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In the interview with Grace Cervone, she discusses the journey her grandmother Anna

Braniff took to come from Ireland and migrate to america, and the many obstacles she had to
overcome. Her journey begins in Ireland where the potato famine was still affecting thousands
of lives, and dominating her family with poverty. Her brother James and her migrated to Canada
instead of America because of financial expenses, but later moved to New York. A Lot of her
reasons for leaving Ireland ran behind the fact that Roman Catholics and Protestants had
continuous conflict and different beliefs from the time that the British took over the Northern part
of Ireland. Another reason for Anna’s departure from Ireland was because her first born child
was born to a man that Anna’s parents did not approve of, and so they sent her with her older
brother to migrate to Canada. Also because of the conflict between Catholics and Protestants,
business owners with Protestant beliefs would not allow Catholics to work for them, and vice
versa. Anna, James, and the baby spent six weeks on the ship, and the conditions were
described as horrific, with death, sickness, and starvation onboard with the passengers, they
were lucky to make it out alive. After finding passageway to New York, and Grace describing the
transition, the three had to make a living, so they set out to find jobs. Being uneducated, the
only work that was in reality their options were laborers. So Anna became a housemaid, and
James found a job in construction. However, too soon, James was injured on the job, and due
to low finances he ignored the the infection that came after, until it ended up costing him his life,
after he contracted Sepsis, and died of the blood infection, leaving Anna by herself. In reaction
to James’ death, Anna was devastated, and even tried calling home to return, but the family was
on their way over anyway. However she knew she had to keep going, and sooner or later she
fell in love with a man whom she had her second child with, however he was Protestant and she
was Catholic, and due​ to their different beliefs the marriage didn’t last long, and it fell
apart. After discussing the discrimination of immigrants in the US, and the conflict
between Roman Catholics and Protestants, Grace went on to talk of Anna’s life in
America. Being a single mother in this time period was not only hard but was very
disapproved of, and so Anna was introduced to a man named Edward Fogarty, whom
she married. After, they moved from Brooklyn New york, to another part of New york
called, Long Island, Shirley LI to be exact. All together Anna had five children, Peggy,
James, Helen, Clara, and Eileen. Grace goes on to explain the suffering and loss the
family went through during World War II, including my grandfather, who has worked
hard from the age of nine shining shoes to moving dead bodies from ships, the time
period was filled with destruction and pain. After the entire interview, Grace wrapped up
the journey by talking about migration, discrimination, and the struggles and hardships
of the past, present, and future.

Potato famine
The journey Grace explains of Anna Braniff and her family takes place about 60
or more years after the potato famine, however, Grace explains how the affects of the
famine still have an impact in the time period, and Anna’s family suffer from poverty and
famine even after the Potato famine (Irish Potato Famine) ended. This source shows
how according to the timeline, the famine still has its effects on the world and population
in that time period. The famine nearly genocided an entire race, and the effects of didn’t
seem to dwindle. Anna and her family had to suffer the side effects of the aftermath of
the potato famine, along with discrimination, and lack of financial stability. Not only did
this event affect the next century of people, but it also caused emigration, and more
suffering than before.
The source discusses world War II and its effects on America and many other
countries. In the interview, Grace talks about her father who was although too young at
the time to fight in the war helped out in the best way he could, he unloaded ships from
the war, including body bags, and other horrific pieces of history that is engraved in his
memory, and “when he was of age, he decided to try and serve his country but
unfortunately he was denied access into the military based on an eye injury that he
received when he was younger so he had only partial vision in his left eye”
(Interview-Grace). Another explanation by Grace includes that, “He did contribute
however; he worked where the ships came in so right when ships were returning from
battle, sailors would be getting off and there were some dirty jobs that had to get done.
Unfortunately, so he volunteered to help bring things off of the ships. Unfortunately
those things were body bags. This is the experience he had helping the ships unload
the body bags, this made a huge impression on him.” The effect of World War II was a
large factor in changing many people’s lives and even still affecting them today.

Thesis- If Someone migrates, then they move from one place to another,
because of many reasons, some of which are, discrimination, famine, and being forced
to emigrate. Anna moved to America from Ireland because she needed to start a new
life, away from famine, and forceful parents. Her parents forced her to move west
because they did not approve of the man she had fell in love with and supposably was
pregnant with his child. Therefore, they decided it best to send her away with her older
brother to start a new life, away from Ireland.

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