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Our Bangladesh is getting digital day by day.

There was one day when Pakistan attacked
Bangladesh. But Bangladesh didn’t had any
weapons to fight because they didn’t had that
much knowledge so they took help from India
they fought with this weapons and defeated
Pakistan . When the Great War was finished
The Bengalis studied on this tools and
weapons for many years. With those things
they made more tools and weapons which
are more powerful. With those things
they made their army stronger.
One day thunder came from the sky, that
time they saw the thunder and studied on
thunder and found that it is also called
electricity. So first of all they tried to make
manmade power electricity. Then they tried
to make communication machine to
communicate with other sectors. Then they
tried to make mobile phone, television.
Then they also tried to study on metals
and engines to make cars to make cars they
also had to work hard. To make cars they
also had to study on petrol and gas and
tires. To get petrol they had to search for
petroleum and to get tires they had to
search for rubber trees.

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