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7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

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/fit/ request & share thread Anonymous 15/02/23(Mon)06:09 No. 17604

Replies: >>17861 >>18317

File 142466815419.gif - (22.52KB , 377x197 , fit.gif )

>the chat room where you can share files & chat is in the image (bookmark it once you type it in, since it's hard to

>> Anonymous 15/02/23(Mon)06:11 No. 17605

Replies: >>17739 >>18524

File 142466828458.jpg - (82.54KB , 1531x1056 , fitness.jpg )

Requests from the old thread! Upload in the chat & share if you have any of them.

1. Rocky Marciano - Book of Boxing and Bodybuilding

2. Omar Isuf - Project Buff

3. Visual Impact Frequency

4. Pakulski - The Incredible Bulk

5. Klokov - Training Secrets of the Russian Champion

6. Guide to Better Movement: The Science and Practice of Moving With More Skill And Less Pain by Todd R. Hargrove

7. Modern Trends in Strength Training by Charles Poliquin

8. The Strongest Shall Survive: Strength Training for Football by Bill Starr

9. Free+Style: Maximize Sport and Life Performance with Four Basic Movements by Carl Paoli

10. Complete Program Design for Sprinters by Latif Thomas

11. Exuberant Animal by Frank Forencich

12. Moshé Feldenkrais, Higher Judo

13. The T'ai Chi Boxing Chronicle by Kuo Lien-Ying

14. Athletic Body in Balance by Gray Cook 1/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health
15. How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy by Paul Chek

16. Clemente's Anatomy Dissector Spiral by Carmine D. Clemente PhD

17. The Super-Athletes: a Record of the Limits of Human Strength, Speed, and Stamina by David P. Willoughby

18. Manual of Freediving: Underwater on a Single Breath by Umberto Pelizzari & Stefano Tovaglieri

19. Why We Run: A Natural History by Bernd Heinrich

20. Neuromechanics of Human Movement 4th Edition eBook By Roger Enoka

21. Sheiko App for Iphone

22. A Guide to Flexible Dieting, Lyle McDonald

23. Bodyopus, Duchaine

24. Brother Iron, Sister Steel, Draper

25. The Rules of Normal Eating, Koenig

26. Willpower, Baumeiester, Tierney

27. Bodybuilding or Fat Loss Revealed, Will Brink

28. Lean Muscle Diet, Aragon, Schuler

Spreadsheet link:

29. Intuitive Eating, Tribole and Resch

30. Sports Gene, Epstein

31. Never Let Go, Dan John

32. Mindless Eating, Wansink

33. Eating Mindfully, Albers

34. 5/3/1, Wendler

35. Overcoming overeating, Hirschmann, Munter

36. Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, Tom Venuto

37. Movement System Impairment Syndromes of the Extremities, Cervical and Thoracic Spines, 1e - Sahrmann

38. Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Shoulder and Hip Dysfunction - Evan Osar

39. Muscle Evo

40. Superior Muscle Growth

41. Essentials of Sports Nutrition and Supplements by Jose Antonio

42. Peak Physique by Hollis Lance Liebman

43. Ulisses Jr ebooks

44. Ultimate Athleticism

45. Kinobody Stuff (greek god program, warrior program and others)

46. new Klokov Book

47. Size and Strength Blueprint: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Proven Workouts
^It's in the chat (for now)

48. Dorian Yates' Shadow Warrior DVD

49. Clint Darden's free programs

50. Bulletproof knees reupload

51. Sohee Lee - How to Count Macros

52. Fat loss happens on monday

53. Ulisses Jr - Get Shredded

54. Reverse Dieting - Sohee Lee w Layne Norton

55. Charlie Weingroff Training - Rehab

^It's in the chat for another 22 hours

7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

57. Built to the hilt from Bryant


58. Sonny Puzikas -The Forge: Hidden Dimension of core conditioning

59. John Meadows Programs

60. Dean Somerset - Post Rehab Essentials v2


62. mountain dog program

63. This is Yoga from Tara Stiles

64. Wendler's program - Forever Boring But Big

65. Online fitness summit videos

66. Scott Abel's Cycle Diet

67. Incredible Bulk by ben pakulski

68. Clinical Rehabilitation - Pavel Kolar

69. Olympic weightlifting: cues & corrections by Daniel Camargo

70. SpecForce Alpha

71. Red Gold Peak Performance Techniques of the Russian and East German Olympic Victors

72. Mark Verstegen book

73. Alan Aragon's - Girth Control

74. Alan Aragon's - Complete AARR's from 2008 to present

75. show and go - eric cressey

76. V-taper back Ben Pakulski

77. Diesel Squat Hacks program

78. The Elite Performance Squat Seminar

79. Bodyweight bundle

Link here:

80. One Man One Barbell

81. john Barban - Adonis training system

82. trouble spot nutrition

83. Ben Greenfield - Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance, Health & Life

84. Lucas Parker - Squat Strong

85. Chad Wesley Smith - Juggernaut Football Manual

86. James Smith - Applied Sprint Training

87. Mark Verstegen - Every Day Is Gameday

88. Accelerated Muscle Development 2.0

89. Eric Cressey & Mike R. = Functional Stability Traning (Upper Body, Core, Lower Body DVDs)

90. Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Hip and Shoulder Dysfunction - Evan Osar

91. Alwyn Cosgrove Core dvd

92. Defranco/Smith - HARD:CORE DVD

93. Defranco/Diesel POWER

94. Functional Stability Training Core by Eric Cressey

95. Travis Stoetzel's shredded in 7

96. Dean Somerset & Tony's Awesome LA Workshop

97. Spinal Health and Core Training Seminar - Tony Gentilcore

98. Sonnon MOBILITY

7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

100. Build the Classic Physique by Matt Marshall

101. Power Positions by Andrea Hudy

102. Wrestling for Fighting, Fedor

103. The Fighting System, San Shou

104. Hand Balancing for Bodyweight Athlete video by Global Bodyweight Training

105. The Beta Switch

106. Evan Osar - Aguilar Power of Posture

107. Breaking Parallel A Guide to CrossFit Gymnastics and Body Movement by Jeff R. Tucker

108. Eric Cressey's stuff

109. Mike Robertson Bootcamp in a Box and Elite Athletic Development

110. - Combat Core Strength Dvd Set

111. Nick Tumminello products:

Core Training: Facts, Fallacies & Top Techniques
MAPS: Mobility + Activation Paired Sets
Joint Friendly Strength Training 2-DVD Set
Secrets of Self Myofascial Release
Secrets of Self Joint Mobilization

112. The Hardgainer Solution: The Training and Diet Plans for Building a Better Body, Gaining Muscle, and Overcoming Your Genetics

113. Charles Poliquin/Strength Sensei Videos

114. The Roll Model by Jill Miller

115. Josh Bryant - Size and Strength Blueprint

116. Andy Bolton Seminar 2011 DVD

117. The Phase That Launched 1000lbs DVD

118. 70's Big LP - Justin Lascek

119. Joe DeFranco's - 12 years 12 epic workouts

120. Strength: Barbell Training Essentials by Joe DeFranco

121. Tuchscherer's RTS progressive powerlifting dvd

>> The Incredible Bulk - Buy is ON!! Om 15/02/23(Mon)11:52 No. 17610

A copy of the email sent out:

This goes out to all those who confirmed.

There are 4.
It is still only $47, so this will be (47/4) $11.75 each.

Let me know if you still want in for the final round of confirmation and we'll get some $$ transferred.
Good job guys and thanks for those who were just being nice and didn't specifically want this product!

- If anyone else wants in - this is the time to join !!!


>> Some (older) requests Anonymous 15/02/23(Mon)20:45 No. 17617

I have more on my laptop - will upload later.

Please upload into the chat.

>> Superhero Shredding - Keith Lai Anonymous 15/02/24(Tue)00:32 No. 17619

Anyone have Superhero Shredding by Keith Lai? 4/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> request Anonymous 15/02/24(Tue)04:37 No. 17620

Anyone care to upload bony to beastly again?


>> Some More Requests Anonymous 15/02/24(Tue)07:55 No. 17622

These are not in the chat. Maybe DL the entire zip and place it in there?

>> Anonymous 15/02/24(Tue)11:04 No. 17623

Replies: >>17848

here is bony to beastly

does anyone have Lou Ferrigno's Guide To Personal Power, Bodybuilding, And Fitness

>> Anonymous 15/02/24(Tue)12:30 No. 17626

You can request a file in the chat by starting a new text file on your desktop/phone and naming it: "Request: Bony To Beastly Ebook.txt" and then
uploading it to the chat.

That way people will easily see your request.

>> Anonymous 15/02/24(Tue)22:12 No. 17629

Nick Tumminello - MAPS: Mobility + Activation Paired Sets
Nick Tumminello - Warm up Progressions 3-DVD Set
Functional Stability Training (Core, Lower body , Upper body)
Andy Bolton Seminar 2011 DVD
The Phase That Launched 1000lbs DVD
Stuart McGill DVDs
Layne Norton DVDs

>> Renaissance Diet Auto-Templates Mitchell Henderson 15/02/25(Wed)01:41 No. 17631

Replies: >>17683


anyone interested in the Renaissance diet auto-template excel spreadsheets that JTS store released today? I know I am

>> Anonymous 15/02/25(Wed)02:25 No. 17632

looking for Lee hayward Progressive-Pullup-Program-Video.


>> Anonymous 15/02/25(Wed)08:52 No. 17635

Replies: >>17676

anyone got stack guide ?

>> Anonymous 15/02/25(Wed)14:14 No. 17638

howabout the steve maxwell stretching stuff? i downloaded it, but it turned out to be unfinished, anyone please upload it again?

>> Anon 15/02/25(Wed)14:56 No. 17640

Anyone got..

Ldnm cutting guide v3

Ldnm bulking bible v2
Ben pakulskis mi40x blueprint 5/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> Kinobody Goddess Toning Program Kate 15/02/25(Wed)16:39 No. 17642

Please share Kinobody Goddess Toning Program. Thanks!

>> Anonymous 15/02/25(Wed)17:43 No. 17644

can someone please upload 70's Big LP - Justin Lascek ? thanks!

>> 10/20 life by Brian Carroll Anonymous 15/02/25(Wed)22:57 No. 17646

Can someone please reupload 10/20 life book. Thank you!

>> KS 15/02/26(Thu)07:49 No. 17654

Anybody have Gray Cook Secret to Hips and Knees

>> Chad Waterbury HFT2.0 Charlenne 15/02/26(Thu)14:37 No. 17655

Can someone please re-upload Chad Waterbury HFT2.0

Thank you so much xxx

>> Anonymous 15/02/27(Fri)11:08 No. 17662

Replies: >>17664

In chat

>> Small Request List Please AlexV 15/02/27(Fri)13:14 No. 17663

Hello fellow /fit members.

I'm still looking for any of these, please

-Off the Floor (complete pack, not just the original PDF) - David Dellanave
-Starve Mode - Leigh Peele
-Girth Control - Alan Aragon
-Reverse Dieting - Sohee Lee & Layne Norton

Thank you very much

>> AlexV 15/02/27(Fri)13:14 No. 17664

Where is the chat, please? How can i access it ?

>> Anonymous 15/02/27(Fri)19:03 No. 17667

Stubborn Fat Solution Patch 1.1 PDF format version by Lyle McDonald Thank You.

>> 17664 Anonymous 15/02/27(Fri)23:43 No. 17668

File 142507698521.jpg - (100.35KB , 640x1136 ,
image.jpg )

Here it is.

>> Anonymous 15/02/28(Sat)01:28 No. 17669

Looking for Tactical Barbell. Thx 6/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> Anonymous 15/02/28(Sat)01:59 No. 17670

Strength Lab by Matt Vincent, please?

>> Anonymous 15/02/28(Sat)14:02 No. 17672

Can someone please upload Strength Lab by Matt Vincent? It would be greatly appreciated!

>> Anonymous 15/03/01(Sun)11:08 No. 17676


Examine Stack Guides:

Allergies and Immunity:

Bone Health:

Cardiovascular and Health Health:

Fat Loss:

Insulin Sensitivity and Glucose Uptake:

Joint Health:

Libido and Sexual Function:

Liver Health:

Memory and Focus:

Mood and Depression:

Muscle Gain and Exercise Performance:


Skin and Hair Quality:

Sleep Quality:

Testosterone Boosting and Enhancement:

Vegetarians and Vegans:

>> Request Ben 15/03/01(Sun)19:24 No. 17677

Anybody got ldnm cutting guide v3

>> Anonymous 15/03/01(Sun)22:00 No. 17678

Replies: >>17776 >>17776

Building the Monolith - Best 5/3/1 Template ever by Jim Wendler please.

>> hades 15/03/02(Mon)02:19 No. 17679

Replies: >>17727

can someone pls reupload mobility rx

>> Anonymous 15/03/02(Mon)03:02 No. 17680

Bigger leaner stronger pdf?

>> Anonymous 15/03/02(Mon)03:10 No. 17681

Renaissance Diet Israetel 7/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> Anonymous 15/03/02(Mon)17:24 No. 17682

david kingsbury wolverine workout volume 2

anyone has that? got some good result with the first one. but too poor for the second edition

>> Anonymous 15/03/02(Mon)20:54 No. 17683

Looking for these too

>> Request Anonymous 15/03/03(Tue)15:18 No. 17687

Could someone re-upload Stubborn Fat Solution Patch 1.1 by Lyle McDonald please?

>> Anonymous 15/03/03(Tue)17:43 No. 17688

Could someone upload Stubborn Fat Solution Patch 1.1 by Lyle McDonald in pdf format please? Thank you

>> Goku 15/03/03(Tue)18:05 No. 17689

Request for:

FST - Functional Stability Training

- Core
- Upper Body
- Lower Body

- HardCore
- Extreme

Did anyone have this and can upload in the chatroom plz :)

...or maybe a new group buying!

Cardio Code - Kenneth Jay
would be nice too.

>> Applied Nutrition For Mixed Sports Anonymous 15/03/03(Tue)19:41 No. 17691
Replies: >>17697

Whoever posted Lyle McDonald`s Applied Nutrition for Mixed Sports, thank you.

Your generosity is what has fueled this thread since the beginning.

>> BLS Eric 15/03/03(Tue)21:23 No. 17693

Anyone has the new 2nd edition of Bigger Leaner Stronger by Mike Matthews? Would be very much appreciated :)

>> RTS 15/03/03(Tue)22:09 No. 17696

Thanks for all the uploads. Anyone have Tuchscherer's RTS dvd? Would appreciate highly!

>> Goku 15/03/03(Tue)22:33 No. 17697


ur welcome bro ;)

>> T25 luke 15/03/04(Wed)12:03 No. 17700

can somebody please re-upload shawn T25 disks 5 to 9?? thanks 8/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> Anonymous 15/03/04(Wed)18:53 No. 17702

Can someone please upload Weingroffs T=R R=T disc 6. Sorry but I missed it again. Thank you!

>> Supertraining and Serios Strength Training Anonymous 15/03/04(Wed)20:14 No. 17703

Please would someone kindly upload Supertraining 6th Edion - Expanded Version and Tudor Bompa's Serious Strength Training?

>> group purchases aebc 15/03/05(Thu)06:54 No. 17709

what happened to the group purchases? was even one product bought

>> Brizo 15/03/05(Thu)19:07 No. 17713

Science of Sports Training by Thomas Kurz, I noticed couple of us looking for this book so, if anybody has it please share.. tnx

>> Anonymous 15/03/06(Fri)01:28 No. 17716

Science of Fat Loss Book by phil richards

>> Anonymous 15/03/06(Fri)12:22 No. 17719

Thank you for uploading Stubborn Fat Solution Patch 1.1 much appreciated.

>> Tumminello Secrets of Back Training Anonymous 15/03/06(Fri)15:06 No. 17722

Hi, Does anyone have the above? thanks for his other stuff.

>> Tumminello "Secrets of Back Training" Anonymous 15/03/06(Fri)15:20 No. 17723

Hi, First off thanks for all the other Tumminello courses. Does any one have SecretsOfBackTraining? Thanks

>> GBorg 15/03/06(Fri)18:28 No. 17724

Would really be thankful if someone could upload Jason Maxwell Hybrid Muscle Cycle and/or Decembulk! :)

>> Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0 - Jason Ferrugia Anonymous 15/03/06(Fri)21:13 No. 17725

Muscle gaining secrets please? The old link from the other /fit/ only contains renegade cardio and renegade strength. Thanks guys.

>> Minimalist Anonymous 15/03/06(Fri)22:35 No. 17726

Speaking of Jason.. Minimalist Training by Jason Ferrugia anyone?

>> Anonymous 15/03/06(Fri)23:11 No. 17727


Uploading it right now (only have a .webm format of it). Should all be up in an hour.

>> tactical athlete kettlebell offer aebc 15/03/06(Fri)23:23 No. 17729

it expires sunday does anyone want to do a group purchase on this 9/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> squatking 15/03/07(Sat)09:36 No. 17730

Squat Strong by Lucas Parker, it would be so great.

Thank you in advance for your help.

>> Anonymous 15/03/07(Sat)13:45 No. 17731

Layne Norton: Reloaded DVD

Layne Norton Unleashed DVD

>> Stacks bro 15/03/07(Sat)19:09 No. 17734

anyone have supplement stacks? all the old links seem to be dead

>> Venuto - Burn the Fat/Feed the Muscle yoonix 15/03/08(Sun)09:45 No. 17739


36 - uploaded to chat

>> igbomang 15/03/08(Sun)23:27 No. 17742

Pauline Nordin The fighter diet

>> Anonymous 15/03/09(Mon)02:49 No. 17743

can anyone post Joe Defrancos Goliath Program or any of his other insider programs those that might have access to them? it would be greatly

>> LaLa 15/03/09(Mon)12:31 No. 17745

Replies: >>17758 >>18724

Still looking for :

Reverse Dieting - Sohee Lee

John Meadows Programs
Dean Somerset & Tony's Awesome LA Workshop
Spinal Health and Core Training Seminar - Tony Gentilcore
DAN JOHN Videos (Need to email Geela about this)
Evan Osar
Naudi Augiler
Nick Tumminello - Functional Stability Training (Core, Lower body , Upper body)


>> Brooks Kubik Anonymous 15/03/09(Mon)16:30 No. 17747

Does anyone have a copy of The Dinosaur Military Press and Shoulder Power Course and/or 70s Big LP. Much appreciated

>> Thank you again! Anonymous 15/03/09(Mon)19:45 No. 17749

Big thanks to the uploader of B2B and Jason Ferrugia books. Appreciate it man!

>> Joe Defranco Stuff Tyler 15/03/10(Tue)05:43 No. 17752

Someone posted the first 3 weeks of the Goliath Program by Joe Defranco while back in the chat. Can you post rest of the weeks as well? Also if
anyone can post any of his other insider programs it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks 10/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> mikew 15/03/10(Tue)14:52 No. 17755

Replies: >>18217

Anabolic Again by Brad Pilon

Muscle Evo by Christian Finn

>> Goku 15/03/10(Tue)16:12 No. 17757

Replies: >>17758

@Hypertrophy Training Program Design/Tumminello

I am interested for a group buy (too).

@LaLa - For Combat Core/Diesel SC too!


btw, can someone re-upload Tumminello

1) Nick Tumminello Presents Single Leg Training.rar
... that'd be great. :)

>> blazeit 15/03/10(Tue)18:48 No. 17758

uploading single leg training but i missed the warm up and progressions if someone can get that
i put dan john's from the ground up and everything over my head videos

>> Hypertrophy Training Program Design/Tumminello musclebb 15/03/10(Tue)19:02 No. 17759

I'm intersted in a group by for Hypertrophy Training Program Design/Tumminello, contact me.

>> De Franco Strength Manual Lean Mass 15/03/10(Tue)20:12 No. 17760

Replies: >>17769

Hello everyone. I have the 3 De Franco strength dvd's but if anyone has the 350page strength manual and would like to share it would be really

>> Goku LaLa 15/03/10(Tue)23:11 No. 17762

Shoot me an email, or find it in chat.

I am keen to go halves with the Diesel Core program, and I'm in for Nick's new program. It seems we already have 3-4 of us.

Thanks for all the other uploaders.

Defranco DVDS would be awesome!

>> musclebb LaLa 15/03/10(Tue)23:13 No. 17763

Your email bounced. Is it correct?

>> Anonymous 15/03/11(Wed)01:46 No. 17765

Muscle Imbalances Revealed 3.0


>> Anonymous 15/03/11(Wed)02:06 No. 17766

Muscle Imbalances Revealed 3.0 , is it much different from the 1st which seems to be available free online?

>> LaLa musclebb 15/03/11(Wed)03:01 No. 17767

ops my bad, now it is correct. 11/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> Requests! Quiron 15/03/11(Wed)03:53 No. 17768

File 14260423979.jpg - (67.28KB , 640x853 , quiron.jpg )

Hello! I'm looking for any of the Westside Webinars Series or the DVD listed

1.- Explosive Power Training-DVD

2.- GPP General Physical Preparedness-DVD
3.- Reactive Method-DVD
4.- Special Strength-DVD
5.- Any DVD for Dr. Natalia Verkhoshansky

All from the Westside Barbell webpage


>> Tyler 15/03/11(Wed)04:32 No. 17769


Do you have any other Defranco Programs?

>> Anonymous 15/03/11(Wed)05:56 No. 17770

Can someone please re-post the DVDs in the chat...

Layne Norton: Reloaded DVD

Layne Norton Unleashed DVD

Thank you

>> Goliath Program Anonymous 15/03/11(Wed)14:49 No. 17772

Can you please post the first 3 weeks or the whole Goliath Program here by Joe DeFranco? Or any other insider programs that you got. Thanks!

>> Built 2 Last Anonymous 15/03/11(Wed)15:08 No. 17773

Please reupload Built 2 Last by Joe Defranco. Sorry I missed it.

>> Anonymous 15/03/12(Thu)01:24 No. 17776


>> Goliath Program 1-6 Anonymous 15/03/12(Thu)15:19 No. 17777

Replies: >>17778

Someone posted a blank file named Goliath 1-6 combo. Lol. I thought it was the real deal. But anyway, thanks for the uploader of goliath program 1-3
weeks. :)

>> Anonymous 15/03/12(Thu)15:44 No. 17778


Yea had me super excited when I read that but turned out to be a blank copy. Any chance someone can fix it and re upload it? Thanks for the help

>> Goliath Program By Joe Defranco 15/03/13(Fri)05:47 No. 17784

yea can someone re up the Goliath Program. The one posted was just a blank copy. Thanks 12/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> tumminnello group purchase aebc 15/03/14(Sat)08:35 No. 17788

I wrote you i was interested in going in on the group purchase for the hypertrophy project
is it still happening
who is handling the money. how do i make contact

>> Superior Muscle Growth Anonymous 15/03/14(Sat)09:45 No. 17789

Looking for Superior Muscle Growth found on

Thank you.

>> Infinite Intensity and Never Gymless Anonymous 15/03/15(Sun)20:38 No. 17795

Can someone please upload Infinite Intensity and Never Gymless? The old links are not working anymore. Thanks!

>> Ulisses JR and Simeon Panda Ozirizzzz 15/03/15(Sun)22:08 No. 17797

any1 got files from them?


>> Anonymous 15/03/16(Mon)05:52 No. 17800

i see this has been posted but i cant open the zip: 74. Alan Aragon's - Complete AARR's from 2008 to present
"AARR Jan 2008 to June"

>> oldschool 15/03/16(Mon)08:13 No. 17803

Anything from

Reg Park
John McCallum

>> Anonymous 15/03/16(Mon)13:46 No. 17806

Would anyone please reupload the Convict Conditioning videos to the chat?

Thanks in advance!

>> aebc LaLa 15/03/16(Mon)14:06 No. 17807

I've been away, I'm sure a few REQUEST TXT files have been uploaded with my email via chat.

I haven't checked my email yet, but I will and have it organised within 24 hours.

If you've emailed me, I will reply soon.

>> Anonymous 15/03/16(Mon)14:34 No. 17808

Can someone reupload Post Rehab Essentials V2 to the chat?

>> Anonymous 15/03/16(Mon)16:32 No. 17809

The Ultimate Boxing Workout I, II and III.

I can't find them anywhere.

>> GERMAN BODY COMP PROGRAM BY POLIQUIN 15/03/16(Mon)18:13 No. 17810

Does anyone have German Body Comp Program by Charles Poliquin? 13/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> Jason Ferrugia/Kirik Jenness Anonymous 15/03/16(Mon)21:22 No. 17813

Request for Maximum Mass 2, Minimalist Training, Fit to Fight and 666 Strength and Mass books. Also Kirik Jenness MMA Conditioning books.
Thanks in advance!

>> Ben Pakulski mi40 Anonymous 15/03/17(Tue)01:11 No. 17815

Can anyone re-upload BPak mi40 to the room?

>> Anonymous 15/03/17(Tue)14:36 No. 17818

Does anyone have Anatomy of Core Stability by Hollis Lance Liebman? Thank you.

>> ironman 15/03/17(Tue)22:17 No. 17819

Looking for The Complete Keys to Progress, John McCallum

>> Anonymous 15/03/18(Wed)00:40 No. 17821

Looking for High Frequency Powerlifting by Martijn Koevoets, anyone?


>> Anonymous 15/03/18(Wed)00:43 No. 17822

Looking for High Frequency Powerlifting by Martijn Koevoets, anyone?


>> LaLA aebc 15/03/18(Wed)01:16 No. 17823

i sent you an email please contact me


>> Thank you! Anonymous 15/03/18(Wed)13:19 No. 17828

Replies: >>17838 >>17857

Acastus thanks for posting Explosive Calisthenics in an 'original' eBook format. i don't understand why people insist on converting eBooks into PDFs'
: conversions to PDF make the document bulky and the formatting is usually wack. There are plenty of free mobi , ePub and azw readers and Calibre
etc. will allow you to convert to PDF if you really want. Thanks again

>> LaLA aebc 15/03/18(Wed)20:54 No. 17830

i sent you an email about the tumminello product

>> LaLa-Diesel Squat Hacks Anonymous 15/03/18(Wed)21:19 No. 17831

Hi LaLa
Noticed you upped some of the above was there a reason: for this? one of them was new Quick Hacks #1 are they updating content.? Thanks

>> aebc LaLa 15/03/19(Thu)00:31 No. 17833

I ain't sure if I got it. Did I reply? I get confused between people's nicknames and when they email me!( I got no idea who is who, make it clear) :)

No updates on Hack Squats, someone was just interested in some mobility stuff. :)

>> Where is da link?!? Anonymous 15/03/19(Thu)02:14 No. 17834

Am I the only one who can't see where explosive calisthenics got posted? 14/36
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>> Anonymous 15/03/19(Thu)13:16 No. 17838

where is this?

>> Anonymous 15/03/20(Fri)04:33 No. 17842

Replies: >>17847

Anyone got the Get Shredded By Ulisses Jr

Reverse Dieting Sohee Lee Layne Norton?

>> Distro 15/03/20(Fri)12:48 No. 17847

For Reverse Dieting we're organizing a group-buy. Contact LaLa if you are interested.

>> Anonymous 15/03/20(Fri)17:11 No. 17848


Do you have the B2B recipe book?

>> Ben 15/03/22(Sun)07:07 No. 17850

Anyone have the One Man One Barbell Conditioning Guide?

>> 531 and Meadows stuff Anonymous 15/03/22(Sun)22:22 No. 17854

5/3/1 forum exclusive routines? John Meadows programs? Anyone? Thanks guys!

>> Jonathan 15/03/23(Mon)05:49 No. 17856

Hello, Would anyone have "Foundation Training" DVDs by Eric Goodman?

>> Anonymous 15/03/23(Mon)17:47 No. 17857

where could u see that eBook?

>> Anonymous 15/03/23(Mon)21:07 No. 17859

someone has the Superhero bulking program from kino body plox?

>> Goku 15/03/23(Mon)21:18 No. 17860

Hey guys,
have anyone the "McGill, Cook & Liebenson
- Assessing Movement DVD Set" and can upload them pls? :)

>> Building the monolith John Carney 15/03/23(Mon)21:47 No. 17861


>> Jøn Gøødman makedon 15/03/24(Tue)10:49 No. 17863

Anyone have any of his work like ultimatefatløssseminar or 1kextr@ 15/36
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>> FitGuru 15/03/24(Tue)20:42 No. 17864

Defranco inside. Anyone a member?

They're releasing STRONG BASTARD 911 at the end of the month.

Looks like they got loads of videos on it too, could be ripped?

>> fighter87 15/03/25(Wed)00:00 No. 17865

someone have the new book of john meadows?

>> Anonymous 15/03/25(Wed)16:26 No. 17872

Replies: >>17875

Looking for Strength, Amped warm up and Hardcore from Defranco.

Manual and videos.

>> Juggernaut Football Manual Anonymous 15/03/25(Wed)17:21 No. 17873

Replies: >>17950

The new juggernaut football manual please? Thanks.

>> Goku 15/03/25(Wed)23:45 No. 17875


HardCore would be very interesting...

>> Powerlifting Year 1 Anonymous 15/03/26(Thu)01:23 No. 17876

Looking for Powerlifting Year One by David Kirschen. Thanks guys!

>> Mounting Dogs Anonymous 15/03/26(Thu)03:05 No. 17878

>>> 17865

That Meadows book is in the chat now.

>> Pattern of Health N7R 15/03/26(Thu)06:59 No. 17879

Looking for Pattern of Health by Dr. Frederick Navarro


>> LaLa 15/03/26(Thu)09:39 No. 17881


Thank you 16/36
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>> LaLa 15/03/26(Thu)09:58 No. 17882

Nick Tumminello products:

Joint Friendly Strength Training 2-DVD Set
Secerts of Back training


Spinal Health and Core Training Seminar - Tony Gentilcore
Dean Somerset & Tony's Awesome LA Workshop
Alwyn Cosgrove Core dvd
Elite athletic development seminar - SAME AS ABOVE, TRADE AND/oR $$$
Charlie Weingroff & Mark Cheng Hacking the Hinge DVD
The Super D ultimate Powderlifting and Performance Seminar

>> EliteFTS stuff Request Anonymous 15/03/26(Thu)19:39 No. 17885

-Blueprint for Success: A Strength and Conditioning Coach's Manual

-12 Weeks to a Bigger Bench by Brian Schwab
-Strength Training for Rugby

>> The list itsdavey 15/03/26(Thu)22:54 No. 17887

Hi I'm looking for the list by Bryan hawn. Anyone happen to have it?

>> elite athletic development? Anonymous 15/03/27(Fri)19:58 No. 17890

anyone able to track down the elite athletic development seminar dvds?

>> elite athletic development LaLa 15/03/27(Fri)23:35 No. 17892

No luck, haven't come across anyone who even has them! Theyre expensive, so slim chance.

Fair few were keen on it, best option may be a group buy one day! Shoot me an email, it's in the chat in one of the TXTs to download. :)

>> Eric Spoto’s Progressive Growth System for Bench Press Anonymous 15/03/27(Fri)23:43 No. 17893

anyone got it? thanks!

>> Klokov- Training Methods of the Russian Champion Anonymous 15/03/28(Sat)00:06 No. 17894 Enjoy!

>> Anonymous 15/03/29(Sun)00:12 No. 17896

anyone have poliquin principles 2?

>> Anonymous 15/03/29(Sun)00:25 No. 17897

Anyone has:

9. Free+Style: Maximize Sport and Life Performance with Four Basic Movements by Carl Paoli

>> Request - Principles and Practice of Resistance Training AvP 15/03/29(Sun)18:18 No. 17899

Principles and Practice of Resistance Training

By Michael Stone, Meg Stone, William Sands

Any kind soul that has this for share, please?

Thanks very much 17/36
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>> Anonymous 15/03/29(Sun)18:30 No. 17900

someone posted the elite athletic development seminar 1 and 2 videos... anyone have the rest of them... what an amazing series

>> Hunk 15/03/30(Mon)08:25 No. 17903

Anonymous 15/03/29(Sun)18:30 No. 17900

someone posted the elite athletic development seminar 1 and 2 videos... anyone have the rest of them... what an amazing series

Where did they post them?

>> LaLa 15/03/30(Mon)10:15 No. 17905

In chat recently, but only 2 videos.

Hopefully it all gets uploaded.

>> reply to 17631 liza 15/03/30(Mon)17:17 No. 17907

looking for the renaissance auto templates as well!

>> DeFranco Insider Anonymous 15/03/30(Mon)17:30 No. 17908

Looking for Goliath weeks 4-6 or beyond that? And strong bastard 911.

>> LaLa 15/03/31(Tue)01:25 No. 17910

Replies: >>17916

Goliath weeks 4-6, I can get it and upload it over the weekend.

Strong Bastards 911 won't be fully released. Theyll release the first 3 weeks in a few days, basically to make sure you stay a member. I'll see how the
first 6 weeks look, unsure if I wanna spend $60 in total for the program!

>> Norris Program Anonymous 15/03/31(Tue)13:25 No. 17913

Jesse Norris's 8 week program?

>> Goliath Program Defranco Insider 15/03/31(Tue)17:11 No. 17916

Replies: >>17923


Thanks for uploading the Goliath weeks 4-5. Any chance you have the entire 12 weeks of that program? Also you have any other sample programs
from the insider you can upload? Thanks for your help

>> Syrong 15/04/01(Wed)15:19 No. 17923

Can anyone post Defranco dvd's strength or manual?

>> ARTFX 15/04/01(Wed)17:16 No. 17929

Does anybody has the kinobody training programms?

1)Greek god muscle building
2)warrior shredding
3)superhero bulking

>> Built 2 Last & Goliath 1st phase 15/04/01(Wed)19:01 No. 17933

Could anyone repost Defranco's Built 2 Last and the Goliath 1 phase?
Afew hours ago I uploaded Eric Cressey's Show and Go, Josh bryant's books and the requested books of Jason Ferruggia. Is all in the chat 18/36
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>> Anonymous 15/04/01(Wed)19:56 No. 17934

anyone have the supervillian workout by bandana training. looks pretty sweet

>> Anonymous 15/04/03(Fri)06:03 No. 17937

Replies: >>17952

The Hybrid Athlete by Alex Viada, please!!!

>> Anonymous 15/04/04(Sat)20:14 No. 17950

its in the chat

>> Snatch, clean, lit Anonymous 15/04/04(Sat)20:33 No. 17951

anyone have weightlifting literature. Specifically, "Olympic weightlifting: cues & corrections by Daniel Camargo".

>> Anonymous 15/04/04(Sat)21:11 No. 17952

Replies: >>17961

It's in the chat!

>> Anonymous 15/04/05(Sun)00:49 No. 17954

Looking for Show & Go and AMD 2.0.

Can anyone re-up them? Thanks!

>> DeFranco Juggernaut Jojo 15/04/06(Mon)02:42 No. 17959

Does anyone have DeFranco's 12 week Juggernaut program? I have a LARGE(over 3Gig's worth) catalog of pdf and Epubs that I can trade.

>> Anonymous 15/04/06(Mon)03:29 No. 17961

i dont see it in the chat :/

>> Anonymous 15/04/06(Mon)03:31 No. 17962

Replies: >>17965

Really wishing to get the Hybrid athlete by Alex viada.. I cant find it in chat

>> Goliath Program 15/04/06(Mon)05:34 No. 17964

Many thanks to whoever uploaded the rest of goliath program. Thank you. Greatly appreciate it

>> hybrid athlete Anonymous 15/04/06(Mon)06:09 No. 17965

Replies: >>17971

Hybrid Athlete is up right now.

>> Thank you Anonymous 15/04/06(Mon)08:07 No. 17968

Thank you for everyone who uploaded in the chat. :) 19/36
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>> Anonymous 15/04/06(Mon)16:19 No. 17971

Replies: >>17973

up where exaclty? i ctrl+f the thread but i dont see it T.T

>> Anonymous 15/04/06(Mon)16:26 No. 17973

nvm got it, didnt check the picture, thanks whoever uploaded it

>> Matt Vincent Anonymous 15/04/06(Mon)17:58 No. 17974

Replies: >>17976

Requesting for Training Lab, Strength Lab and Throwing Lab by Matt Vincent. Thanks! :))

>> Anonymous 15/04/06(Mon)19:09 No. 17976

throwing lab, matt vincent in chat pls check

>> Matt Vincent Anonymous 15/04/06(Mon)23:35 No. 17977

Thank you to whoever uploaded it.

>> joe d Strong 15/04/08(Wed)17:27 No. 17982

Strong bastards 911 joe defranco??

>> Request vind 15/04/09(Thu)22:24 No. 17986






>> Strength Lab Anonymous 15/04/10(Fri)07:20 No. 17989

Does anyone have the STRENGTH LAB by Matt Vincent?

>> Requests JiNn 15/04/11(Sat)00:30 No. 18067

Could someone please upload

1. Complete Speed Training - Lee Taft
2. Hacking the HInge - Mark Cheng & Charlie Weingroff

Thank you!

>> fighter87 15/04/12(Sun)11:47 No. 18071

Replies: >>18075

someone have the books os scott abel?

>> elite athletic development seminars? Anonymous 15/04/13(Mon)05:01 No. 18073

someone was posting the elite athletic development seminars a while back did anyone track down the rest of them?

that would be amazing... thank you in advance 20/36
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>> TJS 15/04/13(Mon)19:45 No. 18075

fighter87 What books from scott abel are you looking for? Would you like to share and buy them?

>> Anonymous 15/04/15(Wed)06:24 No. 18079

Is Vola down?

>> Goku 15/04/16(Thu)12:53 No. 18087

Replies: >>18140

Has anyone BURKE_Clinical Sports Nutrition and can share it plz? :)

I would appreciate it a much!

>> USAW Reupload Request 15/04/20(Mon)10:25 No. 18131

Originally uploaded to dropcanvas

>> USAW Reupload Request 15/04/20(Mon)10:25 No. 18132

Originally uploaded to dropcanvas

>> Anonymous 15/04/20(Mon)19:36 No. 18134

anyone got the full yoga videos from mark gonzales? (

>> LDNM BGV3 Anonymous 15/04/20(Mon)23:08 No. 18135

anyone have this and wiling to share please? or the older version?

>> Elite Athletic Development Seminars Anonymous 15/04/21(Tue)20:22 No. 18139

Has anyone tracked down the elite athletic development seminars by Joe Kenn and mike Robertson. Or would anyone be interested in a group buy
for this resource?

>> Goku 15/04/21(Tue)22:19 No. 18140


or has anyone the certification manual from Precision Nutrition? ;P

BURKE has no one?

>> Renaissance Diet Auto Templates Anonymous 15/04/21(Tue)22:48 No. 18141

If anyone has the Renaissance Diet Auto Templates could you please post them in the chat? Thanks in advance!

>> Few requests for the start of May (and birthday) AlexV 15/04/23(Thu)16:04 No. 18147

I'm really looking for the following, if someone can upload any of these, kindly appreciated : Research Digest / Review
-AARR - from July 2014 to present - please
-Anything on David Dellanave (not just his primary book, but anything else he might have released, offered besides the Off The Floor eBook)
-Girth Control - Alan Aragorn
-Ari Whitten eBooks
-Armi Legge eBooks

Thank you very much, highly appreciated 21/36
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>> Anonymous 15/04/23(Thu)19:38 No. 18148

any1 got Programs That Work 4.1 + 4.2? thanks!

>> Request Anonymous 15/04/24(Fri)22:42 No. 18152

Dr. Hatfield's books. Namely:

Power: A scientific Approach

>> Renaissance Auto Diet Templates Sottozero 15/04/25(Sat)00:06 No. 18154

Looking for the Renaissance Auto Templates, if anyone can post them. That would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance you guys.

>> Remaining Routines of The Hybrid Athlete (by Alex Viada) Anonymous 15/04/25(Sat)05:53 No. 18157

In The Hybrid Athlete ebook, appendix A lists all routines, and many are supposed to be released in April 2015. Does anyone have the remaining
routines? I'm specifically interested in these routines: Training for Selection, Training for Selection and Powerlifting, MMA, The All Arounder.

Thank you.

>> Anonymous 15/04/25(Sat)14:26 No. 18159

Can anyone reupload the Layne Norton dvd´s to the chat?

>> Anonymous 15/04/30(Thu)07:13 No. 18170

Replies: >>18182 >>18184 >>19393

Have RP auto-template, cut, for 170lb man.

Looking for weightlifting literature.

>> finding files in the chat Anonymous 15/05/03(Sun)12:55 No. 18179

How do we find older files in the chat or does it only hold them for so long. Looking for the Mi40x files that were posted

>> Anonymous 15/05/03(Sun)13:40 No. 18181

Files are only stored for 3 days then are removed automatically. The files will to be reuploaded

>> Olympic Lifting Literature Zack 15/05/03(Sun)21:10 No. 18182

Replies: >>18188 >>18317

I uploaded a bunch of Olympic Lifting material to the chat.

Could you please drop canvas the RP auto-template?

>> Zack - AMPED DVD 2 Anon 15/05/03(Sun)23:40 No. 18183

Hi Zack
Thanks for the above; do you have a copy of the original disc in ISO or DMG etc?

>> rp templates Manny 15/05/04(Mon)07:52 No. 18184

Any chance you can upload the RP template into chat or dropcanvas please? 22/36
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>> Anonymous 15/05/04(Mon)16:20 No. 18188


RP auto temp up on the chat!

It is for a CUT. 170lb, male. With instructions on use and FAQ.

Other temps on the way, gotta wait till after finals.

>> Physical Preparation 101 TJS 15/05/06(Wed)19:20 No. 18193

Anyone wants to share Physical Preparation 101?

I'll willing to pay 30-40% if i can find enough people to make up the rest.

>> Anonymous 15/05/06(Wed)23:33 No. 18195

Could you please upload the auto diet

>> Anonymous 15/05/07(Thu)00:07 No. 18196

Can someone up-load this?

Get Shredded Ulisses Jr
Flexible Dieting Armi Legge

Thank You

>> Anonymous 15/05/07(Thu)20:58 No. 18198

Can someone re-upload The Fool Proof No-Fail Guide to Flexible Fat Loss Mike Samuels PDFs? Thank you

>> Request Anonymous 15/05/10(Sun)04:27 No. 18205

Anyone have any Total Gym workouts or workout videos?

Thank you.

>> Anonymous 15/05/10(Sun)06:34 No. 18206

Anyone have the new 70s Big LP book?

>> Anonymous 15/05/12(Tue)19:15 No. 18210

Can anyone re-upload the Layne Norton Re-Loaded dvd to the chat? Thank You

>> Anonymous 15/05/15(Fri)22:30 No. 18215

Any of the Mike Rashid Overtraining files? Never seen any of them :o

>> Meh 15/05/17(Sun)12:55 No. 18217

Are you saying you have them or are you requesting them?

I am looking for Muscle Evo.

>> Becoming a Supple Leopard 2nd Edition ck 15/05/19(Tue)21:35 No. 18224

Looking for....
Becoming a Supple Leopard 2nd Edition 23/36
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>> wORD 15/05/20(Wed)15:10 No. 18225

Request any ONLINE SUMMITS. Loads take place globally now, some offer them online. Would be awesome!

>> Anonymous 15/05/20(Wed)18:44 No. 18226

Requests: Re-upload the Layne Norton DVD Re-loaded, Get Shredded By Ulisses Jr, Building the Classic
Physique The Natural Way by Steve Reeves Thank you

>> Anonymous 15/05/21(Thu)16:43 No. 18229

anyone has the handstand mastery or weighted calisthenics books? Author: littlebeastM . Thanks

>> Anonymous 15/05/21(Thu)19:10 No. 18233

Can someone please re-upload the Layne Norton DVDs @chat Thank you much and much appreciated

>> Anonymous 15/05/22(Fri)22:47 No. 18236

Anyone got John Kiefers Nicotine Declassified?

>> Anonymous 15/05/23(Sat)21:31 No. 18240

anyone have elite athletic development seminars by kenn and robertson? those videos look awesome

>> Anonymous 15/05/25(Mon)06:55 No. 18243

could someone reupload the RP auto template?

>> aendi 15/05/26(Tue)08:00 No. 18244

Sohee Lee - How to Count Macros?

>> Requesting Kratos 15/05/29(Fri)00:54 No. 18248

Requesting :

Bony to Beastly – Muscle & Health Series :

Kinobody Presents The Greek God Muscle Building Program :

Superhero Bulking Program :

The Goddess Toning Program :

Weighted Calisthenics E-Book :

Extreme Bodyweight Bodybuilding Program :

Handstand Mastery E-Book :

The Handstand Press E-Book :

>> Biofeedback Robb 15/05/30(Sat)09:23 No. 18255

Requesting Grip and rip, Gym movement or the biofeedback solution

>> Anonymous 15/05/31(Sun)06:28 No. 18258

Replies: >>18328

RP template in the chat is for a 77kg or 170lb, MALE, who wants to CUT. If you dont meet the criteria. Youre going to be under fed or over fed
depending on your personal stats.

The book is out there. Use that shit 24/36
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>> Anonymous 15/06/02(Tue)17:40 No. 18266

Request: Reverse Dieting Book 1 hour Webinar Sohee Lee Layne Norton Thank you much!

>> physical preparation 101 Anonymous 15/06/03(Wed)19:31 No. 18268

Replies: >>18318

physical preparation 101 by Mike Robertson

>> Scientific Principles is co-authored by Dr. Mike Israetel glenn 15/06/04(Thu)06:06 No. 18272

anyone have this yet

>> Strong Bastard 911 Anonymous 15/06/04(Thu)18:56 No. 18276

Requesting for Strong Bastard 911 by Joe De Franco. Thank you in advance.

>> Anonymous 15/06/05(Fri)18:01 No. 18277

Rich roll plant powered would be awesome

>> Upload the Specforce Alpha content Anonymous 15/06/06(Sat)01:01 No. 18278

It's seems to be something that really works! GOGOGO

>> Renassaince Alec 15/06/06(Sat)07:13 No. 18280

anyone have the renaissance diet auto template email me?

>> spyderde 15/06/11(Thu)11:16 No. 18287

anyone have the renaissance diet auto template email me ?

>> Joe Denfranco anything pec-less pete 15/06/12(Fri)06:20 No. 18291

and strong bastard 911
PLEASEEE.. I would love strong bastard.. been doing ws4sb for about a year now

>> Anonymous 15/06/17(Wed)11:57 No. 18303

Steve Maxwell's Breathing Control Workout anyone?

>> dean somerset advanced core training wraithfangles 15/06/20(Sat)00:24 No. 18308 is up on the chat

>> Glc 15/06/20(Sat)11:07 No. 18309

Squatstrong by Lucas Parker, anyone?

>> Anonymous 15/06/20(Sat)23:19 No. 18312

Thanks a bunch whoever put up Tactical Barbell I and II 25/36
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>> Anonymous 15/06/24(Wed)06:30 No. 18315

anyone have robertson / kenn elite athletic development seminars?

>> Keith Lai - Superhero Shredding Brandon 15/06/24(Wed)10:25 No. 18316

Has anyone gotten the Superhero Shredding by Keith Lai?

Thanks in advance

>> Anonymous 15/06/24(Wed)23:59 No. 18317


>> swagger 15/06/25(Thu)14:53 No. 18318

I'm interested

>> Anonymous 15/06/27(Sat)21:09 No. 18321

hey guys how about doing some dropboxes with the "classics" that will get stickied somewhere

>> Anonymous 15/07/01(Wed)17:57 No. 18328

Looking for RP auto template

>> Scientific Principles of Strength Training Chris 15/07/01(Wed)18:06 No. 18329

Replies: >>18333

Hi guys,

Looking for Scientific Principles of Strength Training by Mike Israetel of Renaissance Periodization.

I have RP Auto Template Mass gain for 190 lbs

>> Anonymous 15/07/02(Thu)06:39 No. 18333


Looking for RP auto-template, cut, for 170lb man.

>> REQUEST Optimizing strength training by steven fleck and william kraemer anondenzel
15/07/02(Thu)22:17 No. 18336

request optimizing strength by steven fleck and william kraemer

>> REQUEST FOR optimizing strength by steve fleck and william kraemer anondenzel 15/07/02(Thu)22:32
No. 18337

File 143586917934.jpg - (106.02KB , 900x600 , poster_plannerl.jpg )

if it's no trouble could someone please upload optimizing strength by steve fleck and william kraemer

>> Anonymous 15/07/03(Fri)20:23 No. 18340

Anyone have all about powerlifting by Tim Henriques. Thanks! 26/36
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>> Anyone have all about powerlifting by Tim Henriques. Thanks! Anonymous 15/07/03(Fri)20:25 No. 18341

Anyone have all about powerlifting by Tim Henriques. Thanks!

>> YATTI 15/07/04(Sat)00:22 No. 18344

Can someone please upload Lazar Angelov's ABS-THE SECRET REVEALED and Ben pakulski's Incredible Bulk

>> HFT2, Live Life Aggressivley and newer Stuff of Ross Anonymous 15/07/04(Sat)09:42 No. 18345


Can anyone upload HFT2 by Chad Waterbury, Live Life Aggressivley by Mike Mahler and some newer Stuff of Ross Enamait?

Thanks advanced

>> philip 15/07/04(Sat)09:57 No. 18346

Please reupload hypertrophy max phase 1 to 5 if you have. Thank you in advance

>> poliquin fighter87 15/07/06(Mon)22:37 No. 18354

someone have the Arm Size and Strength: The Ultimate Guide by poliquin?

>> requesting charlie weingroff training=rehab ANon 15/07/24(Fri)16:30 No. 18393

please upload all of it. thank you so much for your time

>> Anonymous 15/07/27(Mon)19:05 No. 18397

Looking for RP Auto Templates in anyone still has.

>> MOST OF KINOBODY STUFF Anonymous 15/07/31(Fri)06:54 No. 18404

Hi all!

I'm here to give you "ALMOST" all KINOBODY STUFF I find in the web and something more.

1) Aggressive Fat Loss 2.0 (2015 release)

2) Warrior Shredding Program
3) Greek God Muscle Building Program
4) Super Hero Bulking Program
6) Goddess Toning Program

NOTE: I know that every program has it's own video tutorials "BUT" I don't have them so if anybody have them, please share it here.

No Kinobody related stuff:

-Chaos Bulking (Anthony Mychal)

-Intermitent Feast (Nate Miyaki)
-The Shredded Summer Challenge (Michael Matthews)

ENJOY and Share be4 somebody delete it.



Oh, by the way ¡¡¡FUCK YOU DONALD TRUMP!!!

>> request Anonymous 15/08/01(Sat)16:30 No. 18407

Can someone please upload Special Strength Development for All Sports by Louie Simmons?

Also i can't get in the chat...i type the stuff from the image but i doing something wrong? 27/36
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>> REQUEST Anonymous 15/08/05(Wed)00:21 No. 18411

1. Building the Modern Athlete: Scientific Advancements and Training Innovations (Vladimir Issurin)

2. The remaining training routines (aka program type, as listed in the Appendix A) for The Hybrid Athlete (Alex Viada)

>> Anonymous 15/08/13(Thu)05:03 No. 18440

Thank you for uploading the remaining training routines (aka program type, as listed in the Appendix A) for The Hybrid Athlete!!!

>> REQUEST Anonymous 15/08/13(Thu)05:11 No. 18442

Building the Modern Athlete: Scientific Advancements and Training Innovations (Vladimir Issurin)

>> Anonymous 15/08/16(Sun)05:49 No. 18449

Looking for rp auto templates

>> Requests Anonymous 15/08/18(Tue)02:04 No. 18456

1. The Art of Lifting (UPDATED version)

2. The Science of Lifting (UPDATED version)

>> Requests CaliStenX 15/08/19(Wed)21:31 No. 18459

Could anyone share untapped strength by ross enamait, ultimate athleticsm,

, the practice of natural movement, MovNat, unbreakable runner, pleasse? Don't upload in chat please.

>> Anonymous 15/09/10(Thu)05:42 No. 18489

for arm size and strength: thank you!

>> Anonymous 15/09/10(Thu)06:57 No. 18490

Someone put in the link here to the request but its a broken one...

Request: Furious 60 Complete Cutting Guide By Furious Pete Thank you much

>> Anonymous 15/09/12(Sat)20:12 No. 18499

Armi Legge - flexible dieting

Sohee Lee - the beginners guide to macros

>> Anonymous 15/09/17(Thu)22:11 No. 18507

Requesting the DVDs of Lyle McDonald's Applied Nutrition for Mixed Sports. Thanks.

>> 17605 Anonymous 15/09/25(Fri)18:23 No. 18524

Visual Impact Frequency is in the chat now. >>17605

>> wutwut 15/10/01(Thu)18:42 No. 18542

looking for MASS by Patrick Davidson 28/36
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>> REQUEST Anonymous 15/10/13(Tue)00:16 No. 18568

1. Building the Modern Athlete: Scientific Advancements and Training Innovations (Vladimir Issurin)

2. The Horizontal Jumps: Planning for Long Term Development (Nick Newman)

3. CEO Strength Coach (Ron McKeefery)

>> LDNM Cutting Guide V3 Anonymous 15/10/15(Thu)14:45 No. 18575

Has anyone got the LDNM Cutting Guide V3? Happy to exchange for others.

>> Anonymous 15/10/27(Tue)07:52 No. 18592

Someone put in the link here to the request but its a broken one...

Request: Furious 60 Complete Cutting Guide By Furious Pete, Anyone got it? Thank you much

>> REQUEST Anonymous 15/12/08(Tue)18:09 No. 18685

Book set: The Muscle and Strength Pyramids (Training & Nutrition) by Eric Helms at

>> Strength: Barbell Training Essentials Joe DeFranco Anonymous 15/12/30(Wed)01:53 No. 18717

Anyone still have a link for this?

>> Anonymous 15/12/31(Thu)08:28 No. 18719

Is the chat not working?

>> Reverse dieting Anonymous 16/01/04(Mon)00:12 No. 18724


Hi looking for reverse dieting by Sohee Lee and Layne Norton. Let me know who I should contact? Thanks.

>> REQUEST Anonymous 16/02/04(Thu)02:59 No. 18787

Tumbling 1 - Christopher Sommer (Gymnastic Bodies)

Handstand 3 - Christopher Sommer (Gymnastic Bodies)
Nutrition & Training Pyramids - Eric Helms

>> REQUEST: RENAISSANCE DIET AUTO-TEMPLATES Anonymous 16/02/18(Thu)07:54 No. 18837


>> dgs 16/03/10(Thu)05:58 No. 18900


>> Furious 60 Complete Cutting Guide By Furious Pete Anonymous 16/04/29(Fri)22:58 No. 19015

Could anyone reupload the Furious 60 Complete Cutting Guide By Furious Pete? Much appreciated!

>> Furious 60 please. Anonymous 16/05/03(Tue)22:14 No. 19019

Does anyone have furious 60 on pdf? 29/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> Request: Bony To Beastly Ebook.txt tom 16/05/16(Mon)03:34 No. 19030

Request: Bony To Beastly Ebook.txt

>> KINOBODY FREE PROGRAMS Kayden 16/05/19(Thu)21:10 No. 19040


>> Jazmyn 16/05/19(Thu)22:45 No. 19041

Request: Bony To Bombshell Ebook.txt

>> REQUEST Anonymous 16/05/20(Fri)05:34 No. 19042

Carb Back-loading by John Keifer

>> Defranco's SB911 program Dylan 16/05/25(Wed)05:20 No. 19050

Can anybody get their hands on this?!?

>> SB911 Dylan 16/06/04(Sat)19:09 No. 19064

Would love Joe Defranco's Strong bastard 911 program!!! Thanks!!

>> Renaissance Anonymous 16/06/11(Sat)16:39 No. 19079

Replies: >>19173

I have a renaissance strength template if anyone has the Renaissance Mass gain diet

>> HELP! NEED A NEW DIET Zicky Dice 16/06/23(Thu)05:50 No. 19104

I am stuck. I was on herbalife for the last 3 months and I can't lose anymore. I have been hitting the gym hard. I'm looking to burn fat and gain
muscle. Just don't know which diet to choose or stick to. HELP!

>> HELP! NEED A NEW DIET Zicky Dice 16/06/23(Thu)05:52 No. 19105

I am stuck. I was on herbalife for the last 3 months and I can't lose anymore. I have been hitting the gym hard. I'm looking to burn fat and gain
muscle. Just don't know which diet to choose or stick to. HELP!

>> RP Diet anon 16/08/12(Fri)06:28 No. 19173


please upload the templates

>> Link for chat Anonymous 16/08/14(Sun)19:51 No. 19178

Guys I haven't been here in a long time, glad to see we are making progress to help each other. I am getting the link for the chat wrong overtime, can
someone help clarify it?

>> Gold Medal Bodies + Weightlifting gymnastics 16/08/14(Sun)22:59 No. 19179

Does anyone have any of the Gold Medal Bodies series ?

Along with Danny Camargo's Cues ?

>> strong bastard 911 beast9560 16/09/29(Thu)05:39 No. 19238

anyone have this yet 30/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> RENAISSANCE DIET AUTO-TEMPLATES Anonymous 16/11/13(Sun)21:45 No. 19295

looking for these if anyone still has them available


>> Anonymous 16/11/18(Fri)23:16 No. 19302

Replies: >>19328 >>19329

Just uploaded an RP Auto Template (cut) to the chat, it's for a 77kg woman I believe.

>> Anonymous 16/12/04(Sun)16:25 No. 19328


>> Anonymous 16/12/04(Sun)16:58 No. 19329


Could you upload this again?

>> RP powerlifting templates Chris 16/12/07(Wed)20:12 No. 19331

Please upload RP powerlifting templates

>> RP powerlifting templates Chris 16/12/07(Wed)20:13 No. 19332

Replies: >>19368

Please upload RP powerlifting templates

>> Anonymous 16/12/22(Thu)05:27 No. 19354

Does anyone have

John Meadows The Gauntlet
or Strong Bastards 911

>> Anonymous 17/01/14(Sat)05:32 No. 19368



Looking for RP auto templates (either diet or strength/hypertrophy/physique)

>> Requesting for ADONIS EFFECT WORKOUTS 17/01/14(Sat)23:21 No. 19370

Adonis index or any Adonis effect workouts please. Thank you.

>> Stubborn Fat Solution Patch 1.1 Athena 17/01/16(Mon)03:38 No. 19375

Can someone please re-upload Stubborn Fat Solution Patch 1.1 by Lyle McDonald?
Thanks in advance

>> Anonymous 17/01/19(Thu)07:47 No. 19383

Looking for Arm Size and Strength by Charles Poliquin if anyone has it please

>> Anonymous 17/01/19(Thu)07:48 No. 19384

Looking for Arm Size and Strength by Charles Poliquin if anyone has it please 31/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)21:54 No. 19393

Can u post the rp templates please?

>> RP Male Physiqyw Renassaince periodisation 17/01/20(Fri)22:04 No. 19394

Replies: >>19414 >>19415 >>19717

Can someone please post RP Male Physique Template for fullbody. Willing to swap Shoulders and Arm Specilisation.

>> Anonymous 17/01/22(Sun)05:08 No. 19397

Request: ULTIMATE Progressive Overload Training Manual for Body Building and Physique Transformation (Tom Venuto)

>> DeFranco Request Dream 17/01/24(Tue)20:26 No. 19405

I'm looking for the following :

DeFranco Hard:Core
DeFranco Strong Bastard 911

Sadly I have nothing to trade, I can however provide a link for DeFranco Speed DVD if anyone is interested.

>> Anonymous 17/01/28(Sat)11:31 No. 19414


Yes please. I've got a bunch of stuff that I'd be happy to trade as well.

>> Anonymous 17/01/28(Sat)11:31 No. 19415


Yes please. I've got a bunch of stuff that I'd be happy to trade as well for the male physique template.

>> got stuff to trade anon 17/02/16(Thu)19:55 No. 19470

anyone have anything worth trading

>> RP Strength 170lb Male Cut Kaowin 17/02/19(Sun)15:00 No. 19484

Can someone re-upload this template please? Happy to post Catalyst Athletics Guide to Oly Lifting full book in return :)

>> RP Strength 170lb Male Cut Kaowin 17/02/19(Sun)15:03 No. 19485

Replies: >>19559

Can someone re-upload this template please? Happy to post Catalyst Athletics Guide to Oly Lifting full book in return :)

>> RP MALE TEMPLATES uchiha 17/03/05(Sun)22:01 No. 19511

hi guys, searching for RP MALE TEMPLATES if anyone has them

>> templates Anonymous 17/03/06(Mon)15:30 No. 19512

Looking for the following:

JTS Powerlifting Bundle for women
Renaissance Periodization Diet Fat Loss
Sweede - 5th Set
Koklov - powerlifting template 32/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> /fit/ request & share thread Anonymous 17/04/04(Tue)08:58 No. 19551
Replies: >>19605

File 14912891103.gif - (11.25KB , 200x105 , 142466815419s.gif )

does anyone have the RP Male Physique Training Template?

>> RP Diet Template gman 17/04/06(Thu)03:03 No. 19559

What excel you have? M_5 or M_4

>> RENAISSANCE PERIODIZATION Eulabeia 17/04/24(Mon)12:26 No. 19603




>> RENAISSANCE PERIODIZATION Eulabeia 17/04/24(Mon)12:28 No. 19604




>> RENAISSANCE PERIODIZATION Eulabeia 17/04/24(Mon)12:29 No. 19605




>> Anonymous 17/04/28(Fri)15:16 No. 19613

Replies: >>19615

Vola seems to be down. Anyone else having issues?

>> Eulabeia 17/04/29(Sat)13:24 No. 19615

Yes, I can not access it anymore either. Seems like it's down :(

>> Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)02:28 No. 19617

Yeah, it does seem to be down. If a replacement/alternative goes up, please do share the details.

>> RP Diet/Strength amanda 17/05/03(Wed)22:07 No. 19619

Does anyone have the renaissance diet or strength templates

>> Nicolas+ 17/05/28(Sun)18:43 No. 19661

Replies: >>19694

In exchange of your rp male physique template i've a shit ton of fitness books as well as two famous programs :
- SH5 by TheonlineCoach
- Ultimate Hypertrophy by Vitruvian Physique 33/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> RP Templates rxwrong 17/06/06(Tue)03:16 No. 19679

File 149671179653.jpg - (1.49MB , 1469x1399 ,
Oliver Sacks.jpg )

Does anyone have any of the female

RP diet templates?

>> Anonymous 17/06/12(Mon)03:19 No. 19691

Replies: >>19711

Willing to swap rp male physique full body for one of the specialization.

>> Anonymous 17/06/12(Mon)20:15 No. 19694

I don't have anything to trade but do you have a copy of the Virtuvian Physique Ultimate Hypertrophy anyway?

>> Nicolas Olaya Zuluaga 17/06/20(Tue)03:26 No. 19711

In exchange of your rp male physique template i've a shit ton of fitness books as well as two famous programs :
- SH5 by TheonlineCoach
- Ultimate Hypertrophy by Vitruvian Physique

>> Nicolas+Olaya+Zuluaga 17/06/21(Wed)04:13 No. 19717

Hi men, i've got the male physique training template. Full body, 3x week. You still up to trade?

>> Male Physique Training Template Nicolas+Olaya+Zuluaga 17/06/21(Wed)05:30 No. 19718

I've got the templates, full body, 3x, 4x and 5x week. I just need the "how to" and "faq" documents. So if anybody got them i'm willing to trade.

>> Male Physique Training Template Nicolas+Olaya+Zuluaga 17/06/21(Wed)05:31 No. 19719

I've got the templates, full body, 3x, 4x and 5x week. I just need the "how to" and "faq" documents. So if anybody got them i'm willing to trade.

>> Male Physique Training Template Nicolas+Olaya+Zuluaga 17/06/21(Wed)05:32 No. 19720

I've got the templates, full body, 3x, 4x and 5x week. I just need the "how to" and "faq" documents. So if anybody got them i'm willing to trade.

>> Male Physique Training Template Nicolas+Olaya+Zuluaga 17/06/21(Wed)05:32 No. 19721

I've got the templates, full body, 3x, 4x and 5x week. I just need the "how to" and "faq" documents. So if anybody got them i'm willing to trade.

>> Anonymous 17/06/22(Thu)10:12 No. 19725

Anyone who can upload the rp diet templates online for me please ?

>> Renaissance diet Tolis 17/06/23(Fri)05:30 No. 19730

Anyone with the ebook or the automated templates!? Thanks!

>> trade rp template ty 17/06/24(Sat)12:38 No. 19733

anyone want to trade 5day week RP physique template ( arms and shoulders specialisation) for 5 or 6 day week full body ?

if so email 34/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> Anonymous 17/06/26(Mon)22:20 No. 19737

Replies: >>19752

Can anyone send me ANY (or all that you have) RP workout templates?

I don't have anything unique to trade (maybe Alpha Destiny Naturally Enhanced is what you want? that's sort of rare) but please share RP templates
with me.

Help a brother out in the name of gains.

>> RP Physique Templates Nicolas+Olaya+Zuluaga 17/06/27(Tue)21:28 No. 19745

If anyone got the 5 day arms and shoulders specialisation rp template i'm willing to trade for another RP template

>> Looking for Full Body 5x RP Physique Template Lou 17/06/28(Wed)14:19 No. 19748

Hopefully anyone can bless me with the 5x Full body RP Physique Template. Don't have anything to trade sadly, just looking for some help.

>> Nicolas+Olaya+Zuluaga 17/06/28(Wed)17:59 No. 19752

What's your email?

>> rp Anonymous 17/06/29(Thu)18:12 No. 19753

Can anyone send me Male Physique Training Template or any RP workout templates that you have i don't have anything to trade
Help a brother out

>> rp Anonymous 17/06/29(Thu)18:16 No. 19754

Can anyone send me Male Physique Training Template or any RP workout templates that you have i don't have anything to trade
Help a brother out

>> Rp templates Tomo 17/07/01(Sat)21:45 No. 19758

Looking for any of the Rp training templates please? (men's physique or weightlifting hypertrophy idealy). Have lots of different trades including Rp
cut for 190lbs man.
E-mail me if you can trade.


>> RP tom 17/07/02(Sun)13:50 No. 19761

Have RP MPT x4 and x5, also have RP cut. looking for any of the powerlifting templates or Weightlifting Hypertrophy templates.

>> Rp hypertrophy Tomo 17/07/02(Sun)14:52 No. 19763

Have phase one of Steve Cook lean.

Looking for Rp weightlifting or Powerlifting hypertrophy templates.

>> RP male physique rp template stalin 17/07/02(Sun)17:11 No. 19767

I have RP strength principles. I need the male physique templates

>> Boxe'rs Start-up Guide Req. Rocky 17/07/09(Sun)15:20 No. 19785

Please someone upload Precision Striking-Boxer's Start-up Guide 35/36
7/18/2017 /fit/ - Fitness & Health

>> anyone have RP strength cutting template for a 77kg female jl 17/07/11(Tue)21:44 No. 19787

anyone have the RP strength cutting template for a 77kg female? saw a post earlier but can't find the file :)


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- kusaba x 0.9 + SVN 36/36

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