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The Persian tiger was also known as "Caspian tiger".

He inhabited the region of Anatolia,

the Caucasus, Kurdistan, northern Iraq and Iran, Afghanistan and much of Central Asia (to

This subspecies of tiger was the largest, after the Siberian tiger and Bengal third.

Its fur was yellow or gold, with white sides and face areas. The stripes have a brown color
and in winter the hair grew to withstand the cold of the mountains of Asia. This gave him a
"beard" in the area of the cheeks and throat.For average, a tigress of the Caspian had a litter
every 3 or 4 years, with life expectancy of each individual of about 10 or 15 feature.

The increase in human population brought about the reduction in area of occupancy
declined tiger

When the Russian Tsars occupied the borderlands of Central Asia and the Caucasus, the
army was requested to ensure exterminating, work completed quickly ordered.
Deforestation produced by man ended those who survived the extermination
With increasing human population, the tiger reduced its area of occupation, and Russian
tsars army ordered the extermination, the last sighting of the Persian tiger was in Tajikistan
in 1961.

It was endemic in southwest Asia.

Although the Caspian tiger was widely distributed in this part of Asia, it avoided the most
barren and open areas; he could be found in tugai covered areas of forest, brush and grass
near rivers or watercourses where the tiger could camouflage and stalk their prey.


Although it ended with much of the population in the 30s, and talk of recent copies by the
end of the 50s, the last of this unique and unrepeatable subspecies was confirmed in the
early 70s, there remained no copy in captivity.

The Caspian tiger, the westernmost tiger and also the third largest that has existed after the
Siberian tiger and Bengal tiger, is one of the eight subspecies described the tiger, and next
to it there are two extinct subspecies , the Javan tiger and Bali tiger

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