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Elemental Magic

There are four primordial elements known as Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and the combination of them
makes the Akasa, or it can be seen as the Akasa is the progenitor of the four primordial elements, since
the Akasa is a universal force that contains all forms of energy and densities.

What is between fire and water makes the wind element, and the three of them combined (water, fire
and wind) makes the earth element. A man is formed by the four primordial elements so is the world
since all has an analogy besides of the so within so without rule or the as above as below Hermetic
axiom—the man is microcosm and the universe is the macrocosm, not just bearing resemble the each
from the other but there are exact mirror the one from the other. If we take a look at how man is formed
we find liquids, solidity, oxygen, acid, gas, blood, heat, water, etc. All these are composed by the
interplay of the four elements, i.e., the fire element and the water element make the gaseous parts, more
fire than water forms the acids which burn, more water then fire makes the oxygen, heat is the mixture
of longing (water characteristic) and movement (fire characteristic), then the solidity such as bones and
muscles are made by different degrees of the earth element, more earth intensified creates more form
and structured density, less density of this element lessens the density of the form (from bones to
muscles), and the essence of man is the Akasa, because man conveys all four elements in perfect
proportions to operate as man as intended to in this 3rd dimensional world.

Then we have something superior above the essence of man which we called the Akasa, this essence is
of no form, it is unfathomable, unchangeable, eternal and infinite, this is the subtle Heart of man which
is the origin of all things and conveys all things, it cannot be understood by the pragmatical mind but
only known with the same subtle Heart, to get a step closer to its understanding, the intuition which is
unexplainable with praticabilities is a lesser form, a graspable form, and condensed form of the subtle
Heart's functions by the pragmatic mind, yet this grasp is yet explainable by practical words, 'we just
know it' a kind of feel like what is true love or unconditional love, 'we know it' and it is hard to explain
with mundane words, this is what is closest resembling to the subtle Heart of man.

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