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That was my last opportunity to pass the English course, the final test: to write a fiction story

using past verbs. I never did homework for the class, so I needed to do it very well. I had to
write a very good story.

I started to do the homework on Monday, I had three days to do it if I had to deliver it on

Thursday. My first try was a story about a bear that lives in a big city and lives with its family...
That was a stupid idea so I had to start one more time.
It was Wednesday, I was in my room, alone, thinking about a story better than the bear family
story. I didn't understand what was happening with my head, I didn't have any good idea.
My brother told me that I needed to relax, maybe he was right.
I thought that maybe I needed some inspiration, then I went out to the street. I started to walk
without a destiny, some minutes after, I was in the subway. There, I saw a homeless and I
thought that maybe he could help me, so I went to talk with him, looking for an interesting story,
but nothing, he only talked about the bad government. Then I tried talking with some other
people, but I didn't find any interesting story.
I was tired and it was time to return home, so I did it, by the subway one more time. When I was
there I closed my eyes a moment to take a little rest, that was a bad idea. When I opened my
eyes all was dark.

Damn! I fell asleep in the subway.

What is the matter with the people that works on the subway? how can be this possible?!

Now I had a story but I'll not be in time tomorrow to English class.

Why didn't I chose the bear family story?

Francisco Buentello

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