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P.O. Box 0000, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Nationality: Singaporean DOB: 02/01/1983. Father Sponsorship in Dubai

Objective: To obtain a full time position in a multinational this offers a professional working environment and
enables me as a fresh graduate to grow while meeting the corporation’s goals.

MA (Research) Philosophy, National University of Singapore 2007-2009
MSc Philosophy and History of Science, LSE, University of London 2005-2006
BA (Hons) Politics and Philosophy, PEP, University of York 2002-2005
 2007, 2008 Research Scholarship, National University of Singapore, Singapore
 2006 Conference Bursary, University of Nottingham, UK
 2005 International Student Scholarship, University of York, UK
Conferences and Seminars
 2007 Should the state be justified in imposing a certain religion on all? (A case study on Philosophical
Method) National University of Singapore Graduate Research Seminar, Singapore
 2006 The Consequences of Contingent Necessitation Open Minds: University of Manchester Postgraduate
Philosophy Conference, UK
 2005 Can Double-Negation Elimination be justified? Annual British Undergraduate Philosophy
Conference, UK
 2005 Are there untranslatable languages? Respondent National Postgraduate Analytic Philosophy
Conference, UK
 2002 Drafted youth statement as member of the Singapore youth delegation. U. N. World Summit on
Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, SA
Working Experience

Customer service executive, grant hotel, UK summer internship, 3 months 2005

Assist to Research team, University of London, Part-time, 1 year 2005-2006

 2007 Teaching Assistant, Logic PH2110/GEM2006, National University of Singapore, Singapore
 2005 Conference helper, NPAPC, National Postgraduate Analytic Philosophy Association, UK
 2003/2004 Bored of Studies Representative, Philosophy Department, University of York, UK.
 2005 Can Double-Negation Elimination be justified? In British Journal of Undergraduate Philosophy.
ISSN: 1748-9393.
Study Abroad Opportunities
 2005 Philosophy and the Social Sciences Summer School, Lund University, Sweden. Funded by LU.
 2004 Politics and Philosophy Summer Programme, Institute of Humane Studies, USA. Funded by IHS.
 2003/2004 Arabic- Languages Department, University of York, UK
 2001 Chinese (Mandarin) - Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘AO’ Levels, Singapore.
Available upon request

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