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Research Synopsis

Irish immigrants moved out of Ireland for few reasons; religious conflicts , slave trade,

food shortage, and America attracts people to move in. Many Irish people came to the United

States in the mid 1900s, from the interview with my host family, I have know more about where

they came from and why they choose America as the country to move in. As I’ve learned from

my host dad. Peter has had interesting family history stories. The American tradition of

multiculturalism, my host dad’s family is an Irish American family. Through the interview, I

have known my host family history is about Irish people moved from northern ireland to

America. Since 1950, the mass exodus was popular in Ireland, large amount of people had

moved out from Ireland. The mass exodus is 1950 had not only affect my family moved to

United State but also others ten million people moved out of Ireland. Peter O’neil is my host dad.

Peter came from Belfast, Northern ireland. Peter moved to united state in 1958. He was born in

Belfast, an irish catholic family in 1957. Belfast was part of northern ireland. His father moved

to browns, New York in 1957. His mother and her parent moved from Belfast to New York as

well. My host dad moved out because there were too many conflicts and fighting over there. So

it led to my curiosity, what are the push factors of Ireland that cause irish moved out of the


Emigration and Immigration of Ireland since 1950. What make Irish immigrate to United

State. This is topic one because I want to dig deeper about why Ireland people move out of the

country. Ireland is the most affected country by emigration over the last two centuries. There

were approximately ten million people have emigrated from the island Ireland since 1800. About
55.3 million Americans which is 19.5% of the total population reported Irish ancestry in the

survey. Why Irish chose to come to America instead of others countries. Why not UK, Brazil,

Belgium or France.

The effects of Emigration on Ireland is topic 2. As an Irish American, they should know

about Ireland and America. But because the second generation like Peter had moved to America

since he was a little kid. He can hardly remember about Ireland, so I think those who has Irish

ancestry, they had the responsibility to know about Ireland too. Not just the pre-history but also

the effect of immigration Ireland.

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