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English ORAL TEST Animal farm


George Orwell is a British writer and journalist. He is one of the most admired English authors of the 20th century. Best known are the two
works he wrote at the end of his life. The animal farm an 1984. They are sharp against Stalinism and totalitarism.

Explaining the title

The animals renamed the name of the farm from Manor Farm to Animal Farm , after they had driven away Mr. jones.

Animal Farm is an animal fable, where the animals have the characteristics of certain human beings. The story is comparable with the
Russian Revolution. There is a plan of taking over a farm and starting a Russian Revolution. There's also a Civil war between Napoleon
(Stalin) and Snowball (Trotsky).


The story describes the history of the Russian Revolution in 1917.Mr.jones, the drunken owner of Manor farm, was driven away from his
property by the starving farm-animals. They started to run the farm by themselves under the leadership of the pigs. They called it Animal
Farm. The revolution was the final result of a system of thoughts named '' Animalism. This is a society where every animal is equal. The
pigs Snowball and Napoleon found themselves the best leaders so they took charge of everything.
Thanks to the organizing abilities of the pigs the farm was ran successfully. Most animals were very happy with the results of the revolution,
although they had to work harder than before. The pigs forced every animal to work. .Mr. Jones was afraid of rebellions happening on the
other farms and tried to take back Animal Farm. In a furious battle, the animals stood strong and were victorious over the humans. Snowball
and Napoleon asked the other animals who the best leader would be. When Snowball was winning, Napoleon trained a few dogs, who
immediately chased after Snowball until he was off Animal Farm. Napoleon was the new leader. He also used Squealer, an another pig, to
convince the other animals that every decision Napoleon made was good and it worked. Napoleon became a real dictator, he used the animals
to do a lot of dirty work. Before Snowball was driven away, he was working on a plan of making a windmill, which Napoleon was against it
in every way. Now Napoleon changed his mind and told the animals to work on the windmill. In a storm the windmill collapsed and they had
to start all over. Napoleon told the animals that Snowball did it and they believed him. They saw Snowball as an enemy and forgot Snowball
led them in the victory against mr.jones. One day Napoleon said during his speech that every animal that had something to confess should
step forward. The dogs of Napoleon’s bodyguard slaughtered all those animals.The years past and the farm was doing better and better, the
windmill was finally finished and in use, and the farm even expanded. However the animals were not getting more food, they were just
working harder and harder. The pigs that were living in the farmhouse were just getting fatter and fatter.
The animals were shocked when they saw the pigs walking on their hind legs, which was the last of the Seven Commandments they changed.
They became more and more human. After a while Napoleon had a lot of neighboring farmers in the farmhouse on a good relationship
between Animal Farm and the other farms. Napoleon even renamed Animal Farm back to Manor Farm. When the other animals looked from
pig to human and from human to pig, they could not tell the difference between them, they could not tell which was which.

Main characters

Mr. jones - The drunken owner of Manor farm in the begin. He represents Tsar Nicholas III, he declines though his own corruption and
Old Major - old boar that tells animals about the rebellion. His role is about the same role Karl Marx had in the Russian Revolution; his
ideas set the Communist Revolution in motion.
Napoleon is silent boar, but when he wants something he will get it done. He gets his own way and does not like fellow leaders like
Snowball. He likes the power and likes the power over other animals. Like Napoleon Bonaparte or Stalin in the Russian Revolution.
Napoleon is a real dictator.
Snowball is a great leader with a great tactical view. His idea of the windmill is good, but not necessary-he is thinking about the other
animals. He is like Trotsky in a way, because of his tactical view.
Squealer is a brilliant talker, he convinces every animal every time even when it is not true. They even said that he could turn black into
white. He also changes the Seven Commandments. He is the propaganda in the Russian Revolution.
Boxer saves the farm and helps the farm every time by working harder than anybody.. He is a loyal, hard working farm boy in the time of the
Russian Revolution.
Clover is the one who takes care of everybody. She is also took care of Boxer when he collapsed. She is the one who asks herself every time
if Napoleon is doing the right thing. She is a citizen who sees that the revolution is doing no good in the time of the Russian Revolution.
Mollie is someone who does not want to work for herself, she wants to be loved by the farmer and she wants sugar and ribbons. She is
somebody from the higher class in society who flees the Russian Revolution.
Napoleon’s dogs are Napoleon’s bodyguards and they only listen to him, which gives Napoleon great power. They represent Stalin’s secret
police in the Russian Revolution.
Moses does not work. He just tells stories to the other animals of Sugar Candy Mountain, some kind of heaven for the animals. Moses
represents the Orthodox Church.
The pigeons are the messengers of Napoleon, they are spreading the word of the rebellion to other farms. Like the communists did in the
Russian Revolution.
Pilkington is a neighbour farmer, but he likes hunting and fishing more than farming. He represents the British and French allies.
Whymper is the only human that is allowed on the farm, he is buying and selling things for Napoleon. He represents a capitalist which has
business which the Communism.
Fredrick is another neighbour farmer. He is representing Germany with Hitler, because the pigeons told the animals that Snowball, the
enemy, was hiding at Fredrick’s.

OpinionI like the story, because it is something completely different from what i have read before. it is a much more complicated story, there
is much more behind it. .The whole farm is like a country where every animal has its own position in the society. The pigs are the leaders, the
horses are the hard working citizens, the chickens are the normal, not very hard working citizens, and the dogs are the soldiers.. I surely will
recommend this book to everyone who has to write a book report for English, because it is fun to read and you will learn more than you think
at the first placea about the history.

Me and my future
First of all I want to enjoy my vacation with all my friends and relatives. But after my vacation I want to work at a chinees restaurant.
Because I like chinees food and study economics in the great and enormous city of Rotterdam. In the future I want to be a business man with
knowledge. I want to travel and help people around me with education, health and a safe environment. After all a Spanish wife and three

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