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Tajikistan is one of the former Soviet Union country and its GDP ( Growth Domestic Product)
per capita is the lowest one among 15 other countries. Despairing the fact that the country’s
land is suitable for agriculture and has plenty water resources comparing to other Central
Asian countries in terms of prosperity and living standard the country is not growing
sufficiently. Because of civil war starting after country’s independence, Tajikistan’s trade
suffered big loses and resource flow and subsidies provided by central authority has been
stopped. Due to political instability the international aids, credits and foreign investment has
been flowed very late to country. Up to present moment in order to ensure macroeconomic
stability and for development private sector Tajikistan preparing the infrastructure and also
getting results. At recent periods Tajikistan puting crucial steps toward prosperity. The
country also made some constitutional reforms and the investment environment is being

In case of foreign trade Tajikistan has relations with more than 70 countries worldwide.
Turkey has its own share in Tajikistan’s foreign trade relationships. Even though the trade
volume is not much between Turkey and Tajikistan but the clear growth has also attract
attentions. However comparing to other Central Asian countries Tajikistan and Turkey
economic and trade relations has not much improved. This has two critical
reasons:Tajikistan’s civil war and high political instability. Nevertheless at present moment
35 Turkish firms are working in Tajikistan and also 39 Tajik firms are conducting their
economic activities here in Turkey.

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