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MLYNARSKI—MOHAUPT. saw, Mar., 1778. Pupil of J. S. Bach on the clavichord and in comp.; graduate of Leipzig Univ. (Dissertatio, quod musica ars sit pars eruditionis» musicae, 1734; 2d ed. 1736); lecturer at the Uni fstab. the ‘So: Gietit der mut 8; from 1743, * (1736-54) was one of the earliest mus periodicals. Publ. Die Anfangsgrunde des Generalbasses, nach mathematischer Lehrart abgchandelt (1739); a transl, of Fus's Grads as Gradus ad Parsassum, oder Anfuhrung 2ur regelassigen mus. Composition (A742): ete See Q.-Lex. Miynar’ski, Emil, b. Kibarty,, Poland, July 18,1870. From 1380-9 pupil at the Petrograd Cons. of 1. Auer (vl), A. Rubin= stein (ph), and A. Liadov {comp.): début as violinist "in Petrogead (1889), followed by tours of Germany and England; 1893-4, 2d cond. at the Warsaw opera, also directing fhe symphony concert: 18947, prof. of vi at the mus. school of the Imp,’ Russ. Mi Soc. in’ Odessa; 1897-1003, ist cond. at the Warsaw opera; 1901-5, cond. of the Phith, Soc., and trom 1004-9 dir. of the Cons. there} at that time he began his ve successful tours as visiting cond. (Petrograd, Moscow, London, Paris, ete.); settled in London in 1909: since 1910 permanent cond. fof the Scottish’ Orch. (Glasgow and Edin- burgh), visiting London every season. With the London Symph, Orch, he gave concerts devoted entirely to Slavonic music (1912 and 13), and in 1945 q British Musical Festival Gievoted exclusively to British composers). Works: Vi in Dom. (op. I won the Paderewski prize in Leiprig, 189 i symphony in Fy Polonia (op. 14): efective pes for vi. and pf. (op. 2, 4, 6, 1); ph-pes Gp. 1, 3, 5). A comic opera, A” Summer 's finished in. 1913 (nok yet prod.); fat present (1017) he is writing a Second vi Coneerto.—CI. "M. T.," May, 1915. Mocquereau (mihk-roh’], Dom André, b. La Tessoualle, ncar Cholet (Maine-et-Loite), fume 6, 1819.” In 1875 he joined the order of jenedictines at the Abbey of Solesmes, devoted himself to the study of the Gregorian chorale under the direction of Dom Pothier, aund became teacher of choral singing in xe ‘Abbey. After the expulsion, in 1903, of the Order from France they fotind a refuge on the Isle’ of, Wight (Ouaer “Abbey, Teyd where M. is now (117). prior. Fou (1889) and editor of the great work ‘Pale Staple, musicale” published ceraly, and Eoutaining photographic facsimiles of ancient MSS, together with transcriptions of the neumies into note guadrata, and comprehen: sive essays on Reume-notation. The following numbers have appeared; (1) Codex 339 of the St. Gal lbrarps dniphonate misserum Gregris Oth century) eaten general Te: eee dectption of the Cotes. gn the ‘exiay Origine et classement des diferentes Sertures renmatiquess (Ita IHD) Resporsorim fraduale Jstus Wt palma in (assole alter More than 200 MS. anciphonactes of the Mts Teh centuries, together with the essays CD) Les neumesaccentt and (2) De influence de Fecent tongue tain’ ed curses sur Ta Structure miledigue ef ratiogue ete phrase ercgoronne: Ac Laccen lone en pandas “ANY Codex 121 of the Binsedeln ibeary, Anliphonae missaram: 3. Gregor (OtheAOLh centuries), together with the second half of the easy ont netimem, By ke cursed fe Ppaulmadiee and Vi) Codex sa, $3209 sh Museum, Antipkonarion Srosianam (2th century) wth Intnl ane description c-WWHt and VHT) Codey TE, 159 Of the faculcy of Med at Montpatie, tat phonarium tonale missarum (11th century), fn double. notation of neumes and. Tetters with the esuy Durfee ele lace de Facet Tonigue fatin tans fe rstime gregriens 030) Codex 401 of the caftutar Moray in Lucca, Antiphonaite. ‘monasique (Iathe43th con: dries), together "with ¢ onale’ collating the nétatign. of the Lacon MS. wih the fotation one from “Loledor=(X) Covlex BaD" of the ‘iprary "ot Laon, wiphonele missarum S. Gregorii (9%tb-10th centuries), With the vessys. Les signes. rythmiques Baneciens ef Soeomiens and tntvtta de fa incioe ne Aledo’ et ta mctodieqadhentque da "Gpedo’ selon PEG, Vatianas (1) Contes 19 of the ligeary of Chartres Anisphonate mis Sarum |S Gregori 0th century)—the fit jefe feta ys vee fren printed separately, “Ot these essays Riemann saye: ‘The method of the Bene dietine of Solesmesappeats 9 be the sole trustworthy "one St eorae fudicons saittenance ot tradtion upon. & Enttiouly‘broadened foundation. Moffat, Alfred Edward, b, Pdinburgh, Dec. 4, 1866, Pupil of f- Bussier at Berlin, 1883-88; composer, residing in London and Germany in turn ‘Cantatas, (or female oF childcen's votees) The Passing Vear, The Dressing. of the Welt, The Children of Samuel, A Christmas Dream; album of ton ios for female voices; many duets and duct tinos; 12 sucred rounds: 8 books of school. songs; songs, ete.s— a piquartet; pieces for Sine and ph; pieces for ‘cello and pt many oral arrangements. (The. Minstrlsie of Scotland “Polkesongs of Englands etc); also instr atts, chiely of classical pisces, Mohaupt [mohhowpt), Franz, b. Jackels- 616

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