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González Vázquez Adán

Group: 655

Summary 4

This piece of news describes the reasons which caused the recent protests in Iran
against President Hassan Rouhani, demonstrations that are important because are
the biggest in the country since 2009. The discontent between the Iranian people
was prompted by the failure of President Hassan Rouhani to revive Iran's economy,
address high unemployment and inflation, and combat alleged corruption. Also,
protesters disagree with the government spends on conflicts in the Middle East when
the country is sinking deeper and deeper into the poverty.
However, Rouhani hasn’t responded favorably to the proposals, even affirmed that
he will not allow public disorder, and he would show no tolerance for those who
damage public properties. One security measure taken by him was block the access
to social media websites and the messaging app Telegram, in order to stop calls for
protests and the sharing of videos and photographs online.

I think that in an ideal world, requests or disagreements should be made with

peaceful marches or with documents addressed to the authorities, but we don’t live
in an ideal world, unfortunately our governments are corrupt, and they aren’t
particular interested in the people’s problems.
Therefore, it’s necessary that all people throughout the country work together to
show their dissatisfaction with the State repression and mismanagement of public

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