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dont spend inordinate time away in the first 10 questions.

Spending more time does

not improve your ability

number substitution is faster. But go with habit too

-Work with algebraic variables

-Convert statements into equations
-Relate multiple equations
-Solve equations

Premise - Anything (fact or opinion) that supports the conclusion

Fact - Something that is not disputed / can be verified / is a true event

For a bold-faced question, first categorize it as a fact / opinion, etc not as


Opinions can be challenged / more like conclusions inferred from facts

All conclusions are opinions but not all opinions are conclusions

General 3rd party belief - Not fact because still has not been verfied

relative pronouns have a segmentation effect

litmus test - Disappearance algo. Remove the line and see if the conclusion weakens

Conclusion - An explanation that the argument favors

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