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This axe once belonged to a mighty, but reckless hero.

His beloved slain, he was overcome with

a deathwish and sought out ever greater challenges. The deathwish lives on in his legendary axe.
The Black Axe always functions as a +3 Adamantium Great Axe. It is sentient, but usually says
little, unless blooded.
When blooded:
When blooded, the axe awakes and takes to the battle with zeal. It becomes a vicious weapon for
the rest of the battle.
Blooded 5 times:
On the fifth kill in a single battle, the weapon becomes epic vicious, dealing 4d6 damage to foes
and 2d6 to the wielder.
Blooded 10 times:
On the 10 kill of the single battle, the weapon congratulates its owner, admits what it is, and
offers its abilities to the worthy user, regardless of alignment. While in an acknowledged
wielder’s hands, it becomes a Vorpal weapon.

Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 16 Ego 23 True Neutral
Speech, 120’ vision and hearing
Lesser Powers:
Death Knell At Will (used on one kill per round once the wielder is acknowledged)
Deathwatch Continually
Greater Powers:
Empowered Bear’s Endurance 3/day
Empowered Bull’s Strength 3/day
Special Purpose:
Vengeance – The Black Axe specializes in vengeance, if not personal, then for someone close to
the bearer. Against someone who has committed an act meriting revenge (whether the act was
just or not) the Black Axe becomes a Bane Weapon. Deaths in combat merit revenge. Unfair
dealings merit revenge. Oath breaking merits revenge. Insults do not merit revenge, unless they
cause public embarrassment, loss of status, or other measurable damage. This this axe and an
appropriate personality, one could go avenging all the live long day.

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