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Naleen Desai, India

hese remedies Shri Naleen Desai from Valsad has collected from
various sources and they were written down by Mr Hemant Bhatt.
We are thankful to all sources who have preserved these remedies
over the generations and openly shared it for the benefit of those who are

[01] For getting married and for happy married life, pour two spoon milk
[un-boiled] and offer black sesame to lord Shiva in temple and do japa of
‘ … ūṁ namaḥ śivāya ||’; donate remaining milk to sweeper and
cleaner of temple.

[02] On Saturday, make shivaling of mud [parthiveshwar] and do its

worship by offering kumkum, chandna, diya, flower etc with japa of ‘
… ūṁ namaḥ śivāya ||’ for relief of ailment due to ‘tridosha’ and

[03] Moon in Saturn nakshtra, donate medicine and edible oil, eat and
feed other mustard oil and also massage with this oil.
[04] for warding off adverse effects of Saturn, donate some monies to any
needy person like sweepers & cleaners, garbage collector etc. as per your
economical condition and drop five grains of black ‘उडद द … uḍada dāla’ in
flowing water or river.

[05] For physical, economical and marital all round happiness, chew some
black peeper before breakfast. Similarly, in lunch and supper have black
rock salt and give these to other with your own hand.

[06] If there is ailment or could not sleep well, put some mustard oil on all
your nails at sleeping time, you will have a sound sleep. This is more
effective for young children.

[07] Those who have adverse Saturn, say, in 2 nd or 3rd house, should not
speak loudly, talk harshly and never do dirty talk; they should behave
and speak courteously. For those you are responsible, you should take
and complete the responsibility. Or otherwise your physical body will be
weak and there will be misfortune you will face frequently.

[08] For warding off ill-effects of Saturn, donate ‘kitchdi’ of uḍada dāla and
rice to poor and hungry people; may be to beggars. You may also donate
plain ‘dahi vada or medu vada’.

[09] When Saturn is adverse, it will pollute the wind [five winds] in body
and in result, mind, brain and body; one should do meditation and
regularly practice ‘loma & anuloma’ in Yoga; should do ‘shirshana’.

[10] To avoid adversities of Saturn, do not visit or stay alone at old &
ruined places-houses; do not use intoxications.

[11] If Saturn is bad and weak in the chart, love and take care of your
wife; especially related to marital life.

[12] If Saturn is conjunct Jupiter or is in Jupiter nakstra or vice versa, visit

temple of lord Shiva or Krishna, participate in spiritual preaching.
[13] Never screw up or do fraud to or misconceive others though you
make loss especially when Saturn conjunct Jupiter in 2H.

[14] Do meditation under guidance of Yoga Guru

[15] Do or participate in Dhyana and Yoga, take care of eyes this is more
so when Saturn in 2H

[16] When you face adversities like woe (shoka), disgrace-indictment-

blemish (kalanka), trauma-hurt donate black cloths, do ‘Suryopashna’; at
night before sleeping worship ‘ishtadevta’.

[17] Help those who are weak and suffering by heart to avoid adversities
of Saturn

[18] Do not feel or behave arrogance or supercilious to avoid adversities

of Saturn; do not divert from your aims or objectives; do not do gossip and
absurd or meaningless things.

[19] Saturn in Leo - digestion weak, bile problems, and eye problems
Donate or provide eatables to or feed weak and poor people; protect
them. Feed birds and animals; respect poor and suffering people parents

[20] Saturn in Virgo – may be irreligious and impatience

Donate pulses and oil; respect government lady employees

[21] Saturday in Libra – defamation, unemployed,

Do that to purify your character, do laborious work mental or physical,
for gain do not do inappropriate works, do religious works and do ‘surya
darshan’. Do sweeping and cleaning on Saturday, donate mythological
books to children, respect Guru and visit temple.

[22] Saturday in Scorpio – ailment of secret-productive parts of body

Respect scholars-wise and old-age people; feed them with best eatables;
respect nation and society where you live. Enchant … ūṁ namaḥ
śivāya || mantra daily.

[23] Saturn in Sagittarius – life partner will be different in any respect like
culture, nature, caste, economical condition etc; social status might
Adhere to moral – disciplinary values and do not enslave to selfishness.
Enchant … ūṁ śaṁ śanaiścarāya namaḥ ||mantra and
understand properly those who are perplexed or deviated.

[24] Saturn in Capricorn - Help poor people, do not reside in dirty house
and should not be dirty but have clean and shining look; show your art
and what you are master at; publicize your mentor, religious and path.

[25] Saturn in Aquarius – put you in protecting part; donate black peeper,
groundnuts and nut-oils; do innovative and productive works.

[26] Saturn adverse to vehicles [4H] – donate black sesame [kale tila] if
Mars also involved then buy house in others name

[27] Rahu+Mars - if house is not procured feed cow with pure molasses;
drop one table spoon of molasses in water; if vehicle is frequently gives
troubles then worship old-age people with devotional services

[28] Rahu+Mars and Moon – could not procure house and if procured
bodily suffering or quarrels persists; worship & respect old-age people
with devotional services; donate white cloths to five children; feed five
people; select color and number appropriately.

[29] When Saturn is in the 12H it can cause lot of obstacles and delays in
ones bhagya (prosperity) to open up. One of the best remedies for it is to
take jaggery and mix it with Black Sesame Seeds (til) and feed it to a
black cow on Saturdays. If the affliction is lot and one is not getting job
then he can do this everyday starting from Saturday. One can
alternatively use this remedy if ones Saturn is in the 12th from 10th lord.

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