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Shield SPES Paragraph

I made a family crest in the form of a shield with pictures of different objects that
represent me and what I want to do in the world, and it also includes my verse. The
shield is divided into 3 main parts with the focus being around the speaker on top and
the musical notes that surround it. There is also pictures of a computer and a open book
on the bottom 2 parts of the shield, with the computer on the right and the book on the
left, with my verse being displayed on a banner going across the bottom of the shield. I
chose these objects because each of them has meaning to me. I chose the speaker
because I listen to music as often as possible, and I also did my verse and poem about
music. I chose the computer because I spend a lot of time on a computer throughout my
day, whether it's at school in SciVis or Microsoft Excel and Access, or at home doing
homework or playing games, and the book because I really enjoy reading in my spare
time. Therefore, all of these pictures that I included on my shields family crest have a
special meaning to me, and they symbolically represent who I am as a person.

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