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MANSON MOTORCYCLE“ ATTACHMENTS THOROUGHLY RELIABLE Ere Adapted for Pleasure and Utility, ‘Wor aster than an aia on nanan a Dauvery ATTACHMENT tn ate by etig tatoos iusceA TIME AND MONEY SAVER SINPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION AND FINISH UNEXCELLED. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Fowler-Manson-Sherman Cycle Mfg. Co. Clinton and Falton Streets, CHICAGO, ILL. The. Kiblinger Motor Bugey S37. 00ndaprcts $400 Paco Runabout a Until Special Y july 1 Offer 18 A Paso Revatous$400)4eyde,2 oy inde, 10 to 12 HP, with fine body. ‘The auto for salesmen, doctors, grocts, colectorsin fat, a low-paced practical ‘Renabout for every convenience. $25) dows, balance on tems of 30 acd 6 days—nctes Zico es HP A lo a sale wagon Co eae one "han a good horse sad ak Faces cyt “ine gol fgg PIETSCH AUTO & MARINE CO. won encavo, 1H: GRAHAM AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, 1915 HARLEY: Introduces the. Three-speed sliding gear transmission—11 real horsepower guaranteed—automatic mechanical oil pump—step-starter on all models—electric : lighting equipment if desired —66 refinements— lower prices. With this new Harley-Davidson three speol model the intermediate gear ean be tuted in rough going mile after mile if de- ‘sted There is no gear nose or ovethest- ing of the motor. ‘The intermedate gear ght gear ratio for hard going. With the two-speed twin in low gear the rotor must be raced time and again to ne- fptiate roads thar are too moch for high far. With the three-speed transmission there is no racing of the motor necessary at fay time under aay toad condiion When the going becemes too much for the inter- sedate gear asimple movement shifts into low speed, ‘The more familiar a man is with motor- ceyelos in genoral the lows will he believe the claims made for the Herley-Davidson three-speed twin untl he sctually drives fore himanf or nace it perform. It ienothing Short of marvelous, ‘The touring radius of the Harley-Davidson three-speed twin is double that of any Eo" Steed machine. Tt wil take sdecsr sn5~ ‘where, through sand or mud or over hills, Gat would stil the average two-speed ‘ein ridden solo, ‘Unquestionably,the Harley-Davidson three- speed machine, with a power plant gusran- feed to deliver 11 horsepower, 2 the most ‘advanced type of motoreyele ever offered tothe American public. The 1915 Harley-Davidson three-speed twin is the first motorcycle to climb a 60% grade. It has talcon a cide- car and passenger up a 45% grade without a murmur. Harley-Davidson Motor Company - Predsors of High Grade Motreyete fr Neatly Fourteen Your DAVIDSON ‘Model 11-J 310.00 The 1915 Harley-Davidion ¢ ie The 1915 Harkey. fds | | The 1915 Harley Davidion catalog oo ee ed tent upon requ 398 B Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin This IS the Life! = ; nace te gen sal pealy rgees the Cutie "Ac Tota “then’ be exzec Gl of Teling forthe fret tine, the quick responsiveness to your every touch of he 1917 Shdian Motocycle With Powerplus Motor ii Sen oe ac wv ha in aie a op ‘Scolar Duk for teeta” ot loa anno ae a rE, ee arr ae Seat Bee ete Lie ee seer HENDEE MANUFACTURING CO, 710 State Street, Springfield, Mass. (Caraest Motorezele Menafsctrars inthe Word) Russel Internal Gear Drive Axles Your Truck Is No Better Than Its Drive Axle The success of any motor tuck ie dependent upon the rear axle. IF itis called upon to carry the load and drive the truck at the same tine, trouble is bound to occur sooner of later That iawhy the Russel latemel Gear Drive Ande ia conceded to be the best motor truck azle built, The load carrying axle is a one-piece chrome nickel steel round bar—admitedly the best desig for carrying purposes. The drive axle is seperate, but rigidly connected o the round Durability, vorviceabi ‘positively assured with the Russel Axle. Backed by Russel repstation, no motor trick bayer can afford to place his order for a motor tnick without carefully invenigating the meris of the Russel intemal Gear Drive Axle. Russel Motor Axle Company Central Avenue, North Detroit Now There's An For Everybody ! ount the Indians on the road || SAXON ROADSTER ACAR COMPLETELY EQUIPPED WITH EVERY MODERN FEATURE Lowest-Priced Car with These Costly Features er. iS SAXON MOTOR CAR CORPORATION, DETROIT Unexpected guests for din- ner. You telephone the grocer. As a modern mer- chant, he is prepared to serve you quickly. His motorcycle is as nesdful as the telephone. And Goodyear Blue Streak Motorcycle Tires play a major part in making his delivery service critic-proof. GOoocD ‘They win satisfied patrons. In business, pleasure, ra- cing and military service they are chosen for the un- failing service Goodyear builds into them. That same service is there when ‘You want it. Ee Set ee nore ee ander one qc ot goat. The Goodyear Trg & Robber Co, Classiest Mount on the Road— the New “Stream-Line” FAVE you seen the latest, greatert motoreycle— Harle-Devidion's 1925 "Stream-Line"? To soe ie so crave t ger inthe saddle—vo felts pulang, feger power To rida it i to wane iewant ft for ies tailing speed, its greater comfort, its ralish, ‘sreanv-lne besuty, nprovements—27 ofthen— make the “StreareLinc” the motoreyele sensation of yeats, Low hung for infesy and cay control, better springs and bigger ‘eres chat pve “Pellman com(orero you aed Sour ‘sdecar pal: and the same economy that has made Harley-Davidson famovs—50 miles for a dollar (as o4, tes and all)! ‘Aske your deder for a free Demonstration Ride Ger the facts about his Payeas-YouRide plan. And send us the coupon (below) HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTOR CO. Mics nen We Co meine vat Davidson cle KNOCK” KNOCK/ WHO'S THERE? Why not? ETHYL STOPS KNOCK! sand puts new: Ure in your cart First Pictures & Details About the NEW PLYMOUTH OVER 130,000 CAREFUL DRIVERS ARE INSURED BY THIS COMPANY o Thatiswhy you may — | securecarinsurance at lower cost B “RECKLESS DRIVERS NEED NOT APPLY” LIBERTY (§ MUTUAL oe Clbenonncing ug WE new ee FORD V8 CARS FOR 1937 ALITY Ce rwe Lowererce ftite iPLETELY NEW 1937 HUDSON Se =i \ - ANNOUNCING NEW GMC'S ‘Thewe is a new hallton with either I12inch of 126-inch wheelbase and a new roany- feature IY ton GML... prosd near the lowest. .yetiemenls anc improvements. . advanced srenmlineappearance thatsets a new standard... Value through and through. LER s \\V hen youre out to win 7 You caitaifford Comal ANNOUNCES- | A NEW FIGHT .. TWO GREAT NEW VALUES PLS Sh Te INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS NEW CHEVROLET 1937 Fhe Complete Car- Comptetety Neu eS ‘You want all good things in your new motor car. .. And you may as well enjoy real savings in purchase price, in operating, eests and in upkeep, while getting all desirable motoring advantages. ... Careful consider’ ation will lead you straight to this one car—Chevrolet for 1937—the only complete car—priced so low! ANEW WHITE TRUCK [= ATANEW LOW PRICE/s 99 THE WHITE MOTOR COMPANY + CLEVELAND THOUSANDS HAVE SAID, Idle 23 ¥ To own & wh Ome dayd hope 2 NOW THEY CAN IR eG AT THE AUTO SHOWS...TOP HONORS GO TO AG ELE oan Young Steve Curtis helps build army airfields instead of Studebaker cars 8 out of 10 owners say, “De Soto is the most satisfactory car [ ever owned” Roughest, Toughest Test | Oil Ever Faced. =a Your Car Needs Finest Protection, too— ff b. ... so nice to come home g ered comtiest crs have fe S$ The on 0hp engine ire eoges Only Ford | Inds dass...the champion bi itn the low priced field! mer , out Front & Now ing aluminum pistors save ye a pucrty 688 extra emoothress comes ‘fom ovetapring poner strckes! Look! Only Ferd rodicton macio tings you this fnest pe engine at vest cost! THERES a (ree) IN YOUR FUTURE! Enjoy — Day See Your Mobilgas sages peers rer REPESRUE ESS S New Camaro. Feb. 26th. We've never announced a car The Eugen secon that moonights as an American wagon. GMs lowest-priced car. ‘Buic's Ope. eanipned withall shen standard fatues Exomisl 63howepewar enh hat gtsup 30 Illa sloronreguat a © Fosr une four epee ick shit eyo fl onan goes) oom [Ele op © Ghuce et wren slow © Derbi al vin iro Fam pada eat baka nc wis head {psrants © Ajab pat che Seat forall pm patens. 1 Souler bli fr deer ond eat. Font pasenar, © GM energy ebbing cnn column. GM ent oering col loc. Dns heed 0 Widshiekdvesher and dal prod wipes. 08 Ut ob fst oftrand space 12 vot iter and eter. atin rotate sy Uishedrite chemi Esau ‘on contd tn, OSes tee srined by oe alors ‘Enna ce bagi Buck+ Opel 2Dee Sadan Survival of the fittest: Mustang is America’s Nod sporty car again. MUSTANG ERD ES a OLDSMOBILE“" GENERAL MOTORS Mae CONTA Bl) ek eR kW a ee Re ee Your (STE ROLET Deater Serves YOU and the US.A. He helps to He helps keep your cor to "Save the or truck serving Wheels that for Viclory by Serve America” giving skilled, by specializing dopendable jin car and truck I service conservation BUY ULS.WAR BONOS AND STAMPS + 4 See Him for GTR] R VIC] Today On + +» All Makes of Cars and Trucks + + + Between Two Ten-Thousandths gand the High, Blue Heavens | BUICK omsion or GENERAL MOTORS *INTERNATIONAL TRUCK S* Tey Damme eRe eg Es ey a pe i) a road» vletory. Thus the course of erate Imanehip whlch Fisker Bedy has purses Tong leads now to Armament by Fi Fearn ead pte -Ammy, to ordnance for the Navy and to other What's in a “LET ME HELP YOU GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR AUTOMOBILE” CPT VAY UO te ce. Mout to you! eM eto Oe Now It’s EASIER to Get a Da ee ae ] meee it has been for months NEW AND MORE | You need the good, dependable, long-term = A fine new car with new tires—new LIBERAL CAR| — Chovrclet will give you. « RATIONING | jaricry— now parts—and with Chevrolet's outstanding economy of RULES ‘operation and upkeep. .. . Rationing regulations hove been relaxed ‘ond liberolized—ii's much easier to get delivery now than it hes tor 206 your Chevrolet dealer—tedoy! PRATT & WHITNEY CONGRATULATES CHEVROLET on its record production of airplane engines for victory cttein the objective we 10 strongly CHEVROLET vic the winning of this war. “GENERAL MOTORS While le building t fee PONTIAC REPORTS rd of Pontiac Motor Cars Se PONTIAC GENERAL Motors BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS KEEP AMERICA FREE! Here’s a tread that’s built for covering ground... (Ot 9 ing ie Bikes) Fords out Front with the up and coming! By Success Without Limit rom the day thete sew Dodge cars made What i the aseret oftheir their fst wppearance the Arerisan people deliver mare jun and have taken them t their heart than ary other ar. Th amily members rival one anor for the Iai of desing thems veteran engineers and erty? They 88 per dollar Smoothert Cor “Afloat” UNITED STATES RUBBER Serving Through Science Welcome to a new world of dr he U.S toa Mie Ths pt sie tht compel ny de your ete You a bay els ery erin a Ride on more air—Ride in more comfort! COMPANY P AT NOTHING —to make GM cars slop better General Morors FORD makes the 3 big new Super Duty V-8's 1+ Gross horsepower up to 277 © Machined combustion chambers © Intemally mounted oil cooler 2 Twoquart ot titer 1+ Waterjecketedinlak "Teac tte nee ‘Tage: 0 200m, 380 eh 10 big new extra-heavy duty truck series Gr vp 5100 meme frre caer 8006 th in hw Toro ant 15000 ‘olwet 200) or 400%. —up to 534 cu. in. big move for 5S ge FORD TRUCKS COST LESS NTIAC PO satisfied with the ordinary LINCOLN For those who are nevet Count the people so it ind iba i inbe ew Clipe! There wl es of sine fe dig Thee the pec i and power ty tem shed of te pack the op Ad ee lb dae von peeve ‘hai ea meine Whe yo rec femme a hic th for tle wth te bom oF the for aie pace of seemoste angers Clipper -Precision-Built by Packard Craftsmen Presenting: THE FINEST LINCOLN IN FORTY YEARS LINCOLN FOR 1960 New from Chrysler Corporation 1960 DE SOTO NOW-A NEW LOW PROFILE MAKES YOUR WINTER DRIVING Fite. Seeety ye eit oe a Where other tires spin, this one digs in. Where other tires slip, this one takes a grip. And where other tires hum, this one is mum! AOVAL TIRES How tobuy a (Aneasier lesson than 9 doc you really rather haven Buick? FIAT 124 Sport Coupe America. beeen pk eee. a After more than one million bumps and shakes on these missile vibrators, this 1973 Ford rides as quietly as ever. FORD GALAXIE 500 Siectiogatta oro ED How much car should you expect for acouple of thousand bucks? should exgectsuholcor Not astpned coun model tht eblé cou yor anther wo ned Imoplers blesgon out oe esha ‘MTom ue dat teal things opens: that should ame.on yur cari he et place, And then cherie ance ster ace. And then charge ou sci met boxe nas cme th 2 longi stad up nludng ses tgs Sihtewle renee seseat icra now that f i cal i nd ‘hae ets for Your should expect dollar's woah of ea for ery dollar you ay out. For oul of toad burks, oy shoal Sting intholnee chet poston, "Phatswiy we desig fe nade of ourcarsbulone fhe cutie So ahough xe make “small cae se fear siprsnaroony side. Ever carsales. ‘dg ae fig eno or four ul, Andvou tages tha ot eto co Tfafuyur bul ou earsso the une noma iin condone ep ce amen re ‘psaniy tre ane Or 000 res Which, by he snptoaltnacneskngwen hk silent mbna ‘Waite he best wa tofindoutebat aca befor guleiiiraaivancal 8 art ieee hited Setesin theirowest = coma er seen pa sake ca hug ithe xs CORT aa Toyota Corona Is. =e, eeene pcoogel sy RUS See see Be TC ee henge lout ares ‘Weer youve bugga new cro a ha dozen gankes.mkesrevosreaethaurmoney short od then tos spend tvethoased dallas or mers ‘se so atl expo get ser Sieenh ° col thawtand back 2 lotof one, 4 exeryone wanted the same hig fom a sale, only makone small ca ' Toyote See how much car your money can buy. TOYOTA

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