

untuk melihat interface apa saja yang ada pada mesin :

# dladm show-link

untuk melihat apakah interface yang kita gunakan memiliki MAC address yang sama atau tidak kita ketikkan perintah :

# eeprom local-mac-address?

nah setelah itu bakal muncul penampakan seperti ini

eeprom local-mac-address?=true

artinya interface2 yang ada tidak memiliki MAC address yang sama
Agar interface pada dapat di PING, maka yang perlu dilakukan pada interface tersebut adalah :
1. interface tersebut harus di "plumb"
2. interface tersebut harus di konfigurasi
3. interfacenya harus UP
4. interface tersebut harus terhubung secara fisik dengan jaringan
5. interface tersebut harus memiliki konfigurasi routing yang benar.

so, kita mulai dari awal...

untuk tahap ini kita akan melakukan 3 tahap sekaligus (plumb + konfigurasi dan tentunya membuat interface itu UP)
berikut beberapa caranya :

# ifconfig hme0 plumb up

# ifconfig hme0 plumb broadcast + up

# ifconfig hme0 plumb netmask bradcast + up

untuk mengecek interface yang telah dikonfigurasi ketikkan :

# ifconfig -a

kalau mau ganti IP address yang sudah ada ini salah satu caranya :

# ifconfig hme0 down && ifconfig hme0 netmask broadcast + up 2/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

interface sudah di konfigurasi dan UP..

Sekarang cek apakah kabel sudah terhubung dengan jaringan?
kalau sudah kita setting routing di solarisnya . . .
setting default routingnya kek gini :

# route add default

untuk setting routing static ke suatu jaringan kek gini :

# route add -net

untuk setting static routingnya ke host kek gini :

# route add

sekarang kita lihat tabel routingnya, dengan mengetikkan :

# netstat -rn

penampakan :

Routing Table: IPv4

Destination Gateway Flags Ref Use Interface

-------------------- -------------------- ----- ----- ---------- ---------

default UG 1 7 U 1 58 hme0 U 1 35 hme0 UH 3 391 lo0

nah kalo ada kesalahan delete dulu yang sudah ada dengan cara :

# route delete -net

dan untuk route static ke host kita ketikkan perintah :

# route delete


# route -n delete -interface -gateway

baru setelah itu kita tambahkan tabel routing baru . . .

setelah semua terkonfigurasi kita lakukan saja tes ping.
kira-kira seperti ini penampakannya :

# ping is alive


tapi tunggu dulu konfigurasi kita belum sepenuhnya selesai..

soalnya semua konfigurasi diatas akan hilang ketika kita merestart mesin.

nah,agar semua konfigurasi tidak hilang ketika kita merestart mesin, maka berikut konfigurasinya..
kita masukkan beberapa settingan ke dalam file...
berikut beberapa konfigurasi dan file-filenya :

konfigurasi IP :
edit /etc/hosts
tambahkan : LUNA loghost 3/83
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edit /etc/netmasks
tambahkan :

edit /etc/hostname.hme0
tambahkan :

edit /etc/defaultrouter
tambahkan :

untuk static routing lainnya :

tambahkan file /etc/rc2.d/S98sta c-routes
route add net
route add

yup saya rasa cukup . . .

semua konfigurasi ini tidak akan hilang ketika mesin restart...

owh ya...
sedikit tambahan,,kalo mau ganti-ganti IP pada interface..
tidak perlu merestart mesin...
cukup ketikkan :

# svcadm restart network/physical

jaringan kita sudah jalan..

Mengenal Apa itu RAID

RAID, singkatan dari Redundant Array of Independent Disks merujuk kepada sebuahteknologi
[] di dalam penyimpanan data komputer
[] yang digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan fitur toleransi
kesalahan [] pada media penyimpanan
komputer (utamanya adalah hard disk [] ) dengan menggunakan cara redundansi
(penumpukan) data [] , baik itu dengan menggunakanperangkat lunak
[] , maupun unit perangkat keras [] RAID
terpisah. Kata “RAID” juga memiliki beberapa singkatan Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, Redundant Array
of IndependentDrives, dan juga Redundant Array of Inexpensive Drives. Teknologi ini membagi atau mereplikasi data ke
dalam beberapa hard disk terpisah. RAID didesain untuk meningkatkan keandalan data dan/atau meningkatkan kinerja I/O
[] dari hard disk.
Sejak pertama kali diperkenalkan, RAID dibagi ke dalam beberapa skema, yang disebut dengan “RAID Level
[] “. Pada awalnya, ada lima buah RAID level yang
pertama kali dikonsepkan, tetapi seiring dengan waktu, level-level tersebut berevolusi, yakni dengan menggabungkan
beberapa level yang berbeda dan juga mengimplementasikan beberapa level proprietary yang tidak menjadi standar RAID.
RAID menggabungkan beberapa hard disk fisik ke dalam sebuah unit logis penyimpanan, dengan menggunakan perangkat
lunak [] atau perangkat keras [] khusus.
Solusi perangkat keras umumnya didesain untuk mendukung penggunaan beberapa hard disk secara sekaligus, dansistem
operasi [] tidak perlu mengetahui bagaimana cara kerja skema RAID tersebut.
Sementara itu, solusi perangkat lunak umumnya diimplementasikan di dalam level sistem operasi
[] , dan tentu saja menjadikan beberapa hard disk menjadi sebuah kesatuan logis
yang digunakan untuk melakukan penyimpanan.
Ada beberapa konsep [] kunci di dalam RAID: mirroring [
title=Mirroring&action=edit&redlink=1] (penyalinan data ke lebih dari satu buahhard disk), striping
[] (pemecahan data ke beberapa hard disk) dan
juga koreksi kesalahan [] , di mana redundansi
data disimpan untuk mengizinkan kesalahan dan masalah untuk dapat dideteksi dan mungkin dikoreksi (lebih umum
disebut sebagai teknik fault tolerance/toleransi kesalahan [
title=Toleransi_kesalahan&action=edit&redlink=1] ).
Level-level RAID yang berbeda tersebut menggunakan salah satu atau beberapa teknik yang disebutkan di atas,
tergantung dari kebutuhan sistem. Tujuan utama penggunaan RAID adalah untuk meningkatkan keandalan/reliabilitas
yang sangat penting untuk melindungi informasi yang sangat kritis untuk beberapa lahan bisnis, seperti halnya basis data
[] , atau bahkan meningkatkan kinerja, yang sangat penting untuk beberapa pekerjaan,
seperti halnya untuk menyajikan video on demand [] ke banyak penonton secara
Konfigurasi RAID yang berbeda-beda akan memiliki pengaruh yang berbeda pula pada keandalan dan juga kinerja. Masalah
yang mungkin terjadi saat menggunakan banyak disk adalah salah satunya akan mengalami kesalahan, tapi dengan 4/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
menggunakan teknik pengecekan kesalahan, sistem komputer secara keseluruhan dibuat lebih andal dengan melakukan
reparasi terhadap kesalahan tersebut dan akhirnya “selamat” dari kerusakan yang fatal.

Teknik mirroring dapat meningkatkan proses pembacaan data mengingat sebuah sistem yang menggunakannya mampu
membaca data dari dua disk atau lebih, tapi saat untuk menulis kinerjanya akan lebih buruk, karena memang data yang
sama akan dituliskan pada beberapa hard disk yang tergabung ke dalam larik tersebut. Teknik striping, bisa meningkatkan
performa, yang mengizinkan sekumpulan data dibaca dari beberapa hard disk secara sekaligus pada satu waktu, akan
tetapi bila satu hard disk mengalami kegagalan, maka keseluruhan hard disk akan mengalami inkonsistensi. Teknik
pengecekan kesalahan juga pada umumnya akan menurunkan kinerja sistem, karena data harus dibaca dari beberapa
tempat dan juga harus dibandingkan dengan checksum [
title=Checksum&action=edit&redlink=1] yang ada. Maka, desain sistem RAID harus mempertimbangkan kebutuhan sistem
secara keseluruhan, sehingga perencanaan dan pengetahuan yang baik dari seorang administrator jaringan sangatlah
dibutuhkan. Larik-larik RAID [] modern umumnya
menyediakan fasilitas bagi para penggunanya untuk memilih konfigurasi yang diinginkan dan tentunya sesuai dengan
Beberapa sistem RAID dapat didesain untuk terus berjalan, meskipun terjadi kegagalan. Beberapa hard disk yang
mengalami kegagalan tersebut dapat diganti saat sistem menyala (hot-swap [
swap&action=edit&redlink=1] ) dan data dapat diperbaiki secara otomatis. Sistem lainnya mungkin
mengharuskanshutdown ketika data sedang diperbaiki. Karenanya, RAID sering digunakan dalam sistem-sistem yang
harus selalu on-line [] , yang selalu tersedia (highly
available), dengan waktu down-time [] yang, sebisa
mungkin, hanya beberapa saat saja.
Pada umumnya, RAID diimplementasikan di dalam komputer server [] , tapi bisa juga
digunakan di dalam workstation [] . Penggunaan di
dalam workstation umumnya digunakan dalam komputer [] yang digunakan untuk
melakukan beberapa pekerjaan seperti melakukan penyuntinganvideo [] /audio
[] .
Pada tahun 1978 [] , Norman Ken Ouchi [
title=Norman_Ken_Ouchi&action=edit&redlink=1] dari International Business Machines
[] (IBM) dianugerahi paten Amerika Serikat
[] , dengan nomor 4092732 dengan judul “System for recovering data stored in
failed memory unit.” Klaim untuk paten ini menjelaskan mengenai apa yang kemudian dikenal sebagai RAID 5
[] dengan penulisan stripe secara penuh. Patennya pada tahun 1978 tersebut juga
menyebutkan bahwa disk mirroring atau duplexing (yang kini dikenal sebagai RAID 1 [] )
dan juga perlindungan dengan paritas khusus yang didedikasikan (yang kini dikenal dengan RAID 4
[] ) bisa digunakan, meskipun saat itu belum ada implementasinya.
Istilah “RAID” pertama kali didefinisikan oleh David A. Patterson [
title=David_A._Patterson&action=edit&redlink=1] , Garth A. Gibson [
title=Garth_A._Gibson&action=edit&redlink=1] dan Randy Katz [
title=Randy_Katz&action=edit&redlink=1] dari University of California [
title=University_of_California&action=edit&redlink=1] , Berkeley [] , Amerika Serikat
[] pada tahun 1987 [] , 9 tahun berselang setelah paten
yang dimiliki oleh Norman Ken Ouchi [] .
Mereka bertiga mempelajari tentang kemungkinan penggunaan dua hard disk atau lebih agar terlihat sebagai sebuah
perangat tunggal oleh sistem yang menggunakannya, dan kemudian mereka mempublikasikannya ke dalam bentuk sebuah
paper berjudul “A Case for Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)” pada bulan Juni
[] 1988 [] pada saat konferensi SIGMOD. Spesifikasi tersebut
menyodorkan beberapa purwarupa RAID level, atau kombinasi dari drive-drive tersebut. Setiap RAID level tersebut secara
teoritis memiliki kelebihan dan juga kekurangannya masing-masing. Satu tahun berselang, implementasi RAID pun mulai
banyak muncul ke permukaan. Sebagian besar implementasi tersebut memang secara substansial berbeda dengan RAID
level yang asli yang dibuat oleh Patterson dan kawan-kawan, tapi implementasi tersebut menggunakan nomor yang sama
dengan apa yang ditulis oleh Patterson. Hal ini bisa jadi membingungkan, sebagai contoh salah satu implementasi RAID 5
dapat berbeda dari implementasi RAID 5 [] yang lainnya. RAID 3
[] dan RAID 4 [] juga bisa membingungkan dan sering
dipertukarkan, meski pada dasarnya kedua jenis RAID tersebut berbeda.
Patterson menulis lima buah RAID level di dalam papernya, pada bagian 7 hingga 11, dengan membagi ke dalam beberapa
level, sebagai berikut:

RAID level pertama: mirroring

RAID level kedua : Koreksi kesalahan dengan menggunakan kode Humming [
RAID level ketiga : Pengecekan terhadap disk tunggal di dalam sebuah kelompok disk.
RAID level keempat: Pembacaan dan penulisan secara independen
RAID level kelima : Menyebarkan data [] dan paritas [
title=Paritas&action=edit&redlink=1] ke semua drive (tidak ada pengecekan terhadap disk tunggal)

Mengubah Solaris Hostname Sun Solaris

Posted by picas.line 
at 3:07 AM
Sebelumnya hati2 melakukan pengubahan ini karena bisa saja server menjadi error, sehingga anda harus masuk dan
menjalani editing pa
Dalam sistem operasi Solaris (OS), suatu proses yang kompleks diperlukan untuk mengubah hostname server. Untuk
mengubah hostname di Solaris, file-file berikut harus diedit: 5/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

Ini akan menunjukkan alamat IP untuk nama host.


Hal ini mirip dengan Linux


hme0 bisa saja bernama ce0 atau yang lainnya yang merupakan primary LAN atau eth. 'hme0' adalah nama dari interface,
yang dapat diambil dari 'ifconfig' perintah. Memodifikasi hostname di sini.


Ubah informasi semua ada di sini (3 file) untuk menyelaraskan dengan semua data dalam file yang disebutkan di atas.
apabila menggunakan editor vi gunakan :n untuk lanjut ke file berikutnya


Tentukan resolusi domain dan informasi DNS server di lokasi ini file.


Masukkan alamat IP router default host Solaris di sini.

Setelah mengedit data pada lokasi file-file ini, pergi ke command prompt dan ketik hostname. Reboot server dan menguji
perubahan untuk memastikan beroperasi dengan baik.

Sebuah OS berbasis Unix, Solaris diluncurkan oleh Sun Microsystems pada tahun 1992..

Solaris OS adalah karena populer untuk skalabilitasnya (jaringan, proses, atau kemampuan sistem untuk menangani
meningkatnya multitasking), khususnya dalam Proses Scalable Arsitektur (SPARC) sistem. Solaris juga menopang server dan
workstation berbasis SPARC dan x86 (instruksi yang paling komersial luas menset arsitektur dalam komputasi pribadi), yang
berasal dari SunOS dan vendor sistem lainnya. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mendukung berbagai platform lainnya.

Solaris disertifikasi melalui Spesifikasi Single Unix. Awalnya diciptakan sebagai perangkat lunak berpemilik, sekarang
didukung oleh sistem dari vendor server utama. Sebagian besar codebase (semua kode sumber yang digunakan dalam
membangun komponen tertentu atau aplikasi) saat ini software open-source dari program OpenSolaris. 

Shut Down atau Reboot Sistem Solaris [

Posted by picas.line 
at 2:29 AM
Solaris biasanya digunakan sebagai sistem operasi server. Karena itu, Anda ingin memastikan bahwa Anda menutup sistem
seaman mungkin untuk memastikan tidak ada kerusakan data. Untuk setiap aplikasi yang terinstal pada server, Anda harus
memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki script yang benar untuk mematikan layanan.

Anda memiliki lebih dari satu pilihan perintah yang dapat Anda gunakan. Perintah terbaik adalah ini, dijalankan sebagai

shutdown -y -i5 -g0

Ini akan segera menutup sistem bawah. Anda juga dapat menggunakan perintah yang lebih tua yang masih bekerja:

sync;sync;init 5

Anda bahkan dapat menggunakan:


Jika Anda mencoba untuk reboot sistem sebagai lawan untuk mematikannya, Anda bisa menggunakan:

shutdown -y -i6 -g0


sync;sync;init 6

Atau bahkan: 6/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris


Begitu banyak perintah untuk melakukan hal yang sama, tapi tidak apa-apa, pilih dan ingat yang termudah yang masih

Hari Selasa, Rabu, dan Kamis lalu saya mengikuti training VERITAS Storage Foundations yang diadakan oleh kantor
saya. Mengundang trainer dari salah satu perusahaan IT di Jakarta, saya dan rekan-rekan cukup menikmati training kali
ini. Materi yang cukup menyenangkan dan kesempatan untuk mencoba-coba sendiri materi yang diajarkan membuat
kami betah bertahan di ruang training meskipun jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 18.00 (padahal jadwalnya training
berlangsung dari pukul 09.00 sampai pukul 17.00 J Kasihan juga trainer-nya terpaksa menunggui kami berlatih sampai
lewat waktu .
Sebentar-sebentar…saya lupa menjelaskan apa itu VERITAS Storage Foundation. VERITAS SF adalah salah satu
produk dari VERITAS (yang sekarang sudah diakuisisi oleh Symantec Corp.
[] ) yang berguna untuk mengatur penggunaan
storage (harddisk) dan manajemen file dengan skala besar. Di dalam VERITAS SF yang kami pelajari sebagai materi
pokok adalah VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM).
Misalnya kami punya storage berisi 20 harddisk (@147GB), bagaimana cara kita me-manage penggunaan harddisk
sebanyak itu : bagaimana mengalokasikan sejumlah spaceharddisk ke server tertentu, bagaimana mengatur
multipathing, bagaimana mengatur redundancy, bagaimana mengatur backup data yang ada di dalam harddisk. Kira-kira
seperti itu materi yang kami pelajari selama 3 hari kemarin.
Konsep dasar VxVM kira-kira seperti gambar berikut ini (ini cara bodoh-bodohan saya untuk menjelaskan pemanfaatan
VxVM) :

RAID 1 Di Solaris 10
Posted onSeptember 12, 2007 [] bytedy []
RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks) adalah gabungan beberapa harddisk untuk menjalankan fungsi tertentu;
bisa untuk mirroring, atau bisa juga untuk menggabungkan volume dari beberapa harddisk menjadi 1 kesatuan virtual
disk. Ada beberapa level RAID. Di tulisan ini saya hanya mau menulis soal RAID 1. RAID 1 adalah RAID level yang
digunakan untuk mirroring 2 atau lebih harddisk. Mirroring gampangnya dapat disebut sebagai kloning harddisk.
Misalkan sebuah harddisk yang berisi sistem operasi Solaris 10, digabungkan dengan sebuah harddisk lain
menggunakan RAID 1. Harddisk kedua akan berisi sama persis seperti harddisk pertama. Harddisk kedua ini akan
membackupharddisk utama bilamana terjadi kerusakan pada harddisk pertama; begitu pula sebaliknya (dengan kata lain
kedua harddisk saling menjaga kelangsungan kerja sistem). Kedua harddisk bekerja secara redundant. Sistem tidak
akan mati jika salah satu dari harddisk gagal berfungsi. Dengan demikian RAID 1/mirroring salah satu cara untuk
meningkatkan performansi sistem. Sistem operasi yang bekerja di dalamnya akan melihat kedua harddisk tersebut
sebagai sebuah harddisk saja (virtual disk). Lihat ilustrasi berikut ini :
Solaris 10 memiliki fitur untuk membuat RAID, yaitu Solaris Volume Manager. Jadi dengan Solaris kita bisa membuat
mirroring 2 atau lebih harddisk. Pada gambar di atas misalkan kita memiliki 2 harddisk dalam sebuah sistem. Ketika
dibuat menjadi RAID 1, harddisk pertama akan dikenal sebagai submirror 1 dan harddisk kedua akan dikenal sebagai
submirror 2. Virtual disk adalah perangkat yang dikenali oleh sistem operasi setelah proses mirroring dilakukan.
Berikut ini adalah contoh command line yang digunakan untuk membuat mirror dari 2 harddisk yang terpasang pada
sebuah server dengan Solaris 10 sebagai sistem operasi. Harddisk pertama adalah c0t0d0 (sebagai system disk),
harddisk kedua adalah c1t0d0.
1. Mula-mula kita lihat dulu konfigurasi file vfstab untuk melihat mount point dari masing-masing slice. Contohnya
seperti ini :

2. # more /etc/vfstab

3. /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 / ufs 1 no -

4. /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 swap - - - -

5. /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s3 /var ufs 1 no -

6. /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s4 /opt ufs 2 yes -

/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s5 /export/home ufs 2 yes -

7. Kita harus membuat salinan dari VTOC (volume table of contents) yang berisi informasi partisi harddisk pertama.

# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2 | fmthard –s - /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2

8. Langkah berikutnya adalah membuat metadb dari mirror yang akan kita buat. Metadb ini adalah file database yang
akan menampung semua data konfigurasi mirror yang dibuat. Sebaiknya metadb ini diletakkan pada slice yang belum
terpakai, dalam kasus ini metadb diletakkan pada slice 7.

# metadb –a –c 3 –f c0t0d0s7 c1t0d0s7

9. Tiap slice yang ada di dalam harddisk kita buat virtual devicenya dengan perintah metainit. 7/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
10.# metainit –f d11 1 1 c0t0d0s0

11.# metainit –f d12 1 1 c1t0d0s0

12.# metainit d10 –m d11

13.# metainit –f d21 1 1 c0t0d0s1

14.# metainit –f d22 1 1 c1t0d0s1

15.# metainit d20 –m d21

16.# metainit –f d31 1 1 c0t0d0s3

17.# metainit –f d32 1 1 c1t0d0s3

18.# metainit d30 –m d31

19.# metainit –f d41 1 1 c0t0d0s4

20.# metainit –f d42 1 1 c1t0d0s4

21.# metainit d40 –m d41

22.# metainit –f d51 1 1 c0t0d0s5

23.# metainit –f d52 1 1 c1t0d0s5

# metainit d50 –m d51

24. Setelah kita membuat virtual device untuk masing-masing slice, kita perlu memberitahu opera ng system bahwa root
sistem sekarang berupa virtual device bukan slice harddisk lagi.

# metaroot d10

25. Restart server

# shutdown -g0 -i6 -y

26. Tambahkan virtual device yang berasal dari harddisk keduake mirror yang bersesuaian.

27.# metattach d10 d12

28.# metattach d20 d22

29.# metattach d30 d32

30.# metattach d40 d42

# metattach d50 d52

31. Lihat status mirror yang terbentuk dengan perintah # metastat , seharusnya pada tahap ini kedua harddisk sudah
mulai melakukan proses sinkronisasi. Kalau anda melihat filevfstab setelah proses mirroring ini maka file ini sudah
berbeda dengan yang kita lihat pada awal proses ini.

32.# more /etc/vfstab

33./dev/md/dsk/d10 /dev/md/rdsk/d10 / ufs 1 no -

34./dev/md/dsk/d20 swap - - - -

35./dev/md/dsk/d30 /dev/md/rdsk/d30 /var ufs 1 no -

36./dev/md/dsk/d40 /dev/md/rdsk/d40 /opt ufs 2 yes -

/dev/md/dsk/d50 /dev/md/rdsk/d50 /export/home ufs 2 yes -

Sebaiknya harddisk yang akan dijadikan mirror berada pada kontroler yang berlainan dengan sistem disk. Pada contoh
di atas, harddisk pertama dan kedua berada pada kontroler yang berlainan.

Unmirroring RAID 1 di Solaris 10

Posted onAugust 24, 2008 [] bytedy
Tulisan ini saya buat untuk menjawab pertanyaan mas Taufik tentang bagaimana cara melepas mirror file system di
Solaris. Dulu saya pernah menulis tentang bagaimana membuat mirror file system di Solaris 10
[] . Proses mirroring yang sudah pernah saya tuliskan tersebut
menggunakan Solaris Volume Manager. Ok supaya lebih jelas saya tulis sekali lagi tentang apa itu mirrorfile system
(RAID 1). Singkat saja hanya untuk memberi gambaran umum.
Ketika kita menginstal Solaris ke dalam sebuah komputer/server, kita menginstal Solaris ke dalam harddisk yang 8/83
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selanjutnya kita sebut sebagai boot disk. Untuk meningkatkan redundansi/keamanan data, sebaiknya harddisk tersebut
kita buat copy-nya atau dengan kata lain mirror-nya. Solaris sebagai operating system tidak tahu bahwa harddisk yang
digunakan ada 2 (boot disk&mirror-nya). Solaris tetap akan menganggap bahwa sistemnya diletakkan pada sebuah
harddisk. Padahal yang sebenarnya terjadi setelah proses mirroring adalah Solaris sebenarnya melihat sebuah virtual
disk yang merupakan gabungan antara boot disk dan mirror-nya. Dengan kata lain hardisk pertama akan menjadi
submirror 1 dan harddisk kedua akan menjadi submirror 2. Baik submirror 1 dan submirror 2 menyimpan informasi yang
sama dan terus menerus melakukan sinkronisasi. Tiap kali booting, submirror 1 (harddisk pertama) yang akan bekerja.
Submirror 2akan bekerja bilamana submirror 2 mengalami masalah (baik secara logical maupun secara physical). Kita
pun bisa memaksa Solaris untuk melakukan booting dari submirror 2. Dengan adanya mirror, operating system dan data
akan tetap aman bilamana salah satu harddisk mengalami kerusakan.
Kok mau singkat tetap saja jadi panjang ya , saya coba ringkas lagi prinsip mirroring file system jadi seperti ini (mudah-
mudahan jauh lebih ringkas) :
1. Instal OS ke dalam harddisk A.
2. Jadikan harddisk A sebagai submirror 1.
3. Tambahkan harddisk B sebagai submirror 2.
4. Gabungkan submirror 1 dan submirror 2 sebagai sebuah virtual boot disk. Gabungan ini kita sebut sebagai mirror C.
5. Atur Solaris supaya mengenali mirror C tadi sebagai system disk. Alih-alih menulis data hanya ke dalam hardisk A
yang terjadi sekarang adalah setiap kali menulis data Solaris akan menulis ke dalam mirror C, data yang ditulis
akan tercantum baik di harddisk A maupun di harddisk B.
Sekarang pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana mengembalikan konfigurasi harddisk seperti awal sesaat setelah proses
instalasi (menghapus mirroring tadi). Misalkan kita ingin mengembalikan harddisk A sebagai satu-satunya file system
disk Solaris, caranya adalah sebagai berikut (saya akan menggunakan contoh mirror yang sudah ada di tulisan
sebelumnya [] ) :
1. Jalankan perintah metastat untuk memeriksa semua submirror dalam kondisi OK.
2. Untuk melepas masing-masing submirror, perintahnya adalah seperti berikut ini :
# metadetach d10 d12
# metadetach d20 d22
# metadetach d30 d32
# metadetach d40 d42
# metadetach d50 d52
3. Jalankan perintah metaroot lagi untuk mengembalikan konfigurasi direktori root, kali ini format perintah yang
digunakan adalah seperti berikut :
# metaroot -r /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0
4. Edit file /etc/vfstab supaya menggunakan konfigurasi awal (seperti awal setelah instalasi).
# more /etc/vfstab
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 / ufs 1 no -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 swap - - - -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s3 /var ufs 1 no -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s4 /opt ufs 2 yes -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s5 /export/home ufs 2 yes -
5. Reboot server dengan perintah berikut ini :
# shutdown -i6 -y -g0
6. Setelah reboot dan Solaris sudah up kembali, jalankan perintah berikut ini :
# metaclear -r d10
# metaclear -r d12
# metaclear -r d20
# metaclear -r d22
# metaclear -r d30
# metaclear -r d32
# metaclear -r d40
# metaclear -r d42
# metaclear -r d50
# metaclear -r d52
Jangan lupa sebaiknya Anda melakukan backup data terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan proses unmirroring ini. Untuk
jaga-jaga jangan-jangan tutorial yang saya tulis ini salah
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20 Responses to Unmirroring RAID 1 di Solaris 10

1. jesie [] says:
August 25, 2008 at 1:31 pm []
Tutorial yang mantaf!!! selama belum ada disclaimer lu g bertanggung jawab atas tutorial lu, mesin production
boleh di tes kan?
Reply []
2. tedy [] says:
August 25, 2008 at 1:35 pm []
@ jesie : yang penting kan dah di-backup Jes datanya
Reply [] 9/83
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3. taufik [] says:
August 25, 2008 at 1:50 pm []
Yoi om. mantafff
Reply []
4. tedy [] says:
August 25, 2008 at 5:45 pm []
@ taufik : sesuai permintaan Anda tuh Mas
Reply []
5. jesie [] says:
August 29, 2008 at 4:20 pm []
kemaren gw ngelakukan kesalahan pada proses seperti diatas karena masih tersisa disk submirror d0 & d10 (&
OS Solaris akhirnya masuk ke mode maintenance, ini yang gw lakukan:
1.Setelah masuk ke modus maintenance masuklah ke modus OBP, dengan command init 0 atau halt
2. Setelah ini di OK prompt ketikan OK boot cdrom -s (inget DVD/CD OS itu penting xixixixi)
3. Tunggu beberapa saat, setelah masuk ke mode single user, lakukan:
# fsck /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s2
Reply []
6. jesie [] says:
August 29, 2008 at 4:21 pm []
3. Tunggu beberapa saat, setelah masuk ke mode single user, lakukan:
# fsck /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s2
Reply []
7. jesie [] says:
August 29, 2008 at 4:22 pm []
# fsck /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s2
Reply []
8. jesie [] says:
August 29, 2008 at 4:24 pm []
kemaren gw ngelakukan kesalahan pada proses seperti diatas karena masih tersisa disk submirror d0 & d10 (&
OS Solaris akhirnya masuk ke mode maintenance, ini yang gw lakukan:
1.Setelah masuk ke modus maintenance masuklah ke modus OBP, dengan command init 0 atau halt
2. Setelah ini di OK prompt ketikan OK boot cdrom -s (inget DVD/CD OS itu penting xixixixi)
3. Tunggu beberapa saat, setelah masuk ke mode single user, lakukan:
# fsck /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s2
Reply []
9. jesie [] says:
August 29, 2008 at 4:25 pm []
haiyah…jadi nyampah…
Ted, apusin deh
Reply []
10. Pingback: Kalo Solaris Volume Manager error… « Jesie’s babbles [
11. untungsays:
August 31, 2008 at 9:39 pm []
ada lagi
cek juga make metaset, klo2 ntu server ternyata di cluster dengan server lain. dan make storage yg sama.
pengalaman berharga, on job training di pajak
Reply []
12. tedy [] says:
August 31, 2008 at 11:43 pm []
@ untung : thanks Tung infonya. Jadi apa detail command & output dari metaset yang harus diperhatikan?
Reply []
13. untung [] says:
September 3, 2008 at 4:56 pm []
detail command nya ya..tetep metaset
just make sure, jika yang mengakses disk/storage nya itu hanya satu server atau lebih dari satu server. jika dari
metaset gak ada output apa2. berarti gak diset cluster secara volume manager. tp klo ada berarti musti cek juga
ke server yg atu nya lagi.
Reply []
14. tedy [] says:
September 3, 2008 at 6:34 pm []
@ untung : ok thanks infonya Tung
Reply []
15. mpssays:
September 9, 2008 at 5:27 am []
sekalian di check metadb dan /etc/systemnya nya… kalo2 masih ada. dan kalo ga perlu di delete ajja biar gak
ngacoin kalo mo diskswap hdd tersebut. 10/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
Reply []
16. tedy [] says:
September 9, 2008 at 8:22 am []
@ mps : wah ada minijer kasih informasi juga nih thanks Pak tambahan informasinya
Reply []
17. milsumirahcubsays:
January 23, 2009 at 2:18 am []
itu kalo disknya dah rusak, juga kudu diganti aja *nyampah mode is on*
Reply []
18. husnasays:
May 4, 2009 at 8:29 am []
Gmn Ci kuq ga jls masa ga ad prosedur mlakukan mnegement file pada OS linux,solaris,free bsd.WAA
Reply []
19. tedy [] says:
May 4, 2009 at 9:15 am []
@ husna : what the hell are you talking about????
Reply []
20. shandysays:
June 24, 2009 at 12:20 pm []
Pak, klo replace failed disk di RAID 5 gmna ya..
saya sudah bikin se procedure nya tp lum yakin,
procedure saya adalah:
#cfgadm -al
#cfgadm -c unconfigure c:…
replace old disk dgn new disk
#cfgadm -c configure c:…
#metareplace -e volume_raid5 component
Pertanyaan saya..apakah kita harus samakan partisi nya dlu sebelum run metareplace ataukah partisi nya akan
dilalukan oleh OS pada saat resync?

Check Physical Network Cable Status

If we have remote server/computer with several network interfaces, sometime we will face network connection problem
on certain interface. To check physical network cable status on Solaris we can use the following command :
1# ndd -get /dev/fjgi link_status
Result 1 means cable connected, and if result 0 means cable disconnected.
By default it will read fjgi0 first, to check another fjgi interface we define the instance first then repeat the command
1# ndd –set /dev/fjgi instance 2
2# ndd -get /dev/fjgi link_status
If the machines using ce interfaces (Sun GigaSwift Ethernet 1.0 driver), we can’t use ndd command. But we have another
option by using kstat command :
root@drc-scp14# kstat -p ce | grep link_up
ce:0:ce0:link_up 1
ce:1:ce1:link_up 1
ce:2:ce2:link_up 0
ce:3:ce3:link_up 0
ce:4:ce4:link_up 0
ce:5:ce5:link_up 1
root@drc-scp14# ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=1000849<up ,loopback,running,multicast,ipv4=""> mtu 8232 index 1
inet netmask ff000000
ce0: flags=9040843</up><up ,broadcast,running,multicast,deprecated,ipv4,nofailover=""> mtu
1500 index 2
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
groupname scp-front
ether 0:14:4f:96:8c:96
ce0:1: flags=1000843</up><up ,broadcast,running,multicast,ipv4=""> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ce1: flags=9040843</up><up ,broadcast,running,multicast,deprecated,ipv4,nofailover=""> mtu
1500 index 3
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
groupname scp-front
ether 0:14:4f:68:6b:30
ce5: flags=1000843</up><up ,broadcast,running,multicast,ipv4=""> mtu 1500 index 5
inet netmask fffffff0 broadcast
ether 0:14:4f:96:8c:97 11/83
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ce2: flags=1000803</up><up ,broadcast,multicast,ipv4=""> mtu 1500 index 10
inet netmask fffffff0 broadcast
ether 0:14:4f:68:6b:31

On Linux system we do it like this :

1[root@pwsupport-ftpserver tedy]# mii-tool
2eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok
3eth1: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok
4[root@pwsupport-ftpserver tedy]#
Using mii-tool we can check spesific interface like this :
1[root@pwsupport-ftpserver tedy]# mii-tool eth0
2eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok
3[root@pwsupport-ftpserver tedy]#
If there is no cable plugged-in then the result would be like this :
1ttirtawi@tedy-laptop:~$ sudomii-tool eth0
2eth0: no link

Configure Boot Device On SUN Server With Solaris OS

On the Sun server with Solaris OS inside, boot device defined on the nvramrc which stored in the server’s nvram. We
can see boot device setting using eeprom command like this :
1bash-2.03# eeprom | grep boot-device
2boot-device=disk net
At the example above, the server using disk (as 1st boot priority) and network boot as second priority. The “disk” itself is
an alias for physical disk c1t0d0 (behave as default boot device). To create an alias for the physical disk we use the
nvalias command. To set the boot device we can do it by setenv command on OBP environment.
1OK nvalias disk /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2/disk@0,0
2OK setenv boot-device disk
We can also set the boot device parameter from operating system environment (modified contents of nvram from OS
environment), to do that we can do by some command explained below.
First we need to set parameter use-nvramrc as TRUE. This will let us configured boot device from the operating system :
1bash-2.03# eeprom "use-nvramrc?=true"
2bash-2.03# eeprom | grep nvram
4nvramrc=devalias disk0 /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2/sd@0,0 devalias disk1 /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2/sd@1,0
5bash-2.03# eeprom | grep boot-device
6boot-device=disk net
Next, we want to know which physical disks available :
1 bash-2.03# format
2 Searching fordisks...done
5 0. c1t0d0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848>
6 /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2/sd@0,0
7 1. c1t1d0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848>
8 /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2/sd@1,0
9 Specify disk (enter its number): ^D
10 bash-2.03#
In the above example we have 2 disks and both of them mirrored. As mirror disks both disk can act as boot device. So to
set the both disks as boot device we use the following command :
1 bash-2.03# eeprom "nvramrc=devalias disk0 /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2/disk@0,0 devalias disk1
2 /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2/disk@1,0"
3 bash-2.03#
4 bash-2.03# eeprom | grep alias
5 nvramrc=devalias disk0 /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2/disk@0,0 devalias disk1 /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2/disk@1,0
6 bash-2.03#
7 bash-2.03# eeprom | grep boot-device
8 boot-device=disk net
9 bash-2.03#
1 bash-2.03# eeprom "nvramrc=devunalias disk"
0 bash-2.03# eeprom | grep boot-device
1 boot-device=disk net
1 bash-2.03# eeprom boot-device="disk0 disk1" 12/83
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1 bash-2.03# eeprom | grep boot-device
2 boot-device=disk0 disk1
After this step, server can boot up neither using disk1 or disk2. This configuration is mandatory to be done after we
configured mirroring of the boot disk. Because with the mirrored root disk, sometime it might be needed to boot using 2nd
disk when 1st disk degraded.


Ini sebagai contoh saja
# format
Searching for disks...done
0. c0t0d0 <ST38410A cyl 16706 alt 2 hd 16 sec 63>
1. c1t3d0 <SUN9.0G cyl 4924 alt 2 hd 27 sec 133>
Specify disk (enter its number):^D
# touch /reconfigure àuntuk mendeteksi hardisk baru
# init 5-> restart
Table penamaan standarisasi partisi
Table 3-2 describes the terminology for disk partitioning.
Table 3-2 Partition Table Terms and Usage
Term Description
Part The slice number. Valid slice numbers are 0 through 7.
The Tag
field is
and not
A value that indicates how the slice is being used.
0 = unassigned
1 = boot
2 = root
3 = swap
4 = usr
5 = backup
6 = stand
8 = home
Veritas Volume Manager array tags:
14 = public (region)
15 = private (region)
The Flag
field is
and not
00 wm = The disk slice is writable and mountable.
01 wu = The disk slice is writable and unmountable. This is the default state
of slices dedicated for swap areas.
10 rm = The disk slice is read-only and mountable.
11 ru = The disk slice is read-only and unmountable.
Cylinders The starting and ending cylinder number for the disk slice.
Size The slice size: Mbytes (MB), Gbytes (GB), blocks (b), or cylinders (c).
Blocks The total number of cylinders and the total number of sectors per slice.
Oke sekarang kita mulai

# format
Searching for disks...done
0. c0t0d0 <ST38410A cyl 16706 alt 2 hd 16 sec 63>
1. c1t3d0 <SUN9.0G cyl 4924 alt 2 hd 27 sec 133>
Specify disk (enter its number): àpilih disk yang 0 atau 1 13/83
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Specify disk (enter its number): 1
selecting c1t3d0
[disk formatted]
disk - select a disk
type - select (define) a disk type
partition - select (define) a partition table
current - describe the current disk
format - format and analyze the disk
repair - repair a defective sector
label - write label to the disk
analyze - surface analysis
defect - defect list management
backup - search for backup labels
verify - read and display labels
save - save new disk/partition definitions
inquiry - show vendor, product and revision
scsi - independent SCSI mode selects
cache - enable, disable or query SCSI disk cache
volname - set 8-character volume name
!<cmd> - execute <cmd>, then return
Quit --à>>>>>>> ini adalah commandnya
Untuk yang versi x86 gunakan perintah fdisk
Kita pilih format
format> partition
0 - change ‘0’ partition
1 - change ‘1’ partition
2 - change ‘2’ partition
3 - change ‘3’ partition
4 - change ‘4’ partition
5 - change ‘5’ partition
6 - change ‘6’ partition
7 - change ‘7’ partition
select - select a predefined table
modify - modify a predefined partition table
name - name the current table
print - display the current table
label - write partition map and label to the disk
!<cmd> - execute <cmd>, then return

partition> print ---à> untuk melihat hasil konfigurasi

partition> print
Current partition table (original):
Total disk cylinders available: 4924 + 2 (reserved cylinders)
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
0 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
1 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
2 backup ru 0 - 4923 8.43GB (4924/0/0) 17682084
3 unassigned wu 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
6 unassigned wu 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

Kita mw buat partisi apa aja tinggal di pilih

Disini kita akan buat partisi 0,1 dan 7
partition> 0
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
0 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

Enter partition id tag[unassigned]: ?--à>ketik ? untuk melihat id tag nya

Expecting one of the following: (abbreviations ok):
unassigned boot root swap
usr backup stand var
home alternates reserved

Enter partition id tag[unassigned]: home-à>kita pilih home

Enter partition permission flags[wm]: ?-à>>ketik tanda ? untuk melihat flags nya
Expecting one of the following: (abbreviations ok): 14/83
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wm - read-write, mountable
wu - read-write, unmountable
rm - read-only, mountable
ru - read-only, unmountable

Enter partition permission flags[wm]: wm

Enter new starting cyl[1]:-à>>>ketik 1 sampai 200
Enter partition size[0b, 0c, 1e, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]: 400mbà saya isi 400 mb “bebas bias di isi brapa aja”

partition> print ---àuntuk melihat hasilnya

Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk cylinders available: 3836 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks

0 home wm 1 - 200 400.00MB (200/0/0) 819200 ----à>ini hasilnya size 400 mb
1 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
2 backup wu 0 - 3835 7.49GB (3836/0/0) 15712256
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
6 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
8 boot wu 0- 0 2.00MB (1/0/0) 4096
9 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

Kita buat lagi partition 1

partition> 1
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
1 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
Enter partition id tag[unassigned]: ?
Expecting one of the following: (abbreviations ok):
unassigned boot root swap
usr backup stand var
home alternates reserved

Enter partition id tag[unassigned]: swap

Enter partition permission flags[wm]: wm
Enter new starting cyl[1]:201--à>karena yang partiti 0 itu sampai dengan 200
Enter partition size[0b, 0c, 1e, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]: 200mb
partition> print
Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk cylinders available: 3836 + 2 (reserved cylinders)
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
0 home wm 1 - 200 400.00MB (200/0/0) 819200
1 swap wm 201 - 300 200.00MB (100/0/0) 409600
2 backup wu 0 - 3835 7.49GB (3836/0/0) 15712256
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
6 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
8 boot wu 0- 0 2.00MB (1/0/0) 4096
9 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

Kita buat partisi 7

partition> 7
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

Enter partition id tag[unassigned]: ?

Expecting one of the following: (abbreviations ok):
unassigned boot root swap
usr backup stand var
home alternates reserved

Enter partition id tag[unassigned]: alternates

Enter partition permission flags[wm]: wm
Enter new starting cyl[1]: 301
Enter partition size[0b, 0c, 301e, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]: 400mb
partition> print--à untuk melihat hasilnya
Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk cylinders available: 3836 + 2 (reserved cylinders) 15/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks

0 home wm 1 - 200 400.00MB (200/0/0) 819200
1 swap wm 201 - 300 200.00MB (100/0/0) 409600
2 backup wu 0 - 3835 7.49GB (3836/0/0) 15712256
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
6 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
7 alternates wm 301 - 500 400.00MB (200/0/0) 819200
8 boot wu 0- 0 2.00MB (1/0/0) 4096
9 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

partition> label--à>untuk save hasil konfigurasi yang telah kita buat

Ready to label disk, continue? Y

partition> print
Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk cylinders available: 3836 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks

0 home wm 1 - 200 400.00MB (200/0/0) 819200
1 swap wm 201 - 300 200.00MB (100/0/0) 409600
2 backup wu 0 - 3835 7.49GB (3836/0/0) 15712256
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
6 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
7 alternates wm 301 - 500 400.00MB (200/0/0) 819200
8 boot wu 0- 0 2.00MB (1/0/0) 4096
9 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

Sebelum di mounting hardisk baru
bash-3.00# df -k
Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
rpool/ROOT/s10_0910 65544192 3757343 60179876 6% /
/devices 0 0 0 0% /devices
ctfs 0 0 0 0% /system/contract
proc 0 0 0 0% /proc
mnttab 0 0 0 0% /etc/mnttab
swap 1012312 352 1011960 1% /etc/svc/volatile
objfs 0 0 0 0% /system/object
sharefs 0 0 0 0% /etc/dfs/sharetab
63937220 3757343 60179876 6% /lib/
fd 0 0 0 0% /dev/fd
swap 1012040 80 1011960 1% /tmp
swap 1011988 28 1011960 1% /var/run
rpool/export 65544192 23 60179876 1% /export
rpool/export/home 65544192 21 60179876 1% /export/home
rpool 65544192 32 60179876 1% /rpool

lalu gunakan perintah

buat folder baru
caranya :
#mkdir /rahman--àuntuk buat folder baru dan terserah namanya
#newfs /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0
ànewfs ==perintah parsisi di kenal
à/dev ==partisinya ada di folder dev
à/rdsk ==rawdisk
àc1t1d0s0 ==partisi 0
Tampilannya sperti ini
bash-3.00# newfs /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0
newfs: construct a new file system /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0: (y/n)? y
/dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0: 819200 sectors in 200 cylinders of 128 tracks, 32 sectors
400.0MB in 13 cyl groups (16 c/g, 32.00MB/g, 15360 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -F ufs -o b=#) at:
32, 65600, 131168, 196736, 262304, 327872, 393440, 459008, 524576, 590144,
655712, 721280, 786848 16/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
Lalu ketikan
#mount /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s0 /rahman-----àmounting partisi 0 di directory rahman

Untuk mounting partisi 1 dan 7 caranya sama seperti diatas

Yang perlu di rubah hanya folder mounting nya
Klo di partisi 0
mkdir /rahman
klo di partisi 1
buat lagi foldernya jangan sampai sama
sebagai contoh
mkdir /rahman2
untuk yang selanjutnya sama seperti diatas

Oprek solaris

Ngoprek Sun Solaris dan OpenSolaris

Iseng-iseng utak-atik Solaris
Blog []
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Membuat Bootable OpenSolaris CD [


Terkirim Januari 22, 2008

Filed under: Artikel [] |
Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar []
Artikel berikut menyajikan secara sederhana cara membuat bootable OpenSolaris CD. Bootable CD ini bukan sebuah
live CD atau distro lengkap berbasis OpenSolaris. Bootable CD ini akan menjalankan program instalasi Solaris Express.
Bootable CD ini diharapkan bisa menjadi prototype live CD atau distro lengkap berbasis OpenSolaris.

Membuat ISO Image

Persiapkan DVD Solaris Express dan masukan ke dalam DVD drive. Gunakan setup_install_server script untuk
menyalin boot image, kernel dan file-file pendukung lainnya.

# cd /media/SOL_11_X86/Solaris_11/Tools

# mkdir /export/bootstrap

# ./setup_install_server -b /export/bootstrap

Verifying target directory...

Calculating space required for the installation boot image

Copying Solaris_11 Tools hierarchy...

Copying Install Boot Image hierarchy...

Copying /boot x86 netboot hierarchy...

Install Server setup complete

Kita telah memiliki filesystem image lengkap untuk sebuah prototype OpenSolaris CD installer. Paket-paket software
SUNWcsr dan SUNWcsu yang telah dibuat sebelum akan ditambahkan.

# cd /export/bootstrap

# ls -aF

./ .install_config/ Solaris_11/

../ .slicemapfile boot/

# cd Solaris_11

# mkdir Docs ExtraValue Misc Patches Product # Agar mirip dengan layout DVD Solaris distribusi 17/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
# cd Product

# mkdir SUNWcsr SUNWcsu

Menyalin SUNWcsr dan SUNWcsu paket dari direktori /var/spool/pkg

# cd /var/spool/pkg/SUNWcsr

# find . -depth -print | cpio -pvdm /export/bootstrap/Solaris_11/Product/SUNWcsr

# cd /var/spool/pkg/SUNWcsu

# find . -depth -print | cpio -pvdm /export/bootstrap/Solaris_11/Product/SUNWcsu

Total ukuran image secara keseluruhan adalah,

# cd /export

# du -sk bootstrap

224194 bootstrap

Asumsikan image telah siap, berikutnya adalah membuat bootable ISO image. Bootable ISO imagenya bernama

# cd /

# mkdir /aux0/isoimages

# mkisofs -o /aux0/isoimages/Solaris11.iso -b boot/grub/stage2_eltorito \

-c .catalog -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \

-boot-info-table -relaxed-filenames -N -L -l -r -J \

-d -D -V Solaris_11 /export/bootstrap

mkisofs: The option '-L' is reserved by POSIX.1-2001.

mkisofs: The option '-L' means 'follow all symbolic links'.

mkisofs: Mkisofs-2.02 will introduce POSIX semantics for '-L'.

mkisofs: Use -allow-leading-dots in future to get old mkisofs behavior.

Warning: creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660.


4.40% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:05 2007

8.80% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:05 2007

13.20% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:05 2007

17.60% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:05 2007

21.99% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:05 2007

26.40% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:05 2007

30.79% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:05 2007

35.20% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:05 2007

39.59% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:05 2007

43.99% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:05 2007

48.40% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:07 2007

52.79% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:05 2007

57.19% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:07 2007

61.59% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:07 2007

65.98% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:07 2007 18/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
70.39% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:07 2007

74.78% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:08 2007

79.19% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:06 2007

83.58% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:08 2007

87.98% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:06 2007

92.38% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:06 2007

96.78% done, estimate finish Tue May 29 15:07:06 2007

Total translation table size: 2048

Total rockridge attributes bytes: 216195

Total directory bytes: 2052096

Path table size(bytes): 13206

Max brk space used 1f8000

113672 extents written (222 MB)

Mengetes ISO Image Files

# /usr/sbin/lofiadm -a /aux0/isoimages/Solaris11.iso


# mount -F hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt

# cd /mnt

# ls -aF

./ ../ .catalog .install_config/ .slicemapfile Solaris_11/ boot/

Bootable ISO image telah siap. Untuk membakar imagenya bisa dengan Nero di Microsoft Windows atau cdrecord

Referensi Lain:

Membuat Distribusi Paket Solaris [


Terkirim Januari 22, 2008

Filed under: Artikel [] |
Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar []
Paket (Package) adalah sebuah standard distribusi software di Solaris. Paket terdiri dari: cpio file yang
terkompresi, pre/post install script, package info (pkginfo) file dan package map (pkgmap). Berikut adalah contoh
direktori paket:

$ cd /media/SOL_11_X86/Solaris_11/Product/SUNWcsr

$ ls -l

total 80

dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 2048 Jan 13 07:12 archive

dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 8192 Jan 13 07:12 install

-r--r--r-- 1 root root 903 Jan 6 02:19 pkginfo

-r--r--r-- 1 root root 27458 Jan 6 02:19 pkgmap

dr-xr-xr-x 6 root root 2048 Jan 13 07:12 reloc 19/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
Paket akan dibuat dari konsolidasi terkompilasi ON (Operating System and Networking), yang dikenal dengan BFU.
Tutorial ini tidak menyuguhkan detail proses mengkompilasi OpenSolaris dari kode sumbernya. Distribusi yang dibuat
dari BFU bukan merupakan sebuah distribusi lengkap sebuah system operasi tapi bisa digunakan untuk mengupgrade
kernel dan core Solaris software yang telah terinstall.

1. Mempersiapkan ON Image
Direktori kerja yang dipakai dalam contoh berikut adalah /aux0/on-bfu-intel untuk menyimpan archive, image dan struktur
direktori paket dari distribusi ON BFU. ON BFU archive adalah tar archive yang terdiri dari 2 file yaitu:
1. on-bfu-20070423.i386.tar.bz2
2. on-closed-bins-20070423.i386.tar.bz2
Pindah ke direktori kerja untuk memulai mengekstrak file-filenya,

$ cd /aux0/on-bfu-intel

$ ls

on-bfu-20070423.i386.tar.bz2 on-closed-bins-20070423.i386.tar.bz2

$ bzcat on-bfu-20070423.i386.tar.bz2 | tar xf -

$ bzcat on-closed-bins-20070423.i386.tar.bz2 | tar xf -

$ cd archives-20070423/i386

$ ls

conflict_resolution.gz generic.lib generic.sbin i86pc.boot i86pc.usr

generic.kernel generic.root generic.usr i86pc.root

Ekstrak archive file-filenya,

$ cpio -ivcd < generic.kernel

$ cpio -icd < generic.lib

$ cpio -icd < generic.root

$ cpio -icd < generic.sbin

$ cpio -icd < generic.usr

$ cpio -icd < i86pc.boot

$ cpio -icd < i86pc.root

$ cpio -icd < i86pc.usr

Abaikan dulu file conflict_resolution.gz dan hapus archive file-filenya,

$ rm conflict_resolution.gz

$ rm generic.* i86pc.* conflict_resolution.cpio

$ ls -F

bin@ devices/ home/ mnt/ proc/ tmp/

boot/ etc/ kernel/ opt/ sbin/ usr/

dev/ export/ lib/ platform/ system/ var/

Total ukuran image,

$ du -sk .

307252 .

Berikutnya uppdate ON image dengan menambahkan file-file biner dari closed archive,

$ cd /aux0/on-bfu-intel/closed/root_i386

$ find . -depth -print | cpio -pvdm /aux0/on-bfu-intel/archives-20070423/i386

Abaikan beberapa pesan kesalahan yang muncul ketika cpio mencoba mengupdate image. Pesan yang muncul:

cpio: Existing "/aux0/on-bfu-intel/archives-20070423/i386/kernel/drv/pcser" same age or newer 20/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
Seharusnya ukuran image akan lebih besar,

$ cd /aux0/on-bfu-intel/archives-20070423/i386

$ du -sk .

312529 .

2. Membuat Package
ON image akan dibuat dalam 2 paket software:
1. SUNWcsu yang berisi semua file di dalam /usr directory
2. SUNWcsr yang berisi semua file dalam / kecuali /usr directory dan /opt/SUNWdtrt
Ini diambil dari asumsi sederhana bahwa konsolidari ON merupakan core software Solaris yang terdiri dari 2 filesystem
yaitu: / dan /usr. Paket SUNWcsu dan SUNWcsr yang akan kita buat tidak menggambarkan paket sebenarnya yang
terdapat dalam DVD distribusi Solaris.

2.a. Membuat Paket SUNWcsu

Persiapkan direktory paket untuk SUNWcsu,

$ mkdir /aux0/on-bfu-intel/package/SUNWcsu/usr

Berikutnya menyalin usr image ke direktori SUNWcsu,

$ cd /aux0/on-bfu-intel/archives-20070423/i386/usr

$ find . -depth -print | cpio -pvdm /aux0/on-bfu-intel/package/SUNWcsu/usr

Membuat prototype file,

$ cd /aux0/on-bfu-intel/package/SUNWcsu/usr

$ pkgproto . > prototype

Edit prototype file untuk menyesuaikan ownership dan permission

$ vi prototype

f none usr/bin/getent 0555 root bin

f none usr/bin/fsstat 0555 root bin

f none usr/bin/dumpcs 0555 root bin

f none usr/bin/sortbib 0555 root bin

f none usr/bin/uucp 4511 root bin

Persiapkan file-file berikut: pkginfo, copyright dan pre/post install script. Dalam contoh ini kita hanya menyalin file-file
yang diperlukan dari DVD distribusi Solaris Express.

$ cd /media/SOL_11_X86/Solaris_11/Product/SUNWcsu

$ cp pkginfo /aux0/on-bfu-intel/package/SUNWcsu

$ cd /media/SOL_11_X86/Solaris_11/Product/SUNWcsu/install

$ cp copyright i.none postinstall /aux0/on-bfu-intel/package/SUNWcsu

Akhirnya kita dapatkan struktur direktori yang diperlukan untuk membuat paket SUNWcsu,

$ cd /aux0/on-bfu-intel/package/SUNWcsu

$ ls -F

copyright pkginfo prototype i.none postinstall usr/

Edit prototype file untuk memasukan copyright, pkginfo, dan pre/post install script, tambahkan 5 baris berikut di awal file:

$ vi prototype

# Packaging files 21/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

i pkginfo

i copyright

i postinstall

i i.none

Saatnya untuk membuat SUNWcsu paket sesuai dengan ketentuan yang dibuat dalam prototype file,

$ pkgmk -f ./prototype -r .






Setelah beberapa saat paket SUNWcsu selesai dibuat. Paket tersebut dapat ditemukan di:

# pwd


# ls -l

total 1814

drwxr-xr-x 2 onuser staff 512 May 13 10:53 install

-rw-r--r-- 1 onuser staff 511 May 13 10:53 pkginfo

-rw-r--r-- 1 onuser staff 917032 May 13 10:53 pkgmap

drwxr-xr-x 3 onuser staff 512 May 13 10:53 reloc

Lakukan penyesuain ownership file-file paketnya:

# chown root:other install pkginfo pkgmap reloc

# cd install

# chown root *

# ls -l

total 20

-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 93 May 13 09:11 copyright

-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 7332 May 13 09:11 i.none

-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 220 May 13 09:11 postinstall

# chgrp other i.none

# ls -l

total 20

-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 93 May 13 09:11 copyright

-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 7332 May 13 09:11 i.none

-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 220 May 13 09:11 postinstall

# cd ../reloc

# chown -R root:other usr 22/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
# cd ..

Persiapkan direktori archive untuk menampung cpio archive dari paket ini,

# mkdir archive

# chgrp -R other archive

Buat cpio archive dari file-file yang berada di reloc dan diberi name none,

# cd reloc

# find . -depth -print | cpio -ov -C 512 -O ../archive/none

# bzip2 ../archive/none

# cd ../archive

# ls -l

total 116180

drwxr-xr-x 2 root other 512 May 13 11:13 ./

drwxr-xr-x 5 onuser staff 512 May 13 11:08 ../

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 57M May 13 11:11 none.bz2*

# chmod 644 none.bz2

# chgrp other none.bz2

# ls -l

total 116180

drwxr-xr-x 2 root other 512 May 13 11:13 ./

drwxr-xr-x 5 onuser staff 512 May 13 11:08 ../

-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 57M May 13 11:11 none.bz2

Hapus file-file yang ada di direktori reloc tapi biarkan struktur direktori tetap ada,

# cd ../reloc

# find . -depth -print > removed_files

# rm `cat removed_files`

# rm removed_files

2.b. Membuat Paket SUNWcsr

Berikut disajikan secara singkat langkah-langkah membuat paket SUNWcsr dari ON Image yang sama.

$ cd /aux0/on-bfu-intel/archives-20070423/i386

$ mkdir /aux0/on-bfu-intel/package/SUNWcsr

$ find . -depth -print | cpio -pvdm /aux0/on-bfu-intel/package/SUNWcsr

Hapus direktori-direktori yang tidak diperlukan di dalam direktori paket,

$ cd /aux0/on-bfu-intel/package/SUNWcsr

$ m -r usr opt/SUNWdtrt

Membuat prototype file,

$ cd /aux0/on-bfu-intel/package/SUNWcsr

$ pkgproto . > prototype

$ vi prototype # Change ownership and permission

Menyalin copyright, installation script dari DVD Distribusi Solaris Express,

$ cd /media/SOL_11_X86/Solaris_11/Product/SUNWcsr/install

$ cp * /aux0/on-bfu-intel/package/SUNWcsr 23/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
$ cd /aux0/on-bfu-intel/package/SUNWcsr

Akhirnya kita dapatkan struktur direktori lengkap untuk paket SUNWcsr

$ ls -F

bin@ i.etcrpc i.pamconf kernel/

boot/ i.fstypes i.passwd lib/

checkinstall i.pkcs11confbase mnt/

copyright i.hosts i.policyconf opt/

dev/ i.inetdconf i.preserve pkginfo

devices/ i.initd i.rbac platform/

etc/ i.inittab i.renamenew postinstall

export/ i.locallogin i.renameold preinstall

home/ i.localprofile i.rmmconf preremove

i.cronroot i.logadmconf proc/

i.definit i.logindevperm i.shadow prototype

i.deflogin i.mailxrc i.syslogconf r.manifest

i.defpasswd i.manifest i.tiservices r.rbac

i.defsu i.netconfig i.ttydefs sbin/

i.dhcpinittab i.none i.ttysrch system/

i.etcprofile i.nscd i.vfstab tmp/

i.etcremote i.nsswitch i.voldconf var/

Lakukan penyesuaian permission untuk installation scripts,

$ chmod 644 i.*

$ chmod 644 r.*

$ chmod 644 checkinstall postinstall preinstall preremove copyright

Edit prototype file untuk memasukan copyright, pkginfo, dan installation scripts yang diperlukan,

$ vi prototype

# packaging files

i pkginfo

i copyright

i checkinstall

i postinstall

i preinstall

i preremove

i i.inittab

i i.preserve

i i.renamenew

i i.tiservices

i i.inetdconf

i i.definit

i i.cronroot 24/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
i i.passwd

i i.shadow

i i.etcremote

i i.nsswitch

i i.nscd

i i.netconfig

i i.none

i i.deflogin

i i.defsu

i i.syslogconf

i i.ttysrch


i i.etcrpc

i i.etcprofile

i i.mailxrc

i i.voldconf

i i.rmmconf

i i.initd

i i.locallogin

i i.localprofile

i i.logadmconf

i i.fstypes

i i.pamconf


i i.rbac

i r.rbac

i i.renameold

i i.dhcpinittab

i i.policyconf

i i.pkcs11confbase

i i.defpasswd

i i.vfstab

i i.manifest

i r.manifest

i i.ttydefs

f none prototype 0644 root root

d none kernel 0755 root sys


Saatnya untuk membuat SUNWcsr paket sesuai dengan ketentuan yang dibuat dalam prototype file,

$ pkgmk -f prototype -r . 25/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
## Building pkgmap from package prototype file.




## Validating control scripts.

## Packaging complete.

Setelah beberapa saat paket SUNWcsu selesai dibuat. Paket tersebut dapat ditemukan di:

# cd /var/spool/pkg/SUNWcsr

# ls -l

total 326

drwxr-xr-x 2 onuser staff 1024 May 13 15:46 install

-rw-r--r-- 1 onuser staff 813 May 13 15:45 pkginfo

-rw-r--r-- 1 onuser staff 155170 May 13 15:45 pkgmap

drwxr-xr-x 9 onuser staff 512 May 13 15:46 reloc

Lakukan penyesuain ownership file-file paketnya:

# chown -R root:other *

# ls -al

total 330

drwxr-xr-x 4 onuser staff 512 May 13 15:45 .

drwxrwxrwt 10 root bin 512 May 13 15:45 ..

drwxr-xr-x 2 root other 1024 May 13 15:46 install

-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 813 May 13 15:45 pkginfo

-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 155170 May 13 15:45 pkgmap

drwxr-xr-x 9 root other 512 May 13 15:46 reloc

# cd ..

# chown -R root:other SUNWcsr

# ls -al

total 330

drwxr-xr-x 4 root other 512 May 13 15:45 .

drwxrwxrwt 10 root bin 512 May 13 15:45 ..

drwxr-xr-x 2 root other 1024 May 13 15:46 install

-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 813 May 13 15:45 pkginfo

-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 155170 May 13 15:45 pkgmap

drwxr-xr-x 9 root other 512 May 13 15:46 reloc

Memeriksa keutuhan struktur paket,

# pkgchk -d . SUNWcsr

Checking uninstalled directory format package from

## Checking control scripts.

## Checking package objects. 26/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
## Checking is complete.

Persiapkan direktori archive untuk menampung cpio archive dari paket ini,

# cd /var/spool/pkg/SUNWcsr

# mkdir archive

# ls -l

total 328

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 512 May 13 15:58 archive

drwxr-xr-x 2 root other 1024 May 13 15:46 install

-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 813 May 13 15:45 pkginfo

-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 155170 May 13 15:45 pkgmap

drwxr-xr-x 9 root other 512 May 13 15:46 reloc

# chown -R root:other archive

Buat cpio archive dari file-file yang berada di reloc dan diberi name none,

# cd reloc

# find . -depth -print | cpio -ov -C 512 -O ../archive/none

# cd /var/spool/pkg/SUNWcsr/archive

# bzip2 none

# ls -l

total 77700

drwxr-xr-x 2 root other 512 May 13 16:04 ./

drwxr-xr-x 5 root other 512 May 13 15:58 ../

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 38M May 13 16:02 none.bz2*

# chown root:other none.bz2

# chmod 644 none.bz2

# ls

total 77700

drwxr-xr-x 2 root other 512 May 13 16:04 ./

drwxr-xr-x 5 root other 512 May 13 15:58 ../

-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 38M May 13 16:02 none.bz2

Hapus file-file yang ada di direktori reloc tapi biarkan struktur direktori tetap ada,

# cd /var/spool/pkg/SUNWcsr/reloc

# find . -depth -print > removed_files

# rm `cat removed_files`

3. Menginstall Paket SUNWcsr dan SUNWcsu

Sekarang saatnya untuk mengetest apakah paket yang telah dibuat dapat terinstall seperti yang diharapkan.Agar
instalasi berjalan tidak interaktif digunakan admin file yang telah dimodifikasi sebagai berikut,

# cd /var/spool/pkg

# cp -p /var/sadm/install/default .

# vi default 27/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

















Paket-paket ini akan diinstall di /aux0/rootdir,

# mkdir /aux0/rootdir

# pkgadd -a ./default -d . -R /aux0/rootdir SUNWcsr

Processing package instance from

Core Solaris, (Root)(i386) 11.11,REV=2007.

Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Use is subject to license terms.

## Executing checkinstall script.

Using as the package base directory.

## Processing package information.

## Processing system information.

Installing Core Solaris, (Root) as

## Executing preinstall script.

## Installing part 1 of 1.





# pkgadd -a ./default -d . -R /aux0/rootdir SUNWcsu 28/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

Processing package instance from

Core Solaris, (Usr)(sparc) 11.10.0,REV=2005.

Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Use is subject to license terms.

This appears to be an attempt to install the same architecture and

version of a package which is already installed. This installation

will attempt to overwrite this package.

Using as the package base directory.

## Processing package information.

## Processing system information.

12676 package pathnames are already properly installed.

Installing Core Solaris, (Usr) as

## Installing part 1 of 1.

## Executing postinstall script.

Installation of was successful.

Referensi Lain:
kaging.pdf []

Mengkompilasi dan Membuat Konsolidasi ON Build 65


Terkirim Januari 22, 2008

Filed under: Artikel [] |
Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar [
Sistem yang akan digunakan untuk mengkompilasi ON adalah sebuah Notebook Intel Core Duo 1.73 GHz, 512 RAM
yang terinstall Solaris Express Developer Edition 2/07 dan Sun Studio 11. Direktori kerja yang digunakan adalah /aux0
sebesar 29 GB.

Mendownload Kode Sumber ON dan Tool

Dalam artikel ini digunakan ON build 65, file-file yang diperlukan adalah:
1. on-src-b65.tar.bz2
2. SUNWonbld-b65.i386.tar.bz2
3. on-closed-bins-b65.i386.tar.bz2
File-file yang diperlukan telah didownload dan tersimpan di direktori /export/download.

# cd /export/download

# ls

SUNWonbld-b65.i386.tar.bz2 on-src-b65.tar.bz2


Menginstall ON Development Tool 29/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
Instalasi ON Developement Tool dilakukan oleh root,

# bzcat SUNWonbld-b65.i386.tar.bz2 | tar xf -

# cd onbld

# pkgadd -d . SUNWonbld

Processing package instance from

## Installing package in global zone


Installing OS-Net Build Tools as

## Installing part 1 of 1.






Membuat User Account dan Direktori Kerjanya

Buatlah sebuah user account yang akan melakukan proses kompilasi ON dari kode sumbernya. User account ini
UID=144780 dan GID=10 (staff), ini sesuai dengan UID/GID dari pemilik file-file yang terdapat dalam file kode sumber
ON (on-src-b65.tar.bz2 archive).

# useradd -u 144780 -g staff -d /export/home/onuser -m -s /bin/ksh onuser

Buat direktori kerja untuk onuser

# mkdir /aux0/testws1

# chown -R onuser:staff /aux0/testws1

Mengekstrak file kode sumber, closed binary dan Mengkompilasinya

Proses ekstraksi dan kompilasi dilakukan oleh onuser.

# su - onuser

$ cd /aux0/testws1

$ bzcat on-src-b65.tar.bz2 | tar xf -

$ bzcat on-closed-bins-b65.i386.tar.bz2 | tar xf -

$ ls -F

README.opensolaris on-closed-bins-b65.i386.tar.bz2* usr/

SUNWonbld-b65.i386.tar.bz2* on-src-b65.tar.bz2*

closed/ onbld/

Modifikasi file initialisasi .profile untuk mengupdate variable PATH dan MANPATH,

$ cd /export/home/onuser

$ vi .profile


PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/dt/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/opt/onbld/bin:/opt/onbld/i386:\ 30/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris





$ . $HOME/.profile

Berikutnya, menyalin ON-specific environment file, yaitu dan memodifikasinya. Variabel-variable yang
perlu diubah adalah GATE, emMGR_WS, STAFFER, VERSION. Variable NIGHTLY_OPTION saya tambahkan option -p
agar selesai kompilasi langsung dibuatkan SVR4 paketnya.

$ cd /aux0/testws1

$ ls usr/src/tools/env


$ cp usr/src/tools/env/ .

$ chmod u+x

$ vi







Jalankan perintah nightly untuk memulai proses kompilasi. File-file hasil kompilasi akan disimpan di direktori
proto/root_i386 sedangkat paket software di packages/i386/nightly

$ nightly ./

Selama proses kompilasi sebuah log file dibuat. Log file ini berguna untuk melihat dan memonitor proses kompilasi.
Buka terminal baru dan jalankan,

$ tail -f /aux0/testws1/log/nightly.log

==== Nightly distributed build started: Thu May 31 11:09:34 WIT 2007 ====

==== list of environment variables ====





==== Nightly distributed build started: Thu May 31 11:09:34 WIT 2007 ====

==== Nightly distributed build completed: Thu May 31 13:53:06 WIT 2007 ====

==== Total build time ====

real 2:43:32 31/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

Melihat Hasil Kompilasi dan Log Kesalahan

Hasil kompilasi terdapat di /aux0/testws1/proto/root_i386,

$ cd /aux0/testws1/proto/root_i386

$ ls

bin dev etc home lib opt proc system usr

boot devices export kernel mnt platform sbin tmp var

Software Paket yang berhasil dibuat akan tersimpan di /aux0/testws1/packages/i386/nightly,

$ cd /aux0/testws1/packages/i386/nightly

$ ls

BRCMbnx SUNWftpu SUNWonzfs SUNWscpr

SUNW1394 SUNWfwdc SUNWopenssl-commands SUNWscpu

SUNW1394h SUNWfwdcu SUNWopenssl-include SUNWscsa1394

SUNWaac SUNWgrub SUNWopenssl-libraries SUNWses

SUNWaccr SUNWgrubS SUNWopenssl-man SUNWsi3124

SUNWaccu SUNWgss SUNWopensslr SUNWslpr


Pesan-pesan kesalahan dapat dianalisa dari beberapa file yang terdapat di /aux0/testws1/log/log.2007-05-31,

$ cd /aux0/testws1/log/log.2007-05-31

$ ls

mail_msg nightly.log proto_list_i386

Memahami Proses Instalasi Solaris [


Terkirim Januari 8, 2008

Filed under: Artikel [] |
Tinggalkan sebuah Komentar [

Memahami Proses Instalasi Solaris 10

Instalasi Solaris 10 SPARC dan X86/64 pada dasarnya akan melalui tahapan proses yang sama. Artikel ini berisi
penjelasan sederhana tahap-tahap instalasi Solaris 10 dan informasi yang harus disediakan di setiap tahap instalasi.
Proses instalasi Solaris 10 terbagi menjadi 4 tahap:
1. Tahap boot dan mengkonfigurasi program instalasi
2. Tahap identifikasi sistem
3. Tahap konfigurasi sistem
4. Tahap ekstraksi dan menyalin paket distribusi Solaris 10 ke disk

Konfigurasi Perangkat Keras

Proses instalasi dalam artikel ini menggunakan media DVD Solaris 10 SPARC 11/06 dan komputer Sun Blade 1000.
Konfigurasi komputer yang digunakan diperlihatkan pada tampilan berikut:

{0} ok banner

SUNW,Sun-Blade-1000 (2 X UltraSPARC-III) , No Keyboard

Copyright 1998-2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

OpenBoot 4.13.0, 2048 MB memory installed, Serial #16456776.

Ethernet address 8:0:20:fb:1c:48, Host ID: 80fb1c48. 32/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
Akses ke komputer yang akan diinstall dilakukan melalui koneksi serial dari komputer lain yang sudah terinstall Solaris
10. Koneksi serial dilakukan dari program terminal CDE, yaitu dtterm, dengan perintah tip. Artikel ini menyajikan secara
berurutan tampilan yang muncul pada layar konsole di setiap bagian tahap instalasi.

Tahap Boot dan Mengkonfigurasi Program Instalasi

Pada komputer berarsitektur SPARC proses boot ke media DVD Solaris 10 dimulai dengan mengetikan perintah boot
cdrom ketika sistem masih ada di level Boot PROM. Melalui perintah ini Boot PROM program akan menjalankan boot
program yang terdapat di DVD. Boot program selanjutnya akan mengaktifkan program kernel seperti diperlihatkan pada
tampilan berikut. Untuk komputer X86, lakukan perubahan parameter urutan boot di BIOS agar komputer boot ke

{0} ok boot cdrom

Boot device: /pci@8,700000/scsi@6/disk@6,0:f File and args:

SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_118833-33 64-bit

Copyright 1983-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Use is subject to license terms.

Configuring devices.

Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.

Attempting to configure interface hme0...

SUNW,eri0 : 100 Mbps full duplex link up

WARNING: hme0: fault detected in device; service degraded

WARNING: hme0: No response from Ethernet network : Link down -- cable problem?

Skipped interface hme0

Attempting to configure interface eri0...

Skipped interface eri0

internal error: Bad file number

svc:/system/filesystem/local:default: WARNING: /usr/sbin/zfs mount -a failed: exit status 134

Dec 11 18:31:11 svc.startd[7]: svc:/system/filesystem/local:default: Method "/lib/svc/method/fs-local"

failed with exit status 95.

Dec 11 18:31:11 svc.startd[7]: system/filesystem/local:default failed fatally:

transitioned to maintenance (see 'svcs -xv' for details)

Setting up Java. Please wait...

Beginning system identification...

Searching for configuration file(s)...

Search complete.

Discovering additional network configuration...

Tahap Boot selesai setelah program kernel, program-program untuk perangkat keras dan program-program pendukung
kernel lainnya tersedia di memory komputer. Berikutnya program kernel akan mengaktifkan program svc.startd dan
svc.startd mengaktifkan program instalasi yang disebut install-begin. Konfigurasi awal yang diperlukan oleh
program instalasi adalah bahasa pengantar dan tipe terminal yang akan digunakan, seperti diperlihatkan pada tampilan

Select a Language

0. English

1. French

2. German

3. Italian

4. Japanese

5. Korean 33/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
6. Simplified Chinese

7. Spanish

8. Swedish

9. Traditional Chinese

Please make a choice (0 - 9), or press h or ? for help: 0

What type of terminal are you using?

1) ANSI Standard CRT

2) DEC VT52

3) DEC VT100

4) Heathkit 19

5) Lear Siegler ADM31

6) PC Console

7) Sun Command Tool

8) Sun Workstation

9) Televideo 910

10) Televideo 925

11) Wyse Model 50

12) X Terminal Emulator (xterms)

13) CDE Terminal Emulator (dtterm)

14) Other

Type the number of your choice and press Return: 13

Setelah informasi konfigurasi dasar terpenuhi maka akan tampil antar muka program instalasi Solaris untuk pertama kali.
Tampilan pada layar konsole menjelaskan bahwa proses instalasi terbagi menjadi beberapa bagian dan bagaimana
bekerja dengan program instalasi

Solaris Installation Program

The Solaris installation program is divided into a series of short sections

where you'll be prompted to provide information for the installation. At

the end of each section, you'll be able to change the selections you've

made before continuing.

About navigation...

- The mouse cannot be used

- If your keyboard does not have function keys, or they do not

respond, press ESC; the legend at the bottom of the screen

will change to show the ESC keys to use for navigation.

F2_Continue F6_Help

Tahap Identifikasi
Tahap identifikasi dimulai dengan menjalankan program instalasi yang disebut dengan install-begin. Tampilan yang
muncul pertama kali pada tahap ini adalah seperti berikut ini:

Identify This System 34/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
On the next screens, you must identify this system as networked or

non-networked, and set the default time zone and date/time.

If this system is networked, the software will try to find the information

it needs to identify your system; you will be prompted to supply any

information it cannot find.

> To begin identifying this system, press F2.

F2_Continue F6_Help

Informasi-informasi yang diperlukan pada tahap ini digunakan untuk mengkonfigurasi hal-hal berikut:
Koneksi jaringan.
Informasi ini akan menentukan apakah komputer terhubung ke jaringan atau tidak dan bagaimana komputer
terkonfigurasi untuk terhubung ke jaringan.
Layanan Kerberos.
Informasi ini untuk menentukan layanan otentikasi yang akan digunakan ketika pengguna mengakses sistem
komputer. Ada 2 layanan otentikasi yang tersedia yaitu Kerberos dan UNIX standar.
Name Service.
Name service berfungsi untuk menyediakan layangan informasi jaringan yang meliputi DNS, NIS, NIS+ dan
Zona waktu.
Zona waktu akan menentukan selisih waktu antar negara
Jam dan tanggal.
Sesuaikan ketepatan jam dan tanggal komputer dengan standar waktu yang berlaku
Kata sandi untuk root.
Kata sandi digunakan untuk melindungi akses ke root sebagai sistem administrator
Layanan jaringan.
Untuk lebih menjamin keamanan komputer sangat dianjurkan untuk menonaktifkan layanan jaringan seperti
telnet, ftp, rsh atau rlogin. Jika diperlukan akses ke komputer dari komputer lain sebaiknya hanya menggunakan
Detail informasi yang diperlukan untuk mengkonfigurasi koneksi jaringan meliputi:
Memilih kartu jaringan yang akan dipakai
Apakah akan menggunakan DHCP untuk menyediakan alamat IP
Menentukan nama komputer
Menentukan alamat IP dan netmask jika tidak menggunakan DHCP
Apakah akan mengaktifkan IPv6
Menentukan konfigurasi routing
Tampilan pada layar konsole terminal selama tahap identifiasi diperlihatkan secara berurutan pada bagian berikut ini.

Konfigurasi Koneksi Jaringan

Network Connectivity

Specify Yes if the system is connected to the network by one of the Solaris

or vendor network/communication Ethernet cards that are supported on the

Solaris CD. See your hardware documentation for the current list of

supported cards.

Specify No if the system is connected to a network/communication card that

is not supported on the Solaris CD, and follow the instructions listed under




[X] Yes

[ ] No 35/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
F2_Continue F6_Help

Jika konfigurasi perangkat keras komputer memiliki lebih dari satu kartu jaringan maka akan muncul tampilan berikut:

Configure Multiple Network Interfaces

Multiple network interfaces have been detected on this system. Specify all

of the network interfaces you want to configure.

Note: You must choose at least one interface to configure.

Network interfaces


[X] eri0

[ ] hme0

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Selama tahap mengkonfigurasi koneksi jaringan pada layar konsole muncul tampilan-tampilan berikut ini:

Konfigurasi DHCP

DHCP for eri0

Specify whether or not this network interface should use DHCP to configure

itself. Choose Yes if DHCP is to be used, or No if the network interface is

to be configured manually.

NOTE: DHCP support will not be enabled, if selected, until after the system


Use DHCP for eri0


[ ] Yes

[X] No

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Menentukan Nama Komputer

Host Name for eri0

Enter the host name which identifies this system on the network. The name

must be unique within your domain; creating a duplicate host name will cause

problems on the network after you install Solaris.

A host name must have at least one character; it can contain letters,

digits, and minus signs (-).

Host name for eri0 leopard 36/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Menentukan IP Address

IP Address for eri0

Enter the Internet Protocol (IP) address for this network interface. It

must be unique and follow your site's address conventions, or a

system/network failure could result.

IP addresses contain four sets of numbers separated by periods (for example

IP address for eri0

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Menentukan Netmask

Subnet for eri0

On this screen you must specify whether this system is part of a subnet. If

you specify incorrectly, the system will have problems communicating on the

network after you reboot.

> To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option and

press Return to mark it [X].

System part of a subnet


[X] Yes

[ ] No

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Netmask for eri0

On this screen you must specify the netmask of your subnet. A default

netmask is shown; do not accept the default unless you are sure it is

correct for your subnet. A netmask must contain four sets of numbers

separated by periods (for example

Netmask for eri0

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Aktivasi IPv6

IPv6 for eri0 37/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

Specify whether or not you want to enable IPv6, the next generation Internet

Protocol, on this network interface. Enabling IPv6 will have no effect if

this machine is not on a network that provides IPv6 service. IPv4 service

will not be affected if IPv6 is enabled.

> To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option and

press Return to mark it [X].

Enable IPv6 for eri0


[ ] Yes

[X] No

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Menentukan Konfigurasi Routing

Set the Default Route for eri0

To specify the default route, you can let the software try to detect one

upon reboot, you can specify the IP address of the router, or you can choose

None. Choose None if you do not have a router on your subnet.

> To make a selection, use the arrow keys to select your choice and press

Return to mark it [X].

Default Route for eri0


[X] Detect one upon reboot

[ ] Specify one

[ ] None

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Setelah semua informasi yang diperlukan untuk mengkonfigurasi koneksi jaringan terpenuhi maka diakhiri oleh tampilan
konfirmasi seperti
berikut ini:

Confirm Information for eri0

> Confirm the following information. If it is correct, press F2;

to change any information, press F4.

Networked: Yes

Use DHCP: No

Host name: leopard

IP address: 38/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
System part of a subnet: Yes


Enable IPv6: No

Default Route: Detect one upon reboot

Esc-2_Continue Esc-4_Change Esc-6_Help

Mengkonfigurasi Kerberos

Configure Security Policy:

Specify Yes if the system will use the Kerberos security mechanism.

Specify No if this system will use standard UNIX security.

Configure Kerberos Security


[ ] Yes

[X] No

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Confirm Information

> Confirm the following information. If it is correct, press F2;

to change any information, press F4.

Configure Kerberos Security: No

Esc-2_Continue Esc-4_Change Esc-6_Help

Memilih Name Service

Name Service

On this screen you must provide name service information. Select the name

service that will be used by this system, or None if your system will either

not use a name service at all, or if it will use a name service not listed


> To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option

and press Return to mark it [X].

Name service


[ ] NIS+

[ ] NIS

[ ] DNS 39/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
[ ] LDAP

[X] None

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Confirm Information

> Confirm the following information. If it is correct, press F2;

to change any information, press F4.

Name service: None

Esc-2_Continue Esc-4_Change Esc-6_Help

Memilih Zona Waktu

Time Zone

On this screen you must specify your default time zone. You can specify a

time zone in three ways: select one of the continents or oceans from the

list, select other - offset from GMT, or other - specify time zone file.

> To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option and

press Return to mark it [X].

Continents and Oceans


- [ ] Africa

x [ ] Americas

x [ ] Antarctica

x [ ] Arctic Ocean

x [X] Asia

x [ ] Atlantic Ocean

x [ ] Australia

x [ ] Europe

v [ ] Indian Ocean

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Country or Region

> To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option and

press Return to mark it [X].

Countries and Regions


^ [ ] Georgia 40/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
x [ ] Hong Kong

x [ ] India

x [X] Indonesia

x [ ] Iran

x [ ] Iraq

x [ ] Israel

x [ ] Japan

x [ ] Jordan

x [ ] Kazakhstan

x [ ] Korea (North)

x [ ] Korea (South)

v [ ] Kuwait

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Time Zone

> To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option and

press Return to mark it [X].

Time zones


[X] Java & Sumatra

[ ] west & central Borneo

[ ] east & south Borneo, Celebes, Bali, Nusa Tengarra, west Timor

[ ] Irian Jaya & the Moluccas

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Menyesuaikan Jam dan Tanggal

Date and Time

> Accept the default date and time or enter

new values.

Date and time: 2007-12-12 10:10

Year (4 digits) : 2007

Month (1-12) : 12

Day (1-31) : 12

Hour (0-23) : 10

Minute (0-59) : 10

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Confirm Information 41/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

> Confirm the following information. If it is correct, press F2;

to change any information, press F4.

Time zone: Java & Sumatra


Date and time: 2007-12-12 10:10:00

Esc-2_Continue Esc-4_Change Esc-6_Help

Menentukan Kata Sandi root

Root Password

Please enter the root password for this system.

The root password may contain alphanumeric and special characters. For

security, the password will not be displayed on the screen as you type it.

> If you do not want a root password, leave both entries blank.

Root password: ******

Root password: ******

Esc-2_Continue Esc-6_Help

Aktivasi Layanan Jaringan

Enabling remote services

Would you like to enable network services for use by remote clients?

Selecting "No" provides a more secure configuration in

which Secure Shell is the only network service provided to

remote clients. Selecting "Yes" enables a larger set of

services as in previous Solaris releases. If in doubt, it is

safe to select "No" as any services can be individually enabled

after installation.

Note: This choice only affects initial installs. It doesn't affect upgrades.

Remote services enabled


[X] Yes

[ ] No

F2_Continue F6_Help 42/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

Tahap Konfigurasi System

Setelah tahap identifikasi selesai berikutnya instalasi memasuki tahap konfigurasi. Tahap konfigurasi dimulai dengan
menjalankan program instalasi yang disebut dengan install-solaris. Tampilan yang muncul pertama kali pada tahap
ini adalah seperti berikut ini:

System identification complete.

Starting Solaris installation program...

Executing JumpStart preinstall phase...

Searching for SolStart directory...

Checking rules.ok file...

Using begin script: install_begin

Using finish script: patch_finish

Executing SolStart preinstall phase...

Executing begin script "install_begin"...

Begin script install_begin execution completed.

Informasi-informasi terpenting yang diperlukan pada tahap ini digunakan untuk mengkonfigurasi hal-hal berikut:
Tipe distribusi software instalasi
Ada 2 tipe distribusi software Solaris untuk instalasi yaitu distribusi package-based Solaris, disebut sebagai
distribusi standar, dan Flash Archive. Distribusi standar merupakan metode distribusi software yang digunakan oleh
DVD instalasi Solaris 10. Flash archive merupakan salinan cpio (archive) dari sebuah komputer yang sudah
terinstal Solaris 10.
Tipe instalasi
Tipe instalasi ada 2 yaitu instalasi perbaharui atau inisial. Instalasi perbaharui dimungkinkan jika komputer telah
terinstal Solaris sebelum versi Solaris 10. Instalasi ini akan memperbaharui file-file tertentu dan membiarkan file-
file lain tidak diperbaharui. Sebaliknya instalasi inisial akan menggantikan seluruh file yang ada di disk dengan
file-file yang ada di media distribusi.
Bahasa dan locale
Bahasa akan menentukan bahasa pengantar yang akan digunakan sedangkan locale untuk menentukan antara
lain format bilangan dan format mata uang.
Software group
Software group akan menentukan berapa ruang disk yang diperlukan untuk menginstal Solaris sesuai dengan
fungsi dari sistem komputer. Untuk komputer server dianjurkan untuk memilih software group En re Distribu on
atau En re plus OEM support Distribu on sedangkan komputer desktop cukup dengan software group Developer
System Support atau End User System Support. Software group Core System Support atau Reduced Networking Core
System Support biasanya digunakan untuk komputer yang memerlukan instalasi minimal dengan pertimbangn
keamanan sistem.
Disk dan layout partisi
Ruang disk minimal yang diperlukan untuk instalasi Solaris 10 adalah 4341 MB dengan layout partisi minial
adalah root dan swap.
Tampilan pada layar konsole terminal selama tahap konfigurasi diperlihatkan secara berurutan pada bagian berikut ini.

Memilih Tipe Distribusi Instalasi Software

Solaris Interactive Installation

On the following screens, you can accept the defaults or you can customize

how Solaris software will be installed by:

- Selecting the type of Solaris software to install

- Selecting disks to hold software you've selected

- Selecting unbundled products to be installed with Solaris

- Specifying how file systems are laid out on the disks

After completing these tasks, a summary of your selections (called a profile) will be displayed.

There are two ways to install your Solaris software: 43/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

- "Standard" installs your system from a standard Solaris Distribution.

Selecting "Standard" allows you to choose between initial install

and upgrade, if your system is upgradable.

- "Flash" installs your system from one or more Flash Archives.

F2_Standard F4_Flash F5_Exit F6_Help

Penanganan DVD Media

Eject a CD/DVD Automatically?

During the installation of Solaris software, you may be using one or more

CDs/DVDs. You can choose to have the system eject each CD/DVD automatically

after it is installed or you can choose to manually eject each CD/DVD.

[X] Automatically eject CD/DVD

[ ] Manually eject CD/DVD

F2_Continue F3_Go Back F5_Exit

Mengaktifkan reboot setelah instalasi

Reboot After Installation?

After Solaris software is installed, the system must be rebooted. You can

choose to have the system automatically reboot, or you can choose to

manually reboot the system if you want to run scripts or do other

customizations before the reboot. You can manually reboot a system by using

the reboot(1M) command.

[X] Auto Reboot

[ ] Manual Reboot

F2_Continue F3_Go Back F5_Exit

Memilih Tipe Instalasi

Solaris Interactive Installation

This system is upgradable, so there are two ways to install the Solaris


The Upgrade option updates the Solaris software to the new release, saving

as many modifications to the previous version of Solaris software as

possible. Back up the system before using the Upgrade option.

The Initial option overwrites the system disks with the new version of

Solaris software. This option allows you to preserve any existing file 44/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
systems. Back up any modifications made to the previous version of Solaris

software before starting the Initial option.

After you select an option and complete the tasks that follow, a summary of

your actions will be displayed.

F2_Upgrade F3_Go Back F4_Initial F5_Exit F6_Help


The system is being initialized.

Loading install media, please wait...

Menyetujui Lisensi Software


- Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Sun")
















v 1. Definitions.

F2_Accept License F5_Exit

Memilih Tambahan Bahasa

Select Geographic Regions

Select the geographic regions for which support should be installed.

> [ ] Australasia

> [ ] Asia 45/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
> [ ] Eastern Europe

> [ ] Northern Europe

> [ ] Northern Africa

> [ ] Middle East

> [ ] Southern Europe

> [ ] South America

> [ ] Central America

> [ ] Central Europe

> [ ] North America

> [ ] Western Europe

Move left, right, up, down using the arrow keys

F2_Continue F3_Go Back F5_Exit F6_Help

Select Geographic Regions

Select the geographic regions for which support should be installed.

> [ ] Southern Europe

> [ ] South America

> [ ] Central America

> [ ] Central Europe

V [/] North America

[ ] Canada-English (ISO8859-1)

[ ] Canada-French (ISO8859-1)

[ ] French

[ ] Mexico (ISO8859-1)

[ ] Spanish

[X] U.S.A. (UTF-8)

[X] U.S.A. (en_US.ISO8859-1)

> [ ] Western Europe

Locale is selected. Press Return to deselect

F2_Continue F3_Go Back F5_Exit F6_Help

Memilih Locale

Select System Locale

Select the initial locale to be used after the system has been installed.

[X] POSIX C ( C )

North America

[ ] U.S.A. (UTF-8) ( en_US.UTF-8 ) 46/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
[ ] U.S.A. (en_US.ISO8859-1) ( en_US.ISO8859-1 )

[ ] U.S.A. (en_US.ISO8859-15) ( en_US.ISO8859-15 )

F2_Continue F3_Go Back F5_Exit F6_Help

Memilih Software Tambahan

Select Products

Select the products you would like to install.

V [ ] Solaris 10 Extra Value Software................. 0.00 MB

[ ] Sun Validation Test Suite 6.3................... 69.92 MB

Press Return to hide components

F2_Continue F3_Go Back F4_Product Info F5_Exit F6_Help

Additional Products

To scan for additional products, select the location you wish to scan.

Products found at the selected location that are in a Web Start Ready

install form will be added to the Products list.

Web Start Ready product scan location:

[X] None

[ ] CD/DVD

[ ] Network File System

F2_Continue F3_Go Back F5_Exit

Memilih Software Group

Select Software

Select the Solaris software to install on the system.

NOTE: After selecting a software group, you can add or remove software by

customizing it. However, this requires understanding of software

dependencies and how Solaris software is packaged.

[X] Entire Distribution plus OEM support ....... 5619.00 MB

[ ] Entire Distribution ........................ 5578.00 MB

[ ] Developer System Support ................... 5464.00 MB

[ ] End User System Support .................... 4448.00 MB

[ ] Core System Support ........................ 857.00 MB

[ ] Reduced Networking Core System Support ..... 806.00 MB 47/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

F2_Continue F3_Go Back F4_Customize F5_Exit F6_Help

Memilih Disk

Select Disks

On this screen you must select the disks for installing Solaris software.

Start by looking at the Suggested Minimum field; this value is the

approximate space needed to install the software you've selected. Keep

selecting disks until the Total Selected value exceeds the Suggested Minimum


NOTE: ** denotes current boot disk

Disk Device Available Space


[X] c1t1d0 17269 MB (F4 to edit)

[ ] c1t2d0 17269 MB

Total Selected: 17269 MB

Suggested Minimum: 4341 MB

F2_Continue F3_Go Back F4_Edit F5_Exit F6_Help

Melindungi Data Partisi Tertentu

Preserve Data?

Do you want to preserve existing data? At least one of the disks you've

selected for installing Solaris software has file systems or unnamed slices

that you may want to save.

F2_Continue F3_Go Back F4_Preserve F5_Exit F6_Help

Menentukan Layout Partisi dan File System

Automatically Layout File Systems?

Do you want to use auto-layout to automatically layout file systems?

Manually laying out file systems requires advanced system administration


F2_Auto Layout F3_Go Back F4_Manual Layout F5_Exit F6_Help

Automatically Layout File Systems

On this screen you must select all the file systems you want auto-layout to

create, or accept the default file systems shown.

NOTE: For small disks, it may be necessary for auto-layout to break up some 48/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
of the file systems you request into smaller file systems to fit the

available disk space. So, after auto-layout completes, you may find file

systems in the layout that you did not select from the list below.

File Systems for Auto-layout


[X] /

[ ] /opt

[ ] /usr

[ ] /usr/openwin

[ ] /var

[X] swap

F2_Continue F5_Cancel F6_Help

File System and Disk Layout

The summary below is your current file system and disk layout, based on the

information you've supplied.

NOTE: If you choose to customize, you should understand file systems, their

intended purpose on the disk, and how changing them may affect the operation

of the system.

File sys/Mnt point Disk/Slice Size


/ c1t1d0s0 5294 MB

swap c1t1d0s1 513 MB

overlap c1t1d0s2 17269 MB

/export/home c1t1d0s7 11462 MB

F2_Continue F3_Go Back F4_Customize F5_Exit F6_Help

Customize Disk: c1t1d0

Boot Device: c1t1d0s0

Entry: Recommended: MB Minimum: MB


Slice Mount Point Size (MB)

0 / 10001

1 swap 1026

2 overlap 17269

3 0

4 0

5 0 49/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
6 0

7 0


Capacity: 17269 MB

Allocated: 11027 MB

Free: 6242 MB

F2_OK F4_Options F5_Cancel F6_Help

>File System and Disk Layout

The summary below is your current file system and disk layout, based on the

information you've supplied.

NOTE: If you choose to customize, you should understand file systems, their

intended purpose on the disk, and how changing them may affect the operation

of the system.

File sys/Mnt point Disk/Slice Size


/ c1t1d0s0 10001 MB

swap c1t1d0s1 1026 MB

overlap c1t1d0s2 17269 MB

F2_Continue F3_Go Back F4_Customize F5_Exit F6_Help

Mengaktifkan NFS Mount

Mount Remote File Systems?

Do you want to mount software from a remote file server? This may be

necessary if you had to remove software because of disk space problems.

F2_Continue F3_Go Back F4_Remote Mounts F5_Exit F6_Help

Konfirmasi Konfigurasi System


The information shown below is your profile for installing Solaris software.

It reflects the choices you've made on previous screens.


Installation Option: Initial

Boot Device: c1t1d0

Client Services: None 50/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
Locales: U.S.A. (UTF-8)

U.S.A. (en_US.ISO8859-1)

System Locale: C ( C )

Software: Solaris 10, Entire Distribution plus OEM su

File System and Disk Layout: / c1t1d0s0 10001 MB

swap c1t1d0s1 1026 MB

F2_Begin Installation F4_Change F5_Exit F6_Help

Tampilan berikut memperlihatkan munculnya peringatan karena tidak semua silinder disk digunakan ketika mempartisi
disk. Dari contoh di atas, adanya silinder yang tidak digunakan (unused disk space) sengaja dilakukan dan akan
dimanfaatkan nanti setelah proses instalasi selesai.


The following disk configuration condition(s) have been

detected. Errors must be fixed to ensure a successful

installation. Warnings can be ignored without causing the

installation to fail.

WARNING: Unused disk space (c1t1d0)


You have either explicitly changed the default boot device, or

accepted the default to "Reconfigure EEPROM". In either case,

the system's EEPROM will be changed so it will always boot

Solaris from the device that you've specified. If this is not

what you had in mind, go back to the disk selection screens and

change the "Reconfigure EEPROM" setting.

F2_OK F5_Cancel

Bagian akhir dari tahap konfigurasi adalah mempartisi disk, mengkonfigurasi disk label dan membuat sistem file UFS di
masing-masing partisi seperti diperlihatkan tampilan berikut ini.

Configuring disk (c1t1d0)

- Creating Solaris disk label (VTOC)

Creating and checking UFS file systems

- Creating / (c1t1d0s0)

Warning: 1032 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated

/dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0: 20483064 sectors in 3334 cylinders of 48 tracks, 128 sectors

10001.5MB in 209 cyl groups (16 c/g, 48.00MB/g, 5824 i/g)

super-block backups (for fsck -F ufs -o b=#) at:

32, 98464, 196896, 295328, 393760, 492192, 590624, 689056, 787488, 885920,

19563424, 19661856, 19760288, 19858720, 19957152, 20055584, 20154016, 51/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
20252448, 20350880, 20449312

Tahap Ekstraksi Paket Distribusi Solaris dan Menyalin ke Disk

Paket distribusi standar Solaris 10 dalam DVD Solaris 10 sebenarnya dalam format salinan cpio yang terkompresi bzip2.
Tahap ekstrasi paket distribusi Solaris 10 dan menyalinya ke disk membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama. Tampilan
berikut memperlihatkan progres selama tahap ekstraksi dan penyalinan.

Solaris Initial Install

MBytes Installed: 245,16

MBytes Remaining: 3312,67

Installing: JDK 5.0

| | | | | |

0 20 40 60 80 100

Tahap akhir dari tahap ini ditandai dengan munculnya pesan “Solaris 10 software installation succeeded” seperti
diperlihatkan tampilan berikuti ini.

Solaris 10 software installation succeeded

Customizing system files

- Mount points table (/etc/vfstab)

- Unselected disk mount points (/var/sadm/system/data/vfstab.unselected)

- Network host addresses (/etc/hosts)

- Network host addresses (/etc/hosts)

- Environment variables (/etc/default/init)

Cleaning devices

Customizing system devices

- Physical devices (/devices)

- Logical devices (/dev)

Installing boot information

- Installing boot blocks (c1t1d0s0)

- Installing boot blocks (/dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0)

- Updating system firmware for automatic rebooting

Installation log location

- /a/var/sadm/system/logs/install_log (before reboot)

- /var/sadm/system/logs/install_log (after reboot)

Installation complete

Executing SolStart postinstall phase...

Executing finish script "patch_finish"... 52/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
Finish script patch_finish execution completed.

Executing JumpStart postinstall phase...

The begin script log 'begin.log'

is located in /var/sadm/system/logs after reboot.

The finish script log 'finish.log'

is located in /var/sadm/system/logs after reboot.

Launching installer. Please Wait...

Installing Additional Software


Pausing for 30 seconds at the "Summary" screen. The wizard will continue to

the next step unless you select "Pause". Enter 'p' to pause. Enter 'c' to

continue. [c]

Pausing for 90 seconds at the "Reboot" screen. The wizard will continue to

the next step unless you select "Pause". Enter 'p' to pause. Enter 'c' to

continue. [c]

syncing file systems... done


Resetting ...

Reboot Setalah Instalasi Selesai

SUNW,Sun-Blade-1000 (2 X UltraSPARC-III) , No Keyboard

Copyright 1998-2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

OpenBoot 4.13.0, 2048 MB memory installed, Serial #16456776.

Ethernet address 8:0:20:fb:1c:48, Host ID: 80fb1c48.

Rebooting with command: boot

Boot device: /pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@4/fp@0,0/disk@w21000004cf0b1daf,0:a File and args:

SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_118833-33 64-bit

Copyright 1983-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Use is subject to license terms.

Hostname: leopard

SUNW,eri0 : 100 Mbps full duplex link up

Configuring devices.

Loading smf(5) service descriptions: 42/143

Loading smf(5) service descriptions: 143/143

Creating new rsa public/private host key pair 53/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
Creating new dsa public/private host key pair

This system is configured with NFS version 4, which uses a domain

name that is automatically derived from the system's name services.

The derived domain name is sufficient for most configurations. In a

few cases, mounts that cross different domains might cause files to

be owned by "nobody" due to the lack of a common domain name.

Do you need to override the system's default NFS version 4 domain

name (yes/no) ? [no] :

For more information about how the NFS version 4 default domain

name is derived and its impact, refer to the man pages for nfs(4)

and nfsmapid(1m), and the System Administration Guide: Network


Dec 12 11:32:25 leopard sendmail[828]: My unqualified host name (leopard) unknown; sleeping for retry

leopard console login: Dec 12 11:33:25 leopard sendmail[828]: unable to qualify my own domain name (leopard) -- using short name

Dec 12 11:33:25 leopard sendmail[948]: My unqualified host name (leopard) unknown; sleeping for retry

Dec 12 11:33:25 leopard sendmail[949]: My unqualified host name (leopard) unknown; sleeping for retry

Dec 12 11:33:57 leopard java[1286]: pkcs11_softtoken: Keystore version failure.

Dec 12 11:34:25 leopard sendmail[948]: unable to qualify my own domain name (leopard) -- using short name

Dec 12 11:34:25 leopard sendmail[949]: unable to qualify my own domain name (leopard) -- using short name

leopard console login: root


Dec 12 11:34:34 leopard login: ROOT LOGIN /dev/console

Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005


#OK KETIK setenv auto-boot? True []
ROOT# EEPROM auto-boot? True

CLI [] Command
Quick Reference 54/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
[] This section contains the most common ILOM commands
used to administer your Sun server from the command-line interface (CLI).

Note - [] Syntax examples in this chapter use the target

starting with /SP/, which could be interchanged with the target starting with /CMM/ depending on your Sun server platform.
Subtargets are common across all Sun server platforms.

[] TABLE A-1 Command [

blogID=7503059293743663332] Syntax and Usage

g? [
blogID=7503059293743663332] blogID=7503059293743663332] Description

[ [
?blogID=7503059293743663332] blogID=7503059293743663332] Text that you type. Type
Fixed-width bold it exactly as shown.
Your input

[ [
?blogID=7503059293743663332] blogID=7503059293743663332] Text that the computer
Fixed-width regular displays
Onscreen output

[ [
?blogID=7503059293743663332] blogID=7503059293743663332] Replace these with a
Italic name or value you choose.

g? [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Text in square brackets
blogID=7503059293743663332] ?blogID=7503059293743663332]
is optional.
Square brackets [ ]

[ [
g? [ blogID=7503059293743663332] Text separated by a
blogID=7503059293743663332] ?blogID=7503059293743663332] vertical bar represents the only available values.
Vertical bars | Select one.

[] TABLE A-2 General [

blogID=7503059293743663332] Commands

[] [
Description blogID=7503059293743663332] Command

[] [
Show all valid targets blogID=7503059293743663332] help targets

[] [
Log out of the CLI blogID=7503059293743663332] exit

[] [
Display the version of ILOM firmware running on ILOM blogID=7503059293743663332] version

[] [
Display clock information blogID=7503059293743663332] show /SP/clock

blogID=7503059293743663332] show
Display all of the CLI commands

[] [
Display the active ILOM sessions blogID=7503059293743663332] show /SP/sessions

[] [
Display information about commands and targets blogID=7503059293743663332] help

[] [
Display information about a specific command blogID=7503059293743663332] help create

blogID=7503059293743663332] load -source
Update ILOM and BIOS firmware

blogID=7503059293743663332] show
Display a list of ILOM event logs
/SP/logs/event/list 55/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-3 User [

blogID=7503059293743663332] Commands

[ [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Description blogID=7503059293743663332] Command

[ blogID=7503059293743663332] create /SP/users/user1
blogID=7503059293743663332] Add a local user password=password

[ [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Delete a local user blogID=7503059293743663332] delete /SP/users/user1

[ [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Change a local user's blogID=7503059293743663332] set /SP/users/user1
properties role=operator

blogID=7503059293743663332] show -display
blogID=7503059293743663332] Display information about
all local users
-level all /SP/users

blogID=7503059293743663332] Display information about
blogID=7503059293743663332] show /SP/clients/ldap
LDAP settings

blogID=7503059293743663332] set /SP/clients/ldap
blogID=7503059293743663332] Change LDAP settings
blogID=7503059293743663332] ipaddress=ipaddress

[] TABLE A-4 Network and [

blogID=7503059293743663332] Serial Port Setting Commands

[] [
Description blogID=7503059293743663332] Command

[] [
Display network configuration information blogID=7503059293743663332] show /SP/network

blogID=7503059293743663332] set /SP/network
[] pendingipaddress=ipaddress
Change network properties for ILOM. Changing certain network pendingipdiscovery=dchp|static
properties, like the IP address, will disconnect your active session pendingipgateway=ipgateway

blogID=7503059293743663332] show
Display information about the external serial port

[] blogID=7503059293743663332] set
Change the external serial port configuration /SP/serial/external pendingspeed=integer

blogID=7503059293743663332] show
Display information about the serial connection to the host

Change the host serial port configuration.
blogID=7503059293743663332] set
/SP/serial/host pendingspeed=integer
Note: This speed setting must match the speed setting for serial
port 0, COM1 or /dev/ttyS0 on the host operating system

[] TABLE A-5 Alert Management

[] Commands 56/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-5 Alert Management

blogID=7503059293743663332] Commands
[] Command

blogID=7503059293743663332] [] Command

blogID=7503059293743663332] [] show
Display information about alerts. /SP/alertmgmt/rules/1...15
You can configure up to 15 alerts

[ [] set

blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/alertmgmt/rules/1...15 type=ipmipet destination=ipaddress
Configure an IPMI PET alert level=down|critical|major|minor

[] set
[ /SP/alertmgmt/rules/1...15 type=snmptrap snmp_version=3
blogID=7503059293743663332] comunity_or_username=username destination=ipaddress
Configure a v3 SNMP trap alert level=down|critical|major|minor [

[ [] set

blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/alertmgmt/rules/1...15 type=email destination=email_address
Configure an email alert level=down|critical|major|minor

[] TABLE A-6 System [

blogID=7503059293743663332] Management Access Commands

[ [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Description blogID=7503059293743663332] Command

blogID=7503059293743663332] Display information about
blogID=7503059293743663332] show /SP/services/http
HTTP settings

blogID=7503059293743663332] set /SP/services/http
port=portnumber secureredirect enabled|disabled
blogID=7503059293743663332] Change HTTP settings,
such as enabling automatic redirection to HTTPS

blogID=7503059293743663332] Display information about
blogID=7503059293743663332] show /SP/services/https
HTTPS access

blogID=7503059293743663332] set /SP/services/https
blogID=7503059293743663332] Change HTTPS settings
port=portnumber servicestate=enabled|disabled

[ [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Display SSH DSA key blogID=7503059293743663332] show
settings /SP/services/ssh/keys/dsa

[ [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Display SSH RSA key blogID=7503059293743663332] show
settings /SP/services/ssh/keys/rsa


blogID=7503059293743663332] Commands

[ [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Description blogID=7503059293743663332] Command

blogID=7503059293743663332] show /SP/services/snmp
blogID=7503059293743663332] Display information about
port=snmpportnumber sets=enabled|disabled
SNMP settings. By default, the SNMP port is 161 and v3 is
v1=enabled|disabled v2c=enabled|disabled
v3=enabled|disabled [
blogID=7503059293743663332] 57/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris


blogID=7503059293743663332] Commands

[ [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Description blogID=7503059293743663332] Command

blogID=7503059293743663332] show
blogID=7503059293743663332] Display SNMP users

blogID=7503059293743663332] create
blogID=7503059293743663332] Add an SNMP user
permissions=rw|ro privacypassword=password

blogID=7503059293743663332] delete
blogID=7503059293743663332] Delete an SNMP user

[ [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Display information about blogID=7503059293743663332] show
SNMP public (read-only) communities /SP/services/snmp/communities/public

blogID=7503059293743663332] create
blogID=7503059293743663332] Add this device to an SNMP
public community

blogID=7503059293743663332] delete
blogID=7503059293743663332] Delete this device from an
SNMP public community

[ [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Display information about blogID=7503059293743663332] show
SNMP private (read-write) communities /SP/services/snmp/communities/private

blogID=7503059293743663332] create
blogID=7503059293743663332] Add this device to an SNMP
private community

blogID=7503059293743663332] delete
blogID=7503059293743663332] Delete this device from an
SNMP private community

[] TABLE A-8 Host [

blogID=7503059293743663332] System Commands

[] [
Description blogID=7503059293743663332] Command

[] Start
blogID=7503059293743663332] start /SYS or
the host system or chassis power
start /CH

[] Stop
blogID=7503059293743663332] stop /SYS or stop
the host system or chassis power (graceful shutdown)

blogID=7503059293743663332] stop [-f|force]
[] Stop
/SYS or stop
the host system or chassis power (forced shutdown)
[-f|force] /CH [

[] Reset
blogID=7503059293743663332] reset /SYS or
the host system or chassis
reset /CH

[] Start
blogID=7503059293743663332] start
a session to connect to the host console
/SP/console 58/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-8 Host [

blogID=7503059293743663332] System Commands

[] [
Description blogID=7503059293743663332] Command

[] Stop [

the session connected to the host console (graceful shutdown) blogID=7503059293743663332] stop /SP/console

[] Stop
blogID=7503059293743663332] stop [-f|force]
the session connected to the host console (forced shutdown)

[] TABLE A-9 Clock [

blogID=7503059293743663332] Settings Commands

[] [
Description blogID=7503059293743663332] Command

[] Set blogID=7503059293743663332] set
ILOM clock to synchronize with a primary NTP server /SP/clients/ntp/server/1

blogID=7503059293743663332] set
[] Set
ILOM clock to synchronize with a secondary NTP server


[] CLI
Command Reference
[] This section provides reference information about the CLI

[] [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Using the cd Command

[] Use the cd command to navigate the namespace. When

you cd to a target location, that location then becomes the default target for all other commands. Using the
-default option with no target returns you to the top of the namespace. Typing
cd -default is the equivalent of typing cd /. Typing just cd displays your current location in the namespace. Typing
help targets displays a list of all targets in the entire namespace.

[] Syntax

[] cd target

[] Options

[] [-default] [-h|help]

[] Targets and Properties

[] Any location in the namespace.

[] Examples

[] To create a user named emmett, cd to /SP/users, then

execute the create command with /SP/users as the default target.

[] -> cd /SP/users

[] -> create emmett

[] To find your location, type cd.

[] -> cd /SP/users

[] [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Using the create Command 59/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
[] Use the create command to set up an object in the
namespace. Unless you specify properties with the create command, they are empty.

[] Syntax

[] create [options] target [propertyname=value]

[] Options

[] [-h|help]

[] Targets, Properties, and Values

[] TABLE A-10 Targets, Properties and Values for create


[ [ [

ger.g? ger.g? blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] Valid
blogID=75030592937436633 blogID=75030592937436633 blogID=75030592937436
32] Properties 32] Values 63332] Default

[ [ [

ger.g? ger.g? blogger.g?
blogID=75030592937436633 blogID=75030592937436633 blogID=75030592937436
32] password 32] <string> 63332] (none)
[ [ [
ger.g? ger.g? blogger.g?
blogID=75030592937436633 blogID=75030592937436633 blogID=75030592937436
32] role 32] administrator|operator 63332] operator

[ [ [ [

blogID=7503059293743663332] ger.g? ger.g? blogger.g?
/SP/services/snmp/communities/ blogID=75030592937436633 blogID=75030592937436633 blogID=75030592937436
communityname 32] permissions 32] ro|rw 63332] ro

[ [
ger.g? blogger.g?
blogID=75030592937436633 blogID=75030592937436
32] authenticationprotocol
32] MD5 63332] MD5
[ [
ger.g? blogger.g?
blogID=75030592937436633 blogID=75030592937436
32] <string> 63332] (null string)
[ [ [
blogID=7503059293743663332] ger.g? blogger.g?
/SP/services/snmp/user/ blogID=75030592937436633 blogID=75030592937436
username 32] ro|rw 63332] ro
32] permissions
[ [
ger.g? blogger.g?
blogID=75030592937436633 blogID=75030592937436
32] none|DES 63332] DES
32] privacyprotocol
[ [
ger.g? blogger.g?
blogID=75030592937436633 blogID=75030592937436
32] <string> 63332] (null string)
32] privacypassword

[] Example

[] -> create /SP/users/susan role=administrator

[] [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Using the delete Command

[] Use the delete command to remove an object from the

namespace. You will be prompted to confirm a delete command. Eliminate this prompt by using the
-script option.

[] Syntax

[] delete [options] [-script] target

[] Options

[] [-h|help] [-script] 60/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
[] Targets

[] TABLE A-11 Targets for delete Command

[] Valid Targets

[] /SP/users/username

[] /SP/services/snmp/communities/communityname

[] /SP/services/snmp/user/username

[] Examples

[] -> delete /SP/users/susan

[] -> delete /SP/services/snmp/communities/public

[] [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Using the exit Command

[] Use the exit command to terminate a session to the CLI.

[] Syntax

[] exit [options]

[] Options

[] [-h|help]

[] [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Using the help Command

[] Use the help command to display Help information about

commands and targets. Using the -o|output terse option displays usage information only.
The -o|output verbose option displays usage, description, and additional information including examples of command
usage. If you do not use the
-o|output option, usage information and a brief description of the command are displayed.
[] Specifying command targets displays a complete list of
valid targets for that command from the fixed targets in /SP and /SYS. Fixed targets are targets that cannot be created by
a user.
[] Specifying command targets legal displays copyright
information and product use rights.

[] Syntax

[] help [options] command targets

[] Options

[] [-h|help] [-o|output terse|verbose]

[] Commands

[] cd, create, delete, exit, help, load, reset, set,

show, start, stop, version

[] Examples

[] -> help load

[] The load command is used to transfer a file from a server

to a target.
[] Usage: load -source URL target
[] -source: Specify the location to get a file.
[] -> help -output verbose reset

[] The reset command is used to reset a target.

[] Usage: reset [-script] target
[] Available options for this command:
[] -script: Do not prompt for yes/no confirmation and act as
if yes were specified. 61/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
[] [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Using the load Command

[] Use the load command to transfer an image file from a

source, indicated by a Uniform Resource Indicator (URI), to update ILOM firmware. The URI can specify a protocol and
credentials used for the transfer. Only the TFTP protocol is supported, so the URI must begin with tftp://. If credentials
are required and not specified, the command prompts you for a password. Using the -script option eliminates the
prompt for a yes or no confirmation and the command acts as if yes were specified.

Note - [] Use this command to update your ILOM firmware

and BIOS.

[] Syntax

[] load -source URI

[] Options

[] [-h|help] [-script]

[] Example

[] -> load -source tftp://ip_address/newmainimage

Note - [] A firmware upgrade will cause the server and ILOM
to be reset. It is recommended that a clean shutdown of the server be done prior to the upgrade procedure. An upgrade
takes about five minutes to complete. ILOM will enter a special mode to load new firmware. No other tasks can be
performed in ILOM until the firmware upgrade is complete and ILOM is reset.

[] -> load -source tftp://archive/newmainimage

[] Are you sure you want to load the specified file (y/n)? y

[] File upload is complete.

[] Firmware image verification is complete.

[] Do you want to preserve the configuration (y/n)? n

[] Updating firmware in flash RAM:

[] .

[] Firmware update is complete.

[] ILOM will not be restarted with the new firmware.

[] [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Using the reset Command

[] Use the reset command to reset the state of the target.
You will be prompted to confirm a reset operation. Eliminate this prompt by using the -script option.

Note - [] The reset command does not affect the power
state of hardware devices.

[] Syntax

[] reset [options] target

[] Options

[] [-h|help] [-script]

[] Targets 62/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-12 Targets for reset Command

[] Valid Targets

[] /SP

[] /SYS

[] Examples

[] -> reset /SP

[] -> reset /SYS

[] [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Using the set Command

[] Use the set command to specify the properties of the


[] Syntax

[] set [options] target [propertyname=value]

[] Options

[] [-h|help]

[] Targets, Properties, and Values

[] TABLE A-13 Targets, Properties, and Values for set


[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] Valid Targets blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
743663332] Values
Properties Default

[http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 743663332] blogID=7503059293
743663332] <string> 743663332] (none)
password [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/users/username
[http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 743663332] 743663332]
743663332] role administrator|oper operator

[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
[ com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/alertmgmt/rules blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] true 743663332] (none)
testalert 63/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-13 Targets, Properties, and Values for set


[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] Valid Targets blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
743663332] Values
Properties Default

blogID=7503059293 [http://www.blogger.
743663332] com/blogger.g?
community_or_us blogID=7503059293
ername 743663332] public
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332] (none)
[ destination [http://www.blogger.
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/alertmgmt/rules/ [http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g?
rulename com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293
(rulename = 1 through 15) blogID=7503059293 743663332] (none)
743663332] level [http://www.blogger.
[http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 743663332] 3
743663332] [http://www.blogger.
743663332] 1|2c|3
snmp_version com/blogger.g?
[http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
com/blogger.g? 743663332] (none)
743663332] email |
743663332] type
ipmipet | snmptrap

[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
[ usentpserver disabled
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/clock [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] day
743663332] 743663332]
month date time
datetime <string>

[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] port 743663332] 80
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/services/http 743663332] 743663332]
secureredirect enabled
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
servicestate disabled

[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] port 743663332] 443
[ <integer>
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/services/https [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
servicestate disabled
enabled|disabled 64/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-13 Targets, Properties, and Values for set


[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] Valid Targets blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
743663332] Values
Properties Default

[http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
com/blogger.g? 743663332] IP
blogID=7503059293 address
743663332] [http://www.blogger.
engineid com/blogger.g?
[http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
com/blogger.g? 743663332] 161
blogID=7503059293 [http://www.blogger.
743663332] port com/blogger.g?
[http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
com/blogger.g? 743663332]
blogID=7503059293 disabled
[ enabled|disabled
743663332] sets [http://www.blogger.
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/services/snmp [http://www.blogger.
[http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 743663332]
743663332] v1 disabled
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] v2c 743663332]
[http://www.blogger. disabled
com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger.
blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g?
743663332] v3 blogID=7503059293

[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
[ com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/services/snmp/ blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
communities/private 743663332]
743663332] ro |rw 743663332] rw

[ [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/services/snmp/ com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] communities/public 743663332] ro|rw 743663332] ro
permission 65/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-13 Targets, Properties, and Values for set


[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] Valid Targets blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
743663332] Values
Properties Default

blogID=7503059293 [http://www.blogger.
743663332] com/blogger.g?
authenticationprot blogID=7503059293
ocol 743663332] MD5
743663332] MD5
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
743663332] (null
authenticationpas <string>
sword [http://www.blogger.
[ [http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/services/snmp/user com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293
/username blogID=7503059293 743663332] ro|rw
743663332] ro
743663332] [http://www.blogger.
permissions com/blogger.g?
[http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
com/blogger.g? 743663332]
743663332] DES
blogID=7503059293 none|DES
743663332] [http://www.blogger.
privacyprotocol com/blogger.g?
[http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
743663332] (null
com/blogger.g? 743663332]
blogID=7503059293 <string>

blogID=7503059293 [http://www.blogger.
743663332] com/blogger.g?
generate_new_ke blogID=7503059293
y_action 743663332] true
743663332] (none)
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
743663332] (none)
[ generate_new_ke rsa|dsa
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/services/ssh y_type [http://www.blogger.
[http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293
743663332] (none)
blogID=7503059293 743663332] true
743663332] [http://www.blogger.
restart_sshd_acti com/blogger.g?
on blogID=7503059293
[http://www.blogger. 743663332]
com/blogger.g? enabled|disabled
743663332] state

[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/services/sso blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
743663332] state
enabled|disabled enabled 66/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-13 Targets, Properties, and Values for set


[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] Valid Targets blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
743663332] Values
Properties Default

[http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 743663332]
743663332] role administrator |
[ 743663332] (none)
[http://www.blogger. operator
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/users/username [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger.
blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g?
743663332] blogID=7503059293
743663332] (none)
password 743663332]

[http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 743663332] [http://www.blogger.
743663332] state enabled | disabled com/blogger.g?
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g? 743663332]
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293 disabled
743663332] 743663332] [http://www.blogger.
certfilestatus <string> com/blogger.g?
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g? 743663332] (none)
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293 [http://www.blogger.
[ 743663332] 743663332] com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/clients/ defaultrole <string> blogID=7503059293
activedirectory [ [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger. 743663332] (none)
blogID=7503059293743663332] com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger.
[ blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] 743663332] 743663332] blogID=7503059293
[ getcertfile <string> 743663332] (none)
blogID=7503059293743663332] [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
[ com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
[ 743663332] 743663332] 743663332] (none)
blogID=7503059293743663332] ipaddress <string> [http://www.blogger.
[ [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293 743663332] (none)
743663332] port 743663332] [http://www.blogger.
[http://www.blogger. <string> com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g? 743663332]
743663332] blogID=7503059293 disabled
strictcertmode 743663332] [http://www.blogger.
[http://www.blogger. enabled | disabled com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g? 743663332] (none)
743663332] blogID=7503059293
timeout 743663332]

[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
[ com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/clients/ blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
activedirectory/ 743663332] name 743663332] (none)
admingroups/n [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
[ com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] where n is 1-5 blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
743663332] 67/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-13 Targets, Properties, and Values for set


[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] Valid Targets blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
743663332] Values
Properties Default

[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
[ com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/clients/ blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
activedirectory/ 743663332] name 743663332] (none)
opergroups/n [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
[ com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] where n is 1-5 blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]

[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/clients/ blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
activedirectory/ 743663332] (none)
domain <string>
userdomains/n [http://www.blogger.
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
[ com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] where n is 1-5 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]

[http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
com/blogger.g? 743663332] [http://www.blogger.
blogID=7503059293 <username> com/blogger.g?
743663332] binddn [http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
[http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g? 743663332] (none)
com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293 [http://www.blogger.
blogID=7503059293 743663332] com/blogger.g?
743663332] <string> blogID=7503059293
bindpw [http://www.blogger. 743663332] (none)
[http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 743663332] blogID=7503059293
743663332] administrator|oper 743663332]
defaultrole ator operator
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
[ com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/clients/ldap blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332] 743663332] (none)
ipaddress <ipaddress>|none [http://www.blogger.
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293 743663332] 389
743663332] port 743663332] [http://www.blogger.
[http://www.blogger. <integer> com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g? 743663332] (none)
743663332] blogID=7503059293 [http://www.blogger.
searchbase 743663332] com/blogger.g?
[http://www.blogger. <string> blogID=7503059293
com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger. 743663332]
blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g? disabled
743663332] state blogID=7503059293

[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
[ com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/clients/ntp/server/ blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
[1|2] 743663332] 743663332]
743663332] (none)
address <ipaddress> 68/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-13 Targets, Properties, and Values for set


[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] Valid Targets blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
743663332] Values
Properties Default

[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.

com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332] 743663332]
defaultrole administrator|oper operator
[http://www.blogger. ator [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? <ipaddress>|none com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 [http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
743663332] com/blogger.g? 743663332] (none)
ipaddress blogID=7503059293 [http://www.blogger.
[ [http://www.blogger. 743663332] com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/clients/radius com/blogger.g? <integer> blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 [http://www.blogger. 743663332] 1812
743663332] port com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger.
[http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? 743663332] blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 <string>|none 743663332] (none)
743663332] secret [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
[http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 743663332] 743663332]
743663332] state enable|disabled disabled

[http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 743663332]
743663332] IP
743663332] <ipaddress>
address [http://www.blogger.
[http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g?
[ com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/clients/smtp blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 743663332]
743663332] 25
743663332] port <integer>
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] state 743663332]
enabled | disabled

[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.

com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332] 743663332] IP
[ destination_ip1 <ipaddress> address
blogID=7503059293743663332] SP/clients/syslog [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332] 743663332] IP
destination_ip2 <ipaddress> address 69/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-13 Targets, Properties, and Values for set


[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] Valid Targets blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
743663332] Values
Properties Default

blogID=7503059293 [http://www.blogger.
743663332] com/blogger.g?
743663332] true
commitpending blogID=7503059293
[http://www.blogger. 743663332] (none)
com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger.
blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g?
743663332] blogID=7503059293
pendingipaddress 743663332] (none)
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/network 743663332]
743663332] 743663332] dhcp
pendingdiscovery [http://www.blogger.
[http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g?
com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 743663332] (none)
743663332] [http://www.blogger.
pendingipgateway com/blogger.g?
[http://www.blogger. blogID=7503059293
com/blogger.g? 743663332]
743663332] <IP
dotted decimal>

com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger.
blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g?
743663332] true blogID=7503059293
[http://www.blogger. 743663332] (none)
com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger.
blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g?
743663332] none blogID=7503059293
[ [http://www.blogger. 743663332] none
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/serial/external com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger.
blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g?
743663332] blogID=7503059293
<integer from list> 743663332] 9600
[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332] 9600
<integer from list>
743663332] speed

com/blogger.g? [http://www.blogger.
blogID=7503059293 com/blogger.g?
743663332] blogID=7503059293
commitpending 743663332] (none)
[ [http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
743663332] true
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/serial/host com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] 743663332] 743663332] 9600
pendingspeed [http://www.blogger.
[http://www.blogger. com/blogger.g?
<integer from list>
com/blogger.g? blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 743663332] 9600
743663332] speed

[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/ blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
743663332] (none)
system_identifier <string> 70/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-13 Targets, Properties, and Values for set


[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ com/blogger.g?
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] Valid Targets blogID=7503059293
743663332] 743663332]
743663332] Values
Properties Default

[http://www.blogger. [http://www.blogger.
com/blogger.g? com/blogger.g?
[ blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293 blogID=7503059293
blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/ 743663332] default
743663332] 743663332]
is based on MAC
hostname <string>

[] Examples

[] -> set /SP/users/susan role=administrator

[] -> set /SP/clients/ldap state=enabled binddn=proxyuser bindpw=ez24get

[] [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Using the show Command

[] Use the show command to display information about targets

and properties.
[] Using the -display option determines the type of
information shown. If you specify -display targets, then all targets in the namespace below the current target are
shown. If you specify -display properties, all property names and values for the target are shown. With this option you
can specify certain property names, and only those values are shown. If you specify -display all, all targets in the
namespace below the current target are shown, and the properties of the specified target are shown. If you do not
specify a -display option, the show command acts as if -display all were specified.
[] The -level option controls the depth of the show command
and it applies to all modes of the -display option. Specifying -level 1 displays the level of the namespace where the
object exists. Values greater than 1 return information for the target's current level in the namespace and the <specified
value> levels below. If the argument is -level all, it applies to the current level in the namespace and everything below.
[] The -o|output option specifies the output and form of
command output. ILOM only supports -o table. When you use the -o table option, the output is formatted in a
condensed, three-column table of targets, properties, and values.
[] The alias, show components, is a shortcut for the following
CLI command:
[] -> show -o table -level all /SYS component_state
[] The show components alias produces the same output as
the above command. Thus, it enables you to restrict the table output to a single property below each target.

[] Syntax

[] show [options] [-display targets|properties|all] [-

level value|all] target [propertyname]

[] Options

[] [-d|-display] [-l|level] [-o|output]

[] Targets and Properties

[] TABLE A-14 Targets for show Command

[] Valid Targets
] Properties

[] /SYS

[] /SP
] 71/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-14 Targets for show Command

[] Valid Targets
] Properties

] community|username
] destination
[] /SP/alertmgmt/rules/
(rulename = 1 through 15)
] level
] snmp_version
] type

] state
] certfilestatus
] defaultrole
[] /SP/clients/
activedirectory []
] getcertfile
] ipaddress
] port
] strictcertmode
] timeout

[] /SP/clients/ blogID=7503059293743663332
activedirectory/ ] name
admingroups/n [
[] where n is 1-5 .g?
] 72/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-14 Targets for show Command

[] Valid Targets
] Properties

[] /SP/clients/ blogID=7503059293743663332
activedirectory/ ] name
opergroups/n [
[] where n is 1-5 .g?

[] /SP/clients/ blogID=7503059293743663332
activedirectory/ ] domain
userdomains/n [
[] where n is 1-5 .g?

] binddn
] bindpw
] defaultrole
[] /SP/clients/ldap
] ipaddress
] port
] searchbase
] state

[] .g?
/SP/clients/ntp/server/[1|2] blogID=7503059293743663332
] ipaddress

] datetime
[] /SP/clock
] usentpserver

[] /SP/logs/event
] clear 73/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-14 Targets for show Command

[] Valid Targets
] Properties

] ipaddress
] ipdiscovery
] ipgateway
] ipnetmask
[] /SP/network
] macaddress
] pendingipaddress
] pendingdiscovery
] pendingipgateway
] pendingipnetmask

] flowcontrol
[] /SP/serial/external
] pendingspeed
] speed

[] /SP/serial/host ] pendingspeed
[] [
] speed 74/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-14 Targets for show Command

[] Valid Targets
] Properties

] port
[] /SP/services/http
] secureredirect
] servicestate

] port
[] /SP/services/https
] servicestate

] engineid
] port
] sets
[] /SP/services/snmp
] v1
] v2c
] v3

[] .g?
/SP/services/snmp/communities/private blogID=7503059293743663332
] permissions

[] .g?
/SP/services/snmp/communities/public blogID=7503059293743663332
] permissions

[] ] password
/SP/services/snmp/users/username [
] role 75/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-14 Targets for show Command

[] Valid Targets
] Properties

[] /SP/services/ssh
] state

] fingerprint
[] .g?
/SP/services/ssh/keys/dsa blogID=7503059293743663332
] length
] publickey

] fingerprint
[] .g?
/SP/services/ssh/keys/rsa blogID=7503059293743663332
] length
] publickey

[] /SP/services/sso
] state

] username
[] /SP/sessions
] starttime
] date

] starttime
[] /SP/sessions/sessionid ] source
[] [
] type
] user 76/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-14 Targets for show Command

[] Valid Targets
] Properties

] role
[] /SP/users/username
] password

[] Examples

[] -> show -display properties /SP/users/susan

[] /SP/users/susan
[] Properties:
[] role = Administrator

[] -> show /SP/clients -level 2

[] /SP/clients
[] Targets:
[] ldap
[] ntp
[] Properties:
[] Commands:
[] cd
[] show
[] /SP/clients/ldap
[] Targets:
[] Properties:
[] binddn =
[] bindpw = secret
[] defaultrole =
[] ipaddress =
[] port = 389
[] searchbase =
[] state = disabled
[] Commands:
[] cd
[] show
[] /SP/clients/ntp
[ [] Targets:
blogID=7503059293743663332] [] server
[] Properties:
[] Commands:
[] cd
[] show

[] -> show components

[] Target | Property | Value

[] ----------+-----------------+--------------

[] /SYS/FRU1 | component_state | Enabled

[] /SYS/FRU2 | component_state | Disabled

[] /SYS/FRU3 | component_state | Enabled 77/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
[] -> show -o table -level all /SP/sessions

[] Target | Property | Value

[] ----------------+-----------+-------------------------

[] /SP/sessions/90 | username | root

[] /SP/sessions/90 | starttime | Tue Apr 10 10:57:22 2007

[] /SP/sessions/90 | type | shell


[] [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Using the start Command

[] Use the start command to turn on the target or to initiate a

connection to the host console. Using the -script option eliminates the prompt for a yes or no confirmation and the
command acts as if yes were specified. The -f|force option specifies that the action will be performed immediately.

[] Syntax

[] start [options] target

[] Options

[] [-h|help] [-script] [-f|force]

[] Targets

[] TABLE A-15 Targets for start Command

[ []
blogID=7503059293743663332] Valid Targets Description

[ [] Starts

blogID=7503059293743663332] /SYS or /CH (powers on) the system or chassis.

[ [] Starts

blogID=7503059293743663332] /SP/console an interactive session to the console stream.

[] Examples

[] -> start /SP/console

[] -> start /SYS

[] [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Using the stop Command

[] Use the stop command to shut down the target or to

terminate another user's connection to the host console. You will be prompted to confirm a stop command. Eliminate this
prompt by using the -script option. The -f|force option specifies that the action will be performed immediately.

[] Syntax

[] stop [options] [-script] target

[] Options

[] [-f|force] [-h|help]

[] Targets

[] TABLE A-16 Targets for stop Command

[] Description
2] Valid Targets 78/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

[] TABLE A-16 Targets for stop Command

[] Description
2] Valid Targets

[] Perform an orderly
shutdown, followed by a power off of the specified system or chassis. Use the -force
option to skip the orderly shutdown and force an immediate power off.
2] /SYS or /CH

er.g? [] Terminate another user's
blogID=750305929374366333 connection to the host console.
2] /SP/console

[] Examples

[] -> stop /SP/console

[] -> stop -force /SYS

[] [
blogID=7503059293743663332] Using the version Command

[] Use the version command to display ILOM version


[] Syntax

[] version

[] Options

[] [-h|help]

[] Example

[] -> version

[] version SP firmware version: 2.0.0

[] SP firmware build number: 4415

[] SP firmware date: Mon Mar 28 10:39:46 EST 2007

[] SP filesystem version: 0.1.9

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Solaris ILOM / ALOM Cheat Sheet

ILOM ALOM CMT Command Comparison

setdate set /SP/clock datetime=value
value format: MMDDhhmmYYYY

setdefaults set /SP reset_to_defaults=all

-> reset /SP This resets the SP

setkeyswitch set /SYS keyswitch_state=value

value= normal, diag, stby, locked

setsc set target property=value

setupsc No equivalent in ILOM
setlocator set /SYS/LOCATE value= Fast_Blink or off
setfru -c data set /SYS customer_frudata=data
showplatform show /HOST
showplatform show /SYS ( to view Serial Number ) 79/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
showfru No equivalent in ILOM
showusers -g # show /SP/users
showhost show /HOST
showkeyswitch show /SYS keyswitch_state

showsc param show target property


setsc diag_level set /HOST/diag trigger=All-resets

none, normal, User-reset, Power-on-reset, Error-reset

showdate show /SP/clock datetime

showlogs show /SP/logs/event/list

showlogs show /SP/faultmgmt
set /SP/logs/event clear=true

showenvironment show -o table -level all /SYS

shownetwork show /SP/network
showlocator show /SYS/LOCATE
password set /SP/users/<username> password
restartssh set /SP/services/ssh restart_sshd_action=true
usershow show /SP/users
useradd user create /SP/users/<username>

Create "admin" create /SP/users/admin

set /SP/users/admin role=Administrator
set /SP/users/admin cli_mode=alom

userdel user delete /SP/users/<username>

userdel -y delete -script /SP/users/<username>
userpassword set /SP/users/<username> password
userperm user set /SP/users/<username> role=permissions
consolehistory SEE RENE FOR MORE INFO ;)
console -f start -force /SP/console
break -c set /HOST send_break_action=break
break -D set /HOST send_break_action=dumpcore

bootmode set /HOST/bootmode property=value

state=value "reset_nvram or normal"
script="setenv auto-boot? false"

flashupdate -s load -source tftp://ipaddr/pathname

reset -c reset /SYS
reset -y -c reset -script /SYS
powercycle stop /SYS
powercycle -y stop -script /SYS
powercycle -f stop -force /SYS
start -force /SYS
poweroff stop /SYS
poweroff -y stop -script /SYS
poweroff -f stop -force /SYS
poweron start /SYS
clearfault uuid set /SYS/component clear_fault_action=true
removefru -y set /SYS/PS0 prepare_to_remove_action=true
enablecomponent set /SYS/component component_state=enabled
disablecomp set /SYS/component component_state=disabled
clearasrdb No equivalent in ILOM
resetsc reset /SP
resetsc -y reset -script /SP
userclimode set /SP/users/<username> cli_mode=default or alom
logout exit


-> show /SYS/MB/CMP0/BR0/CH0/D#


type = DIMM
component_state = Enabled
fru_name = 4096MB DDR2 SDRAM FB-DIMM 333 (PC2 2600)
fru_description = FBDIMM 4096 Mbyte
fru_manufacturer = Samsung
fru_version = FFFFFF
fru_part_number = 501-7954-01 Rev 05
fru_serial_number = 00CE01074627037EA3
fault_state = OK
clear_fault_action = (none) 80/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris

Setting up Network Managment Port ILOM:

-> set pendingipaddress=<ip_address>

-> set pendingipdiscovery=static
-> set pendingipnetmask=
-> set pendingipgateway=<ip_address>
-> set commitpending=true

Setting up Network Managment Port ALOM:

sc> setsc if_network true

sc> setsc if_connection "telnet or ssh"
sc> setsc netsc_dhcp false
sc> setsc netsc_ipaddr <ip_address>
sc> setsc netsc_ipnetmask <netmask>
sc> setsc netsc_ipgateway <ip_address>
sc> setsc netsc_commit

ALOM CMT Variable Comparison

diag_level /HOST/diag level
diag_mode /HOST/diag mode
diag_trigger /HOST/diag trigger
diag_verbosity /HOST/diag verbosity
if_connection /SP/services/ssh state
if_emailalerts /SP/clients/smtp state
if_network /SP/network state
if_snmp /SP/services/snmp
mgt_mailalert /SP/alertmgmt/rules
mgt_mailhost /SP/clients/smtp address
mgt_snmptraps /SP/sevices/snmp v1|v2c|v3
mgt_traphost /SP/alertmgmt/rules
/SP/services/snmp port
netsc_dhcp /SP/network pendingipdiscovery
netsc_commit /SP/network commitpending=true
netsc_enetaddr /SP/network macaddress
netsc_ipaddr /SP/network pendingipaddress
netsc_ipgateway /SP/network pendingipgateway
netsc_ipnetmask /SP/network pendingipnetmask
sc_backupuserdata /SP BACKUP_USER_DATA
sc_customerinfo /SP system_identifier
sc_escapechars /SP/console escapechars
sc_powerondelay /SP/policy HOST_POWER_ON_DELAY

sc_powerstatememory /SP/policy HOST_LAST_POWER_STATE

States= enabled or disabled

ser_baudrate /SP/serial/external pendingspeed

ser_data No equivalent in ILOM
ser_parity /SP/serial/external pendingparity
ser_stopbits /SP/serial/external pendingstopbits
sys_autorestart /SP autorestart
sys_autorunonerror /SP autorunonerror
sys_eventlevel No equivalent in ILOM
sys_enetaddr /HOST macaddress

Procedure to set the Serial Number after PDB replacement:

sc> setsc sc_servicemode true

Warning: misuse of this mode may invalidate your warranty.
sc> setcsn -c chassis_serial_number
Are you sure you want to permanently set the Chassis Serial Number
to chassis_serial_number[y/n]? y
Chassis serial number recorded.
sc> showplatform
Chassis Serial Number: chassis-serial-number
Domain Status
------ ------
S0 Running
sc>setsc sc_servicemode false


InfoDoc #: 209731

Power down the host system (using the front panel powerbutton)
or if an SP admin account exists, you can alternatiely use that
accounts ALOM Command Line Interface poweroff command.

Unplug the system's power cord(s) Remove the system's top cover. 81/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
Insert a Jumper (you provide the jumper) on Pins 1 & 2 of PJ6801.
This Jumper is located at the T5120/T5220 Motherboard

Insert a Jumper (you provide the jumper) on Pins 1 & 2 of J10401

This Jumper is located on the SP of the T5140/T5240

- near the edge of the Motherboard at rear of the system -

center of the rear edge of the Motherboard.

Plug in the system's power cord(s).

Press the front panel Power button to power on the system.

You must power on the system to complete the reset.

This is because the state of the PJ6801 jumper cannot be

determined without the host CPU running.

The SP root password will be reset to the default changeme.

Log in as root into the SP, using any available method - ssh
or a Web Browser to the SP's network management port or via
tip-hardware or a terminal server to the SP's serial management

Password to use is changeme.

That is simply to see if the changeme password works.

Power down the system using the front panel

Unplug the system's power cord(s)

Remove the PJ6801 jumper. You must remove the PJ6801 jumper
after resetting the password, or the password will be reset
every time the SP is reset (e.g. at power up).

Replace the system's top cover.

Plug in the system's power cord(s).

If the system administrator would like the SP's root account

password changed to something other than changeme Then you
can change the root password using the usualSP's root account's
Command Line User Interface command. Whether or not the SP's root
account password is to be changed to something different than changeme
after the top cover has been reinstalled and the system's power cord(s)
plugged-in, if the system administrator would like the Host powered-up,
that can be done using the front panel power button or via a login to
the SP's root or admin accounts and the appropriate START or
power on, respectively, may be used.

Membuat file tar.gz

Cara untuk membuat file tar.gz di CLI sebenarnya mudah-mudah gampang… hanya saja anda harus teliti di direktori
mana anda sedang bekerja. Karenanya, sering-seringlah menggunakan ‘pwd’… Ok…
Untuk pertama, kita membuat file archievenya dulu… saat ini saya bekerja di direktori “/home/auril_zeck/” dan saya
akan mengompres file bernama “test.mp3″.
Pertama, mari kompress filenya dengan perintah
tar -cvf test.tar coba.mp3
*tar -cvf test.tar = membuat file arvhieve bernama “test.tar”
*coba.mp3 = file yang akan di archieve.
ehhmm.. gak ada tampilan spesial setelah kita selesai melakukan archieving… jadi ga perlu screenshoot, ya…
hehehehe (sayang free space)
untuk melihat isi file test.tar, ketik
tar -tf test.tar
Untuk mengekstrak file via CLI, sebaiknya dilakukan di dalam direktori baru… jadi langkah2nya adalah…
1. Buat folder kosong dengan command:
mkdir ekstrak
2. Copy file test.tar ke folder ekstrak. command:
cp test.tar ekstrak
3. Masuk ke folder ekstrak. command:
cd ekstrak
4. Kita keluarkan isi dari file test.tar dengan command:
tar -xf test.tar
naahh…udah keluar,kan filenya… buat ngece, ketik aja:
ls -l
Sekarang kita zip file test.tar… caranya…
*masih dalam direktori “ekstrak”….
ketik command: 82/83
1/4/2018 kumpulan tips n trik solaris
gzip test.tar
untuk mengekstrak, ketik
gzip -d test.tar.gz
(file test.tar otomatis terhapus diganti file test.tar.gz)
cek terakhir, kita liat ukuran filenya…ketik aja “ls -l” di direktori ekstrak…
[] naahh..keliatan kalo ukuran file aslinya:
setelah di-”tar” 4286…byte
setelah di tar.gz jadi 4098…byte…
OK…gampang, kan…segitu dulu,ya…

Diposting 16th November 2011 oleh mbonk

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