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Dylan Dearinger


Technology has positively affected the way that our society communicates and learns.

Communication is one of the most important things in our modern society, and technology has

improved it by introducing many new electronic devices to the public. Learning is essential

because it helps train the next generation, so they can be better than we were. Communications

have been improved because now, with the help of “electronic medias like radios, television,

internet, social medias,” people can talk and relay information to each other almost instantly

from across the globe, which provides numerous added benefits (Ramey). It can help save

countless lives by providing essential information like the locations where medical and financial

aid is needed and helps ambulances know where to go. How society learns has been drastically

changed for the better as we used to use textbooks, but now that technology has improved, we

can find more information than could ever fit in a textbook right in the palm of our hand in the

form of a electronic device. In conclusion, technology has improved our society by changing the

way we communicate and learn for the better.

Works Cited

Ramey, Karehka. “Technology And Society - Impact of Technology On Society.” Use of

Technology, Nov. 2012,


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