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“All men are enemies, all animals are comrades” (Orwell, 1945, p. 3). Animal farm is one

type of literary work that tells the story of the rebellion of farm animals to their master, Mr.

Jones. This particular literary works written by George Orwell is then adapted into an animated

film with the same title, Animal Farm. The novel which was later made into a movie, certainly

both have some differences. It is because generally a film adapted from a novel has a different

impression in the eye of the people who watch it. Among the most notable differences from the

book and film animation of Animal Farm is the plot of the story.

In the first chapter, Orwell recounts the early rebellion, where he start his story with an

old pig named Old Major, held his first meeting with the other animals. It is told on the second

page what animals are present in that meeting, they were mentioned one by one. Like 3 dogs

that comes first, Bluebell, Jessie, and Picher. Followed by the arrival of a boar, and Boxer with

his friend Clover, then there is Benjamin the donkey, and the others. However the animated film

that lasted for 1:09:27 minutes, by Louis de Rochemont does not narrate these scenes with much

detail In the movie, Rochemont does not display the figure of Clover as a companion to Boxer,

Benjamin had instead becomes the figure of a best friend to Boxer. This is evident at the moment

in the novel on page 1 that Boxer should have come to the first meeting with Clover: “The two

cart-horses, Boxer and Clover, came in together, walking very slowly”(Orwell, 1945, p.1).

While in the movies in minutes 4:20, Boxer comes with Benjamin, even until the end Benjamin
remains true to be the best friend figure of Boxer, while Clover does not exist. This happens

maybe because the director wanted to show the loyalty of Benjamin to Boxer. Because based on

the novel on page 2 “Benjamin, nevertheless, without openly admitting, he was devoted to

Boxer; the two of them usually spent their Sundays together in the small paddock beyond the

orchard, grazing side by side and never speaking” (Orwell, 1945, p. 2).

Still on the first chapter, Orwell describes that Old Major’s dreams of going to a track

that has been around since the days of yore, they can sing in an age now. It is called Beasts of

England. In the novel page 4, Orwell explains that Old Major tells his dream about something

that long he has forgotten. He said that during his childhood, his mother sang a song that he had

long forgotten. Then it reappeared last night through his dreams, called the ‘Beasts of England’.

Later, Old Major starts to sing it; this is heard by the rest of the animal at Manor Farm, which is

then followed by the rest of the animals. Proven in novel on page 5, “The singing of this song

threw animals into the wildest excitement. Almost before Major had reached the end, they had

begun singing it for themselves”. (Orwell, 1945, P. 5) Meanwhile in the film, at minute 9:40,

when Old Major finished recounting his dream and singing, with all the animals singing it with

their respective language. They sing it immediately as though they already know that song since

a long time ago. This probably happens because the director wanted to shorten the time length of

the movie and save the cost of producing the animated film.

In the second chapter on page 6, Orwell recounts the death of Old Major, where a few

days after Old Major opened the eyes of the animals about rebellions, he died quietly because of

old aged. This is evident on page 6 “three nights later old major died peacefully in his sleeps, His

body was buried at the foot of the orchard” (Orwell, 1945, p. 6). While in the movie, Old Major

dies right after they finish singing the Beasts of England. That is precisely at minute 10:15. This
probably happens because the director wanted to shorten the time. What if the director complies

with what is written in the novel? This will be a waste of money by extending the duration of the

less important details, such as waiting for a few days for Old Major to dies.

On the last chapter, which is in chapter 10, Orwell explains that after the animals win the

rebellion against humans led by the pigs, or Napoleon, the animals is once again tormented. They

see Napoleon or their leader the same as a flock of humans, who invaded them first. It is stated in

page 54 “the creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from man to

pig again; but already it was impossible to say which was which”, ( Orwell, 1945, P. 54). The

animals do not do any resistance against the pigs. While in the film, at 1:06:18, when the animals

realize that the pigs have turned into human-like figures, they return to resist against the pig. It

probably happened because the director would like to satisfy the viewers who detest the end of

the novel. Maybe if he makes a happy ending, by making the animals turn to rebellion to make

them taste real freedom, will satisfy the viewers.

Based on the points above, it can be concluded that the director makes the plot the same

as the book, but it has a few differences. The reason why the director made a few changes to the

plot of the story is probably because he wanted to save the cost of production of the animated

film, and that he wanted to shorten the movies time length. That is why he shortens the

insignificant scenes of the novel, for example the death of Old Major. Another reason is that he

wanted to satisfy the readers of Animal Farm who would watch the animated film, by changing

the ending of the movie. Which at the end of the story in the novel, Orwell made a story that has

no definite end, while the director makes a happy ending.

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