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I am goin to talk abaout wich pet is better, dogs or cats?

- Wich pet is cutier; dogs or cats?

Here we can look them, between the two, the cat is smaller than dog so the cat is more
beautiful and more lovely than dogs.

- wich pet is quieter?

The dogs like to bark a lot and they move all the time ,instead the cats are slpeeping all day
and the don’t make noise, so the cats are quieter than the dogs

- wich pet is easiest to bath?

We need to bath dogs, but the cats bathe alone, they don’t need that we bathe it. So the cats
are easiest to bath.

- Wich pet is more patient?

When the dogs are hungry, they find food and the first thing they smell they eat it, but the
cats they wait for you give it food. So the cat is more patient than dog.

- wich pet is more destructive?

The dogs like to destroy everything but the cats are most patient pet, they just sleep. So the
dog is more destructive than cats.

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