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Bagus Wahyu Setyawan1; Kundharu Saddhono2

Program Pascasarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret

Traditional ceremony and Javanese people have fundamental relationship in dailylife. In phase of
life of Javanese people can’t be separated with traditionals ritual, including in the daily activity.
In Javanese tradition term known Bersih Desa ceremony, that have different form and procession
in each area. In Sekar Village, Pacitan Regency, Bersih Desa ceremony usually called by
“ceprotan”. Ceprotan ceremony held in month of “Longkang” (on Javanese calendar) on the day
of Senin Kliwon. Ceprotan ceremony procession as in general customary rituals start and lead by
chairman of the customs. After the prayer procession end, continued by entriying line of “sesaji”
and participant of ceremony consisting of the chairman, dancers, and some of youngman. Then,
the chairman customary with all dancers bring the ballet show from wandering story of Panji
Asmarabangun and Dewi Sekartaji. Ceprotan ceremony held to commemorate the kindness of
Dewi Sekartaji who in local history of Sekar society, believed being one of ancestors which have
discovered Sekar village. The main of ceprotan ceremony showing the mutual action
of throwing coconuts doing by youngmans. Sekar society believed would got a blessing
when they exposed by coconuts water.
Keywords: Traditional ceremony, ceprotan, local history

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