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As the Day Ends

“I’m home.”
Namjoon quietly closed the door behind him. The quick automatic lock echoed in the silent room. He was
greeted with darkness. Namjoon sighed in relief, glad that the long day finally come to an end and he
stepped back to his safe haven, his home. His eyes traveled to this penthouse of him. Of theirs. Still looked
sophicasted without the help of the light. Namjoon put off his black shoes, alongside with the cream socks.
Putting it all to the wooden rack next to the welcome mat. Thus he stepped towards the living room.
Namjoon lazily threw his leather suitcase to the sofa, feeling the soft brush of the thick Arabian carpet
underneath his feet. He remembered when he was in Morocco with you, travelling with Kangjoon still 6
months old inside your belly, arguing which pattern they should buy. But Namjoon having so much soft
spot for you, ended up going along with your pick. Namjoon smiled at the memory. Your taste wasn’t so
bad, he liked it too in the end. He plopped himself down to the beanbag next to the window. A glass window
right next to the living room, giving out the clear view of the pool and the sparkling night of Ilsan in this
middle of the night. A soft moan escaped his mouth as he felt his muscles relaxed, succumbed into the plush
of the sofa. It was so comfortable, he even closed his eyes in delight.
He was almost entered his sleep when a soft thud coming from the room upstairs. Namjoon instantly wake
up, and walked to the second floor, where all the bedrooms are. The blue colored door, with a “Kangjoon”
sticker pasted on was the first room he checked. Namjoon was greeted with his son sleeping soundly on his
stomach, one hand hanging on the edge of the bed. Completed Rubik’s cube fell down on the floor
underneath the tiny fingertips of his son. Namjoon chuckled, heart warmed by the sight on front of him.
The bedside lamp illuminating the chubby cheeks of Kangjoon, his soft blush looked prominent, with a
ghost of dimples adorned his face. He looked so much like Namjoon while he sleeps.
Namjoon fixed a little bit of his son’s messy sleeping position, as he tucked up the blanket back again
covering his body, slowly but sure. Not wanting to wake him up. Kangjoon groaned a little, but he continued
asleep afterwards. Namjoon ruffled his boy’s fringe softly. He didn’t expect him to grow up so fast, a boy
who’s going to finish his kindergarten next month, in the age of five. A year faster than the other kids. As
expected from a boy with IQ just a little bit higher than him. But Namjoon hoped he doesn’t grow too fast.
He wanted his son to enjoy every stage of his growth fully, without skipping any chapters of life ahead. He
didn’t want his son to feel what he felt in the past.
Namjoon walked outside kangjoon’s room, shutting the door as soft as he can. He loosened his tie and put
off his suit as he walked down to the master bedroom. He left the suit and tie on the floor messily, knowing
you’ll just nag at him in the morning for not putting it to the laundy basket. Because he just want to hear
your nag, following your lean figure, usually wearing only his T-shirts which obviously oversized on your
body, sulking but still cleaning up his mess and putting the suit and tie to the laudry basket downstairs, next
to the kitchen. He just want to expect your attention every morning (beside being a messy ass). Because he
knew after all those nags came out from your pretty little mouth, a morning kiss awaits him. A morning
make out on the kitchen counter.
All the light in the room was turned off in the master bedroom, only the light from the night stars and
sparkling lights from the buildings outside as the source of the brightness inside. Namjoon walked to the
side of the room, next to the gigantic glass window was the twin baby cribs. Namjoon stepped closer, only
to see Hyejin still wide awake, sitting in her pastel blue onesies next to her sleeping twins, Seojoon. Her
soft straight hair was messy, her doe eyes instantly locked with Namjoon when he stand right next to her
cribs. Her eyes were glossy with tears, pacifier held tightly in her left hand. She was silently staring at him,
not even blinking. The more Namjoon looked at his babygirl, the more he realized she was the exact copy
of her mother, with addition of dimples in both of her cheeks, the only traits of him inherited to her.
Namjoon just smiled at Hyejin, waiting any reaction from her. Both of the twins almost reached 24 months
old but only Hyejin haven’t said the word ‘Appa’ or ‘Omma’, while Seojoon has. So Namjoon thought this
could be the moment, even thought the tiredness slowly crept into his body in bigger force than before as
the clock ticking to midnight.
But suddenly, the longer he waited, the more Hyejin get irritated and starting to give I-am-going-to-cry-
dad-please-hug-me vibe. Namjoon panicked so he hurriedly picked her up and cradled her in his arm. A
tiny sobs was coming out from her but his soft hush and gentle swing managed to calm her down and
suppress her choked sobs. Namjoon pacing back and forth, hugging his only baby girl in his arms lovingly.
No matter how tired his arm was, after long night typing the end-year report, he always has strength for his
daughter. Hyejin buried her face in his neck with her tiny arms wrapped thightly around Namjoon’s neck.
After almost 30 minutes pacing back and forth around the room, Hyejin’s breath finally becoming even,
steady thump of her heart mingled with Namjoon’s heartbeat, a sign that she’s finally fast asleep. Slowly
but sure, he put her down back to the cribs, next to Seojoon. Didn’t forget to give a feathery kiss on both of
their cheeks. What did he do in his past life to be blessed with two angles after he got one? Only god knows.
A content smile plastered on Namjoon’s face. He just wished this time will frozen, where his everything
safe and sound, faraway from any danger and the cruelity of the real world. Namjoon finally glanced to the
master bed, only to see your back facing to him. As Namjoon walked closer, he was surprised to see you in
a different attire. All glory in pastel pink lingerie, one of the things you don’t like very much. You were
curled in a fetal position, seeking warmth as much as possible due to the lack of garments you wear, while
the bed cover already twisted here and there tangled below your feet (blame your messy sleeping habit).
Namjoon was starstrucked. The last time you’d wear this kind of things were only at your wedding
anniversary night-
Fuck tonight is the wedding anniversary night.
Namjoon fucked up so bad. You’re gonna be so fucking mad in the morning. Shit.
How can he forget such an important event??? Blame the Kim Inc he has to rule every single day. The
consequency being the CEO of one of the biggest Wall-Street company in Korea.
Namjoon ruffled his hair in frustration. How is he gonna apologize in the morning? He tucked down three
buttons of his blue shirt. The tiredness crawling again after he saw the comfy bed and the way you snuggled
so deep into the pillow, making him wanted to join you. But before that, he fixed the cover back to your
figure, hovering above you afterwards. The side of your cheeks looked so soft and your cupid’s bow
adorned with a tint of strawberry lip-balm, Namjoon’s favourite. Namjoon couldn’t resist the urge to kiss
you so he find your lips with ease. But you being you, even though you’re in your unconscious state, you
groaned in disturbance and accidentally pushed Namjoon’s face with your arm as you shifted from your
position. No one can disturb your sleep. No one.
You muttered something under your breath (similarly sounds like damn you Kim Namjoon, but he could be
mistaken) after your find the comfort in your new position, facing Namjoon’s side. Namjoon chuckled, no
wonder you ended up as his wife.
The thought of going to the shower was very tempting, but it was already so late, past midnight. And
Namjoon’s sleepy eyes couldn’t hold it any longer. So he decided just to go to sleep in his working attire,
his blue shirt and black trouser. He circled his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his body. You
unconsciously complied, snuggling closer to the crook of his neck, limbs tangled together automatically,
bodies molded into one perfect symphony. Namjoon inhale your scent, the earthy scent mixed with fresh
lemon shampoo you always use.
Namjoon felt this silent happiness and gratitude.
Because as the day ends, you’ll always be there. The only home he’s always ever be.

Bonusssss :
The morning was so bright. Annoyingly bright. You squinted your eyes just to open your eyes slightly. But
then you meet the slanted eyes of him, already looking at you with a lazy smile on his smile while his
fingers playing with the curls of your hair.
“Hey.” He greeted you softly and you hummed back a response, as you stretched your limbs a little bit to
find comfort. You looked back at him, head propped on one hand while the other now finding its anchor
back to your exposed thigh, drawing circles there with his cold finger, resulting goosebumps all over your
“I’m sorry, for coming home late, last night...” He muttered his apology slowly, but steady. Eyes never left
yours, because you just know he’s that kind of man that’s brave to face the consequence. And that
consequence is you (plus your wrath). Now that he reminded you his mistake, your smiley-happy-morning
face turned sour in an instant.
“It was our wedding anniversary Namjoon, how could you?!” You whispered, trying to suppress the scream
inside so you won’t disturb the babies sleeping. He sure knows where to open a fighting ring where you
can’t scream out loud. But at least here you could strangle him. Figuratively.
“I know, I’m sorry, there was so much report that needs to be done and I-“ He tried to persuade you with
another work excuses, and making effort by massaging your waist and your back right now, knowing you’re
so weak for back massage. But you slapped his sneaky hand away and he was startled. His face from only
guilty, turned super guilty, sad, and rejected. Like a fucking puppy being left outside by its owner. How
dare he looked so damn adorable like that-
You closed you eyes and take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. You stared back at him just to find him already
waiting for your response. You shifted from facing him now laying on your back, staring at the ceiling as
you steady your breath, trying to find your inner peace again. All those yoga classes finally showing its
“Okay. Fine. But we have to celebrate it today, and I want to eat the chicken galbi restaurant that recently
being opened last week and then we have to go to the cinema afterwads or the aquarium because Kangjoon
wanted to see whale-
“Wait why don’t celebrate it right now.” He suddenly cut you off in the middle of your rambling. Swiftly
changed his position from your side now hovering above you. The sneaky hand you slapped before already
finding its way to the inner side of your dress, reaching upwards from your bare thighs to your stomach.
Trailing his cold fingers sensually making shivers in every touch he made.
“Wait Kim Namjoon-“ and he silenced you with a passionate kiss. And there’s now way you’ll complain
with this.

Y’all know where this all going.

The end.

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