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The Inca Empire vs Ancient Rome

The term ancient civilization refers to early settlements and cultures that placed
foundations for modern society. Each civilizations left different legacies and were
prominent for different things. Some civilizations varied drastically from each other in
forms such as age, government, and population. In this essay. I am comparing the Inca
Empire and Ancient Rome.
The first difference I noticed between the Inca Empire and Ancient Rome was the
forms of government and how each civilization was ruled. The Incas were ruled by an
absolute monarch called a Sapa Inca. The Sapa Inca had complete control and did not
have to abide by laws. Although inferior to the Sapa Inca, there were other officers who
assisted in governing the empire. All high-ranking government officials including the
Sapa Inca were born into power and were usually related unlike government officials in
Ancient Rome. When founded in 753 B.C., Ancient Rome was first ruled under King
Romulus (founder of Rome), Ancient Rome had 6 other kings before becoming a
republic. Starting in 509 B.C. Ancient Rome governed as a Republic, all leaders and
officials were elected to serve for a certain amount of time. In 45 B.C., Julius Caesar
made himself supreme leader after defeating Pompey in a civil war, this led to the fall of
the Roman Republic which later turned into the Roman Empire in 27 B.C..
The next difference between the Inca Empire and Ancient Rome is age and
population. Being one of most prosperous civilizations in history, Ancient Rome
controlled large parts of Europe for over 1000 year. Within Ancient Rome, the Roman
Empire began when Augustus became emperor. The Roman Empire lasted for about
500 years and grew to a population of nearly 57 million. Contradictory to the Roman
Empire, the Inca Empire didn’t last long, surviving 94 years before the coming of
spanish conquistadors. Population of the Incan Empire grew to about 12 million before
their fall in 1532.
Conclusively, each civilization has different things that make them stand out
when compared. Unlike the Inca Empire, Ancient Rome has tolerated several forms of
government, including one similar to theirs. Other differences include how big and how
long each civilization lasted. These differences prevent civilizations from being forgotten
and allow them to have long-lasting effects on the world today.

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