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Write two paragraphs. Color words for and to.

Name: Stefhanya Santillan

Theme: Urban and Rural environment
Topic: Town and Services
Date: Friday, December 22, 2017.

Today, my friends and me are going to Quito. This trip is gonna be great for our relaxing
time. It was 20 minutes to 5 a.m. when we took the first bus. We traveled for about five or
six hours because there is a very long distance from Alausi to Quito. While we were on the
bus, we were talking about our next trial and then we scheduled it for January 5 at night. I
dare to say that we prefer playing to traveling, but anyway this time we had to do the last
thing, because it was very necessary.
Once we arrived to Quito, all we were for going to have some breakfast, maybe coffee or
chocolate milk. I gave money to Rick in order he can buy anything to eat. He did bring
some food for us. We went to Quito to solve a problem about a past payment that someone
debt us. After solving that annoying issue, we went for some soda and without any plannig,
we had a wonderful time together. For sure, on Saturday we will be in Marky’s house for
playing along all the afternoon.

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