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Solving the matrix below:

330 86.6 0 0 0
86.6 460 -50 -86.6 -180
0 -50 350 -17.32 -60
0 -86.6 -17.32 330 103.92
0 -180 -60 103.92 240

Obtaining the inverse of the matrix:

Sample formula =MINVERSE(C4:G8)

0.003280546 -0.000953581 -0.000269882 -0.0000207747 0.0007737
-0.000953581 0.003633739 0.001028417 0.0000791645 0.0029481
-0.000269882 0.001028417 0.003278483 -0.0000683698 0.0016205
-0.0000207747 0.0000791645 -0.0000683698 0.003513222 0.0014789
-0.000773661 0.002948131 0.001620538 -0.001478944 0.0074233

Obtaining the solutions from multiplying the original matrix with its inverse:

Sample formula = SUMPRODUCT($I4:$M4,$I$10:$M$10)

v2 = -0.354004009

u3 = 0.194241603

u4 = 0.35825491

v4 = -0.180420628

u5 = 0.313367062

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