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English Study Tips

Nowadays many people study English. There, we have some instructions that

can help you learn English easily and effective.

There are too many things that can influence our studying, for example, your

cellphone, your lap top and your bed. Do not distract and take away your electronic

devices. Remember study every day, do not discontinue your study.

Step one, set up your study space. It should be quiet and comfortable, for

example, a coffee shop or library. It should make you feel happy and inspired.

Step two, find your best time. Some people work better in the morning, but

others work better at night. Work out which time suits you and plan to study then.

Step three, use a wall planer. Stick a calendar or wall planer up so you can see it

whenever you are studying. Make it up with important dates, like exams and

assignment due dates.

Step four, make to-do lists. Lists break tasks down into manageable chunks.

Step five, discover your learning style. Most of people have a preferred way of

learning. Get to know the learning style you are most comfortable with and study in

the ways you learn best.

Step six, think things over can help you to understand the concepts and help you

remember when you need them the most.

These instructions can not only for studying English but for other subjects.

Follow up these tips, you can study well!

UC3A 1104205033 Ivy

UC3A 1104205036 Christy
UC3A 1104205037 Felix
UD3A 1104211025 Wayne

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