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Island size : 756,102 km²

Capital: Santiago

Language: Spanish

Mountain range: Los Andes

Mountain: Snowy Ojos del Salado (22.614 ft)

River: Loa (270 miles)

The Andean Condor

The Andean condor is one of the largest birds capable of flying. This typical species from the
Andes lives in mountainous areas

It is a large black bird, with white feathers around the neck and in parts of the wings. The head
has no feathers and is red

The Andean Condor is on the red list of the International Union for the conservation of nature
as an "almost threatened" animal. It is affected by natural predators that feed on eggs or by
sports hunting.


Located in the southern center of the Lake District with a beautiful lake and an imposing volcano
make it one of the most popular tourist places in Chile. It offers a wide variety of sports and
recreational activities such as water skiing, snowmobiling, rafting and kayaking, horseback
riding, hot springs and climbing the magnificent Villarrica volcano.

Easter Island:

One of the most isolated islands on Earth, Easter Island is located in the South Eastern Pacific
Ocean. The island is famous for its 887 moai, created in the first centuries by the so-called
Rapanui. These stone giants are recognized worldwide and are scattered in different parts of
the island.

Valley of the moon:

Located in the Atacama Desert, this impressive desert landscape is the result of centuries of
winds and floods on the sand and stone of the region. The large sand dunes and stone
formations imitate the surface of the Moon, giving the region its name, which translates as
"Valley of the Moon".

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