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Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that dunnage,

lining and packing materials that float …….

A. Maybe thrown overboard outside 3 miles offshore.

B. May not be thrown overboard at anytime.

C. May be thrown overboard outside 12 miles offshore.

D. May be thrown overboard outside 25 miles offshore.

158. Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that paper,

crockery, rags, metal , glass and food may be thrown overboard within 3 to

12 miles offshore, provided it is ground to less than ………in size.

A. 5mm

B. 10mm

C. 30 mm

D. 25 mm
159. Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that plastics….

A. Cannot be thrown overboard at anytime

B. Cannot be thrown overboard within 12 miles offshore

C. Cannot be thrown overboard within 3 miles offshore

D. Cannot be thrown overboard within 25 miles offshore

160. Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that paper,

crockery, glass, metal, food and rags, bigger in size than 25 mm may only

be thrown overboard outside ……. miles offshore.

A. 3

B. 25

C. 12

D. 10

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