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Task 1:

Write a program, take two 8-bit numbers of your choice, perform subtraction them and display the

Task 2:

Write a program, take two 16-bit numbers of your choice, perform subtraction them and display the

; Input: AL = input number

; Output: AL = BCD

pushf ; Save flags register

push cx ; Save general-purpose regs
push dx
push ax
sub ah, ah ; We don't want a high-order byte
; so we don't have a divide overflow
mov dl, 0Ah ; Divide by 10
div dl ; Unsigned divide. Quotient in al,
; remainder in ah.
mov dl, ah ; Save remainder
mov ah, al ; Move quotient (multiple of 10)
mov cl, 4 ; and shift into high nibble of al
shr ax, cl ; (IA16 imposes stupid restrictions on shr operands)
or al, dl ; Set low nibble of al to remainder
pop dx ; Recover ah (pulling its value
mov ah, dh ; into dx first), cx, dx and flafs
pop cx
pop dx
ret ; All done.

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