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Secondary English Workbook Adriana del Paso » lan Gardner (A MACMILLAN Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A. de C.V. ‘Av. Prolongacién San Antonio 170 Col. Carola 01180 México, DF. Tel: (52) 55 5482 2200 Fax: (52) 55 5482 2203 \ ‘Textos © Adriana del Paso, lan Gardner Disetio e ilustracién © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A. de CV. 1° edicién 2001 Reimpresion 2001 (dos veces) Prohibida la reproducei6n parcial o total de esta obra, por cualquier método, sin autorizacién por escrito de la editorial. Derechos reservados conforme a la ley. Disefio: Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A. de C.V, Formacién: Overprint 101 Disefio de portada: Hula Hula lustraciones: Overprint 101: Laura Castillo, Gerardo Cunillé, Juan Carlos Gomez, Eva Lobaton, ‘Mary Rodriguez, Efrain Rodriguez, Edmundo Santamaria Fotografias: Patricia Martinez Banco de imagenes: Latin Stock de México, S.A. de C.V. CANIEM No. 2275 Impreso en México ISBN 970 650 147 9 Esta obra se termin6 de imprimir en diciembre del 2001, en los talleres de Graficas la Prensa, S.A. de C.V. Prolongacién de Pino 577 Col, Arenal 02980 México, D.F. 2005 2004 © 2003 2002-2001 7 9 8 7 6 5 4 8 Unit I Lesson | Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Ordenes. Saludos. Verbo to be: This is.. Adjetivos posesivos. Verbo to be. Yes/No questions. How old are you? Wh- questions. | Adjetivos posesivos. Wh- questions con verbo | tobe. Articulos indefinidos: a, an. Formacién de preguntas. Sintaxis. like... 1 don’t like. He likes... but he doesn’t like. Respuestas cortas. Contents Table Funciones Entender instrucciones. Saludar y despedirse, Presentarse y presentar a otros. Pedir y dar informacién personal Hablar sobre edad. Pedir y dar informacion personal Preguntar y hablar sobre el pais de origen y la nacionalidad. Hablar acerca de ‘ocupaciones, Describir la apariencia fisica de alguien: Expresar lo que nos gusta y lo que no nos gusta. | Hablar sobre lo que le gusta y no le gusta a otros. Confirmar informacién, | Vocabulario Frases usadas en clase, Saludos. Miembros de la familia. Numeros 1-20. El abecedario. Numeros 1-100. Direccién y teléfono, Palses y nacionalidades. Ocupaciones. Miembros de la familia. Adjetivos. Colores. Partes del cuerpo. Alimentos y bebidas. Conectores: but, and, or. Frutas y verduras. Animales. Deportes. qg@eContents Table Unit 2 Gramatica,—_ Funciones,_ Vocabulario Lesson I have/has, is/are. Lesson 2 To be wearing, afirmativo e interrogativo. Lesson 3. Posesivo -'s. Lesson 4 What's your father like? He's sincere and honest. There is... There are... Preposiciones de lugar. Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Ss there Are there...? Lesson 7 Uso de preposiciones: It's on the corner of... It's on Fifth Street. Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Where's your school? It's three blocks from my house. Lesson 10 How can | get t0...? Preguntar y hablar sobre la apariencia fisica de alguien. Preguntar y hablar sobre lo que la gente trae puesto. Hablar de gente y sus posesiones. Preguntar y hablar sobre personalidad. Identificar y describir lugares. Preguntar y hablar sobre lo que hay en un centro comercial. Preguntar y hablar sobre la ubicacién de lugares. Preguntar y hablar sobre pueblos, ciudades y paises. Preguntar y hablar sobre la ubicacién de lugares y cosas, Pedir y dar instrucciones para llegar a algun lugar. Adjetivos para describir apariencia fisica Ropa. Colores. Miembros de la familia. Ropa. Adjetivos para describir personalidad. Lugares puiblicos. Habitaciones del hogar. Preposiciones: in, on, next to, between. Tiendas. Plurales irregulares. Preposiciones: across from, in front of. Numeros ordinales. Adjetivos: noisy, polluted, etc. \Verbos: eat, speak, drink, etc. Lugares piiblicos. Muebles. Go straight. Turn right. Turn left, Gramatica Presente progresivo, afirmativo. Unit 3 Lesson I Lesson 2 Presente progresivo, afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo. Lesson 3 Presente progresivo, Preguntas y respuestas cortas. Lesson 4 Presente simple. Lesson 5 Presente simple. Lesson 6 Presente simple y presente progresivo. Lesson 7 Why don’t we...? Let’s Shall we...? Lesson 8 Presente simple, Wh- questions. Presente simple, Gesson'S yh, questions Preguntas y respuestas. Lesson IO Grammar Pages Dictionary Contents Tablc mt Funciones Hablar sobre acciones que se estan realizando. Preguntar y hablar sobre acciones que se estén realizando. Confirmar informacién. Dar la hora. Hablar sobre rutinas. Preguntar y hablar sobre acciones habituales. Hablar sobre habitos. Describir fotograffas y dibujos. Hacer, aceptar y rechazar invitaciones. Preguntar y hablar sobre las costumbres de la gente de otros paises. Preguntar y hablar sobre los habitos de diferentes animales. Pedir y dar informacign personal. Preguntar y responder acerca de habitos. Vocabulario Verbos. Verbos. Verbos. La hora. Verbos. Los dias de la semana. Adverbios de frecuencia. Actividades diarias y actividades que se estan realizando Lugares publicos: park, museum, swimming pool, etc. a Pajses. Verbos. Meses y estaciones. Animales. Preposiciones de tiempo: in, on, at. Pasatiempos y actividades diarias. 68 am 6 Cémo usar este cuaderno de trabajo Work Out estd especialmente disefiado para complementar cualquier libro de texto a nivel de secundaria y puede usarse en orden progresivo, de principio a fin, 0 en orden aleatorio segtin lo que se desee repasar. Si decide usarlo en orden aleatorio, siga estos pasos: 1 Ena tabla de contenidos de Work Out busque la unidad correspondiente a la del programa oficial. 2. Busque la gramatica, las funciones 0 el vocabulario deseados en la tabla de contenidos de Work Out. Por ejemplo, si acaba de ensefiar presente progresivo, bisquelo en la columna "Gramatica® y asi sucesivamente. 3 Dirfase a la leccién (0 lecciones) de Work Out que repase la gramatica, funcién © vocabulario que a usted le interese. Practice Tests ‘Al final de las tres unidades de Work Out, encontraré cinco Practice Tests para preparar a sus alunos con vistas a sus exémenes bimestrales, A continuacién le sugerimos un procedimiento para aprovechar mejor los Practice Tests 1 Lea las instrucciones del ejercicio junto con los alumnos y asegurese de que entiendan qué deben hacer. Esto los acostumbraré a leer las instrucciones con cuidado. Si lo considera necesario, haga el primer nuimero del ejercicio con ellos a manera de ejemplo. 2. Pida a los alumnos que resuelvan el ejercicio individualmente o en parejas, asignando un limite de tiempo razonable para acostumbrarlos a administrar su tiempo en un examen. 3. Revise el ejercicio con los alumnos, Si existen dudas, puede pedir que un voluntario proporcione una explicacidn, lo cual dard confianza a los alunos en sus propios conocimientos, También puede pedirles que busquen la explicacién correspondiente en las Grammar Pages para fomentar en ellos el habito de la consulta. En caso de dudas mas serias 0 més generalizadas, es preferible que usted efectue un répido repaso. 4 Pida a los alumnos que calculen su calificacién sumando el puntaje obtenido en cada ejercicio, multiplicando el resultado por dos y dividiéndolo entre diez. Por ejemplo, si alguien obtuvo cuarenta y dos puntos en total, su calificacién seré ocho punto cuatro. Este puntaje serd una Teferencia valiosa para que cada alumno sepa cémo se desempehd. Grammar Pages Las Grammar Pages ofrecen explicaciones sencillas, breves y ejemplificadas de la gramatica presentada en Work Out. Es conveniente animar a los alurmnos a consultar estas paginas con frecuencia para inculcar en ellos la responsabilidad de su propio aprendizaje, Dictionary Todas las palabras que se presentan en Work Out han sido compiladas en un Dictionary que ofrece las traducciones segiin los contextos en los que aparecen dichas palabras. Esto evita la necesidad de recurrir a un texto adicional durante la clase, aunque si es conveniente que los alumnos cuenten con un diccionario en casa. E! Dictionary también puede usarse como un banco de palabras para crear sopas de letras o palabras cruzadas, organizar spelling bees, etc. Verb List En el primer nivel de Work Out, la Verb List presenta los verbos regulares e irregulares usados mas, frecuentemente en su forma simple, con sus significados respectivos. Mas adelante se presentan inicamente verbos irregulares, incorporando el pasado en el segundo nivel y el participio pasado en el tercero para que los alumnos puedan verificar su forma y ortografia Ideas adicionales A continuacién le proporcionamos algunas ideas para sacarle mas jugo a las actividades de Work ut, esperando que le sean de mucha utilidad. Dictados Dicte un parrafo u oraciones aisladas tomadas de una leccién. Los alumnos pueden checar sus propios dictados individualmente. Puede variar un poco omitiendo algunas palabras y dictando "blank" para que los alumnos llenen luego los espacios vacios, dictando palabras en desorden para que los alurnnos las pongan en el orden correcto dentro de una oracién o dictando oraciones a medias para que los alumnos las completen con su informacién personal. Concursos Casi cualquier actividad de Work Out puede convertirse en una competencia por filas. Déle a cada fila un punto por cada respuesta correcta de un ejercicio. La fila con mas puntos gana. También puede hacer concursos en los que cada alumno compita contra si mismo, como es pedirles que escriban, en tun minuto, todas las palabras que empiecen con una letra determinada o que pertenezcan a un campo seméntico dado o una categoria gramatical Dialogos Pida a los alurnos que memoricen alguno de los didlogos y lo presenten a sus compaferos. Posteriormente pueden sustituir la informacién del didlogo por la suya propia. El ultimo paso es pedirles que creen sus propios didlogos. Personalizaci6n Esta actividad es muy versétil. Solicite a los alumnos que escriban un pequefio parrafo, de tres a cinco oraciones, utilizando las estructuras 0 el vocabulario que acaban de ver pero aplicandolo a sf mismos. Por ejemplo, si acaban de ver ropa, pueden describir su vestimenta; si estudiaron el presente simple para hablar de rutinas, pueden escribir la suya propia. Extension Pida a sus alumnos que escriban uno o dos reactivos adicionales para cada ejercicio 0 permitales crear sus propios ejercicios, los cuales pueden intercambiar con sus compafieros. Dibujos y mapas Explote al maximo los dibujos y mapas que aparecen en el libro. Una misma ilustracién puede servir para describir ropa, comparar, describir gente, enumerar objetos, narrar o crear una pequefia historia. En un mapa, los alumnos pueden afiadir lugares en los espacios vacios para practicar preposiciones 0 indicar cémo lleger. €scritura paralela y libre Tome algtin parrafo como modelo y pida a los alumnos que lo reescriban sustituyendo informacion clave con su propia informacién. Mas adelante, puede pedirles que escriban textos cortos sobre un asunto determinado usando la gramatica, las funciones y/o el vocabulario que acaban de repasar. Esperamos que su creatividad y la de sus alunos les permita sacarle todavia més jugo a las actividades que le presentamos en Work Out. (Que lo disfruten! ~ Gramatica: Ordenes. Saludos. Funciones: Entender instrucciones. Saludar y despedirse. Vocabulario: Frases usadas en clase. Saludos. @® Look at the picture and match the columns. _d_1 "Goodbye, Mike. See you after school." a) The girl _—_ — 2 "Good morning, Miss White." b) The teacher ___ 3 "Good morning boys and girls. How are you today?" g) The short man ___. 4 "Hi, Alex. How are you?" d) The mother _—_— 5 "Hello, Mr. Jones." e) The boy © order the sentences to make a conversation. | | Miss Black: Hello, Sandia. How are you? J 1_ Sandra: Good morning, Miss Black Miss Black: I’m fine, thanks. —__ Sandra: Fine, thank you. And you? @ Look at the pictures. Complete the instructions with words from the box. Open Sitdown Look at Come in Close Go @ circle the best option. 1 Please your name. a) spell b) open 90 2 your books, please. The class is starting. a) Buy b) Open Close 3 It's very hot in here, the window, please. a) Open b) Close ¢) Look at 4 your name on the exam. a) Write b) Do Erase your eyes. | have a surprise for you! a) Look at b) Close 9 Copy ‘Gramatica: Verbo to be: This is. posesivos. Funciones: Presentarse y presentar a otros. Vocabulario: Miembros de la familia ‘Adjetivos @® write each word in the correct space. mother father brother _ sister MY FAMILY 3 Me 4 @ circle the correct word. 1. This is my father. (Her / His / Your) name is Jack. 2. This is my mother. (Her / His / Your) name is Margaret. 4 3 This is my sister. (Her / His / Your) name is Linda. 4. This is my brother. (Her / His / Your) name is Bill @® write the correct form of the verb to be in the blanks. Follow the example. 1 My father #8 a taxi driver. 5 What your name? 2 _______ you Mexican? 6 This my sister. 3 We at school today. 7 you a student? 4 __ a very good student, 8 1___12 years old. @ Complete the dialog with words or expressions from the box. am sister this is Hi So meet you Will: Mom, (1, my friend Robert. Mother: Hello, Robert. It’s (2), Robert: Hello, Mrs. Simpson. Thank you for inviting me to dinner. - Mother: | (3) very happy that you are here. Will: And this is my «4 . Pauline. Robert: Hi, Pauline, Pauline: (5) . Robert. Welcome to our home! @ complete the dialog. Bertha: Hello . Alan: Hi, my namé’s Alan. What? Bertha: My 0) Berha. Alan: Nice to meet you, Bertha. (4 is my little brother. He's two years old. Bertha: He's cute! (9) name? Alan: Philip. @ match the words with the numbers. a 1 three 2 seventeen 3 nine 4 eleven 5 twenty 6 fifteen 7 twelve 8 five Gramitica: Verbo to be. Yes/No questions. How old are you? Funciones: Pedir y dar informacién personal. Hablar sobre edad. Vocabulario: Numeros 1-20. El abecedario. a) 11 b) 20 iG) 28: 4) 9 2) 15 17 9) 3 h) 12 e@ Complete the alphabet and circle the vowels. 5 G& uv, c,d, Sk Ve cau 2 Make negative sentences. Follow the example. 1 Tom is my brother. 2 You're from Canada. Tom isn't my uncle, from the United States. 3. I'ma student. = a teacher. 4 Mary is an actress. _ a secretary. @ Match the questions with the answers. _ 1 What's your name? a) I'm 13. 2: What's your last name? b) Smith. __ 3 Spell your last name, please. ¢) Susan. ___. 4 How old are you? d) 554-9679. 5. What's your phone number? €) Of course. It’s S-M © Underiine the questions and put in the question marks (2). Follow the example. 1 You are 15 years old 4 1am your best friend Are you 15 years old? ‘Am | your best friend 2_ Is Barbara your sister 5 Are you in the classroom Barbara is your sister You are in the classroom 3. He's a good teacher Is he a good teacher © complete the dialog. Secretary: (1) What's your name ? Gir Alison. Secretary: (2) Girl: It's Benson, Secretary: (3) Girl: Of course, B-E-N-S-O-N. Secretary: (4 Girl: I'm 14. Secretary: (5) ae Girl: Yes, I'm a student in the secondary school. yh- questions. Adjetivos posesivos. Funciones: Pedir y dar informacion personal. Vocabulario: Niimeros 1-100. Direccién y teléfono. @ write the numbers in words. 117 seventeen 6 3L 2 8 7 14 325 8 56 4 39 OT 5 64 1012 @ Look at these people and complete the sentences. ‘Adam Palmer 47 years old 16 Oakley Drive 581-0092 ‘Susan Aflan 2b years old 14 Braidpark Drive 673-5220 ‘Adam (1) forty-seven years old. (2, - last name is Palmer and his 6 is 18 Oakley Drive. Susan Allan is (4) years old, ¢___ telephone number is 633-5220. @ Copy the correct questions above the answers. How do you spell your last name? What's your address? — Are you in my class? What's your phone ‘What's your name? number? My name’s Jane Thompson. 2 T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N. 3 I'm thirteen. 4 No, I'm not. I'm in class 1B. 27 Main Street. It's 568-3019. No, she’s my mother! 'Gramatica: Wh- questions con verbo to be. Funciones: Preguntar y hablar sobre el pals de ‘origen y la nacionalidad. Vocabulario: Paises y nacionalidades. @ write the nationality. Follow the example. 1 I'm from Mexico. 2 He's from Canada. 3. She's from England. Vm __Mexican He's She's . 4 We're from Brazil. 5 They're from France. 6 You're from China. You're We're 2 They're @® write the correct question word in each case. You can use each word more than once. Where What How 1 are you from? I'm from the United States. 2 is your last name? Redford. 3 old are you? 'm sixteen. 4 is your phone number? 55-44-60-28. 5 is Federico from? He's from Spain. @ Unscramble the letters to find thé names of countries. 1 alti» 2 einseps> seule 3 ecoxiimy -Sandlengi> @ Put the words in the right order to make questions. 1 your / name / is / what /? 2 American / you / are / ? 3. from / are / where / you / ? 4 old / you / how / are /? 5 address / is / what / your / ? ® Now you answer the questions from exercise 4. 1 2 @ Write the name of the occupation under the correct picture. 1 She'sa 2 He's an @ write a or an in the spaces. 1m student. 5 Samis____ architect. 2. My father is photographer. 6 Sandy is businesswoman 3 Kate is teacher. 7 Frank is actor. 4. My brother is, engineer. 8 Alexis mechanic, @ Put these words in the correct groups. a a ae OW ire beds cars @ Guess the occupations. Read the texts and circle the correct option. Gerald and he's single. His office is J This is Gloria’s brother. His name is in a tall building downtown. He is the boss and a hundred people work for him. What does he do? a) He's a taxi driver. b) He's an actor. ©) He's a businessman Shes twenty-five She's very popu 1 What does she do? a) She's a singer. b) She's a secretary. u She's a housewife, © write questions for these answers. Follow the example. 1 2 3 What do you do ? ? ? ? ? - ? I'm a dentist. She's twelve years old My name's Tom, He's a psychiatrist. They're from Portugal I'm a carpenter. @® write and draw the opposites of these words. q 2 fat a oa. _ 1 beautiful t @ Write the words next to the correct colors. 4 young @ Match each description with the correct drawing. 1 long, straight, black hair 2. small, green eyes 3 abig nose 4. short, curly, blond hair 5. big, brown eyes ® Gramatica: Sintaxis. Funciones: Descrbir la apariencia fisica de alguien. Vocabulario: Adjectivos. Colores. Partes del cuerpo. ; 4 Put the words in order to make sentences. 1 tall / is / Robert / boy / a / thin x 2 woman / is / beautiful / Liz / a / young 3 brother / is / man / young / my / strong / a 4 has / short / hair / and / brown / my / eyes / big / dad 5. Sharon / long / hair / straight /-has / blue / and / eyes @® eseribe the people. Follow the example. This is Mike. _He is tall and thin, He has short, straight ‘ hair and a big nose. His feet are big too. 5 This is Mike’s mother. This is Mike's girlfriend, Julie, Gramatica: | like... | don’t like. Funciones: Expresar lo que nos gusta y lo que No nos gusta Vocabulario: Alimentos y bebidas. Conectores: but, and, or @ Put the words in the correct column. Follow the examples. svispaghetti orange juice chicken milk water soup eggs. soda” a> iC LD _—_spaghetti__ pales kB. ol e@ Look at the table and complete the sentences with like or don't like. French fries pizza / ey ee alee Susan: | () pizza but | (2, chicken or fries. Voy milk Fey) sda 5 Alan: 16 pizza. | (6) chicken and fries. Iq soda and water but | milk @ sing the information from exercise 2, choose a menu for Susan and a menu for Alan. Write each name under the correct picture. @ order the words to make sentences or questions. 1 you / spaghetti / like / do 2 1 / Mexican / food / like / don't / American / food / | / like / but 3 don't / coffee /1/ or / tea / like 4° drink / is / what / favorite / your e@ Complete the sentences with words from the box. You can use each word more than once. 1 I don’t like hamburgers hot dogs. 4 | don't like coffee | like tea 2 | like chocolate _ ice cream, 5 I don't like milk water. 3. [like pizza ____| don’t like pasta, @ complete the dialog. Sam: What's (1), favorite food, Jane? Jane: It. _ Mexican food. Sam: 0) ___ mole poblano? Jane: Yes, | do. | 4 all Mexican food, but I (5)__ Mexican drinks. Sam: @) favorite drink? Jane: Water! Graméatica: He likes... but he doesn’t like... Funciones: Hablar sobre lo que le gusta y no le gusta a otros Vocabulario: Frutas y verduras. @ Unscramble the letters to find the fruit. Follow the example. 1 menlo melon 4. egpars 2 arep 5 ppael 3. genaro © nnaaab ©@® Match the fruit in exercise 1 with the pictures. a) 5 b) __ :__. ~ a ® ® circle the odd one out. = = = = = @® put the words from exercise 3 in the correct category. Label the categories FRUIT or VEGETABLES. apple carrot Ss Read the information about Tim and Elizabeth and circle T (True) or F (False). 1 Tim and Elizabeth are brother and sister. 2 Elizabeth lives in Los Angeles. 3 Andrea is ten years old. 4 Elizabeth hates carrots. 5. Tim doesn’t like onions. 6 Elizabeth loves mushrooms. 7 Andrea likes vegetables. 8 Andrea likes orange juice. Elizabeth and Tim ate brother and sister. They live in Los Angeles and they are twelve and fourteen. They have a baby sister. Her name is Andrea. Tim likes potatoes with his dinner and Elizabeth likes carrots. Tim hates peas and onions and Elizabeth doesn’t like mushrooms. Andrea doesn’t like vegetables but she loves fruit. Her favorite fruits are apples and melons and she loves orange juice. TF 4¥ Liy i eae ieee Tt. F Tr Tye , TSR e@ Match the columns using the information from exercise 5. 1 Does Tim like peas? 2. Does Elizabeth like mushrooms? 3 Is Tim from Los Angeles? ; 4 Does Andrea love orange juice? 5. Is Elizabeth nineteen? a) b) Yes, he is, Yes, she does. No, she isn't. No, she doesn't. No, he doesn’t. Gramética: Respuestas cortas, Funciones: Confirmar informacion. Vocabulario: Animales. Deportes. @® write the names of the animals under the pictures. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 7 Be 9 10 e@ Read the paragraph and write short answers to the questions. Buttermilk is a beautiful horse. She lives in a big stable with many other horses. She’s four years old and she loves apples. She hates cold water and she doesn’t like the rain. She loves her stable. It is very warm and comfortable. 1 Is Buttermilk a dog? No, she isn’t 2 Is she a beautiful horse? 3 Is she three years old? 4 Does she like apples? Yes, she does 5 Does she like the rain? eS 6 Is her stable comfortable? @ Read the text and complete the questions. Frank is English. He lives in London with his family. He's thirteen years old and he studies seventh grade at Saint James School. He likes biology very much. He loves all animals, but horses are his favorite. He wants to be a veterinarian. 1 How old Frank ? He's 13 years old. 2 Where ? He lives in London. 3 student? Yes, he is 4 What 2? Horses. 5 to be a veterinarian? Yes, he does. @® complete the dialog. Kathy: Mike: Kathy: Mike: Kathy: + Mike: Kathy: Mike: Kathy: Mike: Hello, My name's Kathy. What (1, ? Mike. Are you Mexican, Kathy? No, __. I'm American. Are you American? Yes, (3) . What are you doing here in Mexico? I'm on vacation with my family. 4. on vacation? No, (5) . | live here, How wonderfull Do you like living in Mexico? Yes, (6) It’s great. Do you speak Spanish? No, (7 , but I'm learning! © write short answers to these questions about yourself. 1 Do you live in Mexico? Yes, | do 2 Are you a student? 3 Are you ten years old? 4 Are you wearing tennis shoes? 5 Do you watch a lot of TV? CAR Funciones: Preguntar y hablar sobre la ae fisica de alguien. : Adjet BS Use the words from the box to complete the tables. Height Build Size Color short thin a blue medium-height > big & as 1 3 brown Length Type Color 6 straight 9 medium-length g 10 Tne Be eryic lp black ® Read the descriptions and write the correct names. tilt is tall and thin. She has short, brown, wavy hair and blue eyes. 2 : is tall and well-built. He has short, blond hair. His eyes are blue. 3 is tall and a little plump. She has long, brown hair and big, green eyes., 28 4 _____is short and well-built. He has big, brown eyes and short, blond hair. ® complete the sentences. This is Max. He ()____an actor. He (2) hair. His eyes (_____blue, He Her name is Patty. She ¢3)__ short. She long, brown, wavy hair. She 7)______a secretary. Their names (2, Monica and Mariana. They @), students, They (10) long hair. @ Put the words in order to complete the conversation, Girl: sister / what / does / look like / your /? a Boy: and / short / she / thin / is / @. has / she / hair / blond / long / e. small / her / and / brown / are / eyes / . she / pretty /is / very / A ©) Look at exercise 2 again. Write a description for Peter. @® compiete the color puzzle. 1 6 2 A tree is and green. It's a fruit and a color. Apples are Bananas are elprup backwards is It's the combination of black and white. The sky is ‘Gramatica: To be wearing, afirmativo e interrogativo.. Funciones: Preguntar y hablar sobre fo que la gente Vocabulario: trae puesto. 2opa, Colores. @ Look at the picture and describe the clothes. 1 The are green 7 The is black and white. 2 The is red. 8 The 3 The is blue. 9 The 4 The is . 10 The 5 The Pacific Center (1 are / is) the place to go. rerything you need! "> For book lovers, there (2 is / are) t is © leon, @ Between / across from) t © “the shoe store on the second floor. 7 For ashion conscious (6 man / men) and (7 women / wi © atest fshions (6 Child / Children) love to play, so they go to the game arcade (9 next to / across E ) the food court, aft MM ‘3 Some and discover why (10 pe © unscramble the words to make sentences or questions. store is (3 in / on) the first (5 between / next to) the gym and jan), there are clothes stores with the I people) Suyms: 1 there /a/ is / here / drugstore / near / ? 2 many / there / are / the / in / food court / restaurants / 3. there /.a/ this / bookstore / in / mall / isn't / | 4 there / movie theaters / are / here / near / any /? @® match the words with the numbers. Gramatica: Uso de preposiciones: I's on the corner of. on Fifth Street. Sue Funciones: Preguntar y hablar sobre la ubicacién de | Vocabulario: Numeros ordinales. i inh Re third a) 97" f) ae —— 2 eighth — — 7 © sixty-ninth b) 69" g) 6” ____ 3 second 8 fortieth 9 13% h) 8* 4 twenty-first 9 ninety-seventh d) 2 iy 5® —— 5 thirteenth 2 i in e) 40” frais @® Read the dialog and label the places in the drawing. Receptionist Guest: Receptionist: Guest Receptionist Here are your keys and a map of the hotel facilities. The cafeteria is on the first floor, and our restaurant is on the eleventh floor. You have a great view from there. There's a drugstore on the second floor. Oh, and there's a gift store on the third floor. Is there a gym? Yes, there is. It's on the fourth floor. There's a beauty parlor on the sixth floor. The swimming pool is on the roof... On the roof! That's original. Yes, itis. Well, enjoy your stay with us. e Read the hotel's information wr it ion page. Write the letters of the missing places on ual tal Juarez Avenue > Useful information for tourists Medical Services Travel There is a (a) hospital on Independence There's a (a travel agency on Independence Avenue. It’s across from the supermarket, Avenue. It’s next to the hotel - ‘There's a @) bus station on the corner of Clothes Judrez Avenue and Carranza Street. There is a (o) department store on the corner of Judrez Avenue and Hidalgo Street. Mail and stamps There's a () post office on the corner of Money Huerta Street and Judrez Avenue, across There's aa bank on Independence Avenue, from the school. between the library and the church. is Look at t! i 4 he map in exercise 3 again. Match the questions with the answers. 1 Is there a stadium? ' a) It's next to the hotel 2 Are there any parks? b) Yes, iti , itis, 3. Where is the travel agency? ©) No, the A re isn't. 4 Is the chi wurch across from the park? d) Walk a block and turn left on Juarez. 5 How can | get to the bookstore? e) Yes, there are t 7 re two. Gramatica: Its big. The capital is... They eat... Funciones: Preguntar y hablar sobre pueblos, cludade @® write each adjective under the correct picture. @ Read the clues and guess the state. 1 is a beautiful state in the southeast of Mexico. Its capital is Tuxtla Gutiérrez. There are rain forests, rivers and lakes. 2 is on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Its capital is Xalapa. There are beaches because it,is on the coast, There are also mountains and rivers where people go rafting 3 isa big state in the north. Its capital is Saltillo, but Torredn is also an important city, In Saltillo there is an incredible bird museum 4 isa big, industrialized state. Its capital is Monterrey. In Monterrey there are many stores and restaurants, There are also important museums. The History Museum is great. @ Read exercise 2 again and write about another state. @ match the columns. Follow the example. OTN AON LN ZN Le aN Le CxS France, Asia Spanish sushi Washington D.C. Japan South America _~ French. hamburgers Paris : ee Germany. Europe ~~ German souffle Berlin : USA North America Japanese sausages Buenos Aires Argentina Europe English steak. Tokyo a (©) Read the text and answer the questions. England js in Europe. The capital is London. It's a busy city with lots of traffic. There are many museums and interesting places. In England they speak English. They eat fish and chips and they drink tea. Japan is in Asia. The capital is Tokyo, It's a modern city and it’s a little polluted. There are many people in Tokyo. Japan is a beautiful country, but it’s very small. They speak Japanese and eat many varieties of sushi 1 Is Rome the capital of England? 2 Are there any museums in London? 3 Is Tokyo an old city? 4 What is Japan like? 5. Do they eat fish and chips in Japan? @ Read the dialog and answer Gramética: Where's your school? It's three blocks Funciones: Preguntar y hablar sobre la ubicacién. T (True) or F (False). Sam: Tim: Sami Tim: Sami Tim: Sam: Tim: Where's your school, Tim? It's on Main Street, across from the park. Is it near your house? Yes, itis. My house is three blocks from the school. Where's your house? It's on the corner of Thomas Avenue and Gates Street. That's not near! Yes, itis. | love walking. 1. Tim's school is near the park. } 4 Tim's house is on Pine Road 5 Tim loves walking. __ Look at the map of Tim's town and complete the sentences. 1 The movie theater is blocks from Tim's house. 2. The bakery is the hospital and the library. 3. The bookstore is of Gates Street and Thornas Avenue. 4. The office supply store is from the bookstore. 5 The movie theater is the gym. Sam thinks Tim lives far from the school Tim's school is one block from his house. ® write the correct number next to each object. ® ook at the picture in exercise 4 again. Write the questions or the answers. Follow the examples. 1 Where's the refrigerator? It in the Kitchen, next to the ‘sink 2 Where are the chairs ? They're in the dining room. It’s in the bedroom, next to the closet. 4 Where is the shower? 5 Where is the sofa? Gramatica: How can | get to... Funciones: Pedir y dar instrucciones para llegar a algin lugar. Vocabulario: Go straight. Turn rig ght. Turn left. @® Match the pictures with the directions. — 1 urnet ° °e cc) 2 go straight 3 tum right @® Read the dialogs and draw the routes on the map. Caracas Street Lima Street *, 3 g $ 3 3 g é & 3 Santiago Street A; Excuse me, where's the supermarket? a) Excuse me, how can | get to the nearest Go straight up Santiago Street. restaurant? Turn right on Pine Avenue. B: It's on Caracas Street. Go straight on Go straight for one block. It's on your Oak Avenue and take the second left. right. You can't miss it. It's on your left, across from the ‘A: Thank you. hospital B: You're welcome. A: Thank you very much. ® Look at the map in exercise 2. Write dire the bus station. Follow the example. Thotel Go out of the bus station and turn left. Go straight on Santiago Street for one block. Turn right on Elm Avenue and go straight for one more block. The hotel is across the street lions to get to the following places from 2 bank 3 library @ Unscramble the words to make questions and answer them according to the map in exercise 2. 1 is / office supply store / where / the / ? there / a / is / sports center / near here / ? can / | / how / get / to / hospital / the / ? * excuse /, / is / the / church / me / where / ? near here / there / a / department store / is / 2 @ Filin the spaces with the correct form of to be. 1 He i8 drinking a glass of milk. 21 doing my homework now. 3. They having breakfast at the moment. 4 She studying for her exams right now. 5 We watching television. @© write the -ing form of the verb. Gramatica: Presente progresivo, afirmativo. Funciones: Hablar sobre acciones que se estén realizando. Vocabulario: Verbos. 1 play playing 5 write 2 tide 6 talk 3 have 7 study 4 watch 8 read @ Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with verbs from exercise 2. bd 1 She’s 2 her bicycle He's W. He's ‘a book. 4 They're soccer. 5. They're dinner, 6 She's on the phone. @ Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verbs in the box. © ink dance sand eat wear listen. sit. Sally is at a disco, She is with her friend, Mary. Sally (1, is standing and Mary @. They sas and they (a) potato chips. Alot of people) but Sally and Mary (6 to the music. They look very pretty because they (7 long skirts. They are very happy. © Read the paragraph and draw the picture it describes. Pamela, Jackie, Stephen and Tom are at the park. It is a beautiful day and the sun is shining. Tom is riding his bicycle and Stephen is running beside him. Pamela and Jackie are sitting under a big tree, They are talking, Gramatica: Presente progresivo. Funclones: Pregurtar y NablarsoBte at clones) que se estn realizando. 9: Verbos. Vocabul Look at the pictures and answer T (True) or F (False). Susan Steffi and Andre 1 Alan is swimming. F 5 Miguel and Julio are playing tennis. 2. Steffi and Andre are running. 6 Alan is running. 3. Miguel and Julio are boxing. 7 Susan is swimming. 4 Susan is riding a horse. 8 Steffi and Andre are playing tennis. @ L00k at the picture and answer the questions. Is Bill dancing with Linda? No, he isn’t. He’s dancing with Susan __ Are Mary and Bob sitting? Are Susan and Bill talking? Is Jack drinking a cup of coffee? Is Linda dancing? @ L00k at the picture in exercise 2 and write questions. Use the words in parentheses. 1 (Jack / eat / sandwich) Is Jack eating a sandwich? No, he isn’t. He’s drinking a soda, 2 (Mary / dance) 7 No, she isn’t. She's talking to Bob. 3 (Bob/talk/ Lind) 0? No, he isn’t, He’s talking to Mary. 4 (Rita / eat / hot dog) ? No, she isn’t. She’s eating a sandwich. 5 (Bob and Mary /sit) 0? No, they aren't, They're standing. 4a Conjugate the verbs in parentheses to complete Linda's conversation. "Hello, Pam? How are you? Yes, this is Linda. Pam, this (1 be) is a wonderful party! Please come. Yes, we're at my house, We (2 listen) to music and we (2 drink) sodas. Yes, it's Rital She (4 sing) and Mary and Bob (s dance) Yes, Jack's here t00, but he (6 sleep) on the sofal Hurry up, Pam. OK, see you soon." Gramitica: Presente progresivo, preguntas y respuestas crt, Funciones: Confirmar informacion. Vocabulario: Verbos. @® Look at the picture and complete the questions and answers. 1 Mr, Jones is a taxi driver. Is he driving 3 Mrs. Jones is a storekeeper. Is she working? his taxi? No, he isn’t : No, What is he doing? What ? He’s swimming she a book. 2 Aunt Sally is a teacher. Is she teaching? 4 Paul and Ken are students. Are they studying? No, s they What is she ? ? sleeping. __ soccer. @® Look at the picture in exercise 1 again and answer the questions. 1 Is Mrs. Jones swimming? ____No, she isn't _. ‘She's reading a book 2 Is Aunt Sally sleeping? Yes, 3 Are Paul and Ken swimming? 4 Is Mr, Jones swimming? @ Unscramble the words to make sentences or questions. 1 you / what / doing / are / at the moment / ? 2 is / listening to / radio / Peter / the /. 3. what / sister / your / doing / is / right now / ? 4 Alison / talking / phone / isn’t / the / on / . 5 going / are / you / movies / the / to /? @® complete the dialog, Julie: Hello? Alan: Hi, Julie. This is Alan. Julie: Oh, hi, Alan. What are you Oo. Alan: Well, I'm doing my homework. Julie: sit difficult? Alan: Yes, it is. Hey, what is your brother @ ? | need his help with some math problems. Julie: Sorry, but he's at the supermarket. He (3) some groceries for my mom. ‘Alan: And what about you, Julie? What ? Julie: Me? Oh, 6)____ TV. But I can’t help you. I'm very bad at math! 1 2 Match the columns. half past ten twenty to nine 3. six o'clock 4. a quarter past three 5 a quarter to twelve a) 6:00 b) 3:15, 8:40 d) 10:30 e) 11:45 Look at the clocks and write down the times in words. 1 What time is it? 2 What time is it? 3 What time is it? 4 What time is it? 5 What time is it? 6 What time is it? Ws a quarter past nine oR It's nine fifteen . oR oR oR oR oR @ Reau the paragraph and circle T (True) or F (False). Mrs. Garcia is a storekeeper. She gets up at half past seven every day and she opens the store at a quarter past nine. Miriam, her assistant, arrives at ten o'clock. Mrs. Garcia has lunch at the Derby Café at half past two. Miriam brings sandwiches and she has lunch in the store, Mrs. Garcia closes the store at six o'clock and she goes home. She gets home at a quarter to seven. 1 Mrs, Garcia opens the store at 8:45 a.m T F 2 Miriam starts work at 10:00 a.m. T F 3. Ms, Garcfa has lunch at her store. T F 4 Miriam has lunch at the Derby Café at 2:30 p.m. T F 5 Mrs. Garcia leaves the store at 6:00 p.m T F @® Uncertine the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences, 1 My father (start / starts) work at 8:30. 4 Tim (go / goes) to school at 7:40. 2 Robert (has / have) lunch at 12:15. 5 I (have / has) lunch at school every day. 3 | (brings / bring) sandwiches for lunch. © answer the questions using YOUR information. 1 What time do you get up every day? 2 What time do you go to school? 3 What time do you have lunch? 4 What time do you finish school? Gramatica: Presente simple. a Funciones: Preguntar y hablar sobre acciones habituales. Vocabulario: Los dias de la semana. Adverbic frecuencia. a @® complete the list of the days of the week. ngs .G)____, Friday, Monday, ()_ (2) @ @ Look at the information in the table and fill in the spaces. 5 A= nastics Volleyball Swimming — Athletics ai es Monday to Friday ‘Monday / Wednesday Pe Y:00 p.m. 4 :30 p.m. | 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. aoe Dr i Sandra ‘| 1 This club always meets on Tuesday. 2 These clubs meet twice a week and 3 This club meets every day. @® Look at the information in exercise 2 and answer the questions. 1 When does Alan run? He runs on Monday and Wednesday. 2 Does Linda swim every day? __ 3 When does Helen go to the gym? 4 Does Betty play volleyball on Thursday? 5 When does Alison swim? 6 Does Emma play volleyball once a week? @® complete the sentences logically with words from the box. always often sometimes never 1 Ice cream is cold. 2. My big sister hates pizza. She eats it 3. I very go to the movies on Friday. 4 I try to eat health food all the time, but I eat junk food. 8 Complete the dialog. Use the information in exercise 2 when necessary. Ken: Linda: Ken: Linda Ken: Linda: Ken: Linda: Ken: mo a sports club at school, Linda? Yes, | do. I go to the (2) club. When (3) the club meet? Every day, from Monday to Friday. What time (4) ? The club meets at 6)_____. What sports? like athletics and gymnastics. I'm in the club ©. go to the gym? I go twice a week, ong) and gig © write the questions for these answers. | play soccer on Thursdays, The athletics club meets at three o'clock. Yes, | drink milk every morning. @ Read the paragraph and circle realizando. the correct answer. Peter Thompson is a photographer. He works for a newspaper. He starts work at seven o'clock in the morning every day. On Monday morning, he works in the office and he has a meeting with his boss. On Tuesday, he goes out with one of the journalists. They interview a lot of people and he takes their pictures. On Wednesday, he watches a soccer game and he interviews the players. On Thursday, he prepares a report of his activities on his computer and on Friday, he teaches young photographers how to take pictures. He loves his job. 1 What time does Peter start work? 2 Does Peter stay in the office on Monday morning? 3 What does Peter do on Tuesday? 4 Where does Peter go on Wednesday? 5 Does Peter teach on Friday? @ write questions for these answers. Follow the example. 1 What does Sally do ? Sally is a secretary. 2 Where She works in an office, 3 ? Yes, she works very hard. 4 What time 2 She leaves the office at five. 5 Where in the evening? —_ She often goes to the movies. @ match the columns to make an interview. 1. Where do you work? a) | play sports and | watch TV, 2 What are you doing right now? b) Atsix in the afternoon. 3 What time do you have lunch? ©) At the university. | teach history. 4 What time do you go home? d) I'm writing a report on Mexican history. 5 What do you do on the weekend? —_e) | always go for lunch at two o'clock a Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Peter (1 be) is in his office. He (2 work) here every day, At the moment he (3 give) a class. He (4 teach) a group of young photographers about the job. Rose is Peter’s friend, She often (5 help)________ him teach the photography class and she (6 like) her job very much. There (7 be) four students in the class. They are very good students and they (¢ learn) very fast. pte Retna haan Lugares pubblico: see utes . ol, etc. a @ write each word from the box under the correct picture. @ Unscramble the words in the first column to make invitations. Find the responses in the second column. 1. let's / for lunch / go out / 2 goto! we / a baseball game / shall / ? 3. too / phone / let's / Susan / and invite her / 4 we/ don’t / why / to the mall / go / ? 5 to/ movies / shall / the / go / we /? @ order the sentences to make dialogs. A: OK, see you then! B: Fine, at your house. What time? B: Great idea. Where shall we meet? A: Shall we go to the movies? B: Why don't we meet at half past six? A: Let’s meet at my house. A: It's on Friday evening. A: Why don't we go to David's party? __ Br Seven thirty is fine. See you then. Let's meet at the bus’stop. Is 7:30 OK? What a nice idea! When is it? ee > Friday... OK. Where shall we meet? Complete the dialog. Frank: Carol: Frank: Carol: Frank: Carol; Frank: Carol: Frank: Carol: Frank: Hey, Carol, to the 200. @ tN love the zoo! When gy? 1s Sunday OK? Sorry, it’s my mom's birthday. What about (4 ? Saturday is fine with me. Where (5), 2 (________ meet outside the park. Super. (7 At eleven o'clock. @) , | can’t, | have basketball practice from nine to eleven. O) meet at half past eleven. OK. Half past eleven, outside the park. Is that OK? Fine. (10) then! @® complete these sentences with the nationalities. 1 I'm from the United States. I'm American . 2. He's from Italy. He's 3. She's from China. She’s 4 I'm from England. I'm 5 We're from Portugal. We're 6 He's from Peru. He's 7 They're from France. They're : 8 She's from Japan. She’s___— Complete the dialog with words from the box. David: Mark: David: Mark: David: Mark: David: Mark: David: Mark: Hello, Mark. Hey, do you (1 that girl? Oh, yes, that's my new friend, Aline. Is she the (2). student? No, she isn’t. Where is she (3)______? She's from France. Really? She doesn’t look (4)__. ‘Where (5)___ she live in France? She (6), in Bordeaux. She looks very athletic. (7)________ does she do on the weekend? She (6)_____ sports. @ Read the texts and circle the correct option in each case. & ® i! (1 My / His) name is Bruce and I'm (2 Australia / Australian). 1 (3 study / studies) seventh grade at the Mortis School in Sydney. In Australia there (4 is / are) some unusual animals, like kangaroos, koalas (5 and / but) platypus. | (6 like / likes) animals very much. | always go to the zoo (7 an / in) weekends. | (@ wants / want) to be a zookeeper. @ Hello. My name (1 is /.am) Paola. I'm from (2 Italian / Italy) and | am thirteen years old. | (3 lives / live) in Rome. | (4 am learning / learn) English. 1 (5 likes / like) languages a lot. | want to learn French (¢ and / but) German too because | (7 want / wants) to work for the United Nations as (8 a / an) interpreter. a@ Read the texts in exercise 3 again. Write the questions and the answers. 1 Where is Paola from? No, he isn’t American. He’s Australian. 3 What unusual animals are there in Australia? Yes, she wants to be an interpreter. He studies at the Morris school.

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