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Bu ki­tap, Mil­lî Eği­tim Ba­kan­lığı, Ta­lim ve Ter­bi­ye Ku­ru­lu Baş­kan­lığı’nın 31.05.2016 ta­rih ve 33 sa­yı­lı
(ekli listenin 26’ıncı sırasında) ku­rul ka­ra­rıy­la 2017-2018 öğ­re­tim yı­lın­dan iti­ba­ren 5 (beş) yıl sü­rey­le ders
ki­ta­bı ola­rak ka­bul edil­miş­tir.


ŞİRKETİ’ne ait­tir. İçin­de­ki şe­kil, ya­zı, me­tin ve gra­fik­ler, ya­yınevi­nin iz­ni ol­ma­dan alı­na­maz; fo­to­ko­pi, tek­sir, film
şek­lin­de ve baş­ka hiç­bir şe­kil­de çoğal­tı­la­maz, ba­sı­la­maz ve ya­yım­la­na­maz.


Mehmet ŞENER

Görsel Tasarım Uzmanı

Mustafa ŞAHİN


Kavacık Subayevleri Mah. Fahrettin Altay Cad. No.: 4/8 Keçiören/ANKARA

tel.: (0.312) 318 51 51 - 50 • belgegeçer: 318 52 51

Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak; Bastığın yerleri toprak diyerek geçme, tanı:
Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak. Düşün altındaki binlerce kefensiz yatanı.
O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak; Sen şehit oğlusun, incitme, yazıktır, atanı:
O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. Verme, dünyaları alsan da bu cennet vatanı.

Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilâl! Kim bu cennet vatanın uğruna olmaz ki feda?
Kahraman ırkıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celâl? Şüheda fışkıracak toprağı sıksan, şüheda!
Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helâl. Cânı, cânânı, bütün varımı alsın da Huda,
Hakkıdır Hakk’a tapan milletimin istiklâl. Etmesin tek vatanımdan beni dünyada cüda.

Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadım, hür yaşarım. Ruhumun senden İlâhî, şudur ancak emeli:
Hangi çılgın bana zincir vuracakmış? Şaşarım! Değmesin mabedimin göğsüne nâmahrem eli.
Kükremiş sel gibiyim, bendimi çiğner, aşarım. Bu ezanlar -ki şehadetleri dinin temeli-
Yırtarım dağları, enginlere sığmam, taşarım. Ebedî yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli.

Garbın âfâkını sarmışsa çelik zırhlı duvar, O zaman vecd ile bin secde eder -varsa- taşım,
Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var. Her cerîhamdan İlâhî, boşanıp kanlı yaşım,
Ulusun, korkma! Nasıl böyle bir imanı boğar, Fışkırır ruh-ı mücerret gibi yerden na’şım;
Medeniyyet dediğin tek dişi kalmış canavar? O zaman yükselerek arşa değer belki başım.

Arkadaş, yurduma alçakları uğratma sakın; Dalgalan sen de şafaklar gibi ey şanlı hilâl!
Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâsızca akın. Olsun artık dökülen kanlarımın hepsi helâl.
Doğacaktır sana va’dettiği günler Hakk’ın; Ebediyyen sana yok, ırkıma yok izmihlâl;
Kim bilir, belki yarın, belki yarından da yakın. Hakkıdır hür yaşamış bayrağımın hürriyyet;
Hakkıdır Hakk’a tapan milletimin istiklâl!
Mehmet Âkif Ersoy


Ey Türk gençliği! Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk Cumhuriye-

tini, ilelebet muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir.

Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin

en kıymetli hazinendir. İstikbalde dahi, seni bu hazineden mahrum etmek
isteyecek dâhilî ve hâricî bedhahların olacaktır. Bir gün, istiklâl ve cum-
huriyeti müdafaa mecburiyetine düşersen, vazifeye atılmak için, içinde
bulunacağın vaziyetin imkân ve şeraitini düşünmeyeceksin! Bu imkân ve
şerait, çok namüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir. İstiklâl ve cumhu-
riyetine kastedecek düşmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemiş bir
galibiyetin mümessili olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatanın bütün ka-
leleri zapt edilmiş, bütün tersanelerine girilmiş, bütün orduları dağıtılmış
ve memleketin her köşesi bilfiil işgal edilmiş olabilir. Bütün bu şeraitten
daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere, memleketin dâhilinde iktidara sahip
olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ hıyanet içinde bulunabilirler. Hattâ bu
iktidar sahipleri şahsî menfaatlerini, müstevlîlerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit
edebilirler. Millet, fakr u zaruret içinde harap ve bîtap düşmüş olabilir.

Ey Türk istikbalinin evlâdı! İşte, bu ahval ve şerait içinde dahi vazi-

fen, Türk istiklâl ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktır. Muhtaç olduğun kudret,
damarlarındaki asil kanda mevcuttur.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk



Teen Life. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17

Cooking.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29

Communication ............................................................................................................................................................................... 39

The Internet........................................................................................................................................................................................ 51

Adventures........................................................................................................................................................................................... 61

Tourism.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 71

Chores..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 83

Science.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 93

Natural Forces................................................................................................................................................................................ 105

Word List........................................................................................................................................................................................... 114

Irregular Verbs.............................................................................................................................................................................. 117
References......................................................................................................................................................................................... 118


rs for
Find the page numbe
em nd page numbers for
s e

a saem
d gir s

a poaemblac

a poem

Words Related to Friendship

1 Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (a-g). Use your dictionaries.
1. a buddy/mate c
.......... a) only a few people know something
and they don’t tell it to anybody
2. count on ..........
b) rely on
3. get on well .......... c) a friend
4. laid-back .......... d) have a good relationship

5. a secret .......... e) a group of teens spend the night at

one of the teens’ house
6. a slumber party/pyjama party/sleepover .......... f) help someone
7. back up .......... g) relaxed, not worried

2 Complete the dialogue with the words below.

slumber party count on secret back up

Janet : What are you doing this weekend?

Molly : Oh, nothing much.
slumber party for the Saturday night, but it’s a ................... for
Janet : Well, I’m planning a ........................
now. Can you ................... me ...................?
Molly : Sure. I promise I won’t tell it to anybody. How can I help you?
Janet : Thanks. I know that I can ...................................... you.

3 Who’s your best friend? What makes him/her special? Share your ideas with your classmates.
Esma is my best friend. I can always count on her. She never tells my secrets to anyone, so I
always trust her. She also backs me up, and I always support her. I get on well with her.

Making/Accepting & Refusing Invitations
4 Read the offers/invitations and the responses. Then complete the boxes.
✓ He/She accepts the invitation/offer. ✘ He/She refuses the invitation/offer.

✗ I’m afraid, I can’t. I must help my dad.

Would you like to come to my Yes, please.

birthday party on Sunday? A birthday party? I’ll definitely be there.
No, thanks. I’m full.
Yes, I’d love to. What time is it?
Sorry, but I’m too busy on Sunday.
Would you like some more cake?
I’d love to, but my cousins are coming on Sunday.

5 Complete the phrases with the words in the boxes.

cool definitely don’t fancy like make sorry sounds time

Would you ................... to come?
Making an invitation ................... joining us?
Why ................... you come along?
I’d love to, thanks.
Yes. ................... good.
Accepting an invitation
Thanks. I’ll ................... be there.
...................! See you there.
I’d love to, but I can’t.
I’m ..................., I can’t.
Refusing an invitation
Sorry, but I can’t ................... it.
Another ..................., maybe.


1 Put the lines in the correct order to make a conversation. Then listen and check.
... Timothy : I’d love to, but I can’t.
1 Timothy : What are you doing on Saturday?
... Timothy : I’m helping my dad with the gardening.
... Timothy : That sounds fun.
... George : Really? Why not?
... George : We’re having a barbecue at my house.
... George : Oh, dear! Another time, maybe.
... George : Would you like to join us?



2 Read the emails. Write A (making an invitation), B (accepting an invitation) or C

(refusing an invitation) in the boxes. Listen and check your answers.

Hi, Mustafa!
Thanks for inviting me to your BBQ Hi, Kübra!
party on 28th September, but I can’t make it. Thanks very much for inviting me to
Sorry! It’s too bad because I love barbecue your pyjama party on Saturday. It sounds
very much. My cousins are coming that awesome. I’ll be there for sure.
day. Anyway, I hope you’ll have a great Sally

Dear Julie, Luke,

It’s my birthday next Friday, and I’m Dave and I are organising a volleyball
having some mates round for a sleepover. tournament next Saturday afternoon. It
We’re going to get a lot of pizzas and starts at two o’clock. It’s at ABC Sports
watch DVDs. I hope you can come. Centre. Can you bring your trainers?
Hannah I hope to see you there.

2 Underline the expressions in each email used to make, accept and refuse invitations.
3 Read again. Answer the questions.
It’s on 28th September.
1. When is John’s party? ...........................................................................................................................
2. What is John’s opinion of BBQ parties? ..................................................................................................
3. What is John going to do on the day of Mustafa’s party? .....................................................................
4. How is Hannah going to celebrate her birthday? .....................................................................................
5. What does Liam invite Luke to do? ...........................................................................................................

4 Match the expressions in the emails with the definitions.

1. make it c
.......... a. buy
2. awesome .......... b. certainly
3. get .......... c. come
4. for sure .......... d. really good

Holly’s Teenage Helpline
5 Look at the title. What is it about? Share your ideas.
6 Read the first letter. What’s Jenny’s problem? Choose the correct option.
a) Jenny is selfish. b) Jenny’s jealous of Mel’s new friend. c) Jenny hasn’t got any friends.

7 Read the letters and underline the correct alternatives.

Dear Holly,
I have got a friend called Mel. We do everything together. We get on
well with each other. I really like her. We’ve got the same hobbies, and we
share our secrets. Mel is really a nice person, and she’s my best friend. In
fact, she is my only friend. But now, she has got a new friend, Sarah. Mel
likes Sarah because they play tennis together after school. I’d like to play
tennis with them, but I can’t play because I’m not good at sports. She always
spends time with her.
I’m worried because I think Mel is going to forget about me. I don’t want
to be selfish, but what can I do?
Please help me.

Dear Jenny,
Don’t worry. You just feel a bit jealous. You’re right. Mel is going to
spend a lot of time with her new friend, but she isn’t going to forget her
other friends. This isn’t a problem. In fact, it’s a chance for you to change
your life and make new friends. As you grow up, you’re going to make new
friends with different hobbies and interests.
Good luck!

1. Jenny has got a lot of friends/one friend.

2. Sarah is Mel’s relative/new friend.
3. Jenny doesn’t like/isn’t good at tennis.
4. Holly thinks Jenny is jealous/selfish.
5. Holly tells Jenny to make new friends/find a new hobby.

8 Work in pairs. Which sentences are true for you?

1. I’ve got three or four good friends. 3. I’ve got one close friend.
2. I talk to my friends about my problems. 4. I talk to my family about my problems.

Would you like?
1 Read the sentences below. Which sentences can you use to: invite someone, accept an invitation,
refuse an invitation, apologise?
• Would you like to join us? invite someone
• It sounds awesome. ................................
• How about a slumber party? ................................
• Oh, thanks. I don’t get on well with ... . ................................
• Yeah, sounds good. ................................
• Cool! I’d love to. ................................
• Why don’t you come along? ................................
• Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t. ................................
• I’d love to, but I have to be at home by 12. ................................


3 Listen to six conversations and match each conversation with an activity in the photos.


4 Listen again. Do the speakers accept or refuse? Write A (accept) or R (refuse).

1. ......................... .
2. ......................... .
3. ......................... .
4. ......................... .
5. ......................... .
6. ......................... .

Self- check
1 Two friends are talking. Make full sentences
using the clues given and act out the dialogue.
1. Janet : Shall/go for a walk/this Saturday?
2. Molly : Sorry/can’t./My friends/come./Fancy/
join us?
3. Janet : Yeah. Why not? Shall/bring/anything?
4. Molly : Yes./Bring/some CDs/listen/please.
5. Janet : OK./I/bring/them.
6. Molly : Thanks./See you, then.

2 a) Work in pairs. Prepare two short dialogues, following the instructions in the role cards.
Dialogue 1
Student A : Student B:
Imagine you met a friend two minutes ago. Imagine you met a friend two minutes ago.
Decide on an event and make an invitation. Your friend invites you to an event. Accept the
Your friend may ask you some details invitation. Ask for more information about the
about the activity, so be ready to answer the event to organise the time and the meeting place.
questions. Use the vocabulary/expressions Use the vocabulary/expressions in the previous
in the previous parts to help you. parts to help you.

Dialogue 2

Student B : Student A:
Imagine you met a friend two minutes Imagine you met a friend two minutes ago.
ago. Decide on an event and make an Your friend invites you to an event. Refuse the
invitation. Use the vocabulary/expressions invitation. Apologise and give a reason for not
in the previous parts to help you. accepting. Use the vocabulary/expressions in the
previous parts to help you.

b) Act out your dialogues in the class.

1 Find six mistakes in this invitation and write it again.
Dear Sam,
We’re play tennis in Saturday. The match start at ten therty. After the
match, we’re have lunch at my house. I hope you can to come.

2 Write an apologising letter and give reasons for not attending the invitation above.

3 Complete the notes 1-4 with the words below.

invite love afraid how make sounds

1. Dear Steve,
I’m writing to ....................... you to my birthday party. I hope you can ....................... it.

2. Hi, Semih!
....................... about coming to my house tonight?

3. Hello Carla,
That ....................... fantastic! I’d ....................... to come.

4. Hi, Gaye!
I won’t be here then, so I’m ....................... I can’t come. Sorry!

FUN Self-
PAGE check

1 Imagine you finished your exams yesterday and you are having a party at the weekend. Write
a note and invite your friend to the party.
● Explain the reason for the party.
● Say the time, date and the place of the party.
● Talk about the entertainment plans (e.g. fancy dress, films, food, etc.).
● Invite your friend.

2 Swap the notes with your partner. Now write another note. Accept or refuse the invitation in
your note.
● Thank for the invitation.
● Accept or refuse the invitation.
● If yes, ask a question about the party.
● If no, apologise and say the reason.

3 Poem

5 Listen and read the poem and say: What is it about?

The Arrow and the Song

I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I didn’t know where;
It flew so swiftly that
The eyes couldn’t follow its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,

It went somewhere, I didn’t know where;
Only one person could hear the sound of the song
That person was very keen and strong.

Long, long afterward, in an oak

I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.
(Adapted from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem)


Work in pairs. Student A invites Student B to his/her home. Student B accepts the invitation.
Then Student B comes over to Student A’s home and your dialogues start. First, write your
dialogues in three parts (given in 1, 2, 3 below) and then act them out. Put your project into
your portfolio.
1. Welcoming and coming in.
2. Serving food/drinks and chatting.
3. Seeing him/her off and inviting him/her again.

1 Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box.
awesome get make it buddies cool

1. Pete’s going to ....................... some pizzas and crisps.
2. Can you ....................... to my party? I really missed you.
3. A: Would you like to come over tomorrow?
B: .......................! That sounds great.
4. Thanks for the invitation to your party. It’s going to be ....................... .
5. My ....................... are here. Why don’t you come along?

2 Put the words in brackets into the correct form.

Dear Lisa,
I 1) ................... (be) so excited. I 2) ..................... (celebrate) my fifteenth birthday this
Saturday and I 3) ................... (want) to invite you to my party. I 4) ................... (hope) you can
come. All my classmates 5) ................... (come), too. We 6) ................... (want) to have the party
in the garden, so my parents are busy now. The party 7) ................... (start) at 7 in the evening. Why
8 ) ........................... (not/you spend) the night with us? We can share my room. Please come.

3 Complete the dialogue with the appopriate words.

Tim : Jake and I are watching a DVD at my house this evening. 1) ................... joining us?
Mike : Cool! I’d 2) ................... to. 3) ................... I eat before I come?
Tim : You 4) ................... need to. Mum’s going to make pizzas.
Mike : Great. 5) ................... time shall I come?
Tim : At about seven.
Mike : Sounds 6) ............................... . See you then.

Check Your Progress

Read the sentences. Think about your progress and tick (✓) the boxes.

Excellent OK Difficult
I can accept and refuse the invitations.
I can apologise.
I can understand an offer/invitation.
I can read simple texts about friendship.
I can write a short letter for not attending a party.

Teen Life

rs for
Find the page numbe
a woman in
a colourful dress

a family

a quiz

Words Related to Clothing

1 Match the meanings with the words. Then describe the women’s clothing in the photos.
1. casual c
.......... a) an unstylish and unattractive person
2. fashion .......... b) a person who thinks he/she is better than other people and
admires people in a high position
3. impressive .......... c) not formal clothes
4. nerd .......... d) fashionable
5. outfit .......... e) causing a feeling of admiration and respect
6. snob .......... f) a set of clothes that we wear together
7. trendy .......... g) the style of the most popular dressing

She is casual.
........................................................................ ......................................................................
.................................................................... ......................................................................

2 Complete the sentences with the words in Activity 1.

1. Long dresses are in ....................... this summer.
2. Don’t be such a ......................!
3. Dress ....................... clothes, it won’t be a formal party.
4. She spends a lot of money on clothes because she likes being ....................... .
5. Look at that woman! She is very .......................!
6. He was a real ....................... in high school. I don’t believe he’s so handsome now.
7. I’ve got a cowboy ....................... for the fancy dress party.



6 Listen and repeat the words. Then look up their meanings in your dictionary.
stylish ridiculous serious teenager terrific unbearable

4 Write the words in Activity 3 under the photos below.

.......................................... .......................................... ..........................................

.......................................... .......................................... ..........................................

5 Work in groups of three. Look at the photos and exchange your opinions, as in the example.

A: What do you think of the clothing in picture A?

B: I think they look ridiculous. I prefer wearing casual clothes.
C: I think they are very pretty and impressive. I like to be different.

Fun Days


7 Look at the pictures. Which of the activities in the pictures do Ayşe and Mark do on
Sundays? Listen and read. Find the other activities.

I ❤ Sundays! By Ayşe Kaymaz
Sunday is my favourite day. I usually
get up late and have breakfast. The
homework for school. I also help mu n I do my
m cook lunch.
In the afternoon, I usually meet my
friends, and we love going to concer
go to the theatre.We sometimes han ts. We seldom
g out at the mall if the weather is bad
trendy clothes. . I like trying on

I never go out on Sunday evenings. I

usually stay in my room because I like
My friend, Nermin, rarely comes rou being alone.
nd, and we play computer games or
Then I surf the Net and chat with my we watch a DVD.
friends online before I go to bed at 10
are fun. o’clock. Sundays

Sundays are the best! By Mark Sun
’s my fav our ite day . I usu ally get up late and eat breakfast. My dad som
Sunday ketball team.
n go and play basketball. I’m in a bas
makes delicious pancakes. Then I ofte ally cooks
t, I hel p my dad in the gar den . The n we eat lunch at noon. My mum usu
After tha .
potatoes and vegetables. It’s yummy
a traditional lunch with lots of meat,
ning, I go
afte rno on, I som etim es visi t my gra ndparents with my family. In the eve
In the
any homework on
stay home and watch TV. I never do
to the cinema with my friends, or I
pe you do the same!
Sundays. I just have fun and relax. Ho

2 Read the personal narratives and complete the table.

On Sunday Ayşe Mark
get up late,
............................................................ ............................................................
In the morning
............................................................ ............................................................
............................................................ ............................................................
In the afternoon
............................................................ ............................................................
............................................................ ............................................................
In the evening ............................................................ ............................................................
............................................................ ............................................................

3 What is your favourite day? What do you do? Complete the table, as in Activity 2.
Favourite day In the morning In the afternoon In the evening
........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ...........................................
........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ...........................................

Teenage Life in Britain
1 Look at the title, the headings and the photos. What would you like to know about British
teenagers’ family life, school life and free time? Ask a question for each category.

Family Life School Life Free Time


8 Listen and write the expressions under the correct headings in the table.

watch soap opera go skateboarding

surf the Net go to an after-school club
go shopping play computer games

help around the house wear a uniform

Family Life School Life Free Time

watch soap opera
................................................. .................................................. .................................................................

................................................. .................................................. .................................................................

................................................. .................................................. .................................................................


9 Listen again. Then write T (for true) or F (for false).

1. Families are not big. T

2. Teenagers help with the housework. .............

3. They like watching soap operas. .............

4. School finishes at 4:30. .............

5. They always wear a school uniform at school. .............

6. They often go to clubs with their friends on Saturdays. .............

7. They love watching TV, playing computer games and surfing the Net. .............

8. They prefer going shopping or to the cinema with their friends on Mondays. .............

4 Make notes about teenagers’ family life, school life and free time in your country. Use your
notes to write a short paragraph.

Self- check


10 Listen and read the dialogue. Then work in pairs and make a similar dialogue about the
actions you regularly do.
A: What do you do in the evenings?
B: I usually do my homework, but I also listen to music.
A: What type of music do you prefer?
B: I love rap. How about you?
A: I love pop music. And to be honest, I never listen to rap music. I can’t stand it. I think it’s
B: OK. What do you do at weekends?
A: Hmm, I love shopping, so I usually go shopping with my mum at weekends.
B: Do you often buy anything?
A: Sometimes. I like trendy clothes. I think they are very impressive.

2 As a teenager, express your preferences, likes and dislikes.

I like wearing casual clothes. I prefer wearing an
outfit for a party, but I never wear trendy clothes. Most
people wear clothes in fashion. I think that’s ridiculous. I
also like listening to folk music. Most of my friends listen
to rock, but I can’t stand rock music. I think it’s loud and

3 Give a simple description of your daily routine. Use the phrases below. You can also use your
own ideas.

get up have breakfast walk to school

I get up at ... o’clock in

tidy room water plants have lunch the morning. First, I ... .

make my bed watch TV do homework Later, I do my

homework and ... .

have dinner go to bed surf the Net

Finally, I watch TV in
the evening before I go
..................... ..................... ..................... to bed.

4 Look at the chart. How often do you do the activities in the evening? Complete the first column
of the chart with these words.

often hardly ever twice a month sometimes never

once a week usually always seldom

Activity You Your friend

cook dinner sometimes

............................................ ............................................

do homework ............................................ ............................................

meet friends ............................................ ............................................

do the washing up ............................................ ............................................

listen to music ............................................ ............................................

watch TV ............................................ ............................................

tidy your bedroom ............................................ ............................................

play online games ............................................ ............................................

5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the activities in the chart. Use How often...? Complete the
second column of the chart.

How often do you cook dinner?

I sometimes cook dinner.

6 Tell the class about yourself and your friend.

I sometimes cook dinner, but Ayşe

never cooks dinner.
Mert often watches TV, but
I hardly ever watch TV.

1 Write a short paragraph about your favourite day. You can use your notes in the Reading part,
Activity 3.

........................................ is my favourite day. I usually ................................................................



............................................................................................................................................................. .

2 Peer Evaluation: Exchange your work with your friend. How many mistakes are there?
Check and correct your friend’s paragraph. Use the checklist below. What else can you say to
improve your friend’s work?

My friend can… No mistakes A few A lot of

describe the frequency of actions.
use spelling and punctuation correctly.
use time expressions correctly.
use different examples of his/her daily routine.

3 What’s a typical Monday like for you? Answer these questions. Then write a short paragraph.
1. What time do you get up? 6. When does your school finish?
................................................... . ................................................... .
2. What do you do after you get up? 7. Where do you have lunch?
................................................... . ................................................... .
3. How do you feel? 8. What are your after-school activities?
................................................... . ................................................... .
4. How do you go to school? 9. What do you do in the evening?
................................................... . ................................................... .
5. What time do your lessons start? 10. What time do you go to bed?
................................................... . ................................................... .


FUN PAGE Self- check

1 Quiz a) Appearance and body image are very important for teenagers. What do you
think about your physical appearance? Take this quiz and find out.
1. You are at a party when you see some attractive people. What do you think?
a) I’ll go and talk to them.
b) I can’t talk to them.
c) Thank goodness! I dressed nicely this evening.

2. Someone finds you impressive. What is your reaction?

a) I faint with the shock.
b) I feel very pleased and proud of myself.
c) I immediately tidy my hair, so I look better.

3. You’re walking around with friends and joking. A friend says you’re a bit taller/shorter/
fatter/thinner than average. How do you react?
a) I feel hurt.
b) I laugh at him/her.
c) I disagree with him/her.

4. You see a group of friends. They are enjoying themselves. What do you think?
a) I’m not attractive, so I haven’t got friends like those.
b) I hate groups.
c) They are having a good time. I might talk to them later.

5. You go into a very trendy clothes shop. All the workers have “the perfect body”. What is
your reaction?
a) I feel nervous.
b) Yeah. They look good, but I also look good. We all have got our advantages and disadvantages.
c) They’ll look at me and think, “Hey, he’s/she’s impressive.”

6. Which of the followings do you often think?

a) I’m not good-looking enough to be successful.
b) I think people are jealous of me because my body is good enough.
c) I often feel a bit self-conscious, or I don’t sometimes act as I am.

7. You and your friend like the same boy/girl. How do you feel about that?
a) Annoyed. The boy/girl will probably like my friend.
b) I begin to go to the gym more often.
c) I feel confident.

8. Which of the following best describes you?
a) I like to do my best.
b) I don’t pay much attention to my appearance.
c) I slouch a bit, I sometimes cover my mouth or face with my hand when I’m talking.

1. a) 3 b) 1 c) 2
2. a) 1 b) 3 c) 2
3. a) 1 b) 3 c) 2
4. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
5. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
6. a) 1 b) 3 c) 2
7. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
8. a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

8-12: You have low self-confidence: Sometimes you believe that other people have an advantage
over you; you feel self-concious. If you aren’t pleased with a part of your body, why don’t you
join a club? You can also buy something new. That will make you happier.

13-19: You are comfortable with yourself: You have a positive self-image. You are satisfied
with your own body and abilities. This is good because you don’t become too worried when you

20-24: Wow! You’re quite confident: In many ways, this is an excellent score. You are free,
natural and very self-confident. You trust yourself. If someone criticises you, you don’t feel
foolish or unimportant.

b) Work in pairs. Share your results with your partner.

A: What is your score?
B: It is 14. It says I’m comfortable with myself. How about you?


Work in groups of four. Follow the steps.

a) Create an imaginary music band and prepare a CD cover. Show the band’s name, instruments
and song titles on it.
b) Then have an interview with one of the members of the band. Ask his/her life and his/her likes
and preferences. Act out the interview in the class. Put your project into your portfolio.

1 Circle the odd word out.
1. casual-trendy-fashion-stylish
2. serious-teenager-impressive-ridiculous
3. clothing-impressive-snob-attractive
4. unbearable-awful-bad-terrific

2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text.

On Saturdays, I get up at 9 o’clock. Finally/First, I have a shower and then/finally I have breakfast.
First/After that, I go to the football practice and then/first I have lunch with my friends from the team.
In the afternoon, I meet my cousin and we go shopping. I watch TV with my family in the evening. First/
Finally, I go to bed at about 11 o’clock.

3 Complete the text with the verbs in the boxes.

ride practise go have live

play watch get up walk

My Day
My name’s Jim. I 1) ..................... with my family in Montreal, a city in Canada. I’m thirteen and I
2) ..................... to middle school. My best friends are Mike and Emily.
On school days, I 3) ..................... at seven o’clock. My parents and I 4) ..................... breakfast
together. At eight o’clock, Emily and I 5) ..................... our bicycles to school. Mike’s house is close
to school, so he 6) ..................... .
After school, Mike and I often 7) ..................... football. Emily is crazy about tennis. She’s in the
school tennis club and she 8) ..................... tennis every day.
In the evening, my parents and I usually 9) ..................... TV together.

Check Your Progress

Read the sentences. Think about your progress and tick (✓) the boxes.

Excellent OK Difficult
I can describe the frequency of actions.
I can express likes, dislikes and preferences.
I can understand phrases/words related to regular actions.
I can read personal narratives about what people do regularly.
I can give a short description of my daily routine.
I can write a short paragraph about my daily routine.


rs for
Find the page numbe


a recipe


Cooking Words
1 T RA C K

11 Look at the photos. Then listen and repeat.

slice grill

boil stir

chop mash

peel fry

melt mix

pour knead the dough

2 Match these cooking words with their meanings.
boil peel chop fry grill pour knead slice stir

1. to cook something quickly in oil on the top of the oven fry


2. to cut something into pieces with a knife ................

3. to put something close to very strong direct heat ................

4. to cook something in hot water ................

5. to move something around with a spoon ................

6. to cut something into thin pieces ................

7. to put something in quickly in a large quantity ................

8. to take the skin of a fruit or vegetable ................

9. to prepare (dough) by pressing a mixture of flour, water, etc., with your hands ................

3 Look, read and complete the sentences.

frying pan tin opener

saucepan grater

1. I’ve got the cheese, but where’s the ........................... ?
2. Can you pass me the ........................... , please? I want to open this tin of peas.
3. Let’s have some fried eggs. Where’s the ........................... ?
4. Put some water in the ........................... to make the pasta.

Simple Secrets
1 T RA C K

12 Look at the photos and the title. What do you think the texts are about? Listen, read
and check.
Three leading chefs share their secrets with you. We hope the experts’ advice on cooking will be
useful for you, and you can save time in the kitchen.

People have difficulty in boiling eggs

without cracking the shells. The secret
is to bring them to room temperature
before cooking. Try soaking them in hot
water for a few minutes before cooking
if you don’t want to wait.

We serve a lot of meat at the

restaurant, so I can give you this advice.
You shouldn’t put salt on meat before
you grill it . You should add the salt later.
Always turn the meat over halfway
through to grill the other side.
John Hudak is the head chef
of Vanderlyn’s Restaurant
in Kingston. Before you chop onions,
hold them under running water. That
way, you can save yourself from
a lot of tears! Another secret is for
perfect mashed potatoes. Always
mash potatoes when they
are hot!

John Nickson runs his

own restaurant.
Claire Ray is the host of the cooking
programme, 30-Minute Meals.

2 Read the texts again and tick (✓) the correct sentences.
It is very easy to boil an egg.
Take the egg from the fridge and put it directly in boiling water.
✓ Let the egg wait for a while in the kitchen before boiling it.
An egg cracks if you boil it as soon as you take it from the fridge.
Don’t put salt on meat after you grill it.
Add the salt on meat after you cook it.
Don’t turn the meat over while grilling.
You must grill both sides of the meat.
Onions make you cry.
Hold the onions under the water in order not to cry a lot.
Cold potatoes are hard to mash.
Mash the potatoes when they are hot.

3 Read the texts again and match.

1. boil e
................ a) onions
2. mash ................ b) meat
3. grill ................ c) salt
4. put ................ d) potatoes
5. chop ................ e) eggs

4 Guess the probable meanings of the expressions below.

1. run your own restaurant a) you have got a restaurant b) you work at a restaurant
2. share their secrets b) save their ideas b) tell their tips
3. mashed a) soft b) hard
4. crack a) break b) crash
5. chef a) waiter b) cook

5 Search the Net or ask your parents and learn some interesting secrets about cooking. Share
your secrets with your classmates.
Bring the boiled potatoes to room temperature. So, you can peel them easily.

A Recipe
1 Guess the dish in the photo. Share your ideas.
tsp (teaspoon)

tbs (tablespoon)

g (grammes)


13 Listen to the recipe and complete the table.

Name of the dish Ingredients

.......................... eggs
2tbs ..........................
some ..........................
.......................................... some .......................... ..........................
200g .......................... cheddar cheese
100g .......................... tomatoes
1tsp ..........................


14 Listen again and complete the gaps in the sentences. Then put the sentences in the
correct order.
a) ................. the mixture until it’s golden brown.
b) ................. cream, salt and garlic powder.
c) ................. it on a plate.
d) ................. the other side and cook until the other side is golden brown.
1 e) ................. the eggs into the bowl.
f) ................. it in half to melt the cheese.
10 g) ................. it immediately!
h) ................. the oil in a frying pan and pour the mixture into the frying pan.
i) ................. the cheese and tomatoes in the centre of the omelette.
j) ................. them.

4 Tell the class how to make this dish.

Self- check
1 What do you know about the dishes in the photos? Which countries do you think they are
from? Share your ideas.

........................................ ........................................ ........................................

2 Read and write the names of the dishes under the photos in Activity 1.
National Dishes
Taco: One of the most popular dishes in Mexico is taco. A taco is delicious, and you can fill it
with many different ingredients. Mexicans fry corn tortillas and fill them with fried meat, onions and
peppers to make tacos.
Irish stew: The Irish traditionally serve this dish on St Patrick’s day. It’s a very tasty dish. They
make it with lamb, potatoes, carrots, onions, parsley, herbs and spices. They roast it in the oven for
about 2 hours at a low temperature.
Feijoada: This traditional dish is very popular in Brazil. It has got meat and black beans. They mix
them with garlic, onions, oranges and different herbs and spices, and boil them for 1-2 hours. They
eat this stew with Brazilian rice. Some people add red-hot chilli sauce.

3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions and exchange ideas about national dishes in Activity 2.
A: Which dish would you like to try? A: I want to try tacos.
B: I’d like to try Irish stew. B: Why?
A: Why? A: Because they are delicious.
B: Because I like lamb. How about you?

4 Give a simple presentation about making bread. Follow the steps. Use the phrases in the box to
help you.
1. Talk about the ingredients.
2. Talk about preparing the dough.
3. Talk about baking it.
You need … to make bread. First, …. .
• leave it in a warm place • 1 mug warm water
• put it into a baking sheet • 1 packet instant yeast
• heat the oven to 200 °C • 500g flour
• bake it for 20-25 minutes • knead
• 1tbs olive oil • 2tsp sugar
• 1tsp salt • mix

1 Look at the photo and read the name of the dish. Jacket Potato

What do you think you need to make this dish?

Share your ideas.

2 Put the instructions in the correct order to complete

the recipe in Activity 2. Write 1-4, as in the example.

3 Read the recipe and fill in: first, next, finally.

A ..... ...................... , mix the inside of the B ..... .............................. , put the stuffed
potatoes with the cheese, butter, salt and pepper. potatoes back in the oven and cook for fifteen
Then put the mixture back inside the potato skin. minutes. You can serve the jacket potato with

1 Ingredients
C ..... D ..... ..................... , clean the potatoes well.
4 potatoes Put the potatoes in the oven and cook at 190 °C
1 cup grated cheese for one hour. When the potatoes are ready, cut
4tbsp butter each one in half, take out the inside and put it in
salt and pepper a bowl.

4 Complete the recipe with these words. One word is extra.

add chop milk sauce stir sugar

Have some chocolate with your ice cream.

I love making chocolate 1) .................................. to put on my ice cream. First, I 2) .................................. some
chocolate into pieces and mix it with some 3) ......................................... . Then I heat it and 4) ............................
it until it turns into a liquid. Finally, I put some 5) ............................ in and put it on my ice cream. Yummy
ice cream! Delicious!

5 Write a recipe for your favourite dish. Include first, next, finally, etc.





FUN Self-
PAGE check

1 Search the names of the dishes in the photos and match them with the countries. Share your
answers with your classmates.


.............................. ..............................





.............................. ..............................

A .................

e feijoada
B .................
z il , th ey se r v
C ................. In Bra
’s a very
D ................. only at noon. It
E ................. heavy dish.

2 Which food would you like to try? Why? Which one would you not like to try?

Record a video and describe typical Turkish food for “visitors” from other countries. Put
your project into your portfolio.

1 Complete the sentences with these words: sweet, salty, creamy, spicy, delicious.
1. It’s a very .............................. dish with a lot of chilli peppers in it.
2. This dish is usually quite .............................. . It has got a lot of salt in it.
3. You can add yoghurt and milk to the sauce to make it .............................. .
4. You must try this. It’s absolutely .............................. .
5. There is a lot of sugar in this dessert, so it’s very .............................. .

2 Read the recipe for a Spanish omelette and choose the best answer a , b or c.
1. First, ............... the potatoes into small pieces.
a) roast b) stir c) chop
2. Then ............... the potatoes in olive oil.
a) fry b) boil c) grill
3. When you ............... , add the eggs.
a) cooker b) cooked c) cook
4. ............... the eggs and potatoes together.
a) Roast b) Stir c) Add
5. Fry the eggs and potatoes slowly so that the omelette doesn’t ............... .
a) burn b) burning c) burned

3 Put the words in brackets into the correct form.

1. This dish is too salty for me ......................... (eat).
2. Do you fancy ......................... (have) a Spanish omelette?
3. I’d like ......................... (have) a Mexican omelette, please.
4. Do you want ......................... (try) snails?
5. Let me ......................... (help) you with the dishes.

Check Your Progress

Read the sentences. Think about your progress and tick (✓) the boxes.

Excellent OK Difficult
I can understand the description of a meal.
I can exchange ideas and information about cooking.
I can describe how to prepare bread.
I can understand the texts about cooking.
I can understand the unknown words in a text.


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Find the page numbe



text messages

Words Related to Telephone


15 Listen and repeat.

● available ● contact ● dial ● engaged ● hang up

● hold on ● memo ● pick up ● text ● put someone through


16 Match the words with the definitions. Then listen and check.

1. to make a phone connection i

...... 6. to put the phone down ......
2. to push the buttons on a telephone ...... 7. a short note ......
3. in use ...... 8. present to talk to someone ......
4. to answer a telephone call ...... 9. to wait ......
5. to telephone or write to somebody ...... 10. to send a written message by means of a ......
cellular telephone
a) engaged c) hang up e) available g) pick up i) put someone through
b) hold on d) memo f) contact h) dial j) text

3 Work in pairs. Look at the photos and say what they are doing.
In photo A, she is dialing a number/reading a text message.



17 Complete the phone conversations using the words in the box. Then listen and check.

up connect message use text number

out message call through rang broken
hold dial pick card available

1. A : Hello?
B : Hello, is Tina there?
A : I’m not sure. ....................... on, I’ll check.
Tina! Tina! No, she’s not here. Do you want to
leave a ....................... ?
B : Well, it’s strange. I ....................... her earlier
on her mobile, and she just hung ..................... .
I tried again, but she didn’t ....................... up.
She’s not usually rude like that.
A : I think she said something about taking her
mobile back to the shop.
B : Oh, maybe it’s ....................... .
A : Yeah. Why don’t you ....................... back in an
hour or ....................... her later?
B : OK, thanks.
2. A : Can you show me how to ....................... the
pay phone?
B : Sure. Have you got a phone ....................... ?
A : Yes, here it is.
B : OK, it’s very easy. Oops, this phone is
....................... of order. Let’s try the other one.
OK, just put the card in the slot and ...................
the ....................... .
A : That’s it? Thanks.
3. Secretary : Austex Company. May I help you?
Mr Brown : Hello! This is Harry Brown. Could
you put me ....................... to Mr Ronald, please?
Secretary : Let me try to ....................... you.
Hold on (the phone rings three times). I’m sorry.
He is not ..................... now. May I take a ................ ?
Mr Brown : Can you please tell him that Jim
Secretary : Of course, sir. Goodbye.

Mobile Phone Network

18 Look at the picture. How do you think a mobile phone network works? Listen and read
the text to find out.

w a ve s



Millions of people around the world use mobile phones to

mobile keep in touch with their friends and family, and there is an 80%
phone chance you’ve got a mobile phone in your pocket or bag. How
does a mobile phone network work?
A mobile phone is actually a sophisticated radio. It uses radio
waves to communicate, like a walkie-talkie. Only one person
can talk with a walkie-talkie because it uses one channel and
one frequency. The mobile phone uses two frequencies, one for
talking and one for listening, and two people can talk at the same
When your mobile phone is on, the phone communicates to a
base station. There are usually hundreds of base stations in cities
all over the world. Sometimes telephone companies disguise their
base stations, so you don’t notice them. Each base station is at the
centre of a cell. All the calls and messages in that area go to the
user cell’s base station. A special base station controller transmits the
call. Controllers can take a certain number of calls at the same
time, so if a lot of people call, some of them may not be able to
get through. This doesn’t happen very often.

2 Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
T 1. A mobile phone uses radio waves to communicate.
2. Mobile phones use three frequencies.
3. You can see all base stations clearly.
4. There is a base station in every cell.
5. Controllers can usually take all calls.

3 Match the words/phrases in bold in the text with their meanings.

1. to manage to contact get through

2. to hide or cover something, so you can’t see it .....................................

3. to send (a signal) .....................................

4. a radio signal .....................................

5. a system that joins things .....................................

6. to communicate .....................................

7. a special antenna on top of a building or a tower .....................................

8. high-technology .....................................

4 Complete the text with these words.

touch messages get through users communicate sophisticated

Mobile Phone Etiquette

Mobile phone etiquette is a hot topic. Today’s teenagers are increasingly using 1) ...........................
technology, like mobile phones, to keep in 2) ........................... with their friends and families. But
does your need to 3) ........................... upset other people?
Here are a few tips on how to be polite. It is not respectful to make calls and to send or receive
4) ........................... in public places, like the cinema or theatre. So, switch off your mobile phone!
When you are in a public place and you need to 5) ........................... to someone, make sure that
your conversation is not disturbing other people around you. What is more, all mobile phone
6) ........................... should limit the number of times their phone rings. Most of all, don’t shout into
your mobile in public places, your mobile is not a megaphone!

5 Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

T 1. Most teenagers use mobile phones to communicate with their friends.
2. Using a mobile phone in the cinema is rude.
3. You should never make calls in public places, like the cinema or theatre.
4. It doesn’t matter how many times your mobile rings.
5. When you use a mobile, you need to speak loudly.

Talking on the Phone

19 Practise saying these telephone numbers. Then listen and check.

020 7927 4863 0532 4537765


01923 272994 0312 980 56 99


20 Listen to three phone conversations and complete these expressions.

● This is
................................... John.
hold speak to
● May I ................................... Ann Baker?
● ................................... on. I’ll ................................... .
this is
● ................................... Pamela? try again
● She’s ................................... at the moment. is that
● Can I take a ................................... ? message
● Can you say that Sarah ................................... ? out
connect you
● I’ll ................................... later.


21 Listen again and complete the table.

Who is speaking to What are they talking How well do they know
whom? about? each other?

Conversation 1 ......................................... ......................................... ..............................................

Conversation 2 ......................................... ......................................... .............................................

......................................... ......................................... .............................................

Conversation 3

4 Work in pairs. Make telephone conversations for these situations.

1. You can’t go to school today. You’re ill. Phone your friend.
2. You’re going to be late for the party. Phone your friend.
3. You want to play tennis with your friend at the weekend. Phone him/her.

Self- check
1 Work in pairs and read your roles. Then act it out.
Student A : You want to call Student B and talk about one of the topics below. However, Student B
is out at the moment. Leave a message on his/her answering machine and wait for him/
her to call you back.
Student B : Think of an answering machine message for your home phone. When Student A calls
you, say your message and listen to him/her as he/she leaves a message. Then call
Student A and discuss the message he/she left.
● You need help with your maths homework.
● You’re trying to find someone to go to a party with.
● You want to go shopping on Saturday.
● You haven’t got enough money to buy tickets for a concert.
● Your mobile is broken, and you want to take it to the shop with your friend.


22 Listen and read the telephone conversation, and act out similar conversations for different
situations. Use the expressions in the box.

Expressing Concern Expressing Sympathy

I’m worried about you because… I’m sorry to hear that.
Tell me more about… I’m sorry for you.
What’s the matter with you? I’m thinking of you.
What’s the problem with you? I will miss you.
What’s wrong with you? I hope things get better soon.
I hope you’ll feel better soon.

Ina : Hello, Zahra. It’s Ina.

Zahra : Hi, Ina.
Ina : How are you?
Zahra : Fine, thanks. And you?
Ina : Fine, thanks. We’re meeting friends tomorrow. Would you be
interested in joining us?
Zahra : Sorry?
Ina : Do you fancy joining us?
Zahra : I can’t. I should look after my little brother.
Ina : What’s wrong with him?
Zahra : He’s got the flu.
Ina : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope he’ll get well soon.
Zahra : I hope so. Thanks.
Ina : OK. We’ll meet up later, then.
Zahra : OK. See you later.
3 Work in pairs. Plan an interesting weekend activity with your friend. Follow the steps below,
and act out the following dialogue to give you an idea.
1. Dial your friend, introduce yourself and greet him/her.
2. Invite him/her to do an activity together.
3. Give some information about the activity, the time, the place, the people, etc.
4. Repeat your sentences when your friend can’t follow you.
5. Say your good wishes and hang up the phone.

Mohammad : Hello, Mohammad speaking.

Shamil : Hi, Mohammad. This is Shamil.
Mohammad : Ooh! Hi, Shamil. What’s up?
Shamil : I’m doing well, thanks. Do you have any plans for this Saturday evening?
Mohammad : No, I don’t. Why are you asking?
Shamil : Well, I’m organising a footvolley tournament on Saturday afternoon. Fancy joining
Mohammad : That would be great! So, what time are you going to go?
Shamil : We are going to go to Patong Beach at 4 in the afternoon.
Mohammad : Can you repeat the name, please?
Shamil : Patong Beach.
Mohammad : OK, see you on Saturday then.
Shamil : See you.

1 Read the emails. Match them and write the names.

Hi, ......................... ! Dear ......................... ,

I can’t come to the match today. Sorry! Congratulations! I’m really happy to hear
I’ll call you, later. that. I’ll give you a present, then.
Sam Mary
1 a

Hello ......................... , Hello ......................... ,

I have got some good news. I’ve passed I’m sorry to hear that. Are you OK? I’m
all my exams. waiting for your telephone.
Sandra Rick

2 b

2 Write a short email message. Choose one of the topics below. Express your future plan and
concern, as in the example.
● Your friend hasn’t come to school for two days.
● You friend’s mother has been in hospital for a week.
● Your friend has lost her mobile phone.

Hi, Arthur!
I’m worried about you because you haven’t come to school for two days. What’s the matter with you?
I’ll call you later.


SMS Message Dictionary
@ = at gr8 = great
2day = today h8 = hate
2moro = tomorrow l8 = late
2nite = tonight l8r = later
4 = for m8 = mate
4ever = forever pls = please
asap = as soon as possible r = are
b = be thx = thanks
b4 = before u = you
bcoz = because w8 = wait
cing = seeing xlnt = excellent
cu = see you y = why

1 Read the messages below.

I am w8ing 4 U 2 pay.

2 Write text messages to your friends on a piece of paper. Use the SMS message dictionary. Then
swap your messages. Write those messages properly.


Work in pairs. Plan a weekend activity together and record it. Put your project into your

1 Complete the conversations with a line in the box.
● This is Jo.
● Can I take a message?
● Great! See you on Sunday at ten, then. Bye!
● Oh, never mind. Perhaps next time. Bye!
● No, it isn’t. I’ll just get her.
● I’ll call back later.
● There’s a party at my house on Saturday. Can you come?
● Can I speak to the manager, please?

1. A : Hello.
B : Hello. Can I speak to Jo, please?
A : 1) ................................................................................ .
B : Oh! Hi, Jo. This is Pam. Is Sunday still OK for tennis?
A : Yes.
B : 2) ................................................................................ .
A : Bye!
2. A : Hello.
B : Is that Liz?
A : 3) ................................................................................ .
B : Hello, Liz here.
A : Hi, Liz. It’s Tom. Listen! 4) ............................................................................................... .
B : Oh sorry, Tom. I can’t. I’m going to attend a wedding party.
A : 5) ................................................................................ .
B : Bye!
3. A : Good morning. Barclays Office. How can I help you?
B : Good morning. 6) ................................................................................ .
A : I’m afraid Mr Smith isn’t available now. 7) .......................................................................... .
B : Thanks. 8) ................................................................................ .
A : All right. Goodbye.
B : Goodbye.

2 Match the pictures with the sentences. When did they say these sentences? Write B (before the
moment of the action) or M (at the moment of the action).
1. They are going to play football. .......

2. I’ll pick it up for you. .......

3. She’s going to travel around the world. .......

4. It’s OK. I’ll answer it. .......

5. Don’t worry. I’ll lend you some. .......

6. We’re going to have a meal. .......

a b c

d e f

Check Your Progress

Read the sentences. Think about your progress and tick (✓) the boxes.

Excellent OK Difficult
I can follow a phone conversation.
I can make a simple phone call.
I can understand texts about communication.
I can write a short email message about my future plans.
I can repeat my question when someone doesn’t understand me.

The Internet

rs for
Find the page numbe
a magazine article

a questionnaire

a contract

Computer Words

1 Label the parts of the computer in the photo. Use the words in the box.
● monitor ● computer tower ● printer ● speaker
● keyboard ● mouse ● modem ● scanner



....................... .......................




2 Use the computer words to complete the text.

computer tower
The most important parts of a computer are the 1) .................................. (powers your computer),
the 2) ................................. (you use it to type), and the 3) .................................... (lets you see what you
are doing). You will also need a 4) ...................................... to print documents, a 5) ...............................
to click on icons and a 6) ................................. to connect to the Internet. If you want sound, you need to
buy some 7) ................................. , too. A 8) ................................. can be useful to scan documents and
photos into your computer.


23 Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in the boxes. Then listen and
burn crash download start up log on

print save search

When my grandmother was a little girl, she didn’t have a telephone. But now, she has got a
starts up
computer, and she uses it every day. She 1) ............................. her computer in the morning and
2) ............................. to the Internet because she gets emails from all the family . She 3) .............................
the Net for information. She says it is better than walking to the library because she is old. She likes
4) ............................. all sorts of things for free, and then 5) ............................. them out in full colour.
She gets angry if the computer 6) ............................. and she starts it up again. She lost some files
last month, so now she always 7) ............................. everything on the hard disc. She even bought a CD
writer two weeks ago to 8) ............................. all her files on a CD.

4 Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (a-e).

1. online/offline c
....... a) to put a page on the world wide web
2. a chat room ....... b) software for finding web pages with the information you want
3. a service provider ....... c) connected/not connected to the Internet
4. to publish (a page) ....... d) you can ‘talk’ to other people online in that place
5. a search engine ....... e) a company that gives you an Internet connection

5 People have purposes for using the Internet. Why do you use the Internet? Tick (✓) the boxes.
do the shopping online
search for information
play online games
pay the bills
watch movies or videos
make new friends
use social networking sites
buy tickets
read newspapers
I sometimes join a chat room on the Internet.

Internet Habits
1 How often do you use a computer? What do you use it for?

24 Listen and read the magazine article and find out which teenager thinks computers are:
good fun, important for everything, not as good as books.

-Good for learning, or just for fun?
Most of us use the Internet now, but what for? What are our Internet
habits? We talked to three teenagers to find out.

Jeremy: 15, Leeds Sibel: 13, İzmir Adrian: 14, Ottowa

W e’ve got computers at

school, of course, and
we have got IT lessons. I enjoy
I think the Internet is
important in our lives. I use
the Internet for all kinds of
I think the Internet’s amazing
and I use my computer for
the Internet. I usually chat.
learning some of the software. things; homework, projects, I’d like to design my own
We also use the Internet. There chats, emailing people, playing website. I’d like to put video
are some brilliant programs games, everything. We have shows, links to sports pages
for drawing and designing, got one computer at home, and and chat rooms for teenagers
but I don’t like games or chat everyone in my family uses it. on it. I’m sure it’ll be fun.
rooms. So, I don’t use the But I have got a smart phone But it’s a lot of work, and I
Internet for fun. I hate looking and I can use the Internet. So, don’t have enough time now
for information on the Net. It’s I always have the Internet. I because of school. In the
really boring, and not as quick don’t read books a lot because future, I’ll definitely do it.
and easy as reading books. We you can learn so much more Without the Internet, our lives
also don’t have the Internet on the Net. However, my mum would be boring.
access at our house. So, I read doesn’t want me to use the
books in the evenings. Internet a lot.

3 Read the article again. Then write T (for true) or F (for false).
F 1. Jeremy thinks the Internet is fun.
2. Jeremy has got a computer at home.
3. Sibel is happy to have the Internet on her mobile.
4. Sibel thinks the Internet isn’t better than books.
5. Adrian has already designed his own website.
6. Adrian thinks the Internet makes life interesting.

4 Discuss these questions in class: How many social networking sites can you name? What do
people use them for?

5 Read the text. Answer the questions.

A Social Networking Site and Me
1st April: I think I am a social networking site addict. I log on to it every
day to chat to my friends-real friends, and loads of online friends. I
sometimes have several conversations going on at the same time. I upload
photos and update my profile all the time. But recently, I’ve started to feel
worried if I am offline for more than a few hours. Last weekend, I forgot
to meet a real friend because I was online. I thought I had a problem. So,
I’ve decided to give it up for a while.
15th April: It was really hard. My friends wanted to learn the reason for
it. The first few evenings, I always wondered my online friends: “What
Barry’s Blog are they chatting about?” I even called a friend to learn. But three days
later, it wasn’t so bad. I actually concentrated on my homework better
and I watched my favourite TV programmes. I spoke to my friends at
school. At the end of the first week, I reactivated my account. I think
social networking sites are fun, and they’re useful for posting messages to
friends. But I don’t think I’ll spend so much time on the social networking
sites in the future.

1) How often does Barry log on the social networking site? ................................................................
2) What activities does he do on the social networking site? ...............................................................

3) Why did he leave it for a short time? ...............................................................................................

4) How did his friends react? ...............................................................................................................
5) What happened in his life after he left the social networking site? .................................................


1 Look at the photos. What do you think about the computers? Have they got any problems?

25 Now listen and find the problem and the solution.


26 Listen again and complete the summary.

People can use the Internet for different things: communication, sharing or finding .................... ,
buying or selling things and so on. You can also ......................... games and pictures. If you aren’t
careful, you can get a ......................... . A ......................... enters your computer and stops it when
you are working normally. It can ......................... all your programs or ......................... information.
You can sometimes get strange ......................... . When there is a virus in your computer, you must
......................... an anti-virus program. You don’t have to buy a CD-ROM.You can ......................... it
from special websites to ......................... your computer. So, you can ......................... the Net safely.
But you have to ......................... it all the time because there are always new viruses.

4 Answer the questions.

1. How can you communicate on the Internet?

2. What can a virus do?


3. How does an anti-virus program help?


4. Why do you have to update your anti-virus program?


Self- check
1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your Internet habits, as in the example. You
can use the questions in the box to help you.
A : How often do you use the Internet?
When and what time do you use the Internet?
B : I’m addicted to the Internet.
Which websites do you prefer?
A : Can you explain what it means? What do you mostly use the Internet for?
B : You know some people are addicted to How often do you use social networking sites?
chocolate and things like that, and they
have to eat it all the time. Well, I have to surf the Internet every day.
A : Interesting! What do you do on the Net for such a long time?
B : I like surfing and going to chat rooms. I love it! How about you?
A : I spend about three hours a day on the Net, maybe more at the weekend.

2 Work in pairs. Read the dialogue below. Then make a similar dialogue using the expressions in
the box and act it out.

Making an offer Accepting Refusing Making an excuse

Why don’t we ................ ? Yes, sure. I’m afraid, I’m busy. I have a problem with
Would you like to ................ ? That would be great. I’m sorry, but I can’t. the Internet.
How/What about ................ ? I’d love to. No, thanks. I have got a lot of
I can ................................... . homework.
I have an exam
tomorrow. I must study.

A : I want to tell you something, but not now.

B : Why don’t we chat online at 7 in the evening?
A : I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have a problem with the
B : What do you mean?
A : It isn’t working right.
B : Do you mean the Internet connection?
A : I think so. I’ll call you later, then.

When you don’t understand your friend, use these phrases:

 What does it mean?  What do you mean?

 Can you explain what it means?  Sorry, I can’t follow you.

 Can you explain it more, please?

1 Read and answer the questions in the questionnaire about Internet habits. Share the results.
Young People’s Internet Usage Questionnaire
1) How often do you use the Internet?
.............................................................................. .
2) How many hours do you use it?
.............................................................................. .
3) What do you like doing online most?
.............................................................................. .
4) How often do you use/play/listen to/read/watch...
a) chat rooms? ......................................................
b) instant messenger? ...........................................
c) social networking sites? ...................................
d) games? ............................................................
e) music? ...............................................................
f) the news? ..........................................................
g) Internet TV? .....................................................
5) Where do you use the Internet most? ............................................................................... .
6) Do you use a webcam? ..................................................................................................... .

2 Write a paragraph in your notebook to describe and explain your Internet habits using the
answers in Activity 1. Use ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘because’ in your writing. Follow the example.
I use the Internet every day. I use it for only two hours because my parents don’t allow me. I like
listening to music and watching Internet TV because I sometimes miss my favourite programmes on TV.

3 Work in pairs. Each of you suggests a plan and writes it on a piece of paper. Then swap the
papers. Then respond to that plan.

A : Let’s meet at three at my house. Okay?
B : Maybe... What are we going to do?
A : We can surf the Net. Excuse!
B : I must ask my mum.

FUN Self-
PAGE check

Be careful that the Internet can be dangerous. Read the contract and tick (✓) “Yes” or “No”. Then
compare your answers with your friends.

Family Contract for Online Safety

Yes No
● I’ll give out personal information (address, telephone number, or the
name and location of my school) without my parents’ permission.
● I’ll tell my parents if I find disturbing information or messages.
● I’ll see someone I meet online.
● I’ll upload my photo without asking my parents.
● I’ll decide my online dates and times with my parents.
● I’ll ask my parents before downloading or installing software.
● I’ll be a good online person and won’t hurt other people.
● I’ll shop online without asking my parents.


The student signs here.


The parents sign here.



Prepare a poster. Inform your friends at your school about your Internet habits. Put your
project into your portfolio.

1 Match the phrases. You may match some phrases more than once.
1) use ......... a) the Net
2) scan ......... b) room
3) burn ......... c) engine
4) design ......... d) the printer
5) get ......... e) networking sites
6) surf ......... f) a photo
7) chat ......... g) some songs
8) download ......... h) a CD
9) social ......... i) a website
10) search ......... j) an anti-virus program

2 Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t.

Online safety
1) You ................... open strange emails.
2) You ................... give out personal information.
3) You ................... visit safe websites.
4) You ................... be careful with the person who you talk to.
5) You ................... use your real name.
6) You ................... tell anyone everything about you.

3 Complete the phrases with these words: create, deactivate, log on, post, update, upload
1) ................... to a website 4) ................... a message
2) ................... a photo 5) ................... an account
3) ................... a profile 6) ................... an account

Check Your Progress

Read the sentences. Think about your progress and tick (✓) the boxes.

Excellent OK Difficult
I can understand phrases/vocabulary about the topic “Internet”.
I can ask and answer questions about Internet habits.
I can make excuses, accept and refuse offers.
I can understand the main idea in a text about the Internet.
I can write a paragraph about my Internet habits.
I can ask about other people’s plans.
I can answer follow-up questions.
I can use a different word when I can’t remember a word.


rs for
Find the page numbe


reality game shows


Extreme Activities


27 Match the phrases with the photos. Listen and check, then say.

G 1. climb a volcano A B
2. ride a camel
3. go bungee jumping
4. dive with sharks
5. ski down a mountain
6. jump out of a plane
7. swim with dolphins
8. try ice climbing



2 Match the words with their meanings. Then use your dictionary to check the answers.
1) amusing c
..... a) very exciting
2) challenging ..... b) making you feel ashamed or uncomfortable
3) disappointing ..... c) causing you to laugh or smile
4) embarrassing ..... d) interesting and fun
5) entertaining ..... e) extremely interesting
6) fascinating ..... f) forcing you to make a lot of effort
7) thrilling ..... g) making you feel sad because something wasn’t as good,
interesting, etc. as you wanted
8) amazing ..... h) surprising

3 What do you think about extreme activities? Share your ideas, as in the examples.
I think skiing down a mountain is entertaining.
To me, jumping out of a plane is thrilling.
I think it is amazing to climb a volcano.

4 Compare the extreme activities below using the words in parantheses, as in the example.
safer than
1) Riding a camel is ..................................................going bungee jumping. (safe)
2) Jumping out of a plane is .................................................. climbing a volcano. (fascinating)
3) Ice climbing is .................................................. climbing a volcano. (dangerous)
4) Swimmimg with dolphins is .................................................. diving with sharks. (good)
5) Rafting is .................................................. caving. (easy)

5 What activities do you prefer? Why? Work in groups of four and complete the table. Use the
sentences in the box below to help you. Then report it in class.

I prefer windsurfing in the ocean because I love sea life.
I prefer flying in a hot air balloon to climbing a mountain because it is more exciting.
I would rather watch whales because it is so fascinating.
I would rather go caving than go rafting because it is less dangerous.

A : I prefer going bungee jumping because I love adrenalin.

B : I would rather walk for hours in a historic place because it is so fantastic.
C : I would rather go on a jeep safari in the desert because I want to try a thrilling ride.

My Friend’s Name Adventure Reason

....................................................... ....................................................... .......................................................

....................................................... ....................................................... .......................................................

....................................................... ....................................................... .......................................................

Great Times
1 Look at the postcards. Where is each person? Match the photos with the people.
Hi, Anna! ,
ll ia n t ti m e here in Perth
bri Hello Lyn,
I’m having a dolphins and m
y dream
. I sw a m w it h e Greetings fr B
Australia a zi n g experience. Th om Egypt.
There’s so
as a n a m to see. You’l
came true. It w ins swam l never gue much
a s so cl ea r, and the dolph today. I’ve ri ss what I’ve
water w
T h ey w er e re ally happy and desert, and
dden a came
l. We were in
me. the
really close to What an ad
the Pyramid
s were behin
venture! I’ll d us.
friendly. was fascinati never forget
ng. it . It
Best wishes, Speak to you
Paul Lisa

Hi, Phil! in Sicily, Italy. It’s Hi, Barry!

u ti fu l h er e
It’s really bea n d . I’ve climbed
up Have you e D
re st in g is la ver ridden
really an inte es t active volcan
o Yesterday, in a hot air
It ’s th e la rg I took a jo
Mount Etna. p re tty hot up there. chimneys of urney over
the fairy
d it ca n g et Cappadocia
in Europe an el y won’t forget it. of different c . You can see
the traces
g . I d ef in it ivilisations h
It was thrillin ancient land ere. You dis
cover this
from up on h
Bye for now, Maria igh. It is very


28 Listen and read the postcards and choose a, b, c or d to complete each statement.

1) Paul’s dream was … 2) Lisa thinks riding a camel…

a) to visit Australia. a) was a fascinating adventure.
b) to swim with dolphins. b) was boring.
c) to swim in clear water. c) was a desert activity.
d) to have an amazing experience. d) was the only thing she could do in Egypt.

3) Tony won’t forget ….. 4) Maria thinks...

a) the interesting island. a) Cappadocia is exciting.
b) the thrilling island. b) the history of Cappadocia is exciting.
c) the thrilling climbing. c) balloons are exciting.
d) the frightening climbing. d) flying over in a hot air balloon is exciting.

3 Read the texts again and complete the table.

Name Place Activity Describing word

...................................... Perth, Australia
............................... swimming with dolphins
...................................... amazing

...................................... ............................... ............................................ ....................................

...................................... ............................... ............................................ ....................................

...................................... ............................... ............................................ ....................................

4 Whose adventure do you think is the most exciting? Write a few sentences and tell the class.
I think Tony’s adventure is the most exciting because Mount Etna is a volcano, and it is dangerous
to climb it.





5 Imagine you are on holiday. Write a postcard to your English pen-friend about your adventures.
Think: Where are you? What activities have you done? How do you like it?

Adrenalin Junkies
1 What’s the difference between cycling and mountain biking? Share your ideas.


29 Listen to the discussion and find the topic. Choose from the options.
a) Adventure lovers c) Extreme sports
b) Physical activities d) Skydiving


30 Listen again. Write T (true) or F (false).

T 1. An adventure is an exciting experience.

2. Life is an adventure.
3. Some people like taking risks.
4. Everybody prefers extreme sports.
5. Physical activities are more dangerous than extreme sports.
6. Adrenalin junkies are adventure lovers.
7. Most people enjoy fast and dangerous sports.
8. Some people prefer extreme sports to test themselves.
9. Skydiving is not an extreme sport.
10. Extreme sports are challenging.

4 Are you an ‘adrenalin junkie’? Why/Why

not? Share your opinions in class.

Self- check


31 There is a dialogue between two friends. What are they talking about? Listen, read and
check. Then act it out.
Carl : Hey, Pelin! What do you think of skydiving?
Have you ever gone?
Pelin : Hmm.. Skydiving?.. Gone?... .
Carl : I mean parachuting. Do you like it? Have you
ever tried it?
Pelin : OK. No, I haven’t. I believe it’s too risky .
Carl : I think it would be an amazing adventure.
Imagine that you’re flying through the air!
Pelin : I admit that would be great, but I don’t like
taking risks. I prefer water activities. I’d like to
go canoeing because it’s very easy.
Carl : Last year, I attended a summer camp. We had a
lot of different activities. I think canoeing was the most challenging of all.
Pelin : I think rafting is more challenging than canoeing.

2 Work in pairs. Imagine you’re at an adventure camp. Ask and answer to each other. Make
comparisons, tell your preferences and reasons. Use the box to help you .

Asking for opinions Expressing opinions

● What do you think of ...? ● In my opinion, ...
● I think ...
● What’s your opinion?
● I believe ...

● I prefer ...

● I’d rather ...

A : What’s your opinion about kayaking?

B : I’ve tried kayaking, but I didn’t like it. I would rather go rafting than kayaking because it’s more
entertaining. You?
A : I think ... .

3 Read Mark’s statements . Then make brief statements comparing

sports and games.
There are different kinds of sports. In fact, I prefer sky sports. They
are risky, but very amusing. I think everybody must take risks in their
lives. I have tried hang-gliding before. I’d like to try bungee jumping. I
believe bungee jumping is more entertaining and challenging than hang-
gliding. I’m sure there are sports and games for everybody.

1 Read the key words and compare the objects in the photos, as in the example.

Hot air balloons and parachutes are equipment for sky sports, but they are different. Hot
air balloons can carry more people than parachutes. You float in the air with the balloons, but
parachutes are for slowing down the speed while falling. You need a burning gas for hot air
balloons, but you don’t need it for parachutes.

Kayak: for one person, double-sided paddle, warmer, closed with a hole, more difficult to
get inside
Canoe: more than one person, one-sided paddle, open, easier to get in and out, more tiring

............................................................................................................................................................ .

2 Prepare a simple brochure. Express your preferences for sports and free time activities.
My Top List for Sports and
After-School Activities ........................................................
● My favourite is jogging in the mornings. ● .................................................................. .
● I prefer volleyball to basketball. ● .................................................................. .
● I’d rather swim in the pool at weekends. ● .................................................................. .
● I’d like to try bungee jumping. ● .................................................................. .
● In autumn, trekking is the best. ● .................................................................. .
● In winter, I like skiing so much. ● .................................................................. .
● I also love rollerblading on streets. ● .................................................................. .

FUN Self-
PAGE check

1 Read the text. Write FF for Fear Factor, S for Survivor or FB for Fort Boyard under the
pictures. Then talk: Which one would you like to try?

Extreme TV Programmes
On Fear Factor, contestants can win a lot of Survivor, you must win dangerous games to get
money. Many have tried, but only a few have food. So, if you lose, you get hungry, and life
actually won. Over the years, people can become very difficult.
have jumped off buildings, driven Fort Boyard is a castle in
cars into swimming pools and the sea off the south west
even eaten live spiders. coast of France. It’s also
Survivor started in the the name of a TV show.
USA, and now it’s on Contestants go around
TV all over the world. the castle and take part
Since the first Survivor, in games to collect keys.
contestants have stayed Some of them are very
on exotic islands, lived dangerous and you may
in jungles or travelled to meet a tiger or two while
the Australian bush. On you’re going around the

................................ ................................ ................................ ................................

2 Game Play in teams.

Say a verb from the list of the irregular verbs. The other team makes a sentence using the verb, as
in the examples. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points wins.
Team A S1: lose
Team B S1: I’ve never lost my keys. -see
Team A S2: Have you ever seen a ghost? etc.

Plan an adventure trip and share the plan with the class. Use posters or other visuals. Put
your project into your portfolio.

1 Match the words.
1) ...................... jumping
riding swimming biking
2) ...................... diving
3) mountain ...................... bungee ice
4) horse ......................
5) ...................... climbing racing riding scuba
6) motor ......................
7) ...................... a camel
8) ...................... with dolphins

2 Complete the sentences with four of the phrases above.

1) I’d like to try ............................................... , but unfortunately, I can’t swim well.
2) I can cycle, but I think it’s dangerous to go ............................................................................ .
3) I believe it’s thrilling to go ....................................... because everywhere is slippery.
4) I’m afraid of height, so I can’t try ....................................... .

3 Complete the dialogue with the sentences a-e in the box.

A : It’s lovely here.
B : Yes. Hey, let’s go to that bridge. They go bungee jumping there.
A : 1) .....
B : No, never. a. What do you think of sailing?
A : Why not? 2) ..... . It’s lots of fun. b. I’ve tried it before.
A : I don’t care. 3) ..... . c. Have you ever tried it?

B : 4) ..... . d. I don’t think so.

A : It’s more dangerous than bungee jumping. e. It’s scary.

B : 5) ..... .
Check Your Progress
Read the sentences. Think about your progress and tick (✓) the boxes.

Excellent OK Difficult
I can express preferences and comparisons.
I can understand the main point in simple messages.
I can ask and answer questions about extreme activities.
I can find the main points in simple texts related to an adventure.
I can write a paragrah comparing two objects.
I can write a simple brochure about sports and free time activities.


rs for
Find the page numbe

a travel guide

a capital city

famous people

Tourist Attractions
1 Match the attractions (1-6) to what you can see and do there (a-f). Then make sentences.

1 castle 2 national park

3 historic site 4 palace

5 resort 6 square

a) 1
..... see towers, walls, cannons, etc.
b) ..... admire ancient ruins, temples, etc.
c) ..... watch wildlife
d) ..... visit the sultans’, kings’ or queens’ house
e) ..... go shopping
f) ..... have a holiday
You can see towers, walls and cannons in a castle.

Describing Weather
2 Match the weather words with the photos. You may use A
more than one word for the photos.

cloudy cold rainy snowy

foggy stormy windy
icy hot B
freezing cold and icy
warm sunny







3 Work in pairs. Talk about your favourite weather and tourist attractions, as in the example.
My favourite is snowy weather. I like being at a ski resort in winters because I like winter and

Destination, TURKEY

1 Which tourist attractions do you know in Turkey? Share in class.

Are you planning your next trip? Then why don’t you visit Turkey? Turkey offers something for
everybody with its history, heritage and culture, gorgeous beaches and lots of other things.

1. Hagia Sophia It is in İstanbul. It was a

church, and became a mosque in the 15th century
in the Ottoman Empire. In 1935, it became a
museum and is now one of the top attractions
in Turkey.

2. Göreme Fairy Chimneys They are in Cappadocia.

Cappadocia is famous for its natural rock formations and unique
historical heritage. You must take balloon tours there. Cappadocia
is also a good place to go horse riding and hiking. Stay in cave
hotels there, all-inclusive or just bed and breakfast.

3. Library of Celsus It is in Ephesus. The ruins of Ephesus are

a popular tourist attraction on the west coast. The City of Ephesus
was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

4. Ölüdeniz Ölüdeniz is a small village on the southwest coast

on the Aegean Sea. It’s famous for its shades of turquoise and
remains. It is one of the best places in the world to paraglide because
of its unique panoramic views.

5. Mount Nemrut Nemrut is a 2,134 metre-high mountain in

southeastern Turkey, near the city of Adıyaman. There are heads of
statues: two lions, two eagles and various Greek and Persian gods on
the mountain top. The main attraction is to watch the sunrise.

6. Patara Beach At 14 kilometres, Patara is one of the longest

sandy beaches in the Mediterranean. It is also the ground of
endangered Loggerhead turtles.

7. Aspendos Theatre Aspendos is an ancient theatre.

The Aspendos Theatre has been able to survive to these days
without losing any of its original qualities.


32 Are these sentences True or False? Listen and read the travel guide about Turkey and
check your answers.
1. Hagia Sophia is a mosque. ...................

2. There are different accommodation choices in Cappadocia. ...................

3. You can do air sports in Ölüdeniz. ...................

4. Patara Beach is the longest beach in the world. ...................

5. Aspendos Theatre is still original. ...................

6. The city of Ephesus is one of the seven wonders of the world. ...................

3 Match the people/visitors with the attractions they will enjoy most.
I like visiting places with an interesting and unusual history. I also love watching
the sunrise at the top of a mountain.

I’d love to take photos of interesting rocks.


When I’m on holiday, three things are very important for me: Sun, sand and
C) water.

I really want to go on some exciting rides. I’ve just taken up parachuting too,
D) so I’d like to learn more about it.

4 Work in groups. Which place would you like to visit? Why? Share your ideas.
Tour of London
1 Match the photos with the names below.
a) Open-top bus d) Oxford Street g) Buckingham Palace
b) Big Ben e) Tower of London h) The River Thames
c) London Eye f) Houses of Parliament

1 2

6 7


33 Listen and write a number (1-8) to put these places in the order that the tour bus will
visit them.
...... Oxford Street ...... Houses of Parliament
...... Madame Tussauds Wax Museum 1 Buckingham Palace
...... Tower of London ...... Big Ben
...... London Eye ...... The River Thames


34 Listen again and circle the best word to complete the sentences.
1. The tour takes 4/5/6 hours.
2. At Madame Tussauds, you can see maps of London/models of famous people/famous shops.
3. Oxford Street is a famous street for drinking tea/eating/shopping.
4. The Queen lives at Buckingham Palace/the Tower of London/Tower Bridge.
5. Big Ben is a tour guide/clock/bridge.
6. You can see great views of London from Oxford Street/the Houses of Parliament/London Eye.
7. You can see the Crown Jewels in the Buckingham Palace/Tower of London/Tower Bridge.
8. Tower Bridge is over the River Thames/Houses of Parliament / Big Ben.
9. ‘Changing of the Guards’ ceremony is at the Tower Bridge/London Eye/Houses of Parliament.

4 Work in pairs. What are the tourist attractions of London? What can you do there? Talk with
your partner.



35 Work in pairs. Imagine it’s the first day of school and you’ve just come back from
holiday. Listen to Olga and Ozan. Then talk about your holidays with your friend and act it
Olga : Hi, Ozan. Good to see you. How was your holiday?
Ozan : It was fantastic. I had a wonderful time.
Olga : Where did you go?
Ozan : I went to Fethiye.
Olga : Wow! Where did you stay?
Ozan : At a five-star hotel by the sea.
Olga : Lucky you! What was the weather like?
Ozan : Marvellous.We spent all day on the beach.Then in the evenings, we went dancing. We also
visited the historic sites around. How about you?
Olga : I went to Adıyaman first. I visited my aunt. We climbed the Mount Nemrut. You must see
it. It is fantastic, especially the sunrise. Then I went to Antalya with my family.
Ozan : How was it?
Olga : Incredible! But the weather was boiling hot.
Ozan : Which was better, Mount Nemrut or Antalya?
Olga : To me, Antalya was better. I like spending time at the seaside.

2 Talk about your favourite tourist attraction. Describe it, as in the example.
My favourite tourist attraction is Sünnet Lake. It’s a lovely lake. It’s between Mudurnu and
Göynük towns in Bolu. It has a spectacular view. The nature is fascinating there. There are palm
trees all around the lake, the turquoise colour and the silence. It’s just for a relaxing weekend far
from the city noise. There is a little house on the lake for ducks. It’s very lovely.

3 Express your preference for different tourist attractions and give your reasons.
I’d rather visit historic sites because to me, they are usually more interesting. To me, historical
architecture is more beautiful than modern buildings.

1 Look at the texts about Madame Tussauds Wax Museum below and match.
a) a brochure b) an advertisement c) a postcard

See fantastic models of I’ve been here in

your favourite famous London for my
people. There are summer holiday
thousands of models at with my family since
Madame Tussauds Wax last Monday. We
Museum. The museum is arrived in London
open from ten o’clock to last Monday. It’s truly an amazing city-
half past five. So, come everywhere you look, there’s history, from
and photograph a friend the Tower of London to Madame Tussauds.
next to the models of I’m very close to Mustafa Kemal here at
Prince William and Kate. Madame Tussauds.

Madame Tussauds
Madame Tussauds is famous for recreating famous people and celebrities in wax. There are
wax models of sports stars, actors and actresses, singers, politicians, characters and the royal
You can visit Madame Tussauds in many major cities:
Amsterdam, Bangkok, Berlin, Hong Kong, Shanghai, New York, Las Vegas,
Hollywood, Washington D.C., Vienna and Blackpool.

2 Design a brochure, an advertisement or a potscard about your favourite tourist attraction/s.

Stick the photo of your
favourite attraction.

1 The places under the photos are wrong. Correct them.

museum aquarium amusement park

................................ ................................ ................................

art gallery shopping centre castle

................................ ................................ ................................

2 Read and answer.

Summer Holidays

Children in the UK have a six-week summer holiday. In fact, they have the shortest summer
holiday in the European Union.
How long is your summer holiday?

3 Read and write.

Stalactites han
g down from
the roof or sid
es of a cave
and stalagmite
s stick up from
the floor of a c
................... ...................


Choose a city or a place. Prepare a short travel brochure for that city/place. Use visuals.
Put your project into your portfolio.

1 Complete the dialogue with the words in the boxes.
fascinating been bought thanks yet home

like already tour time

Tara : Hi Debbie, is that you?

Debbie : Yes. Hi, Tara. Are you phoning from Rome?
Tara : Yes, I am. We’re sitting on a tourist bus. We’re taking a 1) ......................... of the city.
Debbie : Lucky you! Are you having a good 2) ......................... ?
Tara : Yes. We’re having a great time. We’ve 3) ......................... seen lots of sights.
Debbie : Where have you 4) ......................... ?
Tara : Yesterday, we went to Piazza Navona and visited the Colosseum.
Debbie : Was it interesting?
Tara : It was 5) ......................... .
Debbie : Have you been to the Trevi Fountain 6) ......................... ?
Tara : No. We’re going there now. And then we’re going to Galleria Borghese .
Debbie : Great. What’s the weather 7) ......................... ?
Tara : It’s really sunny. Good weather for seeing the city.
Debbie : And have you 8) ......................... any souvenirs?
Tara : Yes, I have. I bought a silk scarf.
Debbie : Wow!
Tara : And I got one for you.
Debbie : Fantastic! 9) ......................... a lot. I can’t wait to see it.
Tara : Well, I’m coming 10) ......................... on Friday. See you at the weekend.
Debbie : See you then. Bye.

2 Choose the correct word.

1) I’ve already/yet been to Marmaris three times.
2) I’ve wrote/written three emails today.
3) Andrew has/have phoned his parents.
4) Sarah has gone/went to the shopping centre.
5) She hasn’t tried canoeing yet/already.
6) Have you visited the city museum yet/just?
7) Have you ever ride/ridden in a hot air balloon?

3 Complete the dialogue with the correct sentence/phrase in the box.
• Fantastic! • Did you take lots of photos? • What was the weather like?
• Where did you go? • How was your holiday? • Where did you stay?

Daniel : Hey, Linda! It’s nice to see you. 1) ........................................

Linda : It was 2) ........................................ I had an amazing time.
Daniel : 3 ........................................
Linda : I went to Toronto, Canada.
Daniel : Wow! 4) ........................................
Linda : I stayed at a five-star hotel in the centre of the city.
Daniel : That’s great. 5) ...............................................
Linda : The weather was excellent. It wasn’t too hot, and it wasn’t too cold. It was just right.
Daniel : Lucky you! 6) ................................................
Linda : Yes, I did. Would you like to come over later to see them?
David : Sure, that sounds great. See you later.

4 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs: shop, book, have, watch, stay, visit, see, get.
1) Wendy loves history, so she often ................... museums at weekends.
2) When you ................... tired of shopping, you can have a coffee at a café.
3) John often ................... films on his DVD player at home.
4) You can sometimes ................... sharks in this part of the sea.
5) Meryem usually ................... for clothes in the local shopping centre.
6) Yiğit always ................... at five-star hotels when he goes abroad.
7) Kate ................... lunch at the same restaurant every day.
8) You can ................... tickets for the concert online.

Check Your Progress

Read the sentences. Think about your progress and tick (✓) the boxes.

Excellent OK Difficult
I can understand information in recorded passages about tourism.
I can describe my favourite tourist attractions.
I can make comparisons about tourist attractions.
I can express my preferences for tourist attractions/give reasons.
I can read different texts on tourism and find information.
I can design a brochure/advertisement/postcard about a tourist


rs for
Find the page numbe

a questionnaire

a poem


Everyday Jobs

36 Match the phrases with the photos. What is each person doing? Then listen, check and
1 2 3 4

5 6

..... do the laundry

..... set the table

..... wash the dishes

..... dry the dishes

..... make the bed

..... load the dishwasher

7 1
..... dust the furniture 8

..... do the ironing

..... mop the floor

..... make a to-do list

9 ..... take out the garbage 10

..... tidy up his toys

..... vacuum the carpet

11 12 13

Making Requests
2 You live in a dorm with your roommates. Use the expressions in the table and the chores in
Activity 1 to make requests, as in the examples.
Requesting Replying
● Yes, of course.
● Can/Could you (please) .....? ● Yes, that’s fine.
● Sure, no problem!
● Do you mind (+ -ing) .....?
● I’m afraid, I can’t. I ... .
● Do you think you could .....? ● I’m sorry, but ... .
● I’d like to, but ... .

A: Could you please take out the rubbish?

B: Sure, no problem!
A: Do you mind setting the table?
B: I can’t. I have to mop the floor/ finish my homework, etc.

3 a) Read the extract from Mary’s email. What problem does she have? What advice would you
give her?
My house is OK, but I’m having some problems with my flatmates. The house is very dirty and
untidy, and I have to do all the housework. I can’t invite my friends over because I feel embarrassed.
What can I do?

b) Now read Anna’s reply. What is her advice?

Hi, Mary!
I’m sorry to hear that you’re having problems with your flatmates. I think I can help you! The
best thing you can do is to talk about this with your flatmates. This way, you can explain your
feelings and make them realise that you can’t do all the housework yourself, as this is their house,
too. Maybe they don’t know that you’re upset. I think you should make a list of all the chores and
share them. Then everyone has responsibilities, and they know what to do.
I really hope my advice helps! Write back and tell me what happens.

Parents vs. Children

37 Guess what Jenny Johnson and her mother, Mrs Amanda Johnson are talking about
in the photo. Listen, read and find out.


I think housework is a waste

of time. I don’t mind doing
the vacuuming or emptying
I don’t mind doing all the
cooking, the washing and
the ironing, but I am certainly
the rubbish, but I really hate not going to do everything.
cleaning the bathroom and When I want Jenny to do
doing the washing-up. I have something, I sometimes have
to clean the bathroom once a to ask her three or four times.
week, and I also have to do the She often just refuses or goes
washing-up every evening. It off in a huff. Her bedroom is
really gets on my nerves. very untidy. There are a lot of
My brother, Marcus, doesn’t smells in there.
have to do very much at home. She says her brother, Marcus,
He posts mum’s letters and he doesn’t have to do much.
waters the plants, but that’s Well, he’s younger than she
not difficult. He sometimes is, so he only does small jobs.
has to help me clear the table I worry about Jenny. What
and do the washing-up. But is she going to be like when
when we do the washing-up she’s older and she’s got a
together, he just washes one place of her own?
or two cups and then he runs I’m a working mother, and I
up to his room. expect my children to help in
the house.

2 What do Jenny and Marcus have to do to help their mother? Make a list.
Jenny Marcus

do the vacuuming,
............................................................................. post his mum’s letters,

............................................................................. .............................................................................

............................................................................. .............................................................................

............................................................................. .............................................................................

3 Use the list in Activity 2 to say which chores Jenny has to do at home.
Jenny has to clean the bathroom and do the washing-up. She also …

4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the ● make his bed
chores which Marcus has to do. ● post the letters
● tidy his room
A: Does Marcus have to …? ● water the plan
● do the washing ts
B: Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. -up

5 Who must do these household chores in your family? Write three more chores and tick (✓) the
correct box/es in the questionnaire.

Household Chores My dad My mum Me My brother, My sister, My ...........,

Questionnaire ................ ................ ................
cook the meal
do the washing-up
take the rubbish out
mop the floor
do the shopping
pay the bills
do the laundry
take the dog for a walk
water the flowers
iron the clothes
wash the car
make the beds

6 Who does more chores in your family; male or female members? Look at your answers in
Activity 5 and share your answers in class.


38 Listen to Pauline talking to a friend about various activities. What does each person do
at weekends? Match the people with the activities.

People Activities
c Steve
1 ...... a) cook dinner
2 ...... Stella b) iron the clothes
3 ...... Janet c) wash the car
4 ...... Tom d) tidy room
5 ...... Pauline e) walk the dog
6 ...... Burak f) play video games
7 ...... Berna g) dust the furniture
h) do the shopping

Steve washes the car at weekends. He is responsible for washing the car.


39 Listen to two friends, Nick and Matt. What are Matt’s obligations, feelings and dislikes?
Complete the sentences.

Matt is working at a ................................. . He has to ................................. at 6.30 because he
starts work at ................................. in the morning. He doesn’t like ................................. so early. He
has to ................................. on shelves and ................................. all the trolleys and put them back at
the entrance. He also ................................. wear a ................................. -a red nylon jacket and black
trousers. He can’t stand wearing them.


40 a) Listen to three short talks and find out the topics of each one. Choose from the options
in the table.
Talk 1 Talk 2 Talk 3

Children have to do Doing housework or

Teens don’t know doing
a) a) a) washing the car is a
chores. housework.
physical activity.
Children have to learn Doing chores teaches basic You have to do housework
b) b) b)
discipline. skills for life to teens. to burn off calorie.
Children learn discipline Parents don’t teach teens Doing housework is the
c) c) c)
by doing simple chores. housework. best way to keep fit.

b) Find the main content of the talks.

The main content of the talks is ............................................................................................................
Self- check
1 Make a list of the chores you have to do and those you don’t have to do at home.
Which chores: ● do you love doing?
I have to I don’t have to
● don’t you like doing?
make my bed. cook any meals.
● don’t you mind doing?
empty the rubbish. do the shopping.
● really get on your nerves?

2 Find out the chores your partner has to do. Are they the same as the chores you have to do?
A: Do you have to make your bed?
B: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

3 Work in pairs. Ask and and answer questions about the responsibilities of your family members,
as in the example.
A: Do you have to help around the house?
B: Well, yes. I must set the table in the morning, and I must help my brother do his homework in the
afternoon. And of course, I must do mine and study for my exams.
A: How about your brother, father and mother?
B: My brother usually doesn’t do anything. But he has to tidy up his toys and do his homework.
My mum generally does all the chores at home. She cooks the meal, does the cleaning, does the
laundry, etc. My dad goes shopping, sets the table and prepares breakfast at weekends. And of
course, he washes his car with my brother. You? What do you do at home to help?
A: Well, I have a working mother, so I must help her. She does the cooking, but I set the table and do
the washing-up. I also clean the bathroom, mop the floor and take out the rubbish.
B: Doesn’t your sister help you?
A: Of course, she helps me. She goes shopping, vacuums the carpets and dusts the furniture.


41 Listen to Amy’s talk and describe your obligations, dislikes and feelings in class.

In our house, I’m responsible for washing the dishes and

tidying up my room. I must empty and load the dishwasher.
They are OK. I also have to tidy up my room. Mum says my
bedroom is very untidy, but I don’t think it’s a problem. OK,
there are some clothes on the floor, but it’s my room.
I sometimes want to visit my friend after dinner, but my
parents don’t allow me. They say there are rules at home, and
I can’t go out in the evening. I sometimes don’t understand my
parents. My mum always asks me questions about my school, friends and lessons. I don’t like it
when my mum asks too many questions. I also have rights as a teenager. I think my parents should
respect my rights.

1 Complete the classroom rules. Think of one more rule.
Classroom rules
During a lesson… must be quiet.
We .............

We mustn’t
............. talk to each other. We ............. listen to our teacher.

We ............. sit at our desks.

We ............. use mobile phones.

......................................................... .
We ............. respect our teachers.


42 Listen and read the poem below. Then answer the questions.

When we’re in a public place, The rules are also at schools;
On roads, in shops or schools, Writing the essays or wearing the uniforms.
We have to think of others, Without some rules at schools,
And we must obey the rules. Lessons would be useless.

There are chores at home; Rules help us to be good people,

Ironing the clothes or cleaning the windows. And they make life easy.
We must help our parents, The world would be crazy,
And we must obey the rules. So rules are quite necessary.

1. What do we have to do at home and at school?

2. What does he/she think about the rules?

3 Write a poem about your obligations at home and school and describe your feelings.
FUN Self-
PAGE check

1 OOPS! Change the places of words in bold to make correct phrases.

John, please
● rubbish
take out the shopping. ......................................
● do the table. ......................................

● cook clothes. ......................................

● vacuum the windows. ......................................

● clean the rubbish. ......................................

● set the floor. ......................................

● mop the dinner. ......................................

● iron the carpet. ......................................

2 Game Mime the chores you have to do this week. Your partner tells them to the class.
A: (mimes) walks the dog
B: Ahmet has to walk the dog.

3 Game Think of funny rules for your house. Make sentences in teams. Each correct
sentence gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner.
Team A S1: You must leave the rubbish in.
Team B S1: You don’t have to make your bed.

4 Look at the list and rewrite the house rules. Use another HOUSE RULES
word instead of “it”. Follow the example.
You must close the door.
.................................................................................................... IF IT DOESN'T CONCERN YOU,


Prepare a poster titled ‘Chores’. Explain the responsibilities of each of your family
members. Write at least three responsibilities for each family member. Put your project
into your portfolio.

1 Fill in with these words: vacuum, take, set, make, iron.
1) Mary often helps her dad ........................................ the table for dinner.
2) Could you please ........................................ the carpet? It’s dirty.
3) I usually help mum ........................................ the clothes at the weekend.
4) Can you ........................................ out the rubbish?
5) I always ........................................ my bed before I leave in the morning.

2 Complete the text with can, must or mustn’t.

My school is a girls’ boarding school. We live at school, and there are lots of rules. Everyone
......................... wear a white blouse and a grey skirt. The blouse ......................... have long sleeves
and the skirt ......................... be too short. We ......................... wear make-up in school, but we
......................... wear lipstick in the evening. At weekends, we ......................... go into town, but we
......................... be back by nine o’clock.

3 Choose the correct answer.

1) A: Could you do the washing-up? B: a) That’s it. b) Sure, no problem.
2) A: Do you think you could make the bed? B: a) Yes, of course. b) That’s great.
3) A: Do yo mind vacuuming the carpet? B: a) I can’t. I have b) I’m going out with
to finish my essay. Rob tonight.
4) A: Shall we clean the windows? B: a) That will be fine. b) Yes, we will.
5) A: Can we go shopping together? B: a) I must buy a sweater. b) Of course.

Check Your Progress

Read the sentences. Think about your progress and tick (✓) the boxes.

Excellent OK Difficult
I can understand people’s obligations, feelings and dislikes.
I can express people’s obligations, feelings and dislikes.
I can ask about the responsibilities of other people.
I can express my own responsibilities.
I can read texts about a person’s daily responsibilities.
I can write chores and responsibilities at home and school.


rs for
Find the page numbe

a letter

a plant

a washing machine

Words Related to Science
1 Write the words under the correct photos: scientist, lab, test tubes, vaccination.

2 Complete the facts with the correct form of these words. Which fact is the most surprising?
design invent research discover test

1. The Chinese ............................ the first toothbrush in 1498.
2. An American ............................. the planet Pluto in 1930.
3. The Russians ............................. the first satellite in 1957.
4. A man from Norway ............................. a special tool to slice cheese in 1925.
5. A company in the USA ............................. how fast ketchup comes out of a bottle.

3 Complete the sentences with these words:

engineer experiment explosion laboratory model

1. Mr Milligan is an ............................. . He builds buildings and bridges.
2. We’re doing an ............................. in science to see why ice floats.
3. Students studied windmills. Then they decided to make a ............................. of one.
4. There was an ............................. when the car hit the tree.
5. The scientist was working in the ............................. when he made the discovery.

4 Read the article and complete it with the necessary words from Activity 1, 2 and 3.
Jamie and Adam are ............................. and they test popular science myths. They spend their
time doing ............................. and building ............................. .
They wanted to ............................. James Bond’s exploding pen. Could a pen really make a big
............................. like in the film? They filled a pen with a small amount of explosive and threw it
into the air. Guess what? When it hit the ground, it made a big explosion.
They also tried another experiment in the film Pirates of the Caribbean. If you cover one eye
before you go into a dark place, can you see better? Jamie covered his eye, then tried to walk around
the objects in a dark room. He ............................. that this really worked well.
They love their work and have a lot of fun. They are serious scientists, and they want to
............................. robots next.

5 Complete the conversation between two friends, using the sentences in the box. There are two
extra sentences you do not need.
Tim : Jessie, come and watch this science programme. It’s great.
Jessie : 1) .....
Tim : What? I can’t hear you!
Jessie : 2) .....
Tim : It’s OK. I’ll come into the kitchen. Where are you? Oops!
Jessie : 3) .....
Tim : Sorry. I’ll clean it up. Where’s the cloth?
Jessie : 4) .....
Tim : Here it is. Did you know this chemical substance is very good for cleaning coins?
Jessie : 5) .....
Tim : No. It was on that programme about weird science.
Jessie : 6) .....
Tim : It is serious. You should watch it.

a) I don’t know. Go and look for it. You used it last.

b) Turn off the TV then!
c) That’s a great idea! When?
d) I can’t. I have got a science project to finish.
e) No. Is that what you spend your time doing in science lessons?
f) Have you seen that new science programme?
g) Look out! You’re going to pour your drink.
h) Well, I’m interested in more serious science.


1 Look at the people in the photos. What do they have in common? Talk about your ideas.
2 43 Listen and read the text. Then tick (✓) the information the text mentions.

how bionics helps engineers what bionics can do for people

a definition of bionics how body parts work science fiction stories

Bionic Parts
It sounds like science fiction, but scientists can replace human body parts with machines. This
idea is a part of science called bionics.
Bionics, in general, is the study of living systems to solve engineering problems. For example,
scientists have studied how the eye works in order to design better cameras. Scientists have studied
how birds fly and improved airplane design. Bionic scientists study the work of body parts and use
this information to design artificial parts.
Bionics is used successfully in the area of artificial limbs. Scientists are replacing clumsy
prosthetic limbs with artificial limbs. Scientists control those limbs electronically. These artificial
limbs behave almost like real ones.
Another amazing development within the field of bionics is the artificial eye. That helps blind
people see. Similarly, artificial ears send sound signals to the brain and hearing-impaired people
regain some of their hearing.
Today, scientists can replace limbs, organs, and even skin by artificial ones. Scientists believe
that, thanks to bionics, they will replace many more parts of the human body one day.

3 How are bionic scientists helping people who have physical problems? Read the text again and
tick (✓) the correct column.
designing clumsy limbs ✓ studying how body parts work
developing artificial eyes designing electronic limbs
replacing limbs and organs helping people hear
studying how birds fly solving engineering problems

4 Match the words that go together.
1 engineering 2 airplane 3 prosthetic 4 electronically 5 science

a limbs b fiction c problems d accident e controlled

1. ..... 2. ..... 3. ..... 4. ..... 5. .....

5 Fill in the blanks according to the text.

1. ............................. studies living systems in order to solve ............................. problems.
2. Clumsy ............................. limbs are replaced with ............................. controlled ones.
3. An amazing ............................. is an ............................. eye that helps blind people see.
4. Scientists can ............................. the body parts by artificial ones including limbs and ……… .

6 Read the new text. What is it? Tick (✓) the correct box.
a letter from an athlete to his mother a letter to a doctor a letter to a newspaper

a letter of complaint to a bionic scientist a letter from a bionic scientist to a doctor

A New Life
Dear Dr. Richardson,
I would just like to thank you for what you did for my son, Brad.
When he lost a leg in a car accident last year, he became very depressed. He was an athlete
and he loved sports, so he was sure that his life was over. We couldn’t do anything that
made him happy.
Then you came along with the incredible advances in prosthetic limbs. Brad’s leg moves
very much like a real leg, and now everything has changed.
Thanks to his new artificial leg, Brad can do many things. Now, he is working hard to
improve his physical skills. In fact, he has decided to study medicine so that he can help
other people the way that you helped him.
Thank you again, and good luck in your research.
Donna Patrick

7 Work in groups of four. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of technological products
with your friends.


1 What do you know about photosynthesis?

Discuss with your friends in class.

2 TR


Listen and complete the blanks.

The word “photo” means ............................. .
The word “synthesis” means putting
......................................... .

3 Complete the blanks and the formula with the given words .
sugar carbon dioxide water sunlight oxygen

Photosynthesis is the way plants use ................................. to turn ............................................ and
............................... into ................................. and ................................. .

Sunlight + .............................. + .............................. = .............................. and ..............................

4 TR


Listen again and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

1. There are ten cells in a leaf. F
2. Chloroplasts make the plants green.
3. Plants die without water.
4. Light is not necessary for photosynthesis.
5. Sugar, a result of photosynthesis, is the food for plants.

5 Now work in pairs and talk about photosynthesis in turns. When you don’t understand a word
or a sentence, ask your friend to repeat. Use the sentences in the box to help you.
A: Photosynthesis provides us with most of the oxygen we need in order to breathe.
B: I couldn’t understand you very well. Can you say it again?
A: Photosynthesis gives us oxygen.

I’m sorry. I can’t follow you. Can you speak slowly?

I think I missed the point. Can you please repeat?
I couldn’t understand you very well. Can you say it again?


1 Match the sentences with the photos.

1. Researchers found some new fossils, and now they are working on them in the lab. E

2. He is operating a robot machine. ......

3. They are exploring the space. ......

4. They are implanting a bionic eye in a person born blind. ......

5. She is vaccinating the baby to protect him from dangerous illnesses. ......

6. They are doing an experiment in the chemistry class. ......



2 Talk about the photos in pairs. Ask and answer questions in turn. If you can’t remember a
word, try to use another word to make yourself clear.
A: What is the doctor doing in picture A?
B: She is vaccinating the baby.
A: Why is she vaccinating?
B: Vaccinating protects babies from some health ... . What’s the word?
A: Illnesses.

3 Scan some of the life-changing scientific developments. Tick (✓) the most important and/or
interesting one(s) according to you.

Gravity Isaac Newton discovered gravity.

Electricity Michael Faraday produced an electric current.

Penicillin Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic, penicillin.

X-rays Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-rays.

Atomic Bomb Some of the greatest scientists refined uranium and built an atomic bomb.
Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo discovered the HIV virus and determined that it
was the cause of AIDS.
Light Bulb Thomas Alva Edison invented a long-lasting, practical electrical light bulb.

Telephone Alexander Graham Bell invented the first practical telephone.

Avicenna ( Ibn-i Sina) wrote The Canon of Medicine and became the “Father of
Early Modern Medicine.”

4 Work in pairs. What’s the most important scientific development in your opinion? Why?
Discuss with your partner.
To me, the most important scientific development is the penicillin because antibiotics are powerful
drugs that kill dangerous bacteria in our bodies.

5 What are scientists working on these days? Search three of the interesting ones on the Net and
present these scientific developments in class. Find some photos about them if you can.

Archeologists are working on human footprints. They found them at Happisburgh in eastern
England in May 2013, and they report that they may be 1 million years old. Astronomers have
discovered a new minor planet, named 2012 VP113, beyond the planet Neptune in the solar system,
and they are working on it. Scientists are also trying to develop cars without drivers.

Self- check

1 Look at the photos and write simple sentences about what people are doing. Use the phrases in
the box to help you.
A. Robots /play football/on the pitch
B. Chemist/conduct experiments/lab
C. Doctor/examine the patient/using computed tomograph
D. Scientist/do research/using a microscope/lab


Robots are playing football on the pitch.


2 Imagine you’re in a science class now. What are you doing? Write three more sentences.
We are doing experiments with test tubes in our chemistry class.
• ...................................................................................................................................................

• ...................................................................................................................................................

• ...................................................................................................................................................

• ...................................................................................................................................................

3 Read the text and correct the sentences.
1. Felix Hoffman discovered aspirin.
2. He gave the first aspirin to his mother.
3. A Spanish philosopher called the 19th century “The Age of Aspirin”.
4. Astronauts took aspirin to the moon in 1959.

F elix Hofman, a 29-year-old chemist invented the drug

aspirin in March 1899. He gave the first aspirin to his father
for his arthritis. By 1950, it was the best-selling painkiller in the
world, and in 1969, the Apollo astronauts took it to the moon. The
Spanish philosopher, José Ortega y Gasset, called the 20th century
“The Age of Aspirin”.


46 Dave wrote the description of a scientific development for homework. He chose washing
machines. Read his description and complete the missing sentences. Choose from the options.
Then listen and check.

a) Today, washing clothes is just a case of pressing a few buttons and waiting.
b) People used this to squeeze all the water out of the clothes.
c) People used something called a “dolly” to move the clothes around.

The History of Washing Machines

For hundred of years, sailors washed their clothes like this: they
put their dirty clothes in a bag, dropped the bag into the sea and
then pulled it along the water. These days washing clothes is much
easier, but it wasn’t always that way.
The first washing machines were like huge buckets.
1) ...... . The dolly was made of wood and had four “fingers” at
the bottom. Later models also had a wringer. 2) ...... . Wringers
were often dangerous. Thankfully, by the late 1930s, the
first fully automatic machine was in use. By the 1960s, these
machines were cheaper to buy, and this type of washing
machine sold millions. 3) ...... . The washing machine is an
invention that people cannot do without.

5 Search the Net and write a short description of a scientific development. Use Dave’s description
to help you.

FUN Self-
PAGE check

1 Song TR


Read the lyrics of the song and complete the blanks with the suitable words
below. Then listen to the song and check your answers.

chlorophyll trees cellulose oxygen CO Two

sunlight process
green grows water

If you want to know,
grows ,
How a plant ……..…
It takes ……… , air and …......…… ,
And makes ….......…… .
Every plant can do this.
Fundamental ….......…… . ,
And we can call this photosynthesis.

Unlike me and you,

Plants need ….......…… . ,
And they make ….......…… . .
That stops us turning blue.
Every plant can do this,
Fundamental process,
And we can call this photosynthesis.

It’s a miracle.
How all the ….......…….
Captures sunlight in the leaves
Of the plants and the ….......…… . .
A plant of any size,
Can do it if it tries.
But we’re not ….......…… . ,
So, we cannot photosynthesize.

Prepare a poster about scientific inventions/discoveries that have helped the world. Use
visuals and give short information about the inventions/discoveries to make your poster
interesting. Put your project into your portfolio.

1 Fill in: information, bionics, artificial, impaired, developments, replacing, science or body.
It sounds like 1) ........................ fiction, but the idea of 2) ........................ human body parts with
machines is actually part of a science called 3) ........................ . Bionic scientists study the working
of body parts and use this 4) ........................ to design 5) ........................ parts that can replace human
ones. Other amazing 6) ........................ within this field are an artificial eye that helps blind people
see, and an artificial ear that helps hearing 7) ........................ people regain their hearing. Scientists
believe that many more parts of the human 8) ........................ will be replaceable one day.

2 Read the sentences about a scientist and choose the best answers.
1) The scientist was working in his ................. .
a) laboratory b) engineer c) experiment
2) He was designing a ................. that could walk and talk.
a) robot b) bridge c) laboratory
3) We thought his idea was very ................. .
a) true b) correct c) clever
4) First, he made a ................. from cardboard.
a) test b) model c) experiment
5) Then he ................. a bigger one with metal and plastic.
a) hit b) invented c) built

3 Match the words with the meanings.

1) design ..... a) use or check something to see if it works
2) discover ..... b) learn something that you didn’t know
3) test ..... c) study something a lot
4) invent ..... d) draw or plan something that you will make or build
5) research ..... e) make something new that nobody has made before

Check Your Progress

Read the sentences. Think about your progress and tick (✓) the boxes.

Excellent OK Difficult
I can describe what people are doing now.
I can present information about scientific achievements.
I can understand the main ideas in short passages about science.
I can write simple descriptions about scientific achievements.
I can give explanations/reasons.

Natural Forces

rs for
Find the page numbe

traffic jam

news presenters

a fish



48 Match the natural disasters with the photos. Write the correct numbers in the boxes.
Then listen and check.

4 avalanche drought tsunami

landslide earthquake volcanic eruption
forest fire tornado flood

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

2 Give your explanation about the disasters using the phrases below.
dry soil, burning pine trees across the hill, snow falling down a mountain, earth on mountain
road, huge wave hitting the city, cars under the water, strong wind going round in a circle, collapsed
buildings, lava falling down

Photo number 1 shows drought because I can see dry soil, no plants and a dead fish.

3 What other disasters do you know? How can we save the Earth and people from natural
disasters? Choose a disaster and make some suggestions about saving the Earth and people, as
in the example.
I’d like to talk about drought. We should save water and never waste it. We shouldn’t leave the taps
open. We should use less water. We shouldn’t pollute rivers, lakes and seas.

1 Why do we have so many deaths, injuries or physical damage in earthquakes? Talk about
your ideas with your friends.


49 Listen and read the brochure. Then complete the diagram.

How to Survive an Earthquake

N atural disasters such as fires, floods and avalanches happen every year, somewhere in the
world. Earthquakes are one of them. If you take a course of action, it’s possible to survive
an earthquake.
Before an earthquake, first get professional help to repair electric wires and gas lines. Then fasten
shelves, mirrors and large picture frames to the wall so that you can protect yourself. And of course,
be sure that your house is earthquake-resistant. To protect yourself and your family, it is important to
hold earthquake drills with your family members: Drop, cover and hold on!
During an earthquake, don’t move a lot and go to a nearby safe place slowly. Take cover under a
desk or a table. If there isn’t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms in case
something falls. Stay indoors until the shaking has stopped. After that, you can go out, but don’t use
the elevators because they can be dangerous. If you’re outside, stay there. If you’re in a vehicle, stop
as quickly as possible, but not under or near buildings, trees or bridges.
After an earthquake, be prepared for aftershocks, and be careful with the objects that can fall off
shelves. If you’re in a coastal area, stay away from the beach in case there are possible tsunamis.


Before an earthquake During an earthquake After an earthquake

.......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................

.......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................

3 Think of a natural disaster. Search the Net. First, make your diagram to take a course of
action and then present it in class.


Before a/an ... During a/an ... After a/an ...

.......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................

.......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................
.......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................

Disaster News
1 Look at the photos below. What do the people in the photos do? Where are they? What are they
doing at the moment? Talk about your ideas with your friends.

2 50

Listen and answer the questions.

1. What’s the natural disaster in the news? 1. What’s the natural disaster in the news?
........................................................................... ...........................................................................
2. Where may it happen? 2. Where did it take place?
........................................................................... ...........................................................................
3. What may take place after the disaster? 3. What was the worst effect of the disaster?
........................................................................... ...........................................................................
4. What have the people there done? 4. How many people lost their homes?
........................................................................... ...........................................................................

3 Complete the gist of the news.

ten o’clock news. .................... say that there might be an ......................
News reader: Welcome to the ......................
any day now in ............................... . If the ............................... erupts, it can ............................... thousands
of homes and a ............................... might start because of hot rocks.
News reporter: This is the midday news from ........................ . Hurricane ................ hit the city and
................. a lot of damage. The hurricane .......... a large part of the city flooded. Katrina’s wind speed
was .......... kilometres per hour. Because of the ................. , huge amounts of ................. rushed into the
city. As a result of this ........................ , thousands of people ........................ their homes.

4 Work in pairs. Have you ever experienced a natural disaster or seen on TV? While you talk to
your partner, ask for more information to check your understanding when you need.
Berna: A few months ago, there was an earthquake in Katmandu.
Serhat: Katmandu? Is Katmandu a city?
Berna: It’s the capital of Nepal.
Serhat: Mount Everest is also in Nepal, right?


1 There are some possible problems of the Planet Earth in the future in the box. Which one/s will
be the most important in your opinion? Tick (✓) your guess/es.

water shortage waste disposal ozone layer depletion

extinction of species global warming toxic materials
pollution overpopulation loss of biodiversity
deforestation public health issues natural disasters
natural resource depletion climate change ocean acidification


51 Listen and read the dialogue between Terry and Naz and complete the table.

Terry : Do you think there will be a water shortage?

Naz : Shortage? What do you mean?
Terry : There won’t be enough water in the future, and I think it will be the most threatening problem
in the future because we waste too much water. There will be serious droughts and famine if
we don’t educate people to use less water. So, we must stop wasting water. What do you think
about the future of our planet, Naz?
Naz : I think the most threatening one is pollution because there will be a risk of cholera epidemic in
the world as a result of pollution. Can you see the litter in the school garden?
Terry : Yes, a lot of litter. We should do something not to see the litter in the garden again as the club
of environment.
Naz : Hmm… Well. Why don’t we take a lot of bins for the garden?
Terry : Sorry? Take a lot of bins for the garden? What do you mean?
Naz : I mean, let’s put a lot of garbage bins in the garden.
Terry : And we should warn the students at school not to put litter in the garden.
Naz : And we can start a campaign at school to keep our school and school garden clean.
Terry : Let’s start our campaign.
Naz : Yes, how about preparing some leaflets about cleaning our school first?

The name of the The cause of the The result of the What does he/she
future problem problem problem suggest doing?
water shortage
Terry ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... .........................................

Naz ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... .........................................

3 Work in pairs. Choose problems from Activity 1 and make a similar dialogue, as in Activity 2.
If your friend asks for clarification, answer his/her follow-up questions.


1 Read the text below and answer the questions.

There will be petrol shortage in the future because there are too many cars on the roads. A lot of
cars also cause a lot of air pollution. They often carry one person. So, we must use public transport.
It is more environmentally friendly because buses and trains carry a lot of people at the same time.
Carpools are another way of reducing the number of cars on the roads. Also electric cars and bicycles
are cleaner solutions.

1. What’s the future problem of the planet in the text?


2. What’s the reason for it according to the text?


3. What are the possible solutions?


4. Do you agree with the prediction in the text? Why/ Why not?

2 Start a campaign about the future of the world. First, choose a topic. Then write your messages
expressing your predictions about the future and give your reasons for starting this campaign.
Use simple connectors like “and”, “but”, “or”, “because”, “so”, etc.







1 Write the disasters below under the correct heading.

 tornado  flood  poverty  crime
 deforestation  earthquake  tsunami  bombing
 avalanche  war  fire  volcanic eruption
 pollution  global warming  drought  famine


....................................................................................... tornado

....................................................................................... .......................................................................................

....................................................................................... .......................................................................................

....................................................................................... .......................................................................................

....................................................................................... .......................................................................................

....................................................................................... .......................................................................................

....................................................................................... .......................................................................................

....................................................................................... .......................................................................................

2 Game Make sentences in teams. Use the words/phrases from the list below. Each correct
sentence gets one point. The team with the most points wins.
• rescue teams
• medical supplies
• polluted water
• collect donations
• volunteer team
• deforestation
• take place
• leave homes
• cause flood
• left the village

Prepare a poster about possible natural disasters in the future and their causes. Decide
on three to six possible disasters. Use photos, drawings, illustrations, etc. to make your
poster interesting and eye-catching. Put your project into your portfolio.


1 What natural disasters are they? Read and find.

1. The water is two metres deep in some parts of the town. And the situation won’t get any better
until the rain stops. ...............................................
2. The flames swept through the dry forest, destroying thousands of hectares of trees. .....................
3. Heavy rains caused tonnes of rock and mud to slide down the mountainside, destroying a road
and a railway line. ...............................................
4. We saw a huge wave moving towards the shore at a terrifying speed. Luckily, we managed to
escape to a higher ground. ...............................................
5. We were skiing in Kartalkaya when the snow on the slope above us started to slide down towards
us. ...............................................

2 Complete the news report with the words below.

damaged destroyed injured lasted left
lost reached rescued sent struck

The hurricane 1) ............................. the town of Tipton Bay on the south coast at 4 pm on Saturday
afternoon and 2) ............................. for twelve hours. Winds 3) ............................. speeds at 200
km/h. Luckily, people 4) ............................. their homes before the hurricane arrived, and nobody 5)
............................. their lives. However, flying metal and glass 6) ............................ about twenty people.
Emergency services 7) ............................. over 60 people from boats near the coast, and charities quickly
8) ............................. food and tents to help people without homes. The hurricane 9) ............................
hundreds of buildings and 10) ............................. the crops in the fields around the town.

Check Your Progress

Read the sentences. Think about your progress and tick (✓) the boxes.

Excellent OK Difficult
I can understand TV news and reports about natural disasters.

I can understand phrases and expressions about natural disasters.

I can make predictions about the future of Planet Earth.

I can make simple suggestions about saving the Earth from
natural disasters.
I can express my personal opinions about the causes of natural
I can understand the words/phrases in a text about natural events.

I can write predictions about the future of the planet.

Word List
UNIT 1 arrow chop taco
Vocabulary entertainment fry teaspoon
up oak frying pan
swap Writing
buddy grater
swiftly stuffed
classmate grill
cool unbroke knead the dough Fun page
count on mash
UNIT 2 paella
get on well melt snail
invitation mix sushi
invite fashion peel
laid-back pour UNIT 4
saucepan Vocabulary
mate nerd
slice available
pyjama party outfit
stir broken
rely on ridiculous
tin opener connect
secret snob
sleepover stylish
Reading dial
slumber party terrific
chef engaged
Sounds good. trendy
crack hang on
Reading mashed hang up
apologise Reading save time hold on
awesome can’t stand tear in use
BBQ memo
Listening Listening
for sure out of order
come along bean
get pick up
make it Fun page put through
occasion attractive text
refuse faint
fold Reading
Listening herb base station
come along ingredients cell
parsley communicate
Speaking react
recipe disguise
apologise self-conscious
slouch Speaking
Writing tend spice
get through
last-minute St Patrick’s day
UNIT 3 keep in touch
Fun page Vocabulary network
afterward boil sophisticated

transmit Listening come true remains
user bug fairy chimney terrace
delete hot air balloon wonder
Speaking journey
concern Speaking
get well soon Listening architecture
sympathy adrenalin spectacular
Speaking junky
UNIT 5 addicted skydiving Writing
Vocabulary take risks major
burn wax
Writing Writing
chat room
double-sided Fun page
crash instant messenger
float stalactite
download webcam
paddle stalagmite
Fun page slow down
log on UNIT 8
modem Fun page Vocabulary
give out
monitor bush chores
mouse contestant dry
offline take part dust
online flatmate
safety UNIT 7
printer housework
software Vocabulary
provider laundry
save UNIT 6 load
scanner Vocabulary mop
search adventure responsibility
historic site
speaker amazing set the table
start up amusing vacuum
tower ashamed ruin
challenging square
Reading empty
disappointing tower
account get on sb’s nerves
addict Reading go off in a huff
concentrate on all-inclusive has to
link attraction have to
online bed and breakfast household
would rather
publish cave smell
reactivate Reading destination take out
update ancient gorgeous vs. (versus)
upload brilliant heritage waste of time

Listening photosynthesis natural force Fun page
skill plant soil bombing
trolley provide tornado medical
tsunami poverty
UNIT 9 Speaking
volcanic eruption supply
Vocabulary disease
take place
design fossil Reading
discover gravity aftershock
volunteer team
experiment implant drill
explosion light bulb drop-cover-hold on
invent researcher fasten
lab frame
model in case
research resistant
science shaking
scientist survive
test take action
test tube vehicle
wringer Listening
Reading hurricane
Fun page
cellulose Speaking
chlorophyll biodiversity
bionic part
fundamental cholera
leave deforestation
photosynthesize depletion
process epidemic
impaired UNIT 10
incredible Vocabulary
limb avalanche
living system collapse
ozone layer
prosthetic disaster
regain drought
replace earthquake
toxic waste
Listening warn
forest fire
breathe waste disposal
landslide Writing
lava carpool

Irregular Verbs
Infinitive Past Past Participle Infinitive Past Past Participle
be was/were been leave left left
bear bore born lend lent lent
beat beat beaten let let let
become became become light lit lit
begin began begun lose lost lost
bite bit bitten make made made
blow blew blown mean meant meant
break broke broken meet met met
bring brought brought pay paid paid
build built built put put put
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned read read read
burst burst burst ride rode ridden
buy bought bought ring rang rung
catch caught caught rise rose risen
choose chose chosen run ran run
come came come say said said
cost cost cost see saw seen
cut cut cut sell sold sold
deal dealt dealt send sent sent
dig dug dug set set set
do did done sew sewed sewn
draw drew drawn shake shook shaken
dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed shine shone shone
drink drank drunk shoot shot shot
drive drove driven show showed shown
eat ate eaten shut shut shut
fall fell fallen sing sang sung
feed fed fed sit sat sat
feel felt felt sleep slept slept
fight fought fought smell smelt/smelled smelt/smelled
find found found speak spoke spoken
fly flew flown spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled
forbid forbade forbidden spend spent spent
forget forgot forgotten stand stood stood
forgive forgave forgiven steal stole stolen
freeze froze frozen stick stuck stuck
give gave given sting stung stung
get got got swear swore sworn
go went gone sweep swept swept
grow grew grown swim swam swum
hang hung/hanged hung/hanged take took taken
have had had teach taught taught
hear heard heard tear tore torn
hide hid hidden tell told told
hit hit hit think thought thought
hold held held throw threw thrown
hurt hurt hurt understand understood understood
keep kept kept wake woke woken
know knew known wear wore worn
lead led led win won won
learn learnt/learned learnt/learned write wrote written


Date accessed: 15.06.2014

Date accessed: 17.06.2014

Date accessed: 01.07.2014

Date accessed: 03.07.2014

Date accessed: 03.07.2014

Date accessed: 15.07.2014

Date accessed: 20.07.2014

Date accessed: 10.08.2014

Date accessed: 13.08.2014

Date accessed: 06.05.2015

Date accessed: 03.07.2015

Date accessed: 05.07.2015

Date accessed: 10.07.2015

Visual References
• The pictures in our book are drawn by our publishing house, and the photographs are downloaded from the website
below by being paid their copyright and the archieve of the publishing house.


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