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Sunday January 8, 2036

Author: Alvaro Alvarez


After many years of fighting and wars for the rare natural resources the world can
finally enjoy quietness and peace. But at what cost was this achieved? It took the
death of approximately 7.5 billion people.
The survivors must live in a radioactive
wasteland we call earth. All majorly
populated cities have become
uninhabitable due to the high radiation.
The scientists that survived have said that
the air currents are quickly spreading the fallout and radiation around the planet.
They have predicted that anyone who is exposed to the radioactive atmosphere
will suffer rapid cancer and tumor growth, along with random body mutations.
The world is in chaos. Parts of the United States of America are sanctuaries
where survivors can find refuge in the fallout shelters. Due to low spots available
it will be first come, first serve.
We do not have much
communication with the other
countries around the world. As
far as we know we are the last of
the humans alive. And what a
sad ending for humanity to go
extinct because of itself.

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