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1. Provide opportunities for patients and families to ask before the action starts
2. Uses gloves
3. Asking the chief complaint in accordance with the assessment procedures
4. Conduct appropriate planning activities
5. action procedure blood pressure checks first in order to determine the extent of the disease.
6. Isolate the specific cause of high blood
7. Search additional risk factors

1 . ArmSet minimum position parallel to the position of the heart and not too low .
2 . Place or put the cuff on the upper arm 3 fingers above the elbow .
3 . Attach manometer on the cuff that has been installed .
4 . 's Pulse at the brachial artery ( in the crease of the elbow ) .
5 . Having found stick pulse throbbing pulse stethoscope in the area .
6 . Attach a stethoscope on the examiner 's ear .
7 . 's Pulse on the radial artery ( in the wrist area ) .
8 . Begin to feel the throbbing pulse pumping up the wrist disappears , then add 1-2 pumping .
9 . Grasp the ends of the stethoscope and then begin to cut the cuff is slowly tekanaan - land .
10 . Listen to the absence of sound " thump - thump - thump " :
• The sound of the first shows the systolic pressure .
• The sound of the latter sounding shows diastolic pressure .
Example : If the sound of the needle manometer shows 120 and the last sound disappears needle
manometer shows the number 80 means that the blood pressure was 120/80 mmHg .
11 . After complete release of the cuff stethoscope and wrist .
12 . Record and notify the results that have been obtained .


Signs and symptoms

Hypertension is essentially not show any symptoms, so the condition is sometimes referred to as
the silent killer. However, some signs of which can be considered as an indication of
hypertension are:
1. shortness of breath
2. headache
3. nosebleed
4. fainting and often sleepy
5. dizziness
6. ringing in the ears
8. excessive sweating
9.blurred vision
10. sometimes pain in chest
11. sometimes pain in left shoulder

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