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More Commands Command List last edited – 21 Jul 2017, correct for MC 1.11.

Find an error or suggested improvement? Please PM me @ LoRaM100.
Please Note: Not all commands work with all versions

Executing Commands on startup (1.11.0 and later).

Executing Commands on startup (1.10.2 and earlier):

If you want to execute commands when you join a server (multiplayer on a dedicated server), and this
mod is installed, (this is a requirement, if the mod isn't installed, it won't work), you have to go to the
configuration folder, (minecraft_installation_folder/config/morecommands/) Find the
startup_multiplayer.cfg file: Here you can specify different commands for every server or commands
for every server like in the "startup.cfg". Syntax follows:
#Commands for server with ip IP and port PORT
#Commands for all servers
If you want to execute commands when you start a server (multiplayer), which has this mod installed
(this is a requirement, if the mod isn't installed, it won't work), you have to go to the configuration folder
There find a file called "startup.cfg". Every command written into this file will be executed when you start
a server having this mod installed.

Single player (Windows 10) path =

C:/NotForYou/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/config/morecommands/startup.cfg. Adding
“/clientcommands enable” here, allows single players to use server commands.

{s-c} /achievement <unlock <*|NAME>|lock <*|NAME>|list> - locks/unlocks/lists achievements.

{s-c} /air <GET|MAX|MIN|VALUE> - Sets your air (under water).
{scb} /alias <NAME> <COMMAND> [PARAMETERS] - Adds an alias for a command.
{scb} /alias_global <NAME> <COMMAND> [PARAMETERS] – Adds a global alias for a command.
{s-c} /ascend - Moves you to the next platform above your current position.
{c} /bind <KEYCODE> <COMMAND> [PARAMETERS] - Binds a command to a keyboard key.
{c} /bindid <KEYID> <COMMAND> [PARAMETERS] - Binds a command to a keyboard key using the
key id.
{s-c} /biome <INFO|LIST> - Displays info about the current biome or lists all biomes.
{s+c} /blocklight <level|opacity><BLOCK><reset|VALUE> - Sets the light level of a block (must
replace for changes to take effect).
{s-c} /breakspeed <VALUE|MIN|MAX|RESET> - Sets the break speed for blocks.
{s-c} /breathe [VALUE] - Breathes under water (fills your air by a certain amount).
{s-c} /bring <TARGET|ENTITY [RADIUS]> [X Y Z] - Brings nearby Entities to your crosshair position
(by default items).
{scb} /calc <CALCULATION> - A calculator (operators: %,+,-,*,/,^).
{s-c} /cannon [STRENGTH] - Fires a primed TNT.
{s-c} /chatchannel <list [all]|show <NAME>|join <NAME>|leave <NAME>|create <NAME>
list/join/leave/create/destroy/update chat channels (chat rooms). discussion
{s-c} /chatstyle <reset|{STYLE_ARGS}> - Sets/Resets your Chat Styles
{s-c} /chatstyle_global <reset|{STYLE_ARGS}> - Sets/Resets global Chat Styles
{sp}/cheats [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Turns cheats on/off (only Singleplayer).
{c} /chelp [PAGE|COMMAND] - Gives help to client commands. (Client Side, works on any server).
{s-c} /chest <DROP|FILL|GET|SWAP|CLEAR> - Performs several operations on chests.
{c} = Client Side, works on any server.
{s+c} = Server Side, requires the mod be installed on the Client Side.
{s-c} = Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod.
{scb} = Works with the server, client, or both, having installed the mod.
{sp} = Client Side, singleplayer only.
{c} /clear - Clears the chat console.
{s-c} /cleardrops [RADIUS] [*|ITEM] [*|META] [NBT] [equal] - Removes item drops around you.
{s+c} /clientcommands <ENABLE|DISABLE> - Toggles client side command handling on/off.
Required in SinglePlayer for commands to function.
{s-c} /climb [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]|ENABLE|DISABLE| - Allows you to climb on any block.
{s-c} /clone [AMOUNT] - Clones the NPC you're looking at.
{c} /clouds [T/RUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Turns clouds on or off.
{scb} /command <ENABLE|DISABLE> <COMMAND> - Enables/Disables commands.
{s+c} /compass [RESET|SET [X Y Z|WAYPOINT]] - Sets the compass target
{s-c} /confuse /[RADIUS] - Confuses nearby Entities.
{s-c} /confusesuicide [RADIUS] – Makes entities to attack themselves.
{s-c} /creeper [global] [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1|ENABLE|DISABLE] - Creepers won't blow you
up (but they will die).
{s-c} /criticalhit [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - You will always make critical hits.
{s-c} /cyclepainting - Allows you to cycle through the pictures for a painting.
{s-c} /damage [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Turns damage on/off.
{s-c} /defuse [RADIUS] - Defuses nearby TNT and drops it.
{s-c} /descend - Moves you to the next platform below your current position.
{s-c} /destroy [TARGET] [*|SLOT|ITEM META NBT [equal]] - Destroys the current or all items in
your inventory.
{s-c} /difficulty <PEACEFUL|0|EASY|1|NORMAL|2|HARD|3> - Sets the difficulty to the specified
level (valid values 0-3).
{s-c} /dimension <NETHER|-1|NORMAL|SURFACE|0|END|1> - Travels to another dimension.
{s-c} /dodrops - Turns item drops on/off
{s-c} /dropstore - Puts all your items in a chest next to you.
{s-c} /duplicate - Duplicates the currently held item.
{s-c} /effect <add <NAME|ID> [DURATION] [STRENGTH] [PARTICLES]|remove
<*|NAME|ID|list> – Applies an effect to you.
{s-c} /enchant <add <NAME> [LEVEL]|remove <*|NAME>|list> – Add/remove enchantments for
the item you hold.
enderman pickup or teleports on/off.
{scb} /exec confirm [REQ_ID], /exec_deny [REQ_ID], /exec_requests - Since this update, it is
now possible to configure the execute command to send execution requests instead of directly executing
the command for a player. The targeted player then has the possibility to confirm or deny such a request
using /exec_confirm or /exec_deny. The REQ_ID parameter is optional and has to be an id for an
execution request if there are multiple execution requests. The oldest request always has id 0 which is
used if REQ_ID is not specified. /exec_requests lists all currently waiting requests.
{s-c} /execute <TARGET|PLAYER> [relative X Y Z] <COMMAND> [PARAMETERS] – Executes a
command on other players or entities
{s-c} /explode [STRENGTH [X|Y|Z]] - Creates an explosion where you look.
{s-c} /explosions [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Turns explosions on/off.
{s-c} /exterminate [STRENGTH] - Blows entities up.
{s-c} /extinguish [ME|ALL [RADIUS] - Extinguishes fire around or on the player.
{s-c} /falldamage [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Turns fall damage on/off.
{s-c} /firedamage [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Turns fire damage on/off.
{s-c} /firework [XYZ] - Launches a firework rocket.
{s-c} /flammable <BLOCK <RESET|ENCOURAGEMENT FLAMMABILITY>> - Sets the flammability
of a block.
{s-c} /fly [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Allows you to fly.
{s+c} /fluidmovement [ON|OFF|ENABLE|DISABLE|0|1] - Enables/Disables the way you move
through fluids.
{c} /fog <TINY|SMALL|NORMAL|FAR> - changes the Render distance.
{s+c} /freecam - Allows you to freecam around the map.
{s-c} /freeze [ENTITY] - Freezes Entities. (Client Side, singleplayer only).
{c} = Client Side, works on any server.
{s+c} = Server Side, requires the mod be installed on the Client Side.
{s-c} = Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod.
{scb} = Works with the server, client, or both, having installed the mod.
{sp} = Client Side, singleplayer only.
{s+c} /freezecam - Freezes the player camera at the current position.
{s-c} /give <ITEM> [AMOUNT] [METADATA] [NBT] - Gives you the item.
{s-c} /grow [RADIUS] - Grows plants around you.
{s-c} /handshake <STATUS|REDO> – Checks your handshake status or resends a handshake request
(watch the video for a more detailed explanation).
{s-c} /hardcore [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Toggles hardcore mode on/off.
{s-c} /heal [AMOUNT] - Heals you.
{s-c} /health <GET|MAX|MIN|VALUE> - Sets your health.
{scb} /help [CLIENT|SERVER] [page|command], otherwise: /help [page|command] - Gives
information how to get help if client commands are enabled, otherwise gives help to server commands.
{s-c} /home - Teleports you to your spawn point.
{s-c} /home [global] - Teleports you to your world spawn point.
{s-c} /hunger <GET|MAX|MIN|VALUE> – Sets your hunger.
{s-c} /hurt <DAMAGE_SOURCE> <STRENGTH> – This command hurts the executing entity with a
specific damage source and with a given strength (can be used for other entities using the /execute
{s-c} /ignite - Ignites the block you're looking at.
{s-c} /ignorespawn <ENTITY> [NBT] [equal] - Prevents creatures from spawning.
{s-c} /infiniteitems [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Turns infinite items on/off.
{s-c} /instantgrow [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Makes newly planted plants growing instantly.
{s-c} /instantkill [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Kills enemies instantly.
{s-c} /instantmine [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Mines blocks instantly.
{s-c} /inventory <SAVE|LOAD|DELETE> [NAME] - Saves/Loads Inventories.
{s-c} /invisible [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Turns invisibilty on/off.
{s-c} /invrotate [line|item|COUNT] [up|down|left|right] - Rotates items in the inventory.
{s+c} /itemdamage <ITEM>[TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Turns item damage on/off.
{s-c} /itemname <NAME> - Sets the display name of the currently held item.
{s-c} /jump - Moves you from where you are to where your mouse is pointing.
{s+c} /jumpheight <HEIGHT> - Sets the height of your jumps.
{s-c} /keepinventory [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Makes you keeping your inventory when you die.
{s-c} /kill - Kills the command sender.
{s-c} /killall <ENTITY [RADIUS]> - Kills entities around you.
{s-c} /killattacker [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Kills every Enemy which attacks you.
{s+c} /light - Lightens the world.
{scb} /macro add test fly;noclip;achievement unlock *;damage – Adds/Edits/Executes/Removes a
{s-c} /melt [all] - Melts or cooks items.
{s-c} /mobdamage [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Turns mob damage on/off.
{scb} /morecommands - Gives information about this mod.
{s-c} /move <DISTANCE <N|S|E|W|D|U>> - Moves you a certain direction.
{c} /music <PLAY|STOP|SKIP|VOLUME <VOLUME>> {c} - Plays/Stops/Skips music.
{s-c} /nbt_apply_block <TARGET|X Y Z> <NBT|BLOCK META PLACEMENT NBT> [merge] -
Applies NBT transformations to blocks or sets blocks
{s-c} /nbt_apply_entity <TARGET> <NBT> [merge] - Applies NBT transformations to entities
{s-c} /nbt_apply_inventory [TARGET] [SLOT] <NBT|ITEM AMOUNT META NBT> [merge] -
Applies NBT and item transformations to inventories.
{s-c} /nbt_test_block <TARGET> [equal] [BOUNDS] - Counts blocks specified by the target selector
{s-c} /nbt_test_entity <TARGET> [equal] [BOUNDS] - Counts entities specified by the target
{s-c} /nbt_test_inventory [TARGET] <SLOT> <NBT|ITEM AMOUNT META NBT> [equal]
[BOUNDS] - Counts the number of inventories satisfying the given conditions
{s-c} /noattack – Prevents entities from attacking you.
{s+c} /noclip [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Turns Clipping on/off.
{s-c} /op <PLAYER> [PERMISSION_LEVEL] - Ops players (similar to vanilla except that you can
define the permission level of the opped player).
{c} = Client Side, works on any server.
{s+c} = Server Side, requires the mod be installed on the Client Side.
{s-c} = Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod.
{scb} = Works with the server, client, or both, having installed the mod.
{sp} = Client Side, singleplayer only.
{s-c} /open [X Y Z|enderchest|workbench|anvil|enchantment_table] - Opens a container (e.g.
{scb} /output [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Turns chat output from this mod on/off.
{sp} /path <BLOCK> [META] [RADIUS] - Creates a path under your feet (Careful: sand or gravel
causes you to fall out the bottom of your world).
{s-c} /permission <setaction <COMMAND><ACTION><LEVEL>|setbase
<COMMAND><ACTION><LEVEL>|getbase <COMMAND>|reset(base|all|action
<ACTION><COMMAND>> – used with the overwritten "op" command. Sets the required permission
level for a command (works only for MoreCommands commands).
{s-c} /pick [AMOUNT] - Adds the block you're looking at to your inventory (like in creative).
{s-c} /pickup <ITEM> - Prevents items from being picked up.
{s-c} /playeruuid - Outputs your uuid in chat.
The video url is:
{scb} /position - Shows your current position.
{s+c} /reach <DISTANCE|RESET> - Sets your reach distance (tools only).
{s-c} /refill [all] - Refills the items.
{s-c} /repair [all] - Repairs items.
{s-c} /return [teleport|deathpoint] - Returns you to your location before the teleported or died.
{s-c} /ride - Let's you ride any entity you're looking at (Type ride again to dismount entity).
/savemode_client – See /Settings below.
/savemode_server – See /Settings below.
{s-c} /scuba [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Toggle underwater breathing on/off.
{s-c} /setspawn [X|Y|Z] - Sets the players spawn point.
{c} /settings_client <list [PAGE]|reload|reset [SETTING]|set [SETTING] {PROPERTIES}> or
/settings_global <list [PAGE]|reset [SETTING]|set [SETTING] {PROPERTIES}> or
/settings_server <list [PAGE]|reload|reset [SETTING]|set [SETTING] {PROPERTIES}> – These
commands allow setting constraints on the validity and availability of settings. Discussion/Clarification
{c} /shelp [PAGE|COMMAND] {c} - Gives help to server commands.
{s-c} /sign <ADD|EDIT> {Line1} {Line2} {Line3} {Line4} - Allows you to add and edit signs.
{s-c} /slippery <BLOCK <SLIPPERY>|RESET> - Sets the slippery of a block (Use little numbers!!!).
{s-c} /spawn <list [PAGE]|random|ENTITY [AMOUNT] [X Y Z] [NBT] [merge]> - Spawns
{s-c} /spawner <ENTITY> - Changes the entity a Spawner creates. Case and spelling must match
{s-c} /spawnportal <END|NETHER> - Spawns a portal to another dimension (End portals have a fixed
{s-c} /speed <WALK|FLY|MINECART> <GET|RESET|SET VALUE> - Sets walk, fly, or minecart
{s-c} /sprint [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Allows you to sprint infinite.
{s-c} /stackcombine - Description: Combines all item stacks
{s+c} /stepheight [VALUE|RESET] - Allows you to set your step height.
{sp – LAN only}/sudo <PLAYER> <COMMAND> [PARAMETERS] - Allows you to execute a
command as somebody else in LAN Mode.
/summon <EntityName> [x] [y] [z] [dataTag] - No description, no example, no video link.
{s-c} /superpunch <STRENGTH|RESET> - Knocks your enemies back.
{s-c} /teleport <PLAYER|X Y Z [YAW PITCH]> - Teleports you to coordinates or another player.
{s-c} /thru [DISTANCE] - Teleports the player through an obstacle, e.g. a wall. The distance
parameter tells the maximum distance to go through (by default 128)
{scb} /unalias <ALIAS> - Removes an alias.
{scb} /unalias_global <ALIAS> - Removes a global alias.
{scb} /unbind <KEYCODE|KEYID> - Unbinds the specified key from a command.
{scb} /unbindid <KEYCODE|KEYID> – Unbinds a key using the key id
{s-c} /var <set <NAME><VALUE>|del <NAME>|list [PAGE]|delAll|calc <NAME>
<CALCULATION>grab <NAME><COMMAND>>> – Sets/Deletes variables. May be used with %var%
(percent sign: "%%")
{c} = Client Side, works on any server.
{s+c} = Server Side, requires the mod be installed on the Client Side.
{s-c} = Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod.
{scb} = Works with the server, client, or both, having installed the mod.
{sp} = Client Side, singleplayer only.
{s-c} /var_global <set <NAME><VALUE>|list [PAGE]|del <NAME>||delAll|calc <NAME>
<CALCULATION>|grab <NAME><COMMAND>> – Sets/Deletes global variables. May be used with
%var% (percent sign: "%%")
{s-c} /waterdamage [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1] - Turns water damage on/off.
{s-c} /waypoint <SET <NAME [X|Y|Z]>|GOTO <NAME>|REMOVE <NAME>|LIST> – Waypoint
{s-c} /weather <RAIN|THUNDER|LIGHTNING> - Toggles weather effects on and off.
Performs various operations on worlds.
{s-c} /xp [add|get|remove <(## or ##l> (where l = level)] - Changes player experience or
experience level. With older versions you may need to add a name or me (see /give /xp
<PlayerName|me> [add|get|remove <(## or ##l> (where l = level)]).
{s+c} /xray [ENABLE|DISABLE|CONFIG] - Toggles and configures xray.

{c} = Client Side, works on any server.
{s+c} = Server Side, requires the mod be installed on the Client Side.
{s-c} = Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod.
{scb} = Works with the server, client, or both, having installed the mod.
{sp} = Client Side, singleplayer only.

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